"Jiang Hao!"

The young man in black continued to read the name.

A muscular young man with black hair walked out of the crowd.

"Jiang Hao, twenty years old, has performed seven missions! Three of them were fifth-level missions, two third-level missions, one second-level mission, and one first-level mission!"

The captains of Team B and Team C lit up at the same time.

The tasks performed by outer disciples usually range from level five to level one, with level five being the easiest and level one being the most difficult.

There are not many outer disciples who can complete the first level mission.

After all, the more difficult the task, the greater the danger.

Many disciples who performed first-level missions eventually died in the mission.

It is very rare for this young man named Jiang Hao to complete a first-level mission.

They are relatively good talents.

He was directly selected by the captain of Team B and joined Team B.


"Wang Shitong, 30 years old, has performed four missions. All four missions were level five missions."

"Tao Mo, twenty years old..."

As one disciple after another was called.

Xiao Shi also gradually found their recruitment standards from the selection of these four captains.

Among them, Team A has the highest recruitment requirements.

Only the most outstanding talents will be favored by the captain of Team A.

She wouldn't even look at most people.

Even elite-level disciples like Jiang Hao were far from meeting her recruitment requirements.

Team B and Team C mainly focus on recruiting elites.

Those with mediocre qualifications will all be assigned to Team D.

"Team A is a talented team."

"Team B and Team C are elite teams..."

"Team D is an ordinary team."

Xiao Shi quickly analyzed the differences between the four teams.


"Xiao Shi."

After the young man in black read his name, Xiao Shi immediately stepped forward and was surrounded by many eyes.

The young man in black looked at the jade slip and read.

"Xiao Shi, fifteen years old, number of missions performed... huh?"

He was suddenly stunned, with a surprised expression on his face, wondering if he had seen it wrong.

It wasn't until he checked several times to make sure he saw it correctly that he spoke with a strange expression.

"Number of mission executions...zero!"

As soon as his words came out.

Everyone showed surprised expressions.

Even the captains were stunned.

Unexpectedly, there are people who have never completed even one mission.

The captain of Team B is the oldest among the four captains and the one who has been the captain for the longest time. He has recruited more than ten different batches of outer disciples.

But among so many outer disciples, he had never seen anyone so heartbroken that he didn't even complete a single task.

Historically, no matter how bad the outer disciples were, they would still perform at least two or three level five tasks.

This kind of person who doesn't do any tasks...

It's actually the first time I've seen it in my life.

At the same time, in terms of sensing Xiao Shi's energy and blood, the energy and blood fluctuations they sensed were only the energy and blood fluctuations at the fourth level of the martial arts realm.

Although this level of cultivation was pretty good, the fact that they had not completed a single task made them lose interest in Xiao Shi.

In the end, Xiao Shi could only join the mediocre Ding team.

All this... is exactly as Xiao Shi expected.

At the same time, it was exactly the result he wanted!

Although he has never completed a single task, with his current cultivation level at the seventh level of the martial arts realm, as long as he shows his true cultivation level, he will definitely have a chance to be favored by the captain of Team A.

After all, before outer disciples serve as night watchmen, their cultivation levels are generally between the second level of the martial arts realm and the fifth level of the martial arts realm.

Those who can cultivate to the fifth level of the martial arts realm are already very rare geniuses.

And someone like him who has cultivated to the seventh level of the martial arts realm is unique and can cause a huge sensation!

Fully qualified to join Team A.

But Xiao Shi knew...

Team A is the most dazzling talented team among the four teams.

Too high-profile, too eye-catching.

As a night watchman, the more high-profile you are, the more dangerous you are.

For Xiao Shi, who always puts safety first, it is impossible for him to put himself at the forefront of the storm unless he has to.

Definitely not going to Team A.

Team B and Team C also recruit elites.

Although it is not as ostentatious as the genius team, it will still attract some attention, which is also not what Xiao Shi wants to do.

He felt that Team D was the most suitable for him.

The people in Team D are basically mediocre outer disciples and will not receive any attention here.

The most ordinary and inconspicuous, relatively speaking, will also be the safest.

"My point control is perfect this time..."

Xiao Shi was very satisfied with the result.


The more than 700 outer disciples were divided into four teams.

Among them, Team D has the largest number of people.

A total of more than 300 people joined Team D.

Almost half.

Team B and Team C each have more than a hundred people joining them.

Team A has the smallest number of people, with less than a hundred people.

However, those who can join Team A are all outstanding talents.

At this time, the four captains led their respective team members to the areas belonging to their respective teams.

Night patrol in Siding District.

"From now on, you will be the night watchmen of Team D."

Captain D, who had a pair of narrowed eyes and always had a kind face on his face, looked at everyone with a smile.

First, the regular night watchman equipment was distributed to everyone.

A black uniform, a pair of black trousers, a pair of shoes, and a black hat.

Then they were given the identity tokens of the night watchmen and the exclusive skills of the night watchmen.

The identity tokens not only record their respective information, but also the contribution points they accumulated during their time in the sect. These contribution points are also useful in Jinyun City.

As for the technique, it is a technique called "Yehu".

This technique is exclusive to night watchmen.

It can be said that the reason why the night watchman is called the night watchman is closely related to this skill.

"You have a total of three days to practice Night Tiger. After three days, regardless of whether you have completed it or not, you will begin to perform the task of night watchman."

"I suggest you complete your training as soon as possible. This will make it easier for you to survive when performing tasks."

Captain D's voice was gentle, but when it fell on everyone's ears, it made them look solemn.

They had heard about it before coming...

Usually, the mortality rate is highest among night watchmen who have just joined.

Now I only have three days to practice...

This created urgency in everyone's heart.

Under the arrangement of the captain of Team D, they all moved into the Night Watch District on the same day. Currently, all the night watchmen of Team D live here.

Once back at residence.

Everyone couldn't wait to take out the jade slips recording the "Ye Hu" technique and started practicing.

Xiao Shi is no exception.

Although his cultivation has reached the seventh level of the martial arts realm, he knows that as a night watchman, such cultivation is not enough to keep him safe.

After watching carefully, according to the description in the jade slip, Xiao Shi finally understood why the night watchman and this technique were inextricably linked.

It can be said that this skill perfectly explains why the night watchman is called the night watchman.

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