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Chapter 149 A natural servant

As for the Red Tiger Totem, it has been continuously revised and no more changes can be made to the blood source.

"That is to say..."

"The problem is not with the Red Tiger Totem."

Xiao Shi thought carefully.

An idea gradually came to mind.

"If the Red Tiger blood source is formed according to the construction method of the Red Tiger Totem, then the Red Tiger blood source formed will be the original Red Tiger blood source, not a brand new Red Tiger blood source..."

"To make it form a brand new red tiger blood source, something new must be added."

Xiao Shi gradually understood.

The so-called new things...

It is unique to himself.

Xiao Shi immediately put his hand on the blood beast's head.

Close your eyes.

"First of all, Taiyin Qi Jin..."

under his thoughts.

Part of the taiyin energy in his body suddenly jumped into the blood beast's body.

The body of the blood beast was shaken.

The blood source structure in his body suddenly changed.

Black auras rose from the body of the blood beast, causing the blood source of the blood beast to undergo major changes.

"Following is the power of the physical body."

Xiao Shi's body automatically entered the form of the Invincible Vajra Body, and the surging physical power was like rolling waves, pouring into the blood beast's body continuously.

Promote the blood source to achieve greater changes.

Although these forces cannot replace the role of resources and improve the blood source, they can determine the shape of the blood source.

After the Taiyin Qi Jin and the power of the physical body made changes to the blood source.

Xiao Shi immediately checked through the bloody compass.

The probability of discovering the blood source of the red tiger has increased from 90% to 95%!

This immediately made him realize that his guess was right!

However, Taiyin energy and physical strength alone are obviously not enough.

"Maybe I can also add shadow seeds!"

Xiao Shi had a thought in his mind.


The shadow of a tree suddenly appeared beneath him.

The entire tree shadow stretches out branches one after another, entangling the blood beast, and the power belonging to the shadow species also seeps into the blood source of the blood beast.

The probability of forming the red tiger blood source has thus reached 97%!

Still missing three percent!

In fact, now, with such a high probability, it is enough to form the final blood source.

But Xiao Shi has a stable character.

If it's less than 100%, he won't feel at ease.

"at last……"

"It's two pieces of Emperor Martial Emperor's uniform!"


A black mask and black shoulder armor emerged from Xiao Shi's body at the same time.

If it were an ordinary item, it would be difficult to change the blood source.

But the imperial costume is different.

Xiao Shi believed that the emperor's clothing must have such an effect.

And everything was just as he thought.

Mysterious auras emerged from the two imperial costumes, seeping into the blood beast's body and changing its blood source.

When Xiao Shi checked through the bloody compass.

The probability of forming the entire red tiger blood source has completely reached 100%!

This made Xiao Shi extremely excited.


Only by adding some of your own things to the formation of the blood beast's blood source can a new red tiger blood source be formed that is different from the previous red tiger blood source.



The blood source in the blood beast's body begins the final stage of integration.

In this blood source.

Contains various characteristics of Xiao Shi.

This makes the entire Red Tiger blood source incomparably consistent with himself.

At the same time, with the formation of the entire Red Tiger blood source.

The entire body of the red tiger blood beast also underwent a huge transformation.

His body was no longer just pure blood.

Although it is still mainly blood color.

But among the blood, there are some black and gold mixed in.

Just in terms of color, it is quite different from other blood beasts.


Its entire size has also grown again, reaching more than four meters in length and nearly three meters in height.

With a strong sense of oppression.

It also possesses a faint kingly aura, making it look like a beast king and intimidating.

But the biggest change.

It's because the whole blood beast has become more real.

Before the maturity stage, the appearance of the blood beast is still somewhat unreal.

It's like it's roughly composed of some kind of bloody energy.

Whether it's its hair, or its claws, etc.

It all looks a little blurry.

It can be said that blood beasts before their mature stage can only be regarded as some kind of special substance, not life.

Until now after growing up to a mature stage.

Its fur minions, etc., have completely transformed into real fur minions.

It can make people feel that this is a real life.

Before that.

The reason why these contestants cannot attack the blood beast is also based on this.

Only the blood beasts that have now become living beings can come into contact with them.

