This is what I am thinking about.

Xiao Shi immediately began to use the [Mysterious Badge] to change the spirit tree aura into the lunar aura.

Although the effect of [Mysterious Badge] requires two groups of spirit tree breaths to change one group of lunar energy.

But with the aura of many spiritual trees in this place...

Xiao Shi didn't need to care about the loss of the aura of these spiritual trees.

Just as Xiao Shi mobilized the aura of these spiritual trees.

He suddenly discovered...

The tree species in the body actually suffered some loss due to the movement of the spirit tree's aura.

"Mobilizing the aura of the spiritual tree will also consume the energy of the tree species?"

Xiao Shi was startled.

Then think about it carefully.

That's reasonable.

If there are no restrictions on the mobilization of these spirit tree breaths, then the Qi Martial Realm warriors here only need to continuously use the spirit tree breath to open the air whirlpool. Then it only takes ten days and a half to open up to a hundred air vortexes!

Then everyone here will be at the Great Perfection of Qi Martial Realm.

"Although there are many spiritual tree auras here, they are not unlimited. It is impossible for everyone to absorb them continuously..."

Xiao Shi was thoughtful.

After absorbing almost ten groups of spirit tree breath, nearly half of the tree energy in his body was lost.

Fortunately, the five groups of Taiyin energy modified by the ten groups of spirit tree breath allowed Xiao Shi to successfully break through the air lock again.

The Taiyin Qi whirlpool in the body subsequently reached sixty-eight channels!

"It seems that I have to sell items as soon as possible in exchange for more contribution points..."

Xiao Shi thought in his heart.

When it gets brighter.

The closed treehouse door also opened.

After staying in the tree house for a night, everyone clearly felt the energy loss in the tree species.

They made a preliminary calculation.

With the current energy level in the tree species, one can only stay in the tree house for ten days at most.

This does not include other losses.

This gave everyone a sense of urgency.

At dawn.

They all came to the designated place in the city to receive tasks.

There is an extremely huge giant ancient tree here.

Its branches and leaves are luxuriant, covering the sky and the sun.

The thickness of the tree trunk is even more astonishing.

Under this giant ancient tree, many people were already sitting around. These people all stretched out their palms and touched the trunk of the tree.

And given the size of this giant ancient tree.

Even if there are tens of thousands of people sitting under the tree, it will not seem crowded.

After Xiao Shi and others arrived, they all placed their palms on the tree trunk.

The tree species in the body suddenly fluctuated.

As a result, many related tasks appeared in their minds.

Although there are no tasks issued by the sect.

But there are also many other types of tasks.

They had discussed before that it was not suitable for them to accept tasks that were too difficult or too dangerous for new arrivals, so they would focus on simpler tasks first.

And among many tasks.

The most suitable thing for them is undoubtedly the birth of spiritual tree aura.

This task is relatively simple. You only need to use the energy in your body to inject it into some designated trees in the Tree Shadow City.

The energy injected into it will be transformed by the tree into the breath of the spiritual tree.

Throughout the Tree Shadow City, there are many similar tasks, all of which use various methods to increase the aura of the spiritual tree.

The reason why there are so many spiritual tree scents in the city.

One of the reasons is that many people pass the task every day, causing it to grow.

It's just among the many ways to increase the spiritual tree's aura.

Consuming one's own energy to induce birth is the simplest method.

It's like a physical job.

There is no difficulty and no danger.

Of course, in terms of contribution value, it will be relatively less.

It is undoubtedly suitable for newcomers like them.

Cen Qingci and others accepted this task one after another.

However, Xiao Shi had different ideas.

among these tasks.

He saw a mission that suited him better.

This task is also to generate the breath of the spiritual tree.

It's just that the method of inducing birth is not to use one's own energy to induce birth, but...

Precipitate by killing!

According to the task description.

Many tree spirits are born in Tree Shadow City every day. As long as these tree spirits are killed, each tree spirit will turn into the breath of a spiritual tree after death.

This method of stimulating the spirit tree's aura is faster and more effective than using energy to generate it.

After all, the spirit tree breath that each tree spirit turns into after death will be more than the energy generated by it.

But again...

There will also be a certain degree of risk!

"If you kill the tree spirit, you can not only gain contribution points, but also drop items by killing them. Kill two birds with one stone!"

Xiao Shi's eyes glowed with light.

He had been thinking about killing before...

