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Chapter 200 Killing under siege

The entire sealing formation continued to deform and twist under the struggle of Yin Yan.

The struggle of vaginitis is huge.

Trying to break free from the formation at all costs.

At the same time, during Yin Yan's struggle, Xiao Shi felt an evil, crazy, and violent mood swing from Yin Yan.

Fortunately, the entire sealing formation is extremely strong.

Even if Yin Yan struggled desperately, he could not break free from the formation.

And as the formation operates, the power of the seal continues to increase, and Yin Yan's struggle becomes smaller and smaller.

The struggle gradually stopped.

Xiao Shi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

I know that my plan has been initially successful.

The next step is to turn the Yin Yan in the seal into his second natal martial blood.

It's just that there is no chance to carry out this step at the moment.

He looked up.

It was clear that the sky above the valley was constantly collapsing, and a huge hole appeared.

Through this hole.

He could even vaguely see Lieyin City above.

At the same time, I also saw...

A group of people fell rapidly from above.

This group of people is headed by Mr. Mo.

There are also three ancestors of the three great nobles, as well as a group of flamers.

During their rapid descent, they had already had a sweeping view of the entire valley from a high-altitude perspective.

When they saw that there was no formation in this valley, everyone was shocked.

They all looked towards the deepest part of the valley.

Before that.

Although they have never seen Yin Yan, they also know that this valley exists to seal and suppress Yin Yan.

Now the formation is gone.

That vaginitis...

They looked at it intently.

My pupils were instantly shaken!

I found that the depths of the valley were actually empty!

Not a trace of vaginitis can be seen!

Although before coming.

There were some vague guesses in their minds.

But when I actually saw it.

There was still a huge wave of panic in my heart.

Under shock.

They saw Xiao Shi located deep in the valley.

Now the entire huge valley.

There were only two people in total.

Among them, Ming Wu, who was located outside the valley, was directly ignored by them.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Xiao Shi.

Although they did not think that all this was caused by Xiao Shi, the other party was only in the Blood Martial Realm and could not possibly shake the formation in the valley, let alone come into contact with Yin Yan.

But they knew that this matter must be related to this person.

After all, there are only two of them here.

Moreover, Xiao Shi's current location is still where Yinyan originally existed.

There must be something wrong!

Mr. Mo took the lead.

Adjusting the direction of his fall, he quickly approached the depths of the valley.

After seeing Xiao Shi, the ancestor of the Guilly Formation exploded with uncontrollable murderous intent.

He also adjusted his falling direction and approached Xiao Shi.

Xiao Shi looked at these people falling rapidly.

Among these people...

There are as many as seven people in the martial soul realm alone!

There are nearly ten people in the Blood Martial Realm remaining.

This is definitely not something I can contend with.

But this was much better than what he had expected.

At least……

He did not see the city lord of Lieyin City come forward.

He originally thought that his actions this time would definitely make the Lieyin City Lord take action in anger.

But I didn't expect it.

The other party did not show up.

Xiao Shi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Thinking that he would need to escape from this place amid the encirclement and suppression of these people.

If he directly uses [Sacred Stone Colored Light] at this time, he is very sure that he can escape directly.

But he knew that if he ran away like this.

These people will inevitably shift their targets to Ming Wu.

Then Mingwu would be in danger.

I need to buy him some time first so that he has a chance to escape, and then use the [Sacred Stone Colorful Light] when the time is right.

Think of this.

Xiao Shi suddenly had an idea in his mind.


He directly took out a triangular stone.

Start using your own martial blood to unlock the seal in the stone!

Thereby releasing the strange spirit sealed in the stone.

Bursts of black energy continuously spurted out from the stone in Xiao Shi's hand, gathered on the ground, spread, and covered a large area in an instant.


A huge roar immediately erupted from the area covered in black air.

A huge figure quickly rose from the black air.

This figure is thirty or forty feet tall.

Like a hill.

It is a humanoid giant.

Wearing a dark black dress, her long hair spread down from the front, covering her face.

On top of the long skirt, there are countless mouths.

These mouths vary in size.

Some look like human mouths, while others look like the mouths of ferocious beasts.

From these mouths, different chewing sounds emanate.

Some seemed to be chewing bones, some seemed to be chewing flesh and blood, and some seemed to be chewing living creatures, accompanied by some vague screams...

After the different chewing sounds came together, they turned into a creepy sound that spread in all directions.

Even people in Lieyin City above could vaguely hear it.

Behind it, there were dozens of black tentacles, which were constantly twisting in the air. The eyes on the tentacles were all looking at Xiao Shi.

This strange spirit is almost exactly the same as the strange spirit Xiao Shi saw last time!

At the same time, the moment this strange spirit appeared.

Everyone falling above them had their eyes widened with shock and horror on their faces.

The leader Mo's expression changed wildly, and he exclaimed in surprise.

"Weird spirit!!"

The ancestors of the three nobles also exclaimed.

"Weird spirit!? How is that possible!!"

“Tian Dou Province…how could there be a strange spirit!!”

They were all stunned.

at the same time.

Before these eyes on the tentacles looked at Xiao Shi.

Xiao Shi had already taken out the [Original Seal] in advance, and from a long distance away, he directly imprinted the [Original Seal] on the attacking Ancestor of the eerie formation!

He knows it very well.

among these people.

The ancestor of the guile formation has the strongest murderous intention towards him.

