I cheated in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 173 - The Fury of Kushe

Judging from the above updates, You Yao found that the dog system is more likely to cheat money.

Is it because you watched You Yao make a lot of money by bugging in the Naia virtual world, so he deliberately made this update to cheat money?

Anyway, test the waters first.

The card pack has been increased from 50 spars to 200 spars once.

You Yao tried to buy a pack.

[Congratulations, equipped with the magic card "Blunt Axe" (SR)*1]

[Congratulations, the usual magic card "Seven Stars Sword" (R)*1]

[Congratulations, the effect monster card "Marshmallow" (R)*1]

[Congratulations on getting the Quick Attack Magic Card "Demonstration of Witchcraft" (SR)*1]

You Yao looked at these 4 cards, except for the last demonstration of witchcraft, which was a bit interesting, the others were average.

There is no sign of an increase in the burst rate.

Two more packs.

Nothing good came out.

But You Yao found a problem.

After the system was updated, it was rare for low-attack and low-star normal monsters with unknown meanings to be released.

You Yao brought another pack.

[Congratulations on getting the quick-play magic card "Crypt Namer" (UR)*1]

[Congratulations, the usual magic card "Legendary Sword" (R)*1]

[Congratulations on obtaining the effect monster card "Cyborg-Electronic Soga" (R)*1]

[Congratulations, the usual magic card "Goblin's Secret Medicine" (N)*1]

"It's shipped."

You Yao opened a tomb to name the person who came out.

This card is not that powerful in the DM world, the main problem is the environment.

However, this quick attack magic card is still very good for "grave digging".

Taking advantage of this momentum, You Yao made five consecutive draws.

This time it finally shipped.

Kushe Nuwei! !

[Congratulations, the effect monster card "Kushenuwei Tribe-Fenrir Wolf" (UR)*1]

[Congratulations on getting the field magic card "VI World Bad-Omen World" (UR)*1]

[Congratulations, the usual magic card "Red Potion" (N)*1]

[Congratulations, the usual magic card "Angel's Blood" (N)*1]


After excluding a bunch of cards with unknown meanings, You Yao kept nodding with the Omen World and the Kushenuwei Clan-Fenrir Wolf.

After this update, the explosion rate has indeed increased.

And this full card pool is not limited to MD and DL cards, because Kushe Nuwei has not yet launched in MD.

When You Yao traveled through time, this Jushe Nuwei was already treated with a limit of 1 of the three core cards of his family.

It belongs to an existence that is as easy to die as the "Tears of Tears".

Compared with Kushe Nuwei, destroying the Phoenix people is just a child's play.

Have you ever tried the feeling that both the monster area and the magic trap area are sealed off?

And all kinds of "inside representations" exclude card groups and cards, which makes people desperate.

It's a pity that the environment of dm can't be overweight, and Jushe Nuwei is not that powerful.

If there is no excess, you can't summon O'Pale, Shangri-La Cocoon and NO-89 Cyborg, and you can't stack Cosmic Man.

"Forget it, even if there is no overweight, Fenrir Wolf can also be used as a plug-in in the deck, and the Omen World can also be used as a card."

You Yao thought for a while, and chose to spend a lot of crystals to synthesize all the 2nd and 3rd Fenrir wolves.

There is still time to go.

You Yao kept on doing nothing, and put a large amount of crystals that he had just hoarded into the lottery full card pool.

Congratulations to the dog system for successfully draining him!

At the top of the tower, there is a huge duel field.

At this time, President Haima had already set foot in this duel field, waiting for the duel to start.

The card addiction can no longer be suppressed, and President Haima has been looking forward to this duel for too long.

Footsteps appeared.

Yu Yu and others entered the periphery of the duel field as spectators.

Taking a look at the duel field, Cheng Daozi muttered, "Do you want to be so exaggerated?"

In normal times, President Haima would have to ridicule Chengdaozai.

But he was resting with his eyes closed, and didn't bother to pay attention to this yellow-haired mortal.

At the end of the three-minute countdown, You Yao and the six-year-old set foot on the dueling field at the same time.

President Haima opened his eyes immediately, and the anti-gravity cloak behind him made a whirring sound.

"I've been waiting for this moment for too long." President Haima raised his arm: "Although the game will be broadcast, it really shouldn't be without spectators."

Guiping received an order from his brother, and he ordered the bodyguard to open the long-prepared surprise.

Excellent projection capabilities start to show.

at this time.

On the periphery of the duel arena, N fake spectators appeared one after another. These fake NPCs kept shouting:

"Seahorse come on!"

"President Haima is invincible!"

"The chosen one, President Haima!"

"The strongest, invincible, cheers!"

"The blue-eyed white dragon is the strongest and most invincible."


This group of npcs are probably shouting these words.

Hearing the cheers from this group of NPCs, President Haima looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, as if he was very satisfied with this arrangement.

Cheng Dao Zai and You You express their helplessness.

Is this too exaggerated?

Even if you want to have a virtual audience, you don't have to praise you alone, do you?

"You Yao, only this kind of battlefield is worthy of a duel between you and me."

President Haima smiled.

"President, as long as you like it."

What else can You Yao say?

The six-year-old was silent, and seemed to secretly despise the boss's shamelessness and narcissism in his heart.

boom boom boom~

The drums beat.

The projection function continues to show its power.

A group of big guys with very little cloth, topless and constantly beating drums.

The duel has officially begun!


Six-year-old: 4000lp

President: 4000lp

You Yao: 4000lp

"Hee hee hee, let me add a little spice to this duel."

Six-year-olds love to play the dark game of gambling.

Don't play cards in dark games?

Then hit you with a hammer?

At the age of six, he was going to play cards with a dark game.

Both exciting and refreshing!

Boom. Whoo whoo.

Black mist spread all around.

The dark game is quietly unfolding under the power of the millennium scepter.

[Dark game, skills activated! 】

At this moment, You Yao also started the dark game at the same time.


On the other side, a deeper and darker fog was also rolled up.

When two dark forces collide together.

The six-year-old gritted his teeth: "What the hell do you want to do?"

Don't let him play dark games, can't he afford it?

"The dark game you play alone is inevitably unfair, so I want to be fair." You Yao pointed at the six-year-old and said: "The condition for the end of this dark game is.

Once my health or your health drops to zero, this dark game stops.

The loser will fall into the dark abyss and cannot die!

Dark Malik, you have to bet on your dark personality, and I'll bet on everything I own! "

The six-year-old has a bad expression on his face. Once he agrees, he can't pull the cousin out to block the knife.

This You Yao is really despicable!

"Okay, it doesn't matter, anyway, my winged dragon will make a move."

The six-year-old said so while licking the Millennium Scepter.

The condition holds.

Under the interference of You Yao's dark game, a fairer dark game begins!

President Haima was unmoved.

Dark game?

He believes that one day, science will be able to analyze this phenomenon.


"I took it first." You Yao drew a card from the deck, "I cover two cards and end the first round."

From drawing cards to ending the round, the whole process does not exceed 8 seconds.

President Haima frowned and looked at You Yao's two cover cards, there must be a huge conspiracy in these cover cards.

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