I cheated in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 147 Phoenix

A strong storm rolled up.

The Valley of the Wang family was torn apart by the whirlwind on the spot.

Isis had an ugly expression. Once Wanggu was lost, the Pterosaur in the cemetery would be ready to move.

"Wow ha ha ha ha, sister, thank you for helping me send the winged dragon to the cemetery."

The six-year-old had an extremely ferocious expression on Yan Yi, as if he was brooding over what he had just been teased about.

So six-year-old reminded everyone that the collapse of the mind helped him, not turning himself into a clown.

However, due to the use of the Lava Demon, Malik cannot be normally summoned this round.

However, Malik already holds the cards to victory.

The six-year-old laughed long and lingeringly: "Hahahaha, sister, I already have the card for resurrecting the pterodactyl in the cemetery in my hand."

"So what, Dorcana?"

After hearing what Dark Malik said, Isis suddenly showed a smile of success.


The six-year-old's expression was shocked. Did he fall into a trap?

"Open the covered permanent trap, the temple of the Valley of the King's Rest!" Isis pointed to Malik and said, "There are no cards in my field area.

Once per turn, it can only be activated during the main phase of yourself and the opponent. Activate by selecting 1 "Valley of the Royal Rest" from your hand or graveyard. "

The Isis Graveyard glows, and a newly destroyed field pops up.

It is the Valley of the Royal Rest (the Valley of Love)!

boom boom boom~

A slanting sun fell again, dusk and yellow sand rolled up.

This troublesome field reappears.

Malik pinched Su Sheng, the dead man in his hand, and his face turned black immediately.

"Hahaha, fourth-rate duelists will always reveal their plans in advance."

President Haima seized the opportunity to mock again.

"Maximum, it is the death spot of duelists."

Wang Yang closed his eyes and said.

"It really is a fool."

You Yao made up his sword.

If you have to pretend to be loud and yell, you can't directly activate the dead Su Sheng.

Fortunately, Isis first launched the temple of the Valley of the Royal Rest to pull the Valley of the Royal Family out again.

"Damn it." The six-year-old covered a card: "End my turn."

When Isis was about to draw a card, "magma" suddenly fell from above.


"Ah ah ah ah ah"

Isis was burned.

[Isis: 5500lp→4800lp]

As her health weakened, Isis' wrists and calves began to disappear.

"Haha, every time you activate it in the preparation stage, you will receive 700 effect damage."

Dark Malik showed a happy expression.

Cheng Daozi outside the arena had a cold face. This card is so despicable. It uses the opponent's monster as a sacrifice to summon, and it burns 700 blood every round!

Who can stand this?

"Although the side effects are great, this monster has a very high attack power, exactly the same as the blue-eyed white dragon."

Wang Yang reminded.

The gaze of the seahorse jpg~

"Usually summoned, the heretic who keeps the grave."


A dueling monster resembling a supernatural being appeared.

[Heretic who guards the grave, 1800 attack power]

Under the power of Wanggu, the heretics who keep the tomb will increase their attack power to 2300.

Heretics deal with Malik's dark derivatives. Once the Lava God passes through, Malik will be the loser.

"Go, heretics attack dark tokens."

Isis gave the order.

Heretic power!


The dark token is destroyed on the spot.

Since the token is on defense, the six-year-old's HP has not changed.

"This is the final blow, Malik!" Isis yelled, "Lava Demon God, attack him directly."

Boom boom boom.

The Lava Demon raised his arm and began to reach for Malik himself.

The palm of the magma was getting closer and closer, and Malik could feel the scorching heat.

"Open the covered card at this moment, the catastrophe of the evil god!" Malik activated another trap card at the same time: "Chain activation, holy javelin!"

