.” Be aware that the bullet was less than 2mm from the patient’s pituitary gland . ”

.Yang Xuezheng couldn’t help but asked Ling Haotian three times technically , apparently preparing to kill a horse and become a living horse doctor .

.Although it seems that he does not have this right ?

.But Yang Xuezheng could have named Ling Haotian for consultation .

.In this way, Ling Haotian can naturally participate in the operation of the patient , and he can completely make him the chief surgeon.

.Seriously .

.Yang Xuezheng didn’t know why he had such confidence in Ling Haotian .

.Maybe it’s because the other party can easily cure the patient’s brain tumor with only one dose of medicine !

.Or maybe he believed that Ling Haotian would not joke about the life of a heroic policeman .

.In short, Yang Xuezheng now just wants Ling Haotian to give him a positive answer , and then directly call the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine to finalize the matter .

.After all, given the patient’s current condition , he couldn’t wait too long .

.This operation must be done as soon as possible .

.Otherwise .

.If this time is delayed any longer .

.The consequences are basically the same as chronic murder .

.Ling Haotian naturally also saw what Yang Xuezheng was thinking , and couldn’t help but nodded his head with certainty :

.” I do know TCM surgery , and I have seen the patient’s examination results and brain CT just now . I feel that I can completely remove the bullet from the patient’s head using the TCM thread-hanging technique . ”

.” This will neither touch the patient’s pituitary gland , but also minimize damage to other areas of the patient’s brain . ”

.Hearing this , Yang Xuezheng couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment , and said in surprise :

.” I’ve seen some traditional Chinese medicine hanging threads , but those are used to treat sores, ulcers , and pus . This method can also be used with bullets ? Isn’t that the need for surgery ?”

.” It is still necessary to open the knife , otherwise the bullet is so big , how can it be taken out ?”

.Ling Haotian smiled and shrugged .

.Yang Xuezheng lowered his head and pondered for a moment , then made up his mind and said :

.” Then it’s up to you to take charge of this operation . I’ll have someone call the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine first , and then you prepare , and we’ll go to the operating table together . ”

.have to say .

.This Yang Xuezheng, as the deputy director of the Department of Brain , still has some courage .

.If he was afraid of taking responsibility if he had even the slightest bit of it , he would not invite Ling Haotian to perform surgery on the patient .

.After all , no one has ever seen Ling Haotian’s surgical technique .

.Only he himself is sure where he is .

.However, there are previous cases of Zou Baoer .

.In addition, the patient in front of him is very special , and the condition is also very difficult .

.Yang Xuezheng was finally ready to give Ling Haotian a chance to create a miracle .

.Or it can be said that I want to give TCM surgery a chance .

.Soon , Yang Xuezheng had someone call the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine , explaining that Ling Haotian had been appointed to the Department of Brain Consultation .

.Just make a record of the invitation to the consultation .

.At that time, even if the patient died on the operating table .

.Ling Haotian doesn’t have to take too much responsibility .

.Immediately afterwards , Yang Xuezheng took Ling Haotian to the disinfection room .

.Everyone changed into the sterile suits and sterile ventilators that should be worn for the operation as quickly as possible.

.The two hands ready for surgery were also strictly sterilized , then put on sterile gloves , got up and came to the operating table .

.PS: The new book is on the shelves , beg to hold , beg for subscription , beg for full order , beg for evaluation ticket ~! ! ! .

Chapter 70 _ Patient trouble ? ( for collections , for flowers )

.Right now , in the operating room .

.The policeman shot in the brain has been pushed in .

.After Yang Xuezheng glanced at the patient, he couldn’t help confirming to Ling Haotian :

.” Doctor Ling , the operation is about to start , what else do you need to prepare ?”

.” Prepare me some sterilized silver thread , and prepare a hollow leather tube 3mm larger than the diameter of the bullet and a few small rubber bands . Just remember to sterilize them all . ”

.After Ling Haotian glanced at the wound left by the bullet on the patient’s brain , he raised his head and replied to Yang Xuezheng .

.” Okay , I’ll let someone prepare . ”

.Yang Xuezheng couldn’t help but nodded , and immediately asked people to prepare these things .

.Not long after .

