I clicked on all the treasure drop rates

Chapter 124 The Crystal of Cang’e Ancient Tree

The tree spirits he had killed before were only comparable to the tree spirits in the early stage of the Qi Martial Realm, and it was not difficult to kill them.

It is not enough to see the power of the tree shadow.

Xiao Shi needs to know...

What kind of effect will there be when the tree shadow attacks the tree spirit in the late stage of Qi Martial Realm?


The entire black tree shadow spread silently from the ground.

The tree spirit in the distance seemed completely unaware of the approaching shadow of the tree.


When the tree's shadow extends to the longer branches, it is diffused and covered.

Even the tree spirits who were comparable to those in the late stage of the Qi Martial Realm were screaming, and the covered parts of their bodies seemed to be wiped out out of thin air in an instant.

Only a small half of the entire huge body is left.

"It actually has the same effect on tree spirits in the late stage of Qi Martial Realm!"

Xiao Shi was shocked in his heart.

Shuying's inheritance of Taiyin energy is quite perfect.

It can bring out the power of Taiyin Qi Jin vividly.

And with Xiao Shi's current Taiyin energy...

Even a tree spirit comparable to the late Qi Martial Realm cannot bear it!

It collapsed directly under the shadow of the trees.

This made Xiao Shi deeply feel the power and extraordinaryness of Shuying.

And it is still only the initial stage of tree shadow.

No specific cultivation has been done yet!

There is still plenty of room for growth.

"Shuying's attack should not only be one-way, but also capable of range-type group attacks..."

Xiao Shi thought about it.

While trying to control the tree shadow, the branches of the tree shadow extend and become longer, sweeping towards many nearby tree spirits.

Although every extended branch will cause the body of the tree spirit to collapse after covering it.

But because the tree shadow in Xiao Shi is just a sapling with not many branches, there are not many enemies that can be targeted at the moment.

You can only attack up to six targets at the same time.

Xiao Shi couldn't help but start to think about the cultivation of Shuying.

Although he currently has no specific training direction.

But after initial attempts.

Xiao Shi found that the tree shadow and the twelfth moon were very consistent.

"Perhaps I can try first to combine the tree shadow and the lunar shadow to a greater extent."

After having an idea in his mind, he immediately tried to move the shadow seeds in his body among the many Taiyin Qi whirlpools.

This allows the shadow species to be watered by the Qi energy in numerous Taiyin Qi whirlpools.

He clearly used Taiyin energy to nourish the tree shadow.

And the effect of doing so is also very significant.

Under the nourishment of these Taiyin energy.

The entire tree shadow immediately began to grow.

As its entire trunk becomes thicker, new branches also grow.

Not only that.

After being nourished by Taiyin Qi, the tree shadows also possess some of the characteristics of Taiyin, becoming more hidden and difficult to detect even in the daytime.

"In this way, my tree shadow will be the tree of lunar shadow!"

Xiao Shi was very satisfied with this.

These newly grown branches are like flexible black snakes, attacking the numerous tree spirits.

After being nourished by Taiyin energy, the spreading speed of these branches has also been greatly improved.

In an instant.

All the tree spirits in this level were killed under the shadow of Xiao Shi's Taiyin tree.

The aura erosion formed by the death of these tree spirits spread toward Xiao Shi, but they were all blocked by Xiao Shi's [Martial Emperor Mask].

Can only cling to the blocking barrier.

Xiao Shi looked at the many items falling on the ground.

A guess suddenly emerged in my mind.

He thought of the exclusive items that dropped when he was killed in the Seven Star Holy Land.

I can't help but think about killing him here...

Will important items that can be obtained after passing each level also be dropped?

Think of this.

Xiao Shi's eyes suddenly lit up.

Quickly pick up the items on the ground and check them one by one.

After his careful inspection.

He suddenly made a discovery among these items.

[Name: Crystal of Cang'e Ancient Tree]

[Type: Crystal]

[Level: Qiwu Level]

[Introduction: An important crystal born from the ancient tree of Cang'e. After being refined, it can be recognized by the ancient tree. 】

[Remarks: The more crystals you refine, the greater the blessing you receive and the more permissions you gain. 】

Xiao Shi's pupils were shocked.

