I clicked on all the treasure drop rates

Chapter 171 Peerless Dharma Sense

Xiao Shi remembers it clearly.

After I used the fire of true knowledge on the Red Tiger Totem.

The red tiger totem immediately showed signs of returning to its ancestors.

This made him think that if there was more fire of true knowledge, the red tiger totem might be able to completely return to its ancestors!

The level of the red tiger totem is very high.

It is also related to the deep secrets of the Red Tiger Sect.

For Xiao Shi, it is extremely important.

Xiao Shi felt that if the Red Tiger Sect wanted to be independent in Tiandou State, on the one hand, it would depend on its own strength and cultivation, and on the other hand, it would depend on the Red Tiger Totem.

Any force needs to have strong trump cards.

The Red Tiger Sect’s trump card is obviously the Red Tiger Totem.

This requires Xiao Shi to constantly dig out the red tiger totem.

Make it stronger and stronger.


Xiao Shi began to plan the route to the Extreme Fire Sect.

There is a long distance between Bixin City and Jihuo Sect.

There are many dangerous places along the way.

Even some otherwise safe places.

In today's situation in Douzhou, there will also be certain crises.

This requires Xiao Shi to plan well on the route to the Extreme Fire Sect in order to avoid the greatest danger.

In general.

There are many routes to the Extreme Fire Sect, far more than just one route.

Xiao Shi has many choices.

After some thought.

I have temporarily planned a route that is most suitable for me.

Although with his current strength, he can kill even those in the second-level Blood Martial Realm.

But he knew that not all second-blood warriors in the second-blood martial realm could be killed by him.

Even if they are in the second-blood martial arts realm, there will still be differences in strength and weakness.

At most, he can only kill the weakest type of second-blood martial arts realm.

If he encounters other stronger second-blood warriors, it will still be difficult with his current strength.

And in terms of killing at the second-blood blood martial realm.

You have to let the blood mark remain in the opponent's body for a period of time and make it deeply ingrained before you can take action.

This means that if he encounters a second-level blood warrior who immediately attacks him, he will definitely not be able to kill him in a short time.

After all, the blood mark will only become more powerful the longer it remains on the opponent's body.

If only it had just set.

It would be very difficult to kill.

"I'm still too weak..."

Xiao Shi sighed.

He is still unable to be invincible just in the Blood Martial Realm. It will be even more dangerous if he encounters the Martial Soul Realm above the Blood Martial Realm.

This also made him extremely cautious about the next journey.


As long as he refines the natal martial blood in his body and raises his own natal martial blood, then maybe it won't be so difficult when facing the second-blood martial realm.

that's all.

While Xiao Shi headed to the Extreme Fire Sect according to the planned route, he continued to refine his life blood on the way.

Two days later.

As he successfully refined his natal martial blood, his own natal martial blood also reached the peak of the First Blood Realm.

Xiao Shi carefully felt the natal martial blood in his body.

Now this group of natal martial blood has been improved to the extreme.

Not only has it become extremely huge, but there are also a lot of blood mist rolling around it, which is very impressive.

It is usually necessary to raise the natal martial blood to the extreme.

The time and energy required are extremely long.

Especially the more powerful the natal martial blood.

The more time it takes to upgrade.

For many people in the First Blood Realm and Blood Martial Realm, it often takes several years, or even longer, to raise their natal martial blood to the extreme.

However, the time Xiao Shi spent on his natal martial blood was extremely short.

This mainly depends on the Tiger Sutra he practiced.

The difficulty of this technique mainly lies in obtaining different natal martial blood for refining.

If you can obtain these different natal martial bloods, after refining, your own natal martial bloods will be greatly improved.

Can save a lot of time.

Now, after refining more than ten different types of natal martial blood, Xiao Shi has successfully raised his own natal martial blood to the extreme.

"Then now, I have two choices."

"One is to create a blood method!"

"The other... is to open up a second regiment of natal martial blood!"

Xiao Shi fell into deep thought.

Blood magic is a powerful method unique to the blood martial realm.

Every warrior in the Blood Martial Realm can create his own exclusive blood method.

