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Chapter 115 Difficult Choice

Sadness filled the hearts of Guo Chengdao and the three elders.

There is also a sense of depression that accumulates in their hearts, making them unable to breathe and filled with grief and anger.

They didn't expect it anyway.

The one who destroyed Qixing State with his own hands...

It turned out to be Cang Yanjun himself!

In order to prevent Xing Luo from getting the intact Seven Star State, they simply destroyed it!

What really chilled them was the Cangyan Army's indifference to these small forces.

He doesn't care about their life or death at all.

Although this is the norm in troubled times!

Without sufficient strength and value, it is easy to be abandoned.

But this taste...

It's really uncomfortable.

At the same time, it also makes it difficult for them to have any sense of belonging to Cang Yan Ling.

Guo Chengdao closed his eyes.

After trying his best to adjust his emotions.

His eyes opened again.

Although I feel very uncomfortable.

But the most urgent task now is to think about how to save ourselves.

According to the message conveyed by the Seven Star Gate.

Nowadays, strange spirits appear frequently in various parts of Qixing State.

It is extremely difficult to move a sect.

Moving locations at the same time...

It’s also a problem!

Qixing Prefecture mainly borders Yulin Prefecture, Shuiyun Prefecture, and Tiandou Prefecture.

Among them, Yulin Prefecture and Shuiyun Prefecture are both prefectures and territories affiliated with Cangyan Territory.

It was also the migration location they thought was suitable before.

But now after knowing everything, they all have deep resistance to Cang Yan Leader.

I don’t want to stay in Cang Yan Ling anymore.

"Can we move to Tiandou State?"

One of the elders asked.

Tiandou State is affiliated to Xingluo Territory.

Anyway, now that the Seven Star States have been assigned to the Xingluo Ling, they can choose to join the Xingluo Ling.

They didn't want to stay with Cang Yan Ling for a moment longer.

However, Guo Chengdao shook his head.

"Now we don't know the attitude of Xingluo Leader. Whether they will accept us is a question..."

"Furthermore, there is a desert between Qixing Prefecture and Tiandou Prefecture. It is said that there is great terror in this desert. Even the Xingluo Leader does not dare to cross this desert on foot. "

Guo Chengdao's words made the three elders' hearts sink.

"Does this mean we can still only move to other states in Cangyan territory?"

This time he was abandoned like this by Cang Yan Ling.

They were completely disappointed with Cang Yan Ling.

I really don't want to stay here anymore.

Only in today's situation.

They didn't seem to have a choice.

"Actually, the most important thing now is the attitude of Xingluo Leader!"

Guo Chengdao said in a deep voice.

"The Xingluo leader must already know what the current situation of the Seven Stars State is. Whether they want to incorporate the Seven Stars State into their own territory is very critical..."

"If the Xingluo leader is willing to incorporate the Seven Star State into its own territory, perhaps it will send people to eliminate the many evil spirits and ghosts here and restore the Seven Star State to normal."

"Of course, they may also give up Qixing State directly..."

"The most important thing at the moment is whether Xingluo Leader will incorporate Seven Star State into its own territory!"

The three elders nodded.


As for Cang Yan Ling, there is no hope.

The fall of Qixing State was deliberately caused by them.

Now it depends on Xing Luo Ling’s attitude.

"But even if the Xingluo Association comes to clear out the many evil spirits and ghosts here, whether they will accept us or not is still a question."

"Once Xingluo Leader takes charge of the Seven Star State, perhaps the first thing they will do is to clean up and reorganize the forces in the Seven Star State!"

"After all, our forces once belonged to the Cangyan Leader. We may not be trusted by the Xingluo Leader. They will probably eliminate us directly."

Guo Chengdao pinched his eyebrows melancholy.

The other three elders were also filled with depression.

That is to say.

There were only two choices before them.

The first is to move the sect towards Yulin Prefecture or Shuiyun Prefecture.

The second is to wait for Xingluo Ling's action.

The former is apart from their inner conflicts.

It is also extremely difficult to migrate such a long distance.

They may not be able to do it.

The latter will appear extremely passive.

Life or death all depends on what Xing Luo Ling will do.

It is equivalent to handing over the life and death of the entire sect to the Xingluo leader.