.The nurse prepared everything Ling Haotian needed .

.” Okay , everyone is ready to start the operation !”

.After Ling Haotian made sure that what the nurse prepared was all right , he said to Yang Xuezheng :

.” Director Yang , you are in charge of operating on the patient , and I will be in charge of taking out the bullet , so that the speed can be faster . ”

.” What about the incision ? What’s the requirement ?”

.Yang Xuezheng couldn’t help stunned for a moment , then raised his head and asked Ling Haotian .

.Ling Haotian thought for a while and said, “The skull is two fingers wide , the dura is one and a half fingers wide , you don’t need to worry about the rest , I’ll do it !”

.” Well , good !”

.Looking at Ling Haotian’s serious look !

.Yang Xuezheng couldn’t help but nodded , and after taking the scalpel directly from the nurse , he cut it along the patient’s wound .

.The two-finger-wide incision is not that big .

.But for the human brain , it is a huge wound .

.At this moment , the patient’s body is already full of various monitoring equipment .

.The effects of narcotics have already begun to take effect .

.Whoops 19 ! _

.After Yang Xuezheng took the scalpel and cut along the wound accurately , he took the electric drill handed over by the nurse and drilled the patient’s skull along the trajectory of the bullet .


.A sharp electric drill drilled into the patient’s skull instantly , causing a splash of blood .

.through monitoring equipment .

.Yang Xuezheng stopped when the drill was less than 1 cm from the bullet .

.Afterwards , Yang Xuezheng pulled out the electric drill in his hand , turned his head and shouted to the nurse beside him :

.” Give me the milling cutter !”

.The nurse on the side didn’t say a word , just handed the milling cutter up .

.Yang Xuezheng took the milling cutter handed over by the nurse , lowered his head and continued to treat the opening on the patient’s skull .

.Seeing this , Ling Haotian knew that Yang Xuezheng’s craniotomy was about to end .

.Ling Haotian immediately picked up the silver thread in the tray and tied a knot , and then stuffed it into the prepared hollow leather tube until the knotted end was exposed .

.Immediately afterwards , Ling Haotian tied a small rubber band to the other end of the hollow leather tube and said to Yang Xuezheng :

.” Director Yang , let me do the rest !!”

.” Uh , good !”

.Yang Xuezheng couldn’t help but stunned for a moment , then stopped what he was doing and moved away from his position .

.Ling Haotian came to the patient with a hollow leather tube threaded with silver threads. After looking at the incision on the patient’s brain through the surgical monitoring instrument , he slowly extended the hollow leather tube in his hand along the incision .

.For a time , the doctors and nurses present couldn’t help but hold their breaths , watching Ling Haotian’s operations carefully .

.In fact, when Ling Haotian was ready to work .

.Almost all the doctors present had guessed how he was going to remove the bullet from the patient’s brain .

.But knowing is one thing .

.The actual operation is another matter .

.For surgery, after all .

.Practical operation always trumps verbal theory , and there is no room for error .

.Yang Xuezheng couldn’t help widening his eyes , watching Ling Haotian’s operation carefully , for fear of missing any detail .

.After all, surgery like this means of operation .

.Even as the deputy director of the brain department, he had never seen it before .

.Ling Haotian carefully inserted the hollow leather tube in his hand into the patient’s brain along the incision , and soon reached the location of the bullet .

.Immediately afterwards , Ling Haotian slowly loosened the small rubber band at the end of the hollow leather tube .

.Controls its elastic extension .

.Thereby turning the silver wire in the hollow leather tube .

.For a time , the doctors and nurses present can clearly see through the surgical monitor

.The silver thread inserted into the patient’s brain .

.It was slowly squeezed in along the edge of the bullet .

.Time passed by minute by minute .

.Ling Haotian stared intently at the surgical monitoring screen in front of him , one hand steadied the hollow leather tube in his hand, and the other hand controlled the rotation of the silver thread through the elasticity of the small rubber band .

.Whoosh ! !

.Finally !

.I don’t know how long it has been .

.The rope tied at the end of the silver thread wrapped around the bullet’s bullet and did not touch the patient’s pituitary gland at all .

.This scene can’t help but fool all the medical staff present .

.Every doctor and nurse present is a leader in brain science .

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