I cheated in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 198 Cut 5 of your cards first, then destroy 1 card later

What's with this malicious smile?

Baron felt a malevolence envelope him.

"Damn it, this Duel King is so weird, he still wants to use Olihagang's enchantment!"

Baron secretly made up his mind.

"First of all, I want to activate this card." You Yao pulled out a magic card and said, "Activate the Millennium Magic Card, the Millennium Scepter!"

Millennium Magic Card?

Baron had never heard of such a thing.

But it is not incomprehensible.

Olihagang's enchantment is a special field magic card.

It should come as no surprise that Duel King has some rare special magic cards.

"After the Millennium Scepter is activated, I can check the 5 cards in your hand, and then choose 5 cards to send to the graveyard and cannot be recovered." You Yao explained loudly.


Asuka next door clenched her fists, she said with an ugly expression.

You can choose 5 cards to send to the cemetery by looking at other people's cards

Ultimate 1 for 5?

The outrageous thing about the Pot of Greed is that it has no brains and no price for 1 for 2.

This millennium scepter is even more outrageous, 1 card for no brains to exchange 5 cards for the opponent!

This is something Asuka can't even imagine.

Which idiot printed this kind of card with his ass?

If this card is placed in the fusion dimension, I am afraid it will cause a bloodbath.

"Are you kidding me?" Baron said disgusted as if he had eaten shit.

As one of the Three Musketeers raised by Da Zi since he was a child, he has gone through countless hardships and duels, but he has never encountered such an outrageous card.

Millennium scepter?

You're a millennial rascal, right?

"Hurry up, let me hold the cards in Kangkang's hand." You Yao urged.

Under the acknowledgment of the duel rules, Baron could only reveal his own card no matter how unwilling he was.

You Yao opened his eyes and took a look.

Well, good guy, it really is the familiar enchantment of Oli Hagang,

"Okay, I see. Anyway, you only have 5 cards, so send them all to the graveyard."

You Yao waved his hands.

Baron's face was grim, and he could only helplessly send Olihagang's enchantment and the other 4 cards to the graveyard.

Asuka watched and shook her head.

Originally, she wanted to find a chance to challenge the unscrupulous boss again and regain her freedom.

It seems that the despicableness of the black-hearted boss is beyond her imagination.

The challenge still needs to be considered in the long run.

Otherwise, this unlucky guy with goggles would be her fate in the future.

"I beat you, all I need is this cover card." You Yao inserted a trap card into the duel board: "I'm ending the round, it's your turn."

The goddamned Duel King only uses this strange tactic.

Baron didn't care about the fact that the cards in his hand were being emptied at all.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"


Baron drew a magic card from the deck.

It is the treasure card from heaven that we like to hear and see.

What if there is no license?

The next time he drew a card from heaven, he was shocked.

But You Yao had expected this situation: "Open the covered trap card and knock it down!"

[Knockdown: It can only be activated when the opponent draws a card normally, and the opponent discards the drawn card directly to the graveyard. 】


I saw Baron's right hand glowing, and the Treasure Card from Heaven that he had just drawn and hadn't warmed up was immediately thrown into the cemetery.


Baron was dumbfounded.

It's over.

Now there are no more cards in hand.

"What's the matter?" You Yao asked knowingly, and he asked Baron innocently, "Why don't you operate?"

Q: How do I play cards if I don’t have any cards in hand?

Answer: You can't fight, you are not eternal fire and you have no tomb.

Baron's face was blue with anger and his lips were white.


How does he operate! ?

The hand is zero.

"I end the round."

In extreme anger and helplessness, Baron had no choice but to do so.

"Hey, it's useless to give you a chance, then I'll kill you instantly."

You Yao sighed, the young duelists nowadays are really not good.

"Draw a card!" Glancing at the drawn card, You Yao launched: "Magic card fusion, fusion of the elemental hero in the hand - Electroman and the Swamp Demon King.

Come out, Flash Flame Wing. "

"Flash Flame Wingman's attack power increases by the number of "Elemental Heroes" cards in his graveyard x 300. "

[Flash Flame Wingman: 2500→2800 attack power]

"Go, the flashing flame winged man will attack the opponent directly."

Shining light! !


A white scorching attack is coming.

"Ah ah ah."

Baron endured the attack depressedly.

【Baron: 4000lp→1200lp】

"Ha, I didn't lose, I still have a chance in the next draw."

Baron wiped the sweat dripping from his face.

"No, you have already lost." You Yao drew out a quick attack spell: "Activate the mask transformation, target the flashing flame winged figure, send it to the graveyard, and special summon a light-attribute masked hero from the extra deck monster.

Come out, masked hero born from the light, Koya! ! "

The flashing flame winged figure turned into a ball of white hot light, and then a golden hero walked out of the ball of light.

[Masked Hero - Light Fang, 2500 attack power]

"The battle stage is not over yet, you have to take down Guangya's blow firmly." After You Yao finished speaking, he directed Guangya to give Baron the final blow.

Flash hit! !

Bare Fang volleyed and landed on Baron.

"Ah ah ah."

Baron was kicked out on the spot.

【Baron: 1200lp→0lp】

Eating the dust on the ground, Baron felt so aggrieved.

This duel was the most incredible he had ever experienced.

For some reason, the cards in my hand disappeared inexplicably.

Hit it with a hammer.

Youyao, the despicable duel king, does not use monsters to duel head-on, but uses this dirty method.

Baron refused to accept it!

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, I have to leave first."

Baron got up quickly, and he got back on the motorcycle and left this sad place.

Having seen You Yao's outrageous "hand-cutting" tactic, the group of duelists who were about to challenge the duel king began to feel fearful.

A duelist even started to sneak away.

It's not terrible to lose to the Duel King, but I'm afraid to be like that unlucky guy just now, losing so aggrieved!

When the time comes, your reputation will be gone, how can you still be in the dueling world.

The power of the magic card of the Millennium Scepter is really easy to use, and You Yao takes back the duel disk with satisfaction.

Asuka gave a heartfelt suggestion: "Black-hearted boss, if you continue to use this kind of card, you will be beaten to death."

1 card is replaced by 5 cards. Doesn't this call for fist attack?

"I know, and I have a measure in my heart."

Of course, You Yao would never use this despicable Millennium Magic Card against ordinary duelists.

But Baron?

One of the Three Musketeers of Doma.

Facing Dazi's minions, You Yao had to strike hard, so as to make the opponent fearful and fearful.

"One more thing, the new dueling hall, I plan to open a shop selling ice cream inside, what do you think?" Da Naixiang tentatively asked.

You Yao understood.

Isn't the dueling hall used for playing cards?

It is reasonable and reasonable to set up a "card selling" specialty store in the museum.

What is selling ice cream?

"In addition to the ice cream shop, do you want to sell clothes and open a movie theater by the way?"

You Yao laughed and suggested.

Asuka put her hands together, she nodded in agreement: "Sounds very good."

Not bad, this is a duel hall, not a department store.

You Yao vetoed Asuka's suggestion with one vote.

Thank you book friends for your great subscription! !

Thank you book friends for your votes.

Also, I would like to thank the book friend Assad on behalf of, Pi Yuepi, 20170404173439073, Chuang Chuang Death, Flying Behemoth, Positive and Negative Cheng, Xuanyuan Bin, Xin Geer, Linyuan Xianyu, 1531603645538291712, Qian Carboxy, the monthly ticket support of the big guys! !

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