It is most appropriate to imprint the [Original Seal] on him.


In an instant.

The ancestor of the mysterious formation who was still falling was directly branded with the [Original Seal].


The ancestor of the guile formation noticed it immediately.

A formation immediately appeared under him.

Trying to use this formation to dispel the marks on his body.

However, it cannot be dispelled!

"What kind of mark is this!"

The ancestor of the formation was shocked.

at this time.

He suddenly felt a chill on his back.

Something seemed to be staring at him.

Turn around and look.

The tentacles scattered all over the back of the strange spirit were all straight, as if they had seen something that made them extremely excited.

Each eye of the tentacle was opened hugely and filled with large bloodshot eyes.

Even the chewing sounds coming from the mouths of the weird spirits were heard.

next moment.

The chewing sounds became urgent.

Anyone can feel that the ghost at this time is full of strong excitement and ecstasy, and even more...crazy!

Like a long-hungry shark smelling blood!

Under the crazy gaze of the weird spirit, the ancestor of the weird formation couldn't help but feel hairy all over.

boom! !

I saw the huge body of Wei Ling suddenly moving.

It stirred up dust all over the sky.

With indescribable madness, he rushed towards the ancestor of the formation at his fastest speed.

[Original Seal] is extremely attractive to evil spirits.

It's enough to make every ghost who sees it go crazy.

Although the cultivation of the ancestor of the guile formation can be used to deal with the phantoms, the biggest characteristic of the phantoms is that they are difficult to kill.

It's not difficult to defeat it.

But it is extremely difficult to kill it!

And Xiao Shi's purpose was to delay time through strange spirits.

He believed that the ghosts under this kind of madness would definitely be more difficult to deal with than the ghosts under normal circumstances.

It should buy you a lot of time.

not to mention……

He also has another item.


A long black box appeared in Xiao Shi's hand.

There is a picture of a dusk scene on the box.

The moment he opened the box.

This valley instantly turned into a bloody dusk.

Under this strange dusk.

Everyone's vision and perception began to decline significantly, and their own condition also declined.

Especially those who are in the Blood Martial Realm.

Originally they could still clearly see Xiao Shi in the valley, but now not only could they not see it, but even the valley below had become blurry and could not be seen clearly.

Not only that.

There was also a sense of exhaustion all over them.

It was like he had just experienced a big battle and was in urgent need of self-cultivation.

Although the other strong martial souls did not have such a big reaction, they were also affected.

"not good!"

Mr. Mo's face darkened.

Even he couldn't see Xiao Shi below at this moment.

In fact, after witnessing the battle between Xiao Shi and Ke Zhuowen, including later escaping from the pursuit of the ancestor of the Guild Formation, Mr. Mo had already realized that this man had many strange methods.

I thought that these methods had been exhausted by the pursuit of the ancestors of the Conspiracy Formation at that time.

did not expect……

There is even one!

This made him even more convinced that the disappearance of Yin Yan must be related to Xiao Shi.

"He used this method to affect our sight and perception. He obviously wanted to take the opportunity to escape!"

Master Mo's eyes flashed coldly.

A round shield with a diameter of three meters appeared directly at his feet.

This round shield was suspended in the air, dragging his body so that he did not continue to fall but was suspended in the air. It was obviously a flying object.

With this flying buckler, he rose quickly.

He knew that if Xiao Shi wanted to escape now, he could only escape upward.

As long as he is blocked here, Xiao Shi can't even think about sneaking out from here.


Except for Mr. Mo.

The rest of the people fell into the valley one after another.

Although their vision and perception became poor under the influence of [Bloody Dusk], they still quickly launched a search in the valley.

The ancestor of the guile formation has already started fighting with the guile spirit.

The roaring sound continued to resound in the valley.

In order to find Xiao Shi as soon as possible.

The dozen or so people dispersed their actions in a tacit understanding.

After all, this valley is neither big nor small.

With today's perception and sight being greatly affected, it is still difficult to search for Xiao Shi.

After Miao Shiliu entered the valley.

Suddenly he thought that besides Xiao Shi, there seemed to be one of his subordinates in this valley.

"Perhaps I can capture his subordinate first. Maybe this person will know something."

Think of this.

Miao Shiliu searched directly outside the valley.

But his steps just moved.


A red blood line suddenly spread from his neck.

His expression was frozen forever on his face.

The head rolled directly off the neck and fell to the ground.


Xiao Shi's figure appeared behind Miao Shiliu, looking down at his body with cold eyes.

Bend down and pick up the items dropped after it dies.

He glanced at Lord Mo floating in the sky.

The corners of the mouth turn up.


"Think I want to escape? Ha..."

After picking up the items dropped by the opponent after death.

Xiao Shi quickly destroyed Miao Shiliu's body and wiped out all traces.

"The killing has just begun!"

He licked his lips.

Black shoulder armor appeared on both shoulders at the same time.

The entire shoulder armor seemed to have turned into two outstretched wings.

As his thoughts moved.

A pair of huge black wings appeared from these two wing-like shoulder armors.

In the constant whistling and fanning.

Xiao Shi's body broke away from the ground and floated up.


His figure moved.

He went straight to another target!

If it were not for [Bloody Dusk], Master Mo, who was suspended in the sky at this moment and looking down, would have been able to see all of Xiao Shi's actions clearly.

However, under the influence of sight brought by [Bloody Dusk].

Even