I cheated in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 495 You Yao, you actually lost?

The answer is very scary.

Several card group upper limit construction positions can expand You Yao's card group upper limit to about 200 cards.

The face of the undead can instantly increase the attack power by more than 10,000.

However, the most powerful feature of the deck building position is "concealment".

Even if it is a deck of 200 cards, it looks the same as 60 cards from the outside.

Therefore, the increased attack power returned by the face of the dead will be calculated according to the upper limit of the normal deck.

Otherwise, this attack power can definitely scare Z-ONE until his face turns green.

At that time, Z-ONE's first sentence will definitely be like this, "Duel Wang Youyao, it turns out that the gap between us is the thickness of the deck!"

Z-ONE: "Why can you bring 200 cards?"

You Yao: "Because I hung up."

[The face of the dead: 1200 → 4000 attack power]

"Dark Claw's attack power can no longer stop the face of the undead." You Yao entered the battle stage.

The undead face of the Giant Soldier's body bumped to death the friend Xia who had done all kinds of bad things.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Z-ONE backed up a few meters after bearing the battle damage.

[Z-ONE: 2000LP→400LP]

"I cover two cards and end this round." You Yao looked at his opponent and said.

In You Yao's eyes, Z-ONE has already done a good job.

Prevent bad beasts, prevent tomb fingers, and prevent mowing

Just like what You Yao said just now, he only has one, no matter how Z-ONE imitates it, it is useless.

Seeing that You Yao regained the upper hand, the president showed a satisfied smile, as if it was a matter of course.


This old man You Yao has more than this strength.

The president recalled the scene of being backstabbed by a monster called Time Machine God some time ago.

How should I put it, the more the president thought about it, the angrier he became.


You Yao punched Z-ONE with the color of the dead, which seemed to wake up the old man a lot.

It's Z-ONE's turn.

"Draw a card."

Z-ONE has been convinced of one thing, the duel king Youyao is more terrifying than he imagined.

"I activate the quick attack magic card, double whirlwind."

"Choose the D power on your field and a card in your back field, and destroy both."


"We have ruled out a pit in advance, Z-ONE really has you." You Yao praised.

Being praised by You Yao, Z-ONE's expression didn't change. He didn't come here to listen to such things.

"When there are no cards on the field, this card can be Special Summoned."


[Time Machine Miko, 0 Defense]

One of the reasons why Z-ONE uses the double whirlwind to discharge the pit, but the bigger reason is to exclude the D power, thus triggering the summoning condition of the mechanical maiden.

"Next, I will use the Heavenly Treasure Card."

Z-ONE began to use the iconic fake cards of this era, and began to replenish resources for the second round of attack.

tick tock.

Golden raindrops fell.

You Yao and Z-ONE replenished their cards at the same time.

In addition to the special summoning effect, the time machine maiden can also become the two sacrifice requirements for the advanced summoning of certain monsters.

At this moment, Z-ONE drew out a certain card and held it up, he shouted:

"Using the time machine priestess to sacrifice one body, and the god who masters the law of singularity will give birth to an invincible god."


The vast aura spread out.

The president squinted his eyes, he knew that the monster called Time Machine God was coming.

The abnormal sound of the fast rotation of the hour hand appeared, and a certain behemoth broke through the limit and appeared on the monster area of ​​Z-ONE.

Majestic, mysterious, powerful.

[Time Machine God-Raphane, 0 attack power]

"Well, I finally showed my true skills." You Yao murmured.

0 attack monsters are all traps, and Time Machine God is one of the best.

"Attacked, Time Machine God."

Z-ONE enters the combat phase and issues combat orders.


Time Mechanic God-Raphane, mixed with vast energy, slammed into the face of the undead.

A time machine god with 0 attack power crashes into a monster with 4000 attack power, which is no different from suicide.

Those watching the game outside the arena were stunned.

The president squeezed his arms tightly, and he said to himself: "This monster has a very insidious effect. If the attack is successful, You Yao will lose the duel."

"Time Machine God-Raphane, will not be destroyed, the damage to you caused by the battle is zero, and the face of the undead who fought with this card will return to the holder's hand card, and give me the undead The basic points damage of the attack power value of the face."

You Yao pointed out Z-ONE's hidden means.

"You know the God of Time Machine so well?" Z-ONE was very surprised.

Is Time Machine God-Falaen strong?

It must be strong!

In You Yao's eyes, Time Machine God-Falann is very dark, this thing is simply a powerful upgraded version of Yubel.

What Yubel has, Falann has, and what Ubel doesn't have, Falahn has a few more effects.

Woohoo, Uber sucks.


Yubel, who was traveling and suffering far outside the universe, felt a strong malice against her.

"Damn it, You Yao, KC Group, I will never go around you."

"It was you who separated me from Judai!"

The duel is in progress.

Of course You Yao would not let the "Advanced Yubel" pass the battle, he opened the only overlay card left.

"I cast quick attack magic and order the silencer."

buzz buzz~

A huge sound wave appeared, and this wave blocked Z-ONE's attack command.

The invincible Time Machine God also stopped because of this, and he was frozen like a piece of wood.

Similarly, Z-ONE's turn status directly changes from the battle phase to the main phase two.

You Yao explained loudly: "The command silencer can block your attack command to skip the battle stage, and I can also draw a card from the deck."

Although Time Machine Gods are strong, all their effects must be triggered by fighting.

As long as the battle is restricted, the powerful effect of the Time Machine God will be directly abolished by half.


Z-ONE actually activated a quick attack magic card that surprised You Yao.

The Mischief of the Goddess of Time!

Skip one of the opponent's turns, and it is the battle phase of your own turn again.

Now that Z-ONE has come to this era, not only has it been corrupted by the evil banned cards, but even the fake card Goddess of Time has not let go!

This style of exhausting banned cards is worthy of imitating the face of "You Yao", a very successful boss.

"Because of the prank of the Goddess of Time, I entered my battle stage again."

"Time Machine God-Falann, attack the face of the undead for me."

"Duel King Youyao, the 4000 attack power of the face of the dead will become the most important straw that crushes you."

Time Machine Hourglass! !


This time, the Time Machine God-Falann slammed into the face of the undead firmly.

The president's eyes widened, he gritted his teeth: "Impossible, how could You Yao lose here!?"

He is the only one who can defeat You Yao!

Due to the effect of Time Machine God - Fhararn, Z-ONE will not receive combat damage.

"The monsters that have fought with Falahn will return to your hands."

In this way, the face of the dead spirit with 4000 attack power gradually became transparent, and finally returned to You Yao's hands.

"You also have to eat the effect damage of the 4000 attack power of the face of the dead!"


At this moment, You Yao's whole body was filled with sand, and then, a huge explosion appeared.

The entire duel stage resounded. A very exaggerated shaking sound.

Xiaobiao outside the court was stunned and said, "You Yao, you actually lost?"

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