I cheated in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 517 Unequal duel

In the huge laboratory, scenes emerged.

The sound of the machine's operation sounded, and various instruments in the laboratory made harsh sounds one after another.

A man in a black tights walked into the central room of the lab.

With his hands in his pockets and a wicked smile on his lips, he walked forward slowly.

A strange thing happened in Xinyuan City a few days ago, a vision in the sky and strange data fluctuations.

These things made Dr. Fika very concerned. For this reason, he intercepted the data screens of various locations in the city to conduct a vigorous investigation.

That's right.

Xinyuan City was created by Dr. Fika, and he is the father of Amagi Kaito and Amagi Yoto.

"What the hell is that strange energy?"

Out of curiosity, Dr. Fika even took time out to investigate this matter.

The city's level of technology is not low. For people like them, it is very easy to intercept a certain screen or video.


After eliminating thousands of wrong answers.

Dr. Fika successfully found the answer he wanted.

This is a residential area with fair security and value, and this video is from the opposite street.

The screen is not very clear, and it is surrounded by a vague black mist

Dr. Fika only felt that someone was dueling in this blurred picture.

As for who it is, it is temporarily unknown.

until this time.

There was a thunderclap in the sky.

The golden lightning strikes down!

Vaguely, a pitch-black giant almost occupied the sky above.

"What kind of monster is this?" Dr. Fika suddenly became curious.

Could it be that a new No monster card appeared?

Well, if that's the case, it's necessary for Kaito to investigate.


Dr. Fika found the mayor of Xinyuan City. After he explained the matter, he continued to study the big plan of how to kill the Starlight Realm.

The World Duel Carnival is about to start soon, and Dr. Fika wants the Starlight Realm to perish this time! !


The mayor of Xinyuan City is the idol of the children in this city.

He is also the host of the upcoming WDC World Dueling Carnival.

At the same time, he is also Dr. Fika's assistant, and he has helped recruit many subordinates who collect "number cards".

After searching a lot, Mayor Xinyuan couldn't find Kaito.

After contacting the orbital robot, I learned that Amagi Kaito was performing a mission outside.

Recently, a fortuneteller who claimed to be the spokesperson of Amagi Kaito was making trouble outside, and Kaito went to see what was going on.

Mayor Xinyuan couldn't find Kaito, so he handed over the task assigned by Dr. Fika to his two capable men.

They are, Droy and Ghosh!

Droy is a tall woman with dark purple hair.

Ghosh is a muscular man with a style that is inexplicably similar to go Onitsuka.

Droy and Ghosh are childhood sweethearts. When they were young, they lived with their fellow orphans in their hometown of Spas.

In a boring life, only the duel card game brings joy to the two.

Later, the two were taken away by Mr. Xinyuan and trained to be the mayor of Xinyuan.

It may not be believed.

As childhood sweethearts and orphans, they should have been a match made in heaven.

However, Ghosh, the rough guy, is not the one Droy likes.

It's Xiaoxianrou. Tiancheng Kuaidou! !

A long time ago, during a training session, the dueling machine went berserk!

Druva panicked, and Kaito Amagi stepped forward.

In the psychology of a girl, Droy fell in love with Kaito on the spot.


Sorry, not very familiar.

The classic Ome is invincible!

The childhood sweetheart duo who accepted the task soon came to the place on the video.

During this period, Ghosh has always wanted to invite Droy to have a meal in the evening.

However, no matter what, this rough guy couldn't say anything.

In Droy's head, there are only tasks at the moment, man's words

For the time being, she only thinks about Xiao Xianrou, Brother Douzi! !

Ghosh, you are a good man.

"Well, there's a strange card shop ahead."

Droy opened the previous map, showing that it used to be a fast food restaurant.

It proves that this card shop should be newly built within half a month.

"Let's go and have a look, maybe we can get some useful news." Droyal suggested.

Ghosh had no objection.

The two walked towards this unfamiliar card shop.

Due to the remote location of the card store and time constraints, few customers open card packages at this time.

The two duelists also successfully met the card shop owner.

how to say

The owner of the card shop was younger than they thought, looking like a high school student.

Well, it's a little fresh meat, more handsome than Brother Douzi.

Droy's expression slowly softened.

Ghosh gets serious!

First of all, Ghosh took out the special certificate of Xinyuan City. As the direct subordinates of the mayor, they enjoy great privileges.

Ordinary citizens must safely cooperate with their questions and actions.

"A few days ago, it seemed that someone was fighting a duel here, and it even caused an extraordinary spectacle."

"Excuse me, do you know about this?"

Deluire handed over the tablet, and she didn't expect to find the answer as soon as she came, but at least she had to find some clues, right?

Who knows, You Yao admitted as soon as he opened his mouth:

"Oh, I made this up."

"For things like a duel, it should be reasonable for the sky to shatter for a few seconds, right?"

There was a sudden silence.

Ghosh was the first to realize that the person Dr. Fika was looking for was the owner of the card shop.

"So that's it, No is in your hands!" Ghosh opened the duel disk and began to question You Yao.

You Yao has always been very honest, he opened the extra deck and deliberately pulled out the No card, and asked:

"Yes, I do have a No card."

"So what do you want?"

The No overweight cards that You Yao holds are all real cards, not anime No cards.

But Ghosh and Droy couldn't tell the difference, because a No card is a No card.

Seeing that You Yao was holding several No cards, the two of them were very serious, and one of them was called Hero Champion-Kill the Gun King.

Judging from the four characters of Hero Champion, Ghosh believes that this super card is destined for him!

After all, his ace monster is the champion of heroes-Broken Steel Sword King!

"Since you have the No card, everyone, don't pretend, let's fight."

Droy opened the dueling disc, she wanted to hunt the card shop owner.

You Yao was unmoved, he explained to Droy:

"You can't do it alone, you two go together!"

One hit two! ?

"Hmph, this card shop owner is really arrogant!"

Droyal and Ghosh worked well together, with a perfect rapport, and together they would be worthy of any duelist.

You Yao has nothing to do now, just in time, Dr. Fika has set his sights on him.

Then it doesn't hurt to play with these two duelists by yourself.

"Accept your challenge, as long as you win, the No card will be yours."

You Yao accepted this unequal duel.


First they have to be able to win.

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