"I really don't know. I beg you, please let my daughter go."

The lord of Jixi City knelt on the ground and grabbed the ground with his head.

"Mingsheng, it seems like he really doesn't know."

A person behind the young man spoke.

"Really? Ignorance is also a sin!"

The young man named Mingsheng stretched out his hand and covered the little girl's Tianling Gai.

Since these people don't know, then just kill them all.

"Huh? People from the Tianxian Division are approaching us."

"There is only one person, and judging by his identity, he is the one named Yun Xi."

Several people looked at the communication information coming from their arms and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Mingsheng, who was about to take action, stopped when he heard this and asked in confusion:

"What is she doing here alone? Where are the others in the Tianxian Division?"

"Mingsheng, something's not right. All the other people in the Tianxian Division have lost contact."

"I'll contact Yun Xi and ask her what's going on."

after awhile.

"Yun Xi replied. She said that a man named Su Ren killed the patrol angel Zhao Jin, and he also captured the Experimental Temple."

"They're already here!!"

As soon as the words fell in the room, several people from the Supervision Department felt their bodies stiffen and they could no longer move.

The door opened and Su Ren walked in slowly, followed by Yun Xi who looked frightened.

"Su...Su Ren!"

Su Ren nodded towards him, walked up to the young man and took the little girl from his hand.

Then she was returned to the lord of Jixi City.

"I'm sorry for causing you any trouble. You take your people out of this building first and I'll take care of it."

This matter was caused by Su Ren taking away the temple.

Looking at the corpses outside the door, Su Ren felt guilty.

Yun Xi looked at the young man in front of her with fear. He just said the word "fix" outside.

The six people from the Supervision Department in the room stayed motionless in the room.

She had never heard of this miraculous ability.

"Could it be that a person of the Saint Son level in the Heavenly Realm came here to experience or play in the Exiled Land?"

Yun Xi didn't know that Su Ren's image in her heart had become an invincible person.

She had never seen anyone so terrifying.

At this time, the six people in the Supervision Department had already felt huge waves in their hearts.

Why can't they even resist?

Who is this young man?

"You can talk now. I will ask and you will answer."

Su Ren's voice sounded in the room.

"Who sent you?"

"My grandfather."

"Master Mingyao Tian."

The young man sitting on the chair gave a different answer than the other five, but the result sounded the same.

Su Ren glanced at the young man. No wonder he could sit while these people could only stand.

It turned out to be a related account.

According to the news from the king, outside Xitian Pass, it was also the ninth-level professional he killed.

If he hadn't arrived quickly just now, the city lord and his family might not have been able to escape death.

This person, like the people in the Tianxian Division, regards human life as nothing but trivial matter and does not care about the lives of others at all.

Su Ren didn't want to see this kind of person for a moment.



She didn't know why Su Ren suddenly called her, but she had no choice but to step forward.

"Give you a chance to live, kill him!"


Yun Xi glanced at the young man, his eyes full of resistance.

This is the grandson of the director of the Northern Territory Supervision Department. If she kills him, her family will definitely be eradicated.

Even if I gave her 10,000 courages, she wouldn't dare to do it.

Several people from the Supervision Department also widened their eyes at this time, but they were unable to move and could not resist at all.

"What? Didn't I make it clear enough? I asked you to kill him."

"Kill him and I'll give you a chance to live. Whether you can survive depends on whether you dare to fight for this opportunity."

Yun Xi was struggling in her heart. If she didn't take action, she would die immediately. She didn't want to die.

But once she takes action and is found out, her whole family will be implicated.


Yun Xi roared crazily, the armor in his hand glowed brightly, and fired a laser at the young man's head.

A fist-sized hole instantly appeared on the young man's forehead.

He never imagined until his death that he would die here, in the hands of his own people.

Su Ren looked past his body and looked at the others.

Everyone Su Ren saw had their heartbeats soaring. If they were not unable to move, they would have collapsed and trembled.

"You, send a message to your headquarters, saying that you have caught the person who destroyed the temple, and you can go back within seven days."

Su Ren pointed at a random person and said.

Su Ren calculated that this time should be enough for him to finish everything.

The reason for doing this is because they are afraid that the other party will send people to investigate again and cause more trouble.

Moreover, now that the grandson of the Director of the Supervision Department is dead, Su Ren is really afraid that the other party will destroy Blue Star if nothing is done.

The Sky and Sky Empire definitely has the power to destroy a planet.

After the man resumed his actions, he begged for mercy and asked Su Ren to give him a way out.

Su Ren was a little impatient and killed him with a knife.

Then he looked at the next person.

"I believe you will make the right choice."

"It's... useless. Both us and the people from the Tianxian Division have life lamps."

"You killed Mingsheng and those people from the Tianxian Division. They already knew about it."

"Even if I send this news back, they won't believe it."

Hearing this, Su Ren frowned.

He didn't expect that the other party had such a thing. It seemed that he had already been exposed when he killed the people from the Tianxian Division.

The other party might have gathered its forces again to attack Blue Star.

Thinking of this, Su Ren had a headache, but he was not afraid of these people.

But no one on Blue Star is their opponent, and Su Ren can't stay here forever to protect them.

"It seems that if we want to completely solve the problem, we can only overturn their old lair."

"If that's the case, then I'll be the guest!"

Hearing Su Ren's words, the expressions of the remaining people present changed dramatically.

Not only did this young man not think about escaping, he actually wanted to go to the Northern Territory.

Is he crazy? Does he want to fight against the empire alone?

"Yun Xi, kill them all."

"Then wait for me here. I will need you to lead the way to the Northern Territory in a few days."

After Su Ren finished speaking, he took one step and left here.

Yun Xi knew that she had no way out. Su Ren was asking her to surrender.

She had already killed the grandson of the Director of the Supervision Department, and she didn't care about killing a few more at this time.

"I'm sorry everyone, I want to live, but you are the only ones who will die."

The only person who could speak roared loudly:

"Yun Xi, how dare you betray the empire!?"

"If you dare to kill us, your whole family will be liquidated by the empire!!"

When Yun Xi heard this, she shook her head. She had no way out.

"We'll talk about it then. Farewell, everyone!"


The explosion sounded, and the whole room exploded. The citizens of Jixi City were shocked by the explosion and looked from a distance. They didn't know what happened in the City Lord's Mansion.

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