There is a huge difference in strength between those in the Blood Martial Realm with blood magic and those without blood magic.

It's just that the creation of blood methods is often difficult.

Some Blood Martial Realm warriors have difficulty creating a blood method throughout their lives.

Usually blood magic is closely related to one's own natal martial blood.

It needs to be combined with the characteristics of one's own natal martial blood.

At the same time, when it comes to creating blood methods, the best time is often when the natal martial blood reaches its peak.

Although it is possible to create blood spells under normal conditions, the chance of success is very slim.

Only when the natal martial blood reaches its extreme level can it be easiest to create a bleeding method.

That is to say...

If Xiao Shi wants to create a blood method.

It is necessary to temporarily stay at the first blood level.

If you start the second group of natal martial blood at this time, it will become difficult again to create the blood method.

Only when the second group's natal martial blood has reached its peak will they enter the best state of creating blood magic again.

Usually those in the Blood Martial Realm are divided into multiple important periods in the creation of the blood method.

The first period is often when the first group's natal martial blood reaches its peak.

At this time, create some blood methods first.

Then wait until the second group's natal martial blood reaches its extreme level.

Let’s create some blood methods.

Finally, each part of the blood method is combined together to form a complete blood method.

Blood magic is for the blood martial realm.

Extremely important.

To a certain extent, it can be said to be the key to changing one's fate in the Blood Martial Realm!

Some people in the Blood Martial Realm may not be very strong before creating the bleeding method, but once they create the bleeding method, their entire strength will increase by leaps and bounds and directly climb to another level.

It's just that the creation of the blood method is extremely difficult.

Among all the Blood Martial Realm warriors, there are very few who can create the bleeding method.

Even Xiao Shi was not confident enough to create a bleeding method.

However, with the power of the blood method, he must try it.

"If I can create the bleeding method, then I can sweep through all the second-blood martial arts realms, and even be stronger!"

There was a glimmer of expectation in Xiao Shi's eyes.

He immediately began to sense his own martial blood.

About the creation of blood method.

There aren't any tutorials.

In fact, there have been very few practitioners who have pioneered the bleeding method.

At the same time, everyone’s creation process is different.

Therefore, even if you know about other people's pioneering process, it may not apply to you.

Xiao Shi only knew.

If you want to create a bleeding method, you can only find a method based on your own natal martial blood.

When his consciousness focused on the natal martial blood in his body.


A loud roar of a tiger suddenly echoed in his mind.

The whole tiger roar sounded.

Immediately, an idea emerged in Xiao Shi's mind.

This feeling……

It's like a blessing to the soul.

The moment he felt his own martial blood, this idea emerged in his mind.

If other Blood Martial Realm warriors were to know the situation here in Xiao Shi at this time.

It will definitely be shocking.

Xiao Shi's situation can definitely be called a peerless Dharma sense!

Usually among the many blood martial realms, even those who are geniuses do not have such a terrifying sense of law.

Being able to come up with ideas for constructing a bleeding method within a month or two is already a very powerful sense of law.

And in a situation like Xiao Shi's, where the idea of ​​constructing a blood method is instantly present...

It’s unprecedented!

The idea that emerged from Xiao Shi's mind became clearer and clearer, and a complete idea for constructing the blood method was soon formed.

According to the ideas in Xiao Shi's mind.

This blood technique will appear in the form of a tiger's roar.

As for the power...

This can only be known after the blood method is formed.

However, based on Xiao Shi's understanding of blood methods, he knew that no blood method would be weak.

I believe that once this blood technique of his is formed, it will definitely become his powerful killing move in the blood martial realm!

It's just that he now has specific ideas and ideas.

But it is not so easy to form this blood method.

There is still something important missing.

In other words, it is a step.

This step is extremely important.

It will be the key to whether the blood method can be formed.

It's just that Xiao Shi hasn't figured out this step yet.

He wasn't in a hurry about it.

He knew that the construction of blood magic did not happen overnight.

needs time.

At least he now has a concrete idea.

that's all.

While Xiao Shi was on his way, he kept thinking about the construction of the blood method.

Even though the route he planned had avoided dangerous places one after another.