Once Xingluo can't get it, he chooses to give up Qixingzhou.

Then all that awaits them is death.

And even if Xing Luo brings them but is unwilling to accept them, they will still die!

No matter which one of these two choices it is, there is a risk of destruction.

It was difficult for them to make a decision for a while.

"I think we need to consult the mysterious powerful man before making a decision..."

Guo Chengdao suggested.

Hearing this, the other three elders also nodded in agreement.

Now the Red Tiger Totem is in the opponent's hands after all.

For such a major matter that concerns the life and death of the entire Red Tiger Sect, it is absolutely necessary to inform the other party and listen to the other party's opinions.

"But how do we contact this mysterious powerful man?"

Elder Qiao asked doubtfully.

After all, they don't even know who the other person is now.

"I have a solution."

Guo Chengdao obviously already had an idea.

in the room.

After Xiao Shi came back, he couldn't wait to take out the items dropped by the ghost before his death and check them out.

I never had time to check it before.

Now there is an opportunity.

According to his speculation, this item is most likely to be a blood-level item.

He immediately took out the item.

Stare carefully.

This is a black plain box.

The really important items are in the box.

However, Xiao Shi tried to open it.

But found that the box could not be opened.

At the same time, relevant information also appeared in his sight.

【name:? ? ? 】

【type:? ? ? 】

【grade:? ? ? 】

【introduce:? ? ? 】

[Note: The level is not enough to view. 】

Xiao Shi's face was full of astonishment.

This is the first time I have seen such an item.

This made him realize instantly...

The item in the box is an item above the Blood Martial Level!

The reason why items of this level are dropped is not because the ghost has reached a level above the Blood Martial Realm.

But after killing the ghost, there was the first kill of the Blood Martial Realm!

The items dropped by the ghosts directly exceeded the blood level.

"The level in the remarks is not enough, it should refer to my current cultivation level..."

"That means that I can only view information about items that are one realm higher than mine. If there are items that are two realms higher than mine, I won't be able to view them?"

Xiao Shi thought deeply about this.

If that's the case.

Then you have to wait until you break through to the Blood Martial Realm before you can check the items in the box.

This can't help but make Xiao Shi feel a little regretful.

Thinking about this item, it must be very extraordinary.

Unfortunately it can't be viewed now.

But the harvest this time is not just this item above the blood martial level.

There is also the red tiger totem on Xiao Shi's back now.

There are still many places worthy of his study in the entire Red Tiger Totem.

Especially after Xiao Shi learned that the red tiger formed by the tiger talisman during their journey was itself derived from the red tiger totem, he couldn't help but start to think about whether the red tiger totem had other functions?

While he was researching.


Xiao Shi felt a wave of fluctuations coming from the red tiger totem.

Or to be precise.

It was other breaths that caused the fluctuations of the Red Tiger Totem.

These breaths all originate from the red tiger totem.

It's like a call between tribes.

"Is anyone trying to find the red tiger totem in this way?"

Xiao Shi was stunned for a moment.

Then he shook his head.

rejected this conjecture.

Although these breaths can cause fluctuations in the Red Tiger Totem, only Xiao Shi himself can feel this fluctuation.

Others can't feel it.

Naturally, it is impossible to find the red tiger totem through fluctuations.

This is more like transmitting information in this way.

Because this kind of breath fluctuation can be interpreted through the red tiger totem!

to obtain the information therein.

"Is this specifically sending a message to me?"

Xiao Shi thought deeply about this.

Although he tried to hide himself this time, he never exposed himself from beginning to end.

But it still inevitably leaves some traces.

Through these traces, the sect leader and the three elders should be able to guess...

Someone is taking action in secret!

And the person who took action in secret was very likely to have obtained the Red Tiger Totem.

But they didn't know who was behind the scenes.

Nowadays, this is the only way to convey information to yourself.

Xiao Shidang used the red tiger totem on his body to interpret the aura fluctuations coming from them.

After some interpretation.

He successfully read the messages conveyed by these breath fluctuations.

This is clearly a paragraph.

"I apologize for disturbing you, senior. Now the Red Tiger Sect is facing a major crisis. We hope that senior can give instructions and meet in the palace tomorrow night."

Xiao Shi narrowed his eyes slightly.

It was exactly as he guessed.