To know.

Cheng Tianhao and the other five sequence contenders are here to compete for the crystallization of the Cang'e Ancient Tree.

As long as they can obtain a crystal of the Cang'e Ancient Tree inside this ancient tree, they can inherit the Tree Shadow Sequence!

Logically speaking.

This crystallization of the Cang'e ancient tree should be an item similar to the [Holy Land Badge] in the Seven-Star Holy Land.

Even if it can be dropped through killing.

It is also necessary to kill the Qi Martial Realm Dzogchen to have a chance to drop...

But now Xiao Shi only kills these tree spirits who have first entered the Qi Martial Realm and reached the late stage of the Qi Martial Realm.

The most important ancient tree crystal was successfully dropped!

This comes so easily!

Not only that.

After Xiao Shi carefully inspected many items, he also discovered...

Now there are far more than one ancient tree crystal falling out!

But as many as seven!

This shocked his mind again.

In the past, every sequence competition here in Shuying City was just a competition for an ancient tree crystal.

in everyone’s cognition.

The crystallization inside the entire ancient tree takes a long time to gestate.

And only one crystal can be produced at most at a time.

But now Xiao Shi just killed him and dropped seven crystals.

This made him completely confused.

"In this case, there is only one possibility..."

"That's the ancient tree crystal, it's just an ordinary item here!!"

"Here...maybe there is something more precious and extraordinary than the crystals of ancient trees!!"

Xiao Shi was extremely shocked.

This is his guess based on the drop mechanism.

If the ancient tree crystal is the most precious, most important, and rarest item here.

It definitely requires killing the Qi Martial Realm Dzogchen before it can drop.

Just like the original [Holy Land Badge].

But now, just by killing these tree spirits, ancient tree crystals fall out, and the number of crystals dropped is far more than one.

This shows that the ancient tree crystals are not as rare and precious as Cheng Tianhao and the others believe.

Inside the ancient tree, there is something even more precious and unknown!

This also made Xiao Shi's heart become hot.

He knew very well that as long as he killed a Qi Martial Realm Dzogchen, he could verify his conjecture!

If my guess is true...

Maybe there is a chance to get this mysterious unknown thing!

But not before that.

Xiao Shi planned to refine the ancient tree crystals first.

Although he has no interest in the sequence of Shadow Palace.

But now these ancient tree crystals have been obtained.

There is no reason not to refine it.

Think of this.

Xiao Shidang even held an ancient tree crystal.

Start refining.


Refining the entire ancient tree crystal is not difficult.

In the process of refining.

The entire crystal gradually melted and turned into a stream of light that submerged into Xiao Shi's body.

Xiao Shi clearly felt that the tree species in his body changed instantly as the crystals integrated into it.

When he tampered with tree species before, he knew that tree species could be continuously improved.

The tree species in the bodies of outer disciples like them.

It is completely different from the tree species in the Sequence disciple's body.

The tree species of Sequence disciples can give them higher authority and greater benefits in Tree Shadow City.

Now the tree species in Xiao Shi's body have become the same tree species as the disciples of the sequence as the crystals are refined!

He also has a certain degree of control over the entire Tree Shadow City!

Not only that.

With the refining of crystallization.

Xiao Shi also clearly felt a sense of intimacy conveyed by the ancient tree.

As a result, he felt a sense of comfort here that seemed to only exist in the dark.

At the same time, his strength has increased to a certain extent!

Xiao Shi didn't stop there.

Continue the refining of crystallization.

Every time he successfully refines a crystal, he can clearly feel the improvement in his affinity with the ancient tree.

The increase received is also getting bigger and bigger.

After he refined all seven crystals.

He can even use part of the power of the ancient tree!

At the same time, there are many permissions within the ancient tree.

If those tree spirits are still there at this time.

He can even give commands to these tree spirits!

And this kind of authority...

Not just inside ancient trees.

Even if he leaves here.

In Tree Shadow City, there will still be such authority.

"If... the entire Tree Shadow City is built on this ancient Cang'e tree, and the Cang'e Ancient Tree is the core source of Tree Shadow City, then with my current authority, I am afraid that even if I am in charge of this city, They may not be taller than me!"

Xiao Shi's eyes flashed.


