.Hearing this , Yang Guangwen couldn’t help but glared at him immediately , and said with an angry expression :

.” You stinky boy , how far is it ? I’m not old enough to ask you to send it !”

.Having said that, Yang Guangwen turned and left here with Shi Shiran behind his back .

.Chen Jienan looked at Ling Haotian with admiration , and suddenly clasped his fist at him and said :

.” Doctor Ling , thank you so much just now !”

.To be honest , Chen Jienan was almost frightened just now ! !

.Before, he just pretended to be calm and didn’t show it .

.After all, if this doesn’t find the problem .

.Then the final result can only be left to him to carry the blame .

.What’s more, he may be named and criticized by the medical department for this .

.Regarding Ling Haotian’s relief for himself today .

.Chen Jienan’s heart was nothing but shock !

.still shocked

.He never thought that Ling Haotian was so proficient in Chinese medicine .

.Difference between bitter almonds and sweet almonds .

.That is definitely not something that ordinary Chinese medicine doctors can distinguish .

.You know , with the development of the times .

.Modern Chinese medicine doctors basically only study pharmacology , and few people will learn Chinese herbal medicine knowledge .

.After all, whether it is a hospital or a school , there are pharmacies and pharmacists who are responsible for prescribing medicines . They no longer need to identify the difference between herbal medicines . They only need to be able to dialect and treat diseases .

.So Ling Haotian can tell the difference between bitter almonds and sweet almonds .

.Chen Jienan was still very impressed .

.Ling Haotian couldn’t help but wave his hand and said with a light smile :

.” Okay , what ‘s so polite about that ?”

.” Besides , the prescription you prescribed is correct . We are doctors , not criminals , so there is nothing to be afraid of !”

.” I know , but thank you anyway . ”

.Chen Jienan smiled and walked to his desk and sat down again , and said to Ling Hao :

.” Otherwise I’ll treat you to dinner tonight , and that’s when I thank you . ”

.” Invite me to dinner ? Okay !”

.Ling Haotian smiled and nodded , and the dinner thing was settled .

.Anyway, it was just a treat for the other party to have a meal .

.Ling Haotian didn’t think there was anything wrong with this .

.a few hours later .

.The hospital is finally closed !

.Although it was said that during this afternoon , Ling Haotian did not receive a single patient .

.But the relationship between him and Chen Jienan has taken a big step forward .

.In addition, there is

.Through the debate in the afternoon, the group of patients who had watched the lively before also remembered Ling Haotian’s name .

.Everyone knows that there is a very powerful young doctor on the second floor of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Lincheng People’s Hospital .

.In the future, patients will naturally come to the door .

.Especially for TCM doctors .

.In addition to the need to raise a reputation , the patients who come to the door need to rely on the word of mouth of the patients .

.After all, good TCM doctors are really hard to find , not everywhere like Western medicine .

.Whenever a Western doctor treats you , he can give you two injections or give you some medicine .

.It doesn’t matter if it’s not cured .

.As long as you can be sure that this western medicine will not cause any harm to the human body .

.If the patient’s condition is not good , it can only mean that the medicine is not the right way .

.In the end, those western doctors won’t do well , but they have earned your medical expenses in advance .

.This is if it happens to be cured .

.That is, the doctor’s medical skills are superb , which is completely different from the therapeutic effect of a Chinese medicine doctor .

.After class .

.Ling Haotian followed Chen Jienan to eat out , and they ordered a case of cold beer by the way .

.Anyway, neither of them have to work the night shift this night .

.Completely free to drink .

.Ling Haotian and Chen Jienan were both good drinkers .

.While chatting about the hospital, the two drank sick beer , and unknowingly drank a case of beer .

.Wait until the two have had enough to eat .

.Chen Jienan settled the bill with a pair of confused eyes , turned around and took a taxi home .

.As for Ling Haotian

.The place where he lives is not far from the hospital , so naturally he walked back directly .

.Although Ling Haotian drank half a case of beer , he was not at all drunk .

.After watching Chen Jienan leave in the car .

.Ling Haotian then slowly stepped on the curbs and walked towards the Phoenix City community where he lived with the night above his head .

.Squeak !

.However . ===========================

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.That’s when he just walked less than 500 meters away from the Phoenix community .

.At the intersection not far away, an orange-red sports car suddenly sprang out , completely ignoring the traffic lights at the intersection , and roaring towards the opposite side .

.Immediately afterwards , the orange-red sports car suddenly shifted its direction .

.In the blink of an eye .

.The orange-red sports car crashed directly into a hot pot restaurant opposite .

.Bang Bang !

.The entire orange-red sports car crashed into the hot pot restaurant , and I don’t know how many bottoms of the pot were knocked over . There was a scream at the scene .

.What the hell !

.In a car accident ?

.Ling Haotian was stunned for a moment , then woke up and quickly ran towards the opposite hot pot restaurant .

.Although it is said that he is only a Chinese medicine practitioner .

.But watching the car accident happen with his own eyes , he could never stand by like others .

.Ling Haotian quickly ran towards the hot pot restaurant , took out his mobile phone and dialed 110, and said directly :

.” Hey , the Public Security Bureau ? I want to call the police . There was a serious car accident here . The address is near the intersection less than 500 meters away from the Phoenix community . I hope you will send someone to rescue immediately !”

.” Okay , is it near the Phoenix community ? We’ll send someone over right now !”



.As soon as Ling Haotian finished calling the police, he hung up the phone and rushed into the hot pot restaurant .

.This just rushed into the hot pot restaurant .

.Ling Haotian couldn’t help being stunned by the thrill in front of him !

.I saw that the front hood of the orange-red sports car had been completely deformed by the crash , and all the airbags inside had been deployed .

.At this moment , the life and death of the driver in the car is unknown .

.And even more terrifying

.Several guests who were eating hot pot were knocked to the ground , and the hot hot pot base was overturned on their bodies , directly causing extremely bad burns to them .

.” Ah, it hurts , who will help me !”

.” woohoo mommy i want mommy ”

.” Call the police , call the ambulance !”

.” Come and get some help , Lincheng People’s Hospital is not far from here , get some people to carry the injured over there !”

.” Ah my eyes my eyes hurt so much ”

.” Is there anyone here to save me ? I don’t want to die yet , woohoo ~!!!”

.Screams came and went one after another .

.Ling Haotian took a preliminary glance and determined that at least three patients suffered serious burns .

.Several other patients suffered minor burns and blows , including a little girl under the age of six .

.This is the scene of a huge car accident !

.Hemp egg !

.How the hell did this driver drive ?

.This Nima is a real punishment !

.Ling Haotian couldn’t help but cursed in his heart , and then began to prepare to save people .

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