The sect leader and the three elders already knew that someone was secretly taking action.

But they don't know their identity.

"They knew that the Red Tiger Totem was in my hands, so they took this method to send me a message..."

"Perhaps this meeting with me is because the Red Tiger Sect is currently facing difficulties, and it is also possible that... it is to lure me out!"

Xiao Shi had to think carefully.

After all, the Red Tiger Totem is of great importance to the Red Tiger Sect.

These senior officials of the Red Tiger Sect may not be worried that the Red Tiger Totem will fall into the hands of someone they don't even know who it is.

The possibility of fishing oneself out is not impossible.

Xiao Shi thought for a while.

Out of caution, he decided to observe them first before deciding whether to meet them.

that's all.

On the second night.

Guo Chengdao and the three elders were waiting anxiously in the hall.

However, it lasted from night to morning.

They didn't wait for this mysterious powerful man to appear.

Guo Chengdao sighed.

Although he had expected that the other party might not appear early on, he was still a little disappointed.

This mysterious and powerful man was more cautious than he thought.

"It's a pity that we can't convey too many words with breath fluctuations, otherwise... we can tell the other party the whole thing directly through breath fluctuations, so that the other party can know the current situation even without meeting."

Guo Chengdao sighed in his heart.

This method of conveying messages through breath fluctuations is a bit difficult for them.

Only a maximum of two passes can be made.

And in these two transmissions, not too many words could be transmitted.

Time is of the essence now.

In order to make the other party trust them, they can only deliver one last word to them.

"Senior, we have no other intentions. It is really about the life and death of the Red Tiger Sect, so we take the liberty to disturb senior..."

When the words reach this point, they can no longer continue.

Guo Chengdao and the three elders decided to wait another day.

If the other party still doesn't show up...

Then it's up to them to decide.

At night.

Guo Chengdao and the three elders who were waiting suddenly looked at a certain location in the hall as if they were feeling something.

Although nothing can be seen with the naked eye.

But they noticed a faint fluctuation coming from there.

"Senior, is that you?"

Guo Chengdao asked excitedly.

The fluctuations not far away increased slightly, which was a response to him.

This surprised Guo Chengdao and the three elders.

The other party finally came.

At the same time, they were also shocked by the other party's concealment method.

Not only cannot it be seen with the naked eye, but it cannot even be sensed by the breath.

If the other party hadn't deliberately emitted a trace of the red tiger totem's fluctuation, they would not have been able to detect the other party's existence.

This method...

It’s incredible!

No wonder no one was aware of its existence when the opponent used the blood-armored knight to kill the ghost.

However, Xiao Shi now is located in another corner of the palace.

It's not consistent with the position they sensed.

Despite yesterday's investigation.

He had realized that the sect leader and the three elders did not mean any harm, and he was also sure that they could not detect him in the Taiyin state.

But out of caution.

Xiao Shi still did not reveal his position in front of them.

Instead, he deliberately placed the red tiger totem wave emitted in another location.

No matter what, he must avoid exposing his identity.

This is his way of survival in this world!

Guo Chengdao and the three elders took a deep breath.

I knew it would be difficult to get this mysterious strong man to show up.

Not daring to say any more nonsense, he quickly told the other party the two choices the Red Tiger Sect was facing now.

After Xiao Shi heard this.

They all frowned.

I didn't expect the current situation to be so bad.

No matter which one of these two choices it is, it is possible that the entire Red Tiger Sect will be destroyed.

Even he found it difficult to make an immediate decision.

However, through this incident, Xiao Shi could also see the attitude of the sect master and the three elders towards his place...

They seem to have regarded themselves as senior experts.

Although curious about his identity.

But he shouldn't take the risk to spy on his identity.

Xiao Shi thought for a while.

Directly through the Red Tiger Totem, they are given the authority to transmit sounds to themselves through breath fluctuations without restriction.

At the same time, he can also directly convey words to them through the red tiger totem.

This way you don’t have to meet with them every time you communicate with them.

"What are your thoughts on this matter?"

Xiao Shi tried to transmit the message.

The voice he conveyed through the red tiger totem resounded directly in the minds of Guo Chengdao and the three elders, without the need for interpretation.

This is a new function discovered by Xiao Shi after studying the red tiger totem!

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