.It’s about a ten minute walk .

.Therefore, when Ling Haotian rushed to the hospital in a hurry , he was finally not late .

.Today is Ling Haotian’s first outpatient clinic .

.So to be honest , he was still somewhat nervous .

.When he changed into his white coat and came to the outpatient room on the first floor of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

.Just in time for the morning shift .

.Ling Haotian couldn’t help but smile slightly . After adjusting his mentality , he came to the outpatient office where Wang Yushou was and sat down .

.Ding !

.Unexpectedly, as soon as he sat down , he found that the registration window on the side of the computer showed that someone had already called his number .

.Sure enough , there are more patients out of the outpatient clinic !

.For a moment , Ling Haotian couldn’t help blinking his eyes for a while, and then quietly waited for the first patient to come to the door .

.Not long after .

.The first patient came with a registration slip .

.The patient was a strong man in his thirties , and he looked a little sluggish , as if he had stayed up all night for several consecutive nights .

.Ling Haotian couldn’t help but smile slightly , and then he took the initiative to say hello :

.” Hello , what’s wrong with you ?”

.” It’s such a doctor . Recently, I have been suffering from insomnia and sleeplessness. It ‘s been almost half a month . I also asked a western doctor to prescribe sleeping pills , but they didn’t help at all . ”

.” That’s why I want to see Chinese medicine . I don’t know Chinese medicine and there is no way to treat my insomnia ?”

.Huang Haoran sighed and described his condition , and then handed over the registration form and the case in his hand .

.Ling Haotian smiled and took a look at the registration form and the case .

.I saw that on the registration form it said :

[ Name : Huang Haoran . ?

? Age : 36 . ?

[ Registration : Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic . ?

[ Additional information : Incidental cases . ?

.Afterwards , Ling Haotian opened the other party’s case and took a closer look .

.Patient : Huang Haoran , who has suffered from insomnia for half a month . He has taken lorazepam , oxazepam , clonazepam , midazolam maleate and other drugs , all of which cannot meet the treatment expectations .

.This lorazepam, oxazepam , clonazepam and other drugs are all sedative sleeping pills .

.But from the other side’s case .

.None of these drugs seemed to solve the other’s insomnia problem .

.In fact, in a sense , the sleeping pills of Western medicine are only a kind of mandatory tranquilizers , which have no direct effect on regulating the human body’s own sleep , and are purely mandatory to calm sleep .

.Once the body develops antibodies to these drugs .

.Then these so-called tranquilizers will be completely useless .

.After reading each other’s case .

.Ling Haotian couldn’t help but smile slightly and said to Huang Haoran :

.” Come on , give me your hand , and I’ll give you a pulse first !”

.” Oh , ok !”

.Huang Haoran nodded quickly , and strangely stretched out his right hand .

.Ling Haotian smiled and cut the pulse of the other party , and carefully sensed the pulse of the other party .

.In fact, according to Chinese medicine , human insomnia is mainly divided into two aspects: deficiency and excess .

.The real ones are the internal injury of the seven emotions , liver failure , diet disorder , disturbance of phlegm and heat, etc.

.The deficiency is due to factors such as heart and kidney failure , lack of water and fire , excessive fatigue , deficiency of both the heart and spleen, etc.

.for the symptoms of insomnia .

.Chinese medicine must first identify the severity , and then identify the deficiency and actuality , in order to prescribe the right medicine to solve the lesion .

.According to what the patient just said .

.Ling Haotian was basically certain that the other party was suffering from severe insomnia .

.Weak physique , dull complexion , lazy look

.It is mostly caused by the loss of the source of spleen , the loss of the liver to store blood , the loss of the kidney to store the essence , and the emptiness of the mind .

.It is actually quite simple to treat this kind of insomnia .

.Just one medicine is enough .

.Ling Haotian couldn’t help but smile slightly and said to Huang Haoran :

.” Don’t take those sedative sleeping pills, I’m afraid your body won’t be able to take it any longer . ”

.” Well , I’ll give you a prescription orally. If you go back and take it for three days , it will definitely cure your insomnia . ”

.” Oral prescription ?”