Although there are many spirit tree auras in Tree Shadow City, you don't have to worry about opening the aura whirlpool.

But for him, the best way to improve is through constant killing.

Now after knowing that there are many tree spirits in Shuying City that can be killed.

His heart suddenly became hot.

Not on the surface.

Xiao Shi still pretended to be like everyone else, pretending that he had received the task of using energy to generate the spirit tree's aura.

Because the energy of the spirit tree was used to generate the aura of the spiritual tree, everyone had to go to various designated locations in the tree shadow city, so everyone had to act separately.

This also gave Xiao Shi the opportunity to act alone.

He went back to the tree house first.

In the tree house, the figure was camouflaged.

He has many martial-level items on his body, and among these items, there are many elixirs that can change his body shape.

Now after swallowing a pill.

His entire body was rapidly growing in size, as if it were inflated.

In an instant.

He turned into a fat man!

Then he used another elixir to change his appearance and became a completely different person.

Xiao Shi knew it very well.

The most important thing for him in Jiying Palace is to hide!

Especially when we don’t know what Jiying Palace’s intentions are towards the Red Tiger Sect.

He cannot be exposed even more.

With his current status, Jiying Palace will never focus on his follower.

Even less would he have thought that this humble follower like him would be the key to the rise of the Red Tiger Sect.

As long as he is not exposed...

The Red Tiger Sect has hope of getting rid of the control of Jiying Palace.

In addition to changes in body and appearance.

Xiao Shi also continued to tamper with the tree species in his body through the red tiger totem.

What he tampered with this time...

It’s identity!

He briefly tried it before.

It was discovered that in addition to being able to tamper with the contribution value and hide the red tiger totem, it could also tamper with the identity corresponding to the tree species.

Now the tree seed in his body corresponds to Xiao Shi's identity.

In this way, even if he changes his body shape and appearance, there will still be flaws.

The only way is to change the identity of the tree species.

This way you will be foolproof!


Immediately after some tampering by him.

The identity corresponding to his tree species suddenly changed from Xiao Shi to a person named Nie Jie.

This way.

He became a completely different person!

"This will be my second identity in the Shadow Palace!"

Xiao Shi walked out of the tree house and came directly to a big tree in the tree shadow city.

In the middle of this big tree, there is a huge tree hole.

People kept stepping into the tree hole one after another.

This is an entrance to the tree spirit area.

Many people who had received the task of killing the tree spirit were following this entrance and entering.

Xiao Shi also stepped in.

He just felt like his eyes were blurred.

next moment.

Appeared out of thin air in a strange area.

" the tree spirit area?"

Xiao Shi looked around.

His current location seems to be beneath the ground of Tree Shadow City.

Looking up, you can see the thick roots extending from the trees above.

At the same time in this underground.

There are also numerous glowing stones scattered throughout.

It makes this place extremely bright.

can be seen……

Many people who came here began to look for tree spirits around and kill them.

After Xiao Shi moved forward for a certain distance.

I also saw a lone tree spirit.

This is a red and blue tree spirit. Its entire body is made of trees. It has sharp claws. The lower body is made of intertwined roots. The upper body is broad and has no head. There is only a one-eye on the body.

"Test the water first."

Xiao Shi's figure flashed.

He arrived directly in front of this tree spirit.

Then the [Qi Slashing Sword] appeared in his hand, and he slashed straight at the tree spirit's body.


The sword light wreaked havoc on the tree spirit's body.

With his lightning-fast strikes.

Before the tree spirit could react, he had cut it in half with his sword and died tragically in an instant.


Following the death of this tree spirit, its body immediately turned into numerous spirit tree auras, floating from the bottom of the ground to the city above.

At the same time, the contribution value of the Xiaoshi tree species immediately changed from zero to ten.

Every time you kill a tree spirit, you can get ten contribution points!

Not only that.

Xiao Shi was also surprised to see...

After the death of the tree spirit, there was actually a breath that was so weak that it was almost imperceptible to the naked eye, floating into his bracelet, which strengthened the fighting spirit in the bracelet.

This is very similar to the situation when killing the evil spirit.

Xiao Shi was heartbroken.

I'm thinking if I can kill a lot of people here...

Maybe it can make the fighting spirit in the bracelet recover quickly!

According to the enhancement range of the fighting spirit in the bracelet, as well as Xiao Shi's own shots.

He clearly judged...

The strength of this tree spirit is only comparable to that of a warrior who has just entered the Qi Martial Realm.