Only then can I escape from this game venue!

"Finally it worked!"

Xiao Shi raised his hand and touched Chihu's head, and could clearly feel the completely different texture from before.

And with the red tiger blood source.

Xiao Shi can also use the red tiger blood source to attack the blood martial realm.

However, he is not in a hurry to attack the Blood Martial Realm now.

I'm going to look for another opportunity when I go back.

After all, he only knows that a breakthrough in the Blood Martial Realm requires a blood source.

Many details are not clear enough.

Need to know more.

Now that the blood beasts were raised to maturity and the red tiger blood source was formed, Xiao Shi began to help Cheng Tianhao and others improve according to his original plan.

The purpose of this is two-fold.

In addition to helping to train servants like Cheng Tianhao, they can also gain huge benefits.

Another purpose is to use Cheng Tianhao and the others to cover up their dazzling appearance.

Although he never appeared on the list from beginning to end.

But when leaving here, the blood beast cannot be hidden.

It will definitely attract everyone's attention.

Rather, let yourself go unnoticed.

The best way is to increase the attention of servants like Cheng Tianhao.

As long as Cheng Tianhao and his blood beasts all reach maturity, when they leave here, they will claim that the reason why their blood beasts have reached maturity is entirely because of Cheng Tianhao's assistance.

In this way, even if those outside see their blood beast reaching maturity, they will be amazed at Cheng Tianhao's strength.

Instead of paying too much attention to Xiao Shi.

After all, Xiao Shi's external identity is just a guard for Cheng Tianhao.

I would only think that Xiao Shi was lucky and had Cheng Tianhao's help.

Now there are less than ten days left before the end of the game.

Until now...

There are only one-tenth of the original number of contestants here.

Under the many advanced resources provided by Xiao Shi.

Cheng Tianhao and his group's blood beasts all began to improve greatly.


Cheng Tianhao successfully topped the list.

Later, with the help of Xiao Shi.

Its blood beast reached maturity in one fell swoop!

Originally, according to Xiao Shi's plan, not only was Cheng Tianhao's blood beast to be raised to the mature stage, but Mengque's and his other blood beasts were also to be raised to the mature stage.

Only the more mature blood beasts there are, the less attention he will receive here.

However, he discovered...

This is not realistic!

This gaming venue simply does not have so many resources.

It is already very rare for two mature blood beasts to appear.

under normal circumstances.

At most, only one mature blood beast will be born here, or no mature blood beast will be born at all.

According to the rules of this game, the winner does not have to raise the blood beast to maturity to be considered a winner.

If you want to raise blood beasts to maturity.

But it doesn’t just depend on your own strength.

It also depends on luck.

Even the final winner may not be able to raise the blood beast to maturity.

The reason why Xiao Shi was able to raise the blood beast to maturity so smoothly.

It's because he can drop resources by killing him.

But even if he kills all the people here, it still won't be enough for the third mature blood beast to appear.

To raise a blood beast to maturity requires extremely huge resources.

To this.

Xiao Shi chose to accept it as soon as possible.

After raising everyone's blood beasts to a similar level.

They were not allowed to continue to improve.

At the same time, Xiao Shi did not carry out any more killings.

Now that he has obtained the Qi Martial Realm Emperor Equipment, he no longer has any need for Qi Martial Realm items.

he knows.

If everyone here is killed...

After leaving, there will inevitably be more troubles.

Although Cheng Tianhao and the others replaced his own light.

But if things get serious, even with their status as Cheng Tianhao and the others, they won't be able to deal with it.

After all, this day in Douzhou...

It's not Jiying Palace who has the final say.

before leaving.

Xiao Shi and Cheng Tianhao unified their external rhetoric after leaving.

Cheng Tianhao and the others also knew that Xiao Shi never liked exposing himself to others.

Habits are hidden behind the scenes.

They all took over Xiao Shi's light one after another.

The only thing that made Xiao Shi hesitate was how to deal with Liang Su...

Cheng Tianhao and the others became their servants.

Naturally, he will not betray himself.

But this Liang Su...

But he might tell his own story.

After all, he has seen himself take action.

He also knew that he was the person behind the scenes who truly promoted the blood beast to maturity.

