I cheated in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 155 Infinite Burning Blood


You Yao: 4000lp

ai*? : 4000lp

Facing the dense AI, You Yao couldn't count how many AIs there were.

But it doesn't matter.

"I hit so many of you, so I will take the first strike." You Yao strikes first, "Draw a card!"


A picture of a rhubarb tooth card appears.

"Activate my favorite card, Pot of Greed!"


The bright big yellow tooth smile is the biggest mockery to the enemy.


You Yao happily drew out two cards.

"Start, pot full of gold and modesty!"

[Pot full of gold and modesty: It can only be activated by removing 3 or 6 cards from the inside of your own extra card group.

Turn over the number of cards removed from the top of your deck, choose 1 of them and add them to your hand, and return the remaining cards to the bottom of your deck in the order you like.

After this card is activated, all damage taken by the opponent is halved until the end of the turn. 】

You Yao did not hesitate to exclude six cards from the extra card group.

Start to flip through the cards, then lock one of the monster cards and add them to your hand.

"Activate the magic card, the treasure card of fate." You Yao continued his operation: "Roll a dice, and I will draw the card with the points of the dice."

Gulu Gulu.

The dice rolled quickly and finally settled on 5.

You Yao took a deep breath, he was lucky today.

Banish 5 cards from the deck, then draw 5 cards from the deck and add them to your hand.

"Usually summoned, Iron Knight-Kia Freed!" You Yao took a picture of one of Cheng Dao Zai's favorite monster cards.


The dark iron knight appeared.

[Iron Knight-Kia Freed, 1800 attack power]

"Activate a magic card, double summon." You Yao explained: "With this card, I can summon a second monster card this round."


A fiery red beautiful girl with a longbow appeared.

[Explosive girl, 1300 attack power]

"My operation is not over yet, you just continue to wait." You Yao continued to insert a permanent magic card: "Activate magic absorption!"

[Magic Absorption: Every time a magic card is activated, the controller will recover 500 basic points. 】

The magic absorption of the anime version is another version effect, but You Yao's one is drawn by the system, so it is naturally a real card effect.

"What does You Yao want to do?" Xingzi couldn't understand at all.

According to the opponent's previous duel style, she instinctively felt that something was wrong inside. "

"Ais, don't blink next time." You Yao has too many card resources in his hand, he took out one of them and continued: "Activate a stupid burial, send the executioner of the card group - Moxiuluo to the cemetery, when this When a card enters the graveyard, I can deal a trap card in my hand during the turn.

I want to activate the needleworm in my hand! "

[Needleworm's Lair: Send the top five cards of the deck to the graveyard. 】

Brush brush.

Five cards fall into the graveyard.

You Yao looked at the cemetery and smiled.

"Activate the Hell Iron Diamond Dragon in your hand, send this card (fake card) to the graveyard and exchange it with Butterfly Dagger-Echo."

Click, You Yao took back an equipment magic card into his hand.

It is "Butterfly's Dagger - Echo"!

Yu-Gi-Oh's most shameless card is that the effect does not state the limit of one use per round: "Activate the magic card, Butterfly Dagger-Echo, and equip it to the Iron Knight."

"No, I remember that picture of the Iron Knight."

Kyoko frowned and said to herself.

"Sister Kyoko, what's going on?"

Shizuka doesn't understand duels at all, and she doesn't know whether the scene is good or bad.

"I have the impression of that iron knight. I have used it several times before in the city. I remember that this monster does not consume the effects of equipment cards and destroys equipment cards."

Kyoko expressed all the doubts in her heart.

"Hehehe, that's exactly what I want." You Yao looked at Xingzi and explained: "At this moment, the Iron Knight effect is activated, destroying the equipment magic card and sending it to the graveyard."

The iron knight looked at the short sword in his hand, and he threw it to the ground and shouted: "nnd, labor and management don't need equipment cards."

After finishing speaking, the iron knight stomped on the short sword abruptly.

"Butterfly Dagger-Echo is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, this card returns to the owner's hand."

Because the magic card is activated, the magic absorption will restore You Yao's 500 health.

When You Yao recovers 500 HP, the special effect of the Explosive Girl will be triggered. Every time her basic points are recovered, 500 damage points will be given to the opponent.

Due to the pot of modesty full of gold, the 500 effect damage will become 250 points.

But at this point there is no difference.

"Ah, so that's the case."

Xingzi was shocked, she understood the doorway here.

Activate the dagger and equip the iron knight, absorb magic to restore life, when the life is restored, the explosive girl will inflict damage to the opponent, due to the effect of the iron knight, the dagger will be destroyed and sent to the grave, and the dagger will return to You Yao's hand due to its own effect

Then continue to activate the short sword and equip it to the iron knight

This is an infinite loop of combinations!

"That's right, this infinite combination will continue indefinitely until the opponent's HP becomes 0!

You Yao shouted.


Explosive girl shoots a huge "fireball"~

This thing is much more ruthless than a fireball.






The group of AIs were all stunned.

In the end, the AIs watched helplessly as their HP was burned to zero by You Yao!

With this infinite blood-burning combination, You Yao cleared all the life points of these AIs in one round.

The winner is naturally You Yao.

One AI can earn about 1,000 spars, so many AIs, You Yao's earnings are numb!

The corners of You Yao's mouth raised slightly, and his smile was very bright.

Kyoko, who was watching the battle silently, felt a little guilty when she saw the smile on his mouth.

It's too scary to solve so many AIs in one round.

And why did You Yao smile so happily?

At this time, Naiya didn't care about You Yao at all.

In his plan, that group of AI is enough to drag You Yao to play a game of poker for a day.

Naia has enough time to deal with Seto's super trouble.

"Asshole, where are you taking my brother?"

President Haima was extremely angry.

He already knew Naia's true identity, Kaiba Kosaburo's son "Kaiba Naia"!

After finding out the other party's identity, President Haima got on the "roller coaster" of the Qingyan Bailong brand and traveled through various places to come to Naia.

By this time, Haima also knew about Naiame.

Come, play cards, hurt each other!


The surrounding magma erupted, and the picture was extremely terrifying.

Naia raised his hands, and he shouted to President Haima: "The virtual technology of Haima Group is amazing, right, it can even create such a scene.

But you, this guy, uses this powerful technology to develop entertainment?

Seto, you are so stupid, you can clearly combine military power to conquer the world. "

"That's enough, you've been in the virtual world for so long, have you lost your mind?" Haima waved his arms and roared, "This world is not linked to dueling monsters.

military force?

Don't be kidding, my vision is absolutely correct, under my leadership, KC Group will sooner or later become the only observation tower in the world! "

Naia was startled by President Haima's aura, he took a step back unconsciously.

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