I clicked on all the treasure drop rates

Chapter 185 The issue of controlling Yinyan

Although no more top-quality elixirs were dropped after the good luck ended, the [Flying Dragon Sea Beast Skin] and [Blooded Grass Seeds] dropped this time are both of good practicality.

Among them, [Flying Dragon Sea Beast Skin] can be used for [Blood Refining].

And [Blood-Enchant Grass Seeds] can pose a great threat to Blood Martial Realm warriors.

In general.

Xiao Shi was very satisfied with the five blood martial-level items he harvested this time.

And these peerless pills in his hand will also become his powerful trump card in the Blood Martial Realm.

"The next step is to take charge of Yinyan."

Xiao Shi raised his head and looked at the valley ahead.

He knew that if he wanted to control Yin Yan, he would need to keep going deep into the valley.

The deeper it goes, the greater the power of the Yin Yan within it.

However, he just took a step forward.

Under his feet, there was a circle of ripples as dark as ink, like water waves.

"Is this... a restriction?"

Only then did he realize that this valley was also full of restrictions.

However, these restrictions will not cause any harm, they will only hinder the progress.

"If certain conditions are met, you will not be affected by these restrictions and can travel here unimpeded."

"on the contrary……"

"If you don't meet the conditions, you will be restricted by these restrictions and block your progress!"

Xiao Shi suddenly felt at ease.

He looked down at the black ripples beneath his feet.

Feel carefully.

Gradually understand the conditions of these prohibitions.

"Is it magical..."

He realized that in order to pass through this place, he must have enough magic power.

If the magic power is not enough, it will be blocked by the restrictions here.

Regarding magic…

Although Xiao Shi didn't know much about it, he also knew that the more he killed, the more demonic he would become.

It's just that there are certain differences between the righteous forces and the demonic forces.

Although the killings by the righteous forces will also increase the demonic nature, the increase will not be large.

And the demonic nature will slowly disappear over time.

Unless it's a mass killing.

Such as massacre...

Such wanton killings often lead to a surge in one's own demonic nature, leading to one falling into the devil's path.

Every killing by a person with demonic forces will bring a certain degree of demonic growth to themselves, and their demonic nature will basically not be erased, but will only become stronger and stronger.

This is closely related to the exercises practiced by both parties.

The skills of the demonic forces themselves have strong demonic properties, so every time they kill, their demonic properties will continue to increase.

However, the exercises of the righteous forces will not enhance the demonic nature, and there are even some exercises specifically designed to eliminate one's own demonic nature.

After all, demonic nature is beneficial and harmless to demonic warriors.

But it will have a great impact on righteous warriors.

This impact is very huge.

If it is serious, it will lead to stagnation or even chaos in one's own cultivation.

The mind and character will also be affected invisibly.

And once one's own demonic nature is too strong.

He will even fall into the devil's path.

However, people from the righteous forces usually fall into the devil's path only when they carry out crazy killings such as massacres of cities.

The killings like those Xiao Shi has experienced are at best more demonic than normal people, but they won't have much impact.

Xiao Shi thought that maybe it was because of this.

So I can move forward unimpeded here.

But as we continue to move forward.

His brows gradually wrinkled.

It was found that the intensity of these restrictions was increasing.

As the intensity of the restriction increases, the amount of magic required also increases.

"If this continues, it's impossible for me to go deep into the valley..."

Xiao Shi could clearly feel the strengthening of these restrictions.

Just keep moving forward.

He was surprised to find that with his own demonic nature, he could still move forward normally without being blocked by these restrictions.


"With my demonic nature, I shouldn't be able to move on..."

"But I'm still extremely relaxed now, and I don't feel any hindrance at all..."

Xiao Shi was thoughtful.


He then figured out the reason.

And confirmed a fact.

"It seems that the Tiger Sutra of Different Blood Transformation... is indeed a technique belonging to the demonic forces!!"

Xiao Shi took a deep breath.

Before he was just guessing.


It’s basically certain!

Since the Tiger Sutra of Different Blood Transformation is a technique of the demonic forces, after killing, the growth of demonic nature is different from that of the righteous people!

The demonic nature I possess now...

It's bigger than previously expected!

"It turns out that since I entered the Blood Martial Realm, I have been practicing the skills of the demonic forces..."