.Hearing this , Huang Haoran couldn’t help but frown and said :

.” Doctor , I’m afraid I won’t be able to remember it ! Why don’t you write it down for me ?”

.Ling Haotian smiled and said : ” This recipe is very simple , you can remember it as soon as I say it . ”

.” Ah ? What formula ?”

.Huang Haoran was stunned for a moment , a little puzzled .

.Ling Haotian looked at Huang Haoran with a smile on his face and said :

.” Hehe , actually this recipe is very simple , that is, three sour jujubes , one each in the morning, noon and evening . ”

.” Sour dates ? Does this thing really work ?”

.Huang Haoran couldn’t help being dumbfounded , as if he didn’t quite believe Ling Haotian’s recipe .

.Seeing this , Ling Haotian could only explain with a smile :

.” Your disease is mainly because the liver loses blood and does not nourish the heart , so you will feel upset at night , your mind will be empty , and you will naturally lose sleep . ”

.” This sour jujube is cool in nature, and when eaten, it has the effect of nourishing the liver and calming the mind , and generating blood and nourishing the heart . ”

.” So this sour jujube can completely cure your insomnia . If this prescription is invalid , you can come back to me later , and I will show you again for free of your registration fee . ”

.Hearing Ling Haotian’s explanation .

.Huang Haoran had no choice but to nod his head suspiciously and said :

.” Well then , I’ll listen to you , doctor, and I’ll buy some sour dates to try it out , thank you doctor . ”

.After speaking , Huang Haoran got up and left the outpatient room where Ling Haotian was .

.This also means that Ling Haotian officially ended the diagnosis of the first outpatient patient .

.At the same time .

.the other side .

.Zou Chunli, who was sleeping at Ling Haotian’s house, finally woke up .

.” Uh , where am I ?”

.Zou Chunli felt that her head was dizzy and she had no strength all over her body .

.After half a day .

.Only then did Zou Chunli see the surrounding environment clearly , and she couldn’t help covering her head with a confused expression :

.” Isn’t this the house I introduced to Dr. Ling to buy? Why am I sleeping here ?”

.Immediately afterwards , Zou Chunli’s expression froze for a moment , and she instantly remembered what happened last night .

.Did you drink with Dr. Ling last night ?

.And then got drunk ?

.In the end, it was brought back by Doctor Ling ? !

.Thinking of this , Zou Chunli’s face turned slightly red , and she couldn’t wait to find a hole to burrow into .

.Fortunately, Ling Haotian was not at home at the moment .

.Zou Chunli covered her hot face with a slight smile , and her heart quickly let go .

.After all, she is already a little girl !

.As a divorced woman , Zou Chunli feels that there is nothing she can’t let go of , as long as she can make her daughter well .

.If Dr. Ling can cure her daughter’s condition .

.She didn’t mind Ling Haotian cheating on her at all .

.Anyway, as a woman, don’t you want to be with a man sooner or later ?

.Sleep with anyone .

.What’s the difference ? !

.What’s more, Ling Haotian is not bad -looking , and his appearance is almost catching up with those so-called movie stars .

.” Aiya , Zou Chunli, what are you thinking ? Doctor Ling is young and promising , so why would he like you ?”

.Zou Chunli covered her face and thought for a while .

.It was not until she saw the messy furnishings in the hall that she interrupted her thoughts .

.Immediately , Zou Chunli got up and glanced at the sofa where she was sleeping dirty , and immediately started to clean it up .

.She threw up last night .

.Ling Haotian went straight back to the second floor to sleep , and didn’t have time to clean up .

.Therefore, Zou Chunli was able to see the scene in front of her !

.Seeing that she was vomited everywhere in the hall , Zou Chunli hurried to the bathroom to wash up and put on clean clothes .

.Because this is not her own home .

.So Zou Chunli had to find a set of clothes that Ling Haotian had worn and put them on.

.Then , she picked up the mop and rag and started cleaning the hall .

.PS: The new book is released , beg to hold it , beg for collection , ask for evaluation tickets ~! ! ! .

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