Even if he doesn't tamper with the tree species in his body, no one can use his tree species to view all relevant information about him.

And he also planted trees for other people.

With multiple permissions!

without any exaggeration.

After refining these seven ancient tree crystals, he has basically become the master of this tree shadow city!

Unless someone appears who can refine more ancient tree crystals than him.

Otherwise in terms of permissions...

They will all be crushed by him!

at the same time.

He also clearly felt a strong call coming from the ancient tree.

There seemed to be a voice calling him to quickly go to the core area of ​​the ancient tree.

There seemed to be something waiting for him there.

This call seems to be emanating from the ancient tree.

This also made Xiao Shi realize.

In the core place inside this ancient tree, there may be some unexpected things.

"There must be far more than seven of these ancient tree crystals, there should be more..."

Xiao Shi was thoughtful.

He wanted to see it.

If I continue to obtain more ancient tree crystals and refine them all, what kind of improvement will there be?

But he also knew it.

If you want to get ancient tree crystals, they can only be dropped by killing them.

If there are no targets that can be killed in subsequent levels, you can only kill people in other teams.


Xiao Shi also became curious about the important things after passing this level.

It was originally according to his idea.

Among the dropped items, there should be something important after clearing the level.

However, among the items dropped this time, there were only ancient tree crystals.

The rest of the items are just ordinary items.

Now he has passed this level.

In front of him, important things after clearing the level also appeared.

This is clearly...

Ten seeds!

The moment he picked up these ten seeds.

Xiao Shi also knew the function of these ten seeds.

As long as these ten seeds are planted into the ground, these ten seeds will turn into ten tree spirits in the late stage of Qi Martial Realm.

That is to say.

Owning these ten seeds is equivalent to owning ten tree spirits in the late Qi Martial Realm!

Although the combat power of these ten tree spirits is insignificant, it is not enough to pose a threat to other teams.

However, the aura erosion caused by these ten tree spirits is a powerful means that others have to take strict precautions against.

It’s just something of this level of importance…

To Xiao Shi, it seemed ordinary.

After all, with the authority he currently possesses, even without these ten spiritual tree seeds, he can still give orders to the tree spirits here to have them attack people from other teams.

It can be said……

Such a key thing only belongs to one of the permissions he currently has.

"If the important things after passing all the levels are similar to this tree spirit seed..."

"There's really no need to drop it."

Xiao Shi suddenly understood.

After all, the fallen ancient tree crystals alone can give him these permissions.

It would be meaningless to drop such an important thing again.

It's just that Xiao Shi is still a little vague about the many permissions among the ancient trees.

He only knows that he has the authority to command the tree spirits.

As for other permissions...

He needs to go to the subsequent levels in the ancient tree to know.

Think of this.

Xiao Shidang walked towards the entrance to the next level.

After stepping into it.

He then appeared in a dense forest.

Cheng Tianhao and others in the forest have successfully passed this level.

Although two of them had injuries on their gauntlets.

But the injuries were not serious.

After seeing Xiao Shi arrive.

Their eyes lit up.

"Brother Nie, did you get something important from the first level?"

Cheng Tianhao asked nervously.

Xiao Shi nodded.

He handed ten spiritual tree seeds directly to Cheng Tianhao.

After Cheng Tianhao took it.

Immediately, he understood the functions of these ten spiritual tree seeds.

This made him very excited.

These ten spiritual tree seeds can undoubtedly impose certain restrictions on other teams.

"Have you cleared the level yet?"

Xiao Shi looked around.


Cheng Tianhao smiled and nodded.

At the same time, he took out five belts woven from trees and grass.

It means that the function of this important thing is that after wearing the belt, they can be protected by trees and grass.

"Sheltered by trees and grass?"

Xiao Shi was thoughtful.

That is to say.

This is my second authority here.

But it is different from the one-time effect brought by the item.

I should be able to...

There is no limit to the number of times you can be protected by trees and grass!

Cheng Tianhao gave Xiao Shi one of the belts woven from trees and grass.

It just so happened that there was one for each of them.

Then they headed to the third level together.

The third level is a deserted forest land.


Thanks to ‘Chi Feng Wu Ying’ and ‘Cowardly Dragon’ for the reward!

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