Xiao Shi suddenly understood.

He obtained the Tiger Sutra of Different Blood Transformation from the Red Tiger Totem.

From this, we can be sure that behind the red tiger totem, there must be a connection with the demonic forces...

"Does the Red Tiger Sect essentially belong to the righteous path? Or does it belong to the demonic path?"

Xiao Shi fell into deep thought.

Because he currently has too little information.

You can only analyze it through your own situation.

It feels like this is a delicate position between the righteous path and the devilish path.

Not belonging to any one of them.

If it is the right path...

With his current demonic nature, it will already have an impact on his own cultivation, temperament, etc.

But before entering this place, Xiao Shi did not realize that he had strong demonic nature, nor was he affected in any way.

And if it is the devil.

Then I won't care about killing innocent people indiscriminately.

Xiao Shi felt that this was a subtle position between the righteous way and the evil way.

Maybe that's why.

That's why I can practice magic skills so easily.


"It's not just me!"

"Everyone in the Red Tiger Sect should be like this!"

Xiao Shi thought that when he asked Guo Chengdao and the others to practice the Tiger Sutra of Different Blood Transformation, they could also practice normally.

However, in fact, it is extremely difficult for people on the right path to practice demonic skills.

"In other words, we, the people of the Red Tiger Sect, can practice not only the techniques of the righteous forces, but also the techniques of the demonic forces..."

This discovery immediately shocked Xiao Shi's mind.

And a strong sense of crisis arose!

He knew very well that if other forces knew about this...

With the current strength of the Red Tiger Sect.

It must be extremely dangerous!

Think of this.

Xiao Shi quickly sent a message to Guo Chengdao and the others through the red tiger totem.

Tell them not to expose their own Tiger Sutra of different blood!

Although Xiao Shi and them are far apart now.

But with the power of the red tiger totem, he was still able to convey his words clearly.

But Guo Chengdao couldn't reply.

Xiao Shi believed that with his instructions, Guo Chengdao and the others would know what to do.

"Today's Red Tiger Sect... is still too weak."

Xiao Shi sighed.

If the Red Tiger Sect is strong enough, there is no need to worry about exposure.

However, the Red Tiger Sect is currently weak.

Once the special nature of the sect is exposed, it will definitely not end well.

And the secret of the Red Tiger Sect...

It's obviously much more than that.

Perhaps what was discovered today is just the most obvious of the many secrets of the Red Tiger Sect.

At the same time, Xiao Shi also realized.

If Guo Chengdao and the others were not allowed to expose the Tiger Sutra of Different Blood, they would not be able to improve their strength and cultivation through the Tiger Sutra of Different Blood.

This will cause their strength to stagnate in the coming period.

But there is no way.

He didn't know before that the Tiger Sutra of Different Blood Transformation was a demonic technique.

Now that I know it, I must be more cautious, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

"It seems that I can only collect more natal martial blood for them, and then bring this natal martial blood to them..."

Xiao Shi thought in his heart.

Of course he knew it too.

This is not a long-term solution.

If he waits until Cen Qingci and the others also break through to the Blood Martial Realm, he will not be able to provide everyone with their own Martial Blood.

This requires him to improve his strength as soon as possible.

This allowed the Red Tiger Sect to have independent capital in Tiandou State.

The simplest way is to break through from the Blood Martial Realm to the Martial Soul Realm as quickly as possible!

Once you enter the martial soul realm.

Then there will be the capital for the Red Tiger Sect to gain a foothold in Tiandou State.

Then there will be no need to be so cautious.

Shaked his head.

Xiao Shi temporarily put away this idea.

The most important thing for him at this stage is to take control of Yin Yan first.

After realizing that he had enough demonic nature, Xiao Shi no longer had to worry about the restrictions here, and continued all the way to the depths of the valley.

As we move forward.

The coldness that pervades this place becomes more and more intense.

After he walked a certain distance.

He saw it clearly.

A ball of fire about the size of a fist suddenly appeared in front of him.

The entire fire mass was completely black.

What radiates is not burning heat.

But cold!

Surprisingly it is...

A ball of inflammation!

However, this mass of yinitis is only a small part of the yinitis here.


Like a tiny spark from a fire.

The real Yinyan is located in the deepest part of the valley.