But we still have to pass through one city after another.

He discovered that some of these cities actually had blockades similar to those in Bixin City earlier.

The entire city is directly closed, no outsiders are allowed to enter, and no one inside is allowed to come out.

To this.

Xiao Shi decisively chose to avoid it.

Didn't go into the city.

It was because of the Red Tiger Sect that he had to rescue them.

And now, he would definitely not get involved if it was not necessary.

After all, he is in charge of a city.

At least he is also a strong person in the martial soul realm.

With his current strength, once he is targeted by a strong person in the martial soul realm, the possibility of survival is extremely low.

And except for the closed city.

At the same time, Xiao Shi also encountered two cities at war with each other.

It seems that the powerful men who occupy these two cities have their own grudges.

This caused them to start a war directly after occupying these two cities.

This makes the surrounding areas of these two cities extremely dangerous.

There are terrifying battle fluctuations spreading out at any time.

There are even warriors of various strengths who are constantly fighting here.

Xiao Shi originally wanted to see if there was any chance of sneaking in, stealing the heads of a few people in the Blood Martial Realm, and then sneaking away.

However, it was discovered that there were extremely strong formation fluctuations on this battlefield.

This kind of formation often has extremely strong identification ability and can clearly detect everyone in the formation.

Once you step in, you will be noticed immediately.

With the stability in his character, he would naturally not take this risk.

Just stay away.

These conditions encountered on the road caused Xiao Shi to completely deviate from the originally planned route.

I have to step into some relatively dangerous areas.

At this time, he entered a rain forest in Tiandou Prefecture.

This rainforest is very strange.

It's obviously not raining outside.

But after stepping into this rainforest, rain kept dripping down.

Moreover, the rain falling from this rain forest is very different from ordinary rain.

These rainwaters have a strong burning power.

Just a drop or two of rain.

Maybe it won't have any impact on Xiao Shi.

But the burning contained in the rain will continue to superimpose after touching the body, making it more and more powerful.

Once a hundred drops of rain are added up...

Then even with Xiao Shi's strength and cultivation, he couldn't withstand this burning power!

So after entering this rainforest.

Xiao Shi immediately used his own blood to form a protective shield outside his body, covering his body to avoid being caught by the rain.

Xiao Shi's spirit was tense and he was always paying attention to all the movements around him.

He knew that this rainforest was very dangerous.

According to his original plan, he would not enter this rainforest.

But now the situation outside forced him to step into this rainforest.

As we continue to move forward.


Xiao Shi suddenly heard a strange bird call.

He looked up.

Suddenly, he saw a strange blood-colored bird sitting on a treetop not far away.

This is an unknown strange bird that somewhat resembles an owl.

Although Xiao Shi had never seen such a strange bird before.

But out of caution.

He decided to kill the strange bird directly.


A branch suddenly shot out of the shadows.

It's like a poisonous snake that has been dormant for a long time.

This strange bird didn't notice anything unusual at all, and was instantly tied up by the sudden branch, unable to move.

Even the sound cannot be made.

Then, under the binding of the branches, the body melted and turned into a pile of white bones.

Its flesh and blood has been completely absorbed by the branches.

Xiao Shi looked calm.

As if nothing happened, he walked under the bones and picked up the items dropped by the strange bird after it died.

it is a pity……

This is not a blood weapon level item.

It's just a Qiwu level item.

But even so, Xiao Shi's heart skipped a beat.

Unexpectedly, this strange bird has a strength comparable to the Qi Martial Realm.

He had never seen the strength of this strange bird before.

This also made him more cautious.

"Sure enough, no creature in this rain forest should be underestimated..."

Xiao Shi thought secretly in his heart.

He had already realized this before entering this rainforest.

Any creature in this rainforest may have hidden dangers.

The best thing to do is to kill them first.

Xiao Shi continued to move forward.

It didn't take long.

There was a fork in the road ahead of him.

One of the forks seemed to lead to the river. Even from a distance, Xiao Shi could vaguely hear the sound of the river.

The other branch is much quieter.

After Xiao Shi thought about it for a while.

Decisively chose the branch road leading to the river.

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