I cheated in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 492 What is the difference between me and you?

In Dm's timeline, there shouldn't be such powerful duelists.

And this time traveler can actually suppress the president's points ranking, this alone makes You Yao doubtful.

Naia once reminded that there is an uncatchable violator in the world of Duel Pioneer.

You Yao suspected that it was the mysterious old man in front of him!

Regarding this question, the mysterious old man nodded in acknowledgment.

Now that he had gotten the result he wanted, denying it was meaningless.

The mysterious old man asked face to face: "The era of synchronism has opened ahead of schedule. As the dueling king, have you ever regretted it?"

"Why do you regret it?" You Yao smiled and replied to the old man, "The evolution of Synchro as a duel monster is an inevitable historical trend, I just let him come in advance."

"Even if the world will be destroyed because of this?"

The old man's tone suddenly became urgent, and he remembered something.

The bustling scene that the world has stepped into, and behind this drunken fascination, is the endless sense of destruction and disaster.

"Destroy?" You Yao pointed at himself, and he said firmly: "Does it matter? Anyway, I will make a move!"

This answer shocked the mysterious old man greatly.

Such confidence and courage.

After all, what is the difference between the two of them?

"Duel King Youyao, why are you so special?"

The mysterious old man suddenly took off the cloak on his head, revealing his true face.

This glance left You Yao stunned.

Just now, You Yao is 95% sure that the mysterious old man is the last boss from You Xing's timeline, Z-ONE!

"Are you Z-ONE?" You Yao asked.

"That's right, it's me." Z-ONE admitted his identity.

Z-ONE is the last surviving human in the timeline of official history. In order to maintain his life, his body has been semi-mechanized.

In order to save the shattered future, he and several companions went through long explorations but failed. In that era of shattered human beings, no matter what they did, they couldn't save everything.

In the end, his best companions died one by one, leaving Z-ONE alone.

Uncle Paradox who came to this timeline some time ago is one of Z-ONE's companions.


You Yao was not surprised by the appearance of Z-ONE. At that time, Uncle Paradox disappeared after his failure.

Boldly speculate, assuming that Uncle Paradox returns to his own timeline due to unknown reasons, the other party will definitely inform Z-ONE of this matter.

With the character of the other party, it is not impossible for him to come and take a look.

You Yao asked in surprise, "What's the matter with your appearance?"

At this moment, Z-ONE's appearance is exactly the same as him.

No, to be precise, it is You Yao who sees his aging self in the future.

A bold guess emerges, is Z-ONE turning himself into him?

When the president and others saw the appearance of Z-ONE, they felt extremely horrified.

This mysterious old man is You Yao?

"Paradox, once came to this special timeline, and he told me everything that happened in it after he went back."

"Really, I was very excited at the time. In addition to synchronous monsters, this strange timeline unexpectedly has a brand-new monster summoning mode that is equivalent to synchronous monsters."

"A bold idea popped into my head."

"If I didn't turn myself into Fudo Yuxing, but created a duel king Youyao in the current timeline, then can I change the world and create a new way of super summoning?"

Once this idea appeared, it lingered in Z-ONE's head.

The spark of a new hope makes all the difference.

In order to reverse the future, Z-ONE and Paradox conspired a plan.

When Paradox was exhausted, he sacrificed himself to give him permission to go wild on the timeline.

Z-ONE first reviewed the life of the original timeline, and then went to the timeline where You Yao was to peep.

as expected!

You Yao's timeline is very weird, it is a timeline in which the future is static and cannot be peeped.

Once You Yao disappears in his own timeline, this timeline will stop, and time will stop in the future and will not continue to move forward.

You Yao's timeline belongs to the fog of the future, and Z-ONE can't spy anything out.

He can only review the present and past of this static timeline, but cannot explore the future.

The future of this timeline is in question.

And the question mark means unknown and different results!

A strong intuition told Z-ONE.

You Yao's timeline is very different, and it may lead to a new path.

Z-ONE, who came to this conclusion, was even more excited, as if he had caught some kind of new hope.

"Become the second You Yao."

Z-ONE wants to become You Yao, and then go back to a certain node in the original timeline, thus starting to change the entire ending.

He succeeded!

Z-ONE went back to replace himself at that time, he canceled the plan to help himself into a fixed Youxing, but completely reproduced Youyao!

The savior, "You Yao" was born.

Looking back at what happened in You Yao's timeline, Z-ONE used technology to reproduce You Yao's duel skills and a large number of monster cards.

The new timeline is different and special because of You Yao, and the future is unknown and changeable

From now on, Z-ONE is You Yao from the original timeline, he will continue to save the world, and he will also create brand new super monsters!


Z-ONE found that the self-incarnation as "You Yao" did avoid the negative reversal that occurred at that time, and caused an indescribable zero-point reversal and destruction event.

But this is a solution to the symptoms rather than the root cause.

It is slow death!

In the end, it just delayed everything and didn't change the ending at all.

Super monster?

No! !

Z-ONE did not find any existence related to this monster at all.

After going through everything that happened in the original timeline again, there was only the coherence of destroying the world, and there was no new possibility of excess. He didn't want to believe this result.

Paradox hadn't lied to him, Xyz monsters did exist.

However, Z-ONE has turned himself into a second You Yao, and the opponent's card skills, personality, appearance, height, etc. have all been reproduced successfully.


Why can't he find the possibility of the existence of super monsters?

You Yao in the new timeline can do it, why can't he, You Yao (Z-ONE)?

Paradox sacrificed himself again, only to get this ending?

Z-ONE has become numb.

For the first time, he thought that turning into Fudo Yusei would save everything, but the zero-point reversal and destruction event happened.

This time, Paradox brought a different answer, and Z-ONE's dead heart once again ignited a glimmer of hope. The sacrifice and fulfillment of his partners made Z-ONE continue to bet everything, and he wanted to reverse the future! !

Become You Yao, search for excess, and save the shattered world.

In the end, it turned out that the catastrophe ending didn't change, it was just delayed.

The broken ending has become an observable state of being "opened", no matter how it changes in the middle, nothing will change.

Z-ONE, who had experienced despair once, was heartbroken and numb.

This second despair made Z-ONE almost collapse to insanity.

Z-ONE cannot bear the darkness, because he has seen the light, but he cannot become this light.

With this anger and doubt, Z-ONE woke up from the state of insanity, he took another breath, and came to the new timeline where You Yao was in for the second time.

There was an accident during this period.

You Yao's new timeline does lead to a different future.

Duel Pioneer world!

This is an illusory world that did not exist in the original timeline.

This timeline of You Yao has a close connection with the world of Duel Pioneer.

Z-ONE stayed in the world of Duel Pioneer with this weird existence by mistake, and he could only question You Yao face to face by ranking first on the list.

"Duel King Youyao, what is the difference between me and you?" Z-ONE almost roared and asked this sentence.

You Yao didn't speak, he really wanted to answer.

"Because I have a system."

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