The best way to handle it.

Naturally, kill him.

This ensures nothing goes wrong.

But Xiao Shi felt that doing so was a bit overwhelming.

This Liang Su had been doing his best to help him find people before.

If I kill him directly now...

He really couldn't do it.

"Unfortunately, there is a limit on the number of Taiyin Seals, and it is currently impossible to form more Taiyin Seals..."

Xiao Shi frowned.

Otherwise, Liang Su would be a good choice as a servant.

Just when he felt embarrassed.

Liang Su's eyes flashed with determination.

Although many people's impressions and perceptions of Liang Su are that he is a bit stupid.

But in fact Liang Su is not stupid.

On the contrary, he is very witty.

It can be seen from the fact that after he saw Xiao Shi's extraordinary ability, he immediately recognized him as a boss and hugged Xiao Shi's thigh tightly.

It's just that although he took refuge in Xiao Shi.

But he could also clearly feel the difference between Xiao Shi's treatment of him and Cheng Tianhao and others.

in comparison.

He is like an outsider.

This also made him extremely envious of Cheng Tianhao and others.

I also want to become a servant of Xiao Shi like them.

But he knows.

In this troubled world, all oaths and promises are unreliable.

Xiao Shi couldn't believe him just based on his promise.

If you want to be treated the same as Cheng Tianhao and others.

He must come up with something that can make Xiao Shi trust him.

Think of this.

Liang Su immediately stopped hesitating.

With a low growl.


He stretched out his right hand and stabbed straight into his heart.

Then he grabbed a ball of white flame from his heart.

The white flame was beating in his hand, matching the frequency of his heartbeat.

After he took out this white flame from his body.

His entire complexion became extremely pale.

Liang Su had determination on his face.

He raised the white flame in his hand high and handed it to Xiao Shi.

"Boss, this is my life fire! There is a life fire in each of our Jihuo Sect disciples!"

"The fire of life is related to our cultivation, our life, and everything about us."


"I am willing to give my life to the boss!"

Liang Su's words made Xiao Shi and Cheng Tianhao stunned.

Xiao Shi looked at the life fire in Liang Su's hand.

You can clearly feel the breath of life contained in this life fire.

The other party gives the life fire to him.

It is equivalent to giving your life to yourself.

If you want to harm it.

Just put out the fire of life.

Even though the two sides were far apart, Liang Su died instantly.

To some extent.

The other party's Life Fire was the same as the Taiyin Seal formed by Xiao Shi on Cheng Tianhao and the others.

Xiao Shi looked at Liang Su.

Can feel the sincerity of the other party.

Plus this person's performance during this period.

Xiao Shi was silent for a while.


He raised his hand and took Liang Su's life fire.

Liang Su was extremely excited about this.

He knew that as long as the other party took over his life, he would be able to become his loyal and reliable servants like Cheng Tianhao and the others.

"Since you are willing to be my servant, you must first know my style of conduct..."

Xiao Shizheng was about to tell Liang Su not to reveal his situation outside.

However, Liang Su spoke first.

"I know that the boss likes to hide behind the scenes. Don't worry, I will never leak any information about the boss."

Xiao Shi was stunned for a moment.

I didn't expect Liang Su to be so savvy.

Through his previous explanations to Cheng Tianhao and the others, he had already clearly guessed his own behavior style.

This also made Cheng Tianhao and the others look at Liang Su a few more times.

A sense of crisis arose in their hearts.

Both are servants of Xiao Shi...

Liang Su understands his master better than them.

This is not a good thing for them.

Especially Cheng Tianhao.

Now he is the most respected by Xiao Shi.

He felt that Meng Que and others were no threat to him.

But now he felt the crisis here in Liang Su.

"Boss, I actually think there are some loopholes in the external rhetoric you just discussed. In fact, after we leave, we can explain it this way..."

Liang Su quickly gave his prepared speech.

The rhetoric he put forward.

It is undoubtedly more convincing.

This made Xiao Shi very satisfied with this new servant.

But Cheng Tianhao and the others' sense of crisis became even stronger!

"This guy...could he have been born to be a servant? He is so skilled!!"

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