Xiao Shi looked at this ball of Yinyan.

he knows.

As it goes deeper, more and more vaginitis will appear here.

The deeper you go.

The purity and power of these Yinyan will also become greater and greater.

The Yin Yan that appeared in front of him now was at the weakest level in terms of purity and power.

If he is not demonic enough now and can no longer move forward, he may choose to take charge of this ball of Yin Yan.

But now he is in a position where he can move on.

Naturally, the weakest group of Yinyan will not be chosen.

Just move on.

at the same time.

A group of flamers outside had now arrived in a spacious room.

There is a huge table here.

The length and width are fifty or sixty meters.

On the table is a chessboard that takes up the entire table.

But this is no ordinary chessboard.

Instead, a lifelike valley chessboard appeared.

can be seen……

The topography displayed on the entire chessboard and the valley where Xiao Shi is now are completely...

Exactly the same!

It's like a miniature version of the entire valley.

At the same time, you can also see a thumb-sized puppet in the valley, constantly moving forward in the valley.

Obviously, this doll represents Xiao Shi in the valley today.

Under the gaze of these flamers.

They clearly saw the doll moving forward in the valley.

"I wonder what kind of pure Yinyan he will choose?"

They are very curious in their hearts.

At the same time, they also believe that with the other party's demonic nature, they can definitely lead to a more profound position.

Usually the stronger the magic.

The further you can move forward.

There will be more choices when it comes to vaginitis.

But they also know it.

Even if there are more Yin Yan to choose from, if the Yin Yan you choose is too powerful, you will face the problem of being unable to control it.

In terms of controlling Yinyan, cultivation is very important.

This was also the reason why some of them were not optimistic about Xiao Shi before.

Even if Xiao Shi's demonic nature is stronger than ordinary people.

But if he is not cultivated enough.

Still unable to control those powerful Yin Yan.

Under the attention of everyone.

As Xiao Shi continues to move forward.

The number of Yin Yan that appeared in his sight gradually increased.

These vaginitis are scattered everywhere.

Comes in different sizes and purity.

However, Xiao Shi didn't even look at these Yin Yan, he just kept moving forward.

When this scene fell in the eyes of those who held the flames.

Immediately many people shook their heads.

"This person is obviously relying on his strong demonic nature, so he wants to choose the Yin Yan deep in the valley. Ha, with his cultivation level, he will definitely not be able to succeed. Instead, he will be severely injured by those powerful Yin Yan."

"It seems that this time, he will not be able to successfully control Yin Yan."

Many of them suddenly lost the desire to continue watching.

It's like knowing the outcome in advance.

After all, some of them had tried to take control of those powerful Yin Yan, and suffered heavy losses as a result.

This will lead to failure in governance.

Only after the injury heals.

to re-enter.

However, each Flame Holder only has two opportunities to enter the Yin Yan Valley.

If he fails to take charge twice...

Then you are destined to be unable to become a flame bearer.

Xiao Shi naturally can't hear the discussions of these flamers now.

He moved forward quickly.

In fact...

This time he not only wants to take charge of Yinyan.


He also has a more important plan than taking charge of Yinyan——

That is through vaginitis...

Form the second natal martial blood! From this, he entered the Second Blood Realm of the Blood Martial Realm in one fell swoop.

need to be able to do this.

It is necessary to possess the secret method of Yin Yan.

And this secret refining method exists in the Yanzhi Yan Order.

Usually, it may take some time for ordinary people to master this secret method.

But with Xiao Shi’s understanding...

Just watched it once.

He has mastered it.

However, in order to form the natal martial blood using this secret refining method, Yin Yan also needs to be selected.

The natal martial blood formed by Yinyan of different purity is often very different.

in this regard.

Xiao Shi naturally planned to choose the high-purity Yin Yan as his natal martial blood.

So he didn't stop at anything.

I didn’t take any notice of the vaginitis I saw on the road.

With his ambition.

He even wanted to use the Yin Yan in the deepest part of the valley as his own martial blood.

"The Yinyan in charge can be a little worse..."

"I won't stay here long anyway."

"When I leave Lieyin City, the Yin Yan I control will not have much effect without the blessing."

"And the Yin Yan that forms my natal martial blood is the important force that can always make me strong!"

Xiao Shi understands the difference between the two.

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