[Evil God Disaster: It can only be activated when the opponent's monster declares an attack. Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on the field. 】

【Holy Javelin: It can only be activated when the opponent's monster declares an attack. Restore your Life Points to the ATK of the attacking monster. 】

The healing power of the holy javelin was activated, and Malik recovered 3000 points of health, but if the lava demon successfully attacked, 3000 points would be deducted immediately.

As a result nothing happened.

Finally, settle the calamity power of the evil god's catastrophe.

The Valley of the Royal Family and all the magic traps in the field were destroyed.

When the disaster storm is over.

A brand new cover card appeared on the Isis field.

"What, there is such a thing?"

Dark Malik exclaimed.

"The permanent trap of the Temple of the Valley of the King's Rest can only be activated when it is destroyed by the opponent's effect and sent to the graveyard.

Select 1 "Valley of the King's Rest" Spell/Trap Card from your deck, except "The Temple of the Valley of the King's Rest", and set it on your field. "

Isis explained.

"It's just a stubborn struggle."

Without the Valley of the Wang family, the six-year-old has nothing to fear.

In the end, Isis ended her turn.

"Without King Valley, you can't stop me from making the next move." Dark Malik drew a card from the deck, he didn't even care what it was, and immediately activated another card in his hand: "The Dead Revive!"

Dark Malik is going to resurrect the sun god who has been sleeping in the cemetery for a long time!

"I won't let you get what you want." Isis was astonishing, she shouted: "Activate a counter-attack trap card, the king's tomb in the Valley of the King's Rest!

As long as there are Gravekeeper Monsters on the field, the activation of Spell and Trap Cards will be invalidated and destroyed. "

"It's the trap card covered by the Temple of Sleep last round." Dark Malik had an ugly expression.


A coffin was lifted up, and the "resurrection of the dead" who released the power was sucked into it to seal it.

The second resurrection of Pterosaur. Ended in failure.

"The declaration of the weakened god in the version of the tomb guard?"

You Yao remembers that the card "Tomb of the King in the Valley of Eternal Sleep" is not so effective in actualization.

However, he can accept any distortion in the anime version.

"Malik, admit defeat, I will not let you resurrect the Pterodactyl."

Isis also has Lava Demon God and Tomb Keeper Heretic on the field. As long as the next round comes, she can continue to attack.

3000 big fist, can you still withstand it?


"Hey hey hey"


Dark Malik covered his forehead and laughed wildly.

Isis suddenly felt bad.

"Activate the mining of the magic stone in your hand." Dark Malik inserted a magic card into the duel plate: "Discard 2 cards in your hand, and add 1 magic card from your graveyard to your hand."

Click click click.

The two cards were sent to the graveyard, and Dark Malik revived the dead.

"Fuck~" Dark Malik licked the millennium scepter: "Sister, can you still prevent me from resurrecting the pterodactyl this time?"

Isis looked terrified, and she couldn't help taking a step back.

"Activate the resurrection of the dead, and resurrect the sun god in the cemetery."

Dark Malik raised his card and shouted.

When the pterosaur rises from the graveyard, it will unlock terrifying and terrifying abilities.

This terrifying ability is called "Phoenix"!

"Ji you, too.? #¥@¥%%...\u0026amp;\u0026amp;\u0026amp;."

Dark Malik began to murmur strange prophecies.

【Dark Malik: 1200lp→200lp】

"The Winged Dragon possesses the ability to attack quickly. It can attack when it is specially summoned, and it can obtain the following effects by reading different scriptures of priests."

"Pay 1000 health points and enter Phoenix mode."

"Send a monster on the field to the graveyard, or destroy all monsters on the opponent's field without calculating damage (rule destruction), and the Phoenix will not be affected by other card effects until the end of the Phoenix's turn."

You Yao murmured and explained.

"The effect of the Winged Dragon is so powerful?"

Wang Yang looked up at the "Phoenix" that was as dazzling as the sun and said.

You Yao nodded, the effect of the Winged Dragon is more than that.

Compared with the pterosaur, the traitor dragon is like a fake.

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