There is no difficulty in killing it.

At this time, after the tree spirit died, its entire body disappeared out of thin air in the blink of an eye.

Only one item was left on the ground.

It's a pity that the tree spirits who are comparable to those who have just entered the Qi Martial Realm are unlikely to drop any valuable items.

Xiao Shi thought that he needed to kill a more powerful tree spirit now.

On the one hand, it is related to the quality of dropped items.

On the other hand, the more powerful the tree spirit is, the more contribution points it will gain after killing it, and the greater the enhancement it can bring to the fighting spirit in the bracelet.

After some inquiring.

He learned...

This tree spirit area is divided into layers.

Now this is only the first level of the tree spirit area, and it only corresponds to the tree spirits who have just entered the Qi Martial Realm...

If you want to kill more powerful tree spirits, you need to go to a deeper level.

Soon Xiao Shi found the entrance to the next level.

The strength of the second-level tree spirit has reached a level comparable to that of the early Qi Martial Realm, but it is still not Xiao Shi's choice.

He came directly to the fourth floor!

The tree spirits here already have strength comparable to those in the late stages of the Qi Martial Realm.

Xiao Shi felt that a tree spirit of this strength was the most suitable for him at the moment.

"It's a pity that the quality of the items dropped by the tree spirit is different from that of the evil spirit... If it is the same as that of the evil spirit, then I can continue to farm Taiyin spirit liquid here."

Xiao Shi felt a little regretful about this.

However, it is difficult to drop high-quality items such as Taiyin Spiritual Liquid.

Other items will also be dropped.

These items can also be used to expand the air vortex.

After arriving at the fourth floor.

Xiao Shi found that there were far fewer people here than on the previous three floors.

At the same time, the overall size of the tree spirit that appeared on the fourth floor was much larger than that of the tree spirit on the first three floors.

Xiao Shi quickly locked onto a tree spirit.

His figure moved.

Then he rushed towards the tree spirit and killed it.

This is a giant tree spirit with a height of three meters.

in front of it.

Xiao Shi seemed extremely small.

Xiao Shi directly used [Barbarian Bull Bump], and his whole body turned into a stream of light and hit the tree spirit hard.

Even this giant tree spirit, which was three meters tall, was knocked back continuously by Xiao Shi's ferocious impact.


The giant tree spirit let out a huge roar.

The roar formed a burst of sound waves, causing terrible vibrations and distorting the air.

It has extremely destructive power.

However, Xiao Shi had already appeared on the other side of the giant tree spirit.

The [Qi Slashing Sword] in his hand was whistling.

In the explosion of Taiyin Qi in the body, combined with the [Jue Sword Technique], the continuous sword light slashed the giant tree spirit layer by layer.

Cut open gaps in the entire body of the giant tree spirit.

The giant tree spirit raised its huge claws.

The roaring bombardment hit Xiao Shi.

Its attack was extremely ferocious and violent.

The air exploded continuously.

However, Xiao Shi used his flexible body to make all the attacks of the giant tree spirit fail.


Xiao Shi ducked down.

The figure disappeared out of thin air in front of the giant tree spirit.

He escaped directly into Taiyin and went around behind the giant tree spirit.

The sudden target disappeared, leaving the giant tree spirit stunned for a moment.

Xiao Shi took action directly.

[Qi Slashing Sword] turned into a Taiyin Qi Sword, and slashed hard from the back of the giant tree spirit.

Cut straight into his body.

Under his current powerful Taiyin energy.

Cut his body in half!

Although Xiao Shi was still in the middle stage of the Qi Martial Realm.

But he already has the ability to kill those in the late stages of the Qi Martial Realm.

Even facing the Great Perfection of Qi Martial Realm...

He's also confident enough to take a touch.

Although the chance of winning is slim.

But saving one's life is not a problem.

With the death of this giant tree spirit.

The aura of the spiritual tree, which was dozens of times larger than the previous tree spirit on the first level, suddenly floated towards the city above.

The contribution value of the Xiaoshi tree species also changed from ten points to five hundred and ten points.

The fighting spirit in the bracelet, after being absorbed, directly reached the strength of the late Qi Martial Realm.

Xiao Shi thought that as long as he continued to kill a few more spiritual trees in the late stages of the Qi Martial Realm here, he would soon be able to restore the fighting spirit in the bracelet to the Great Perfection of the Qi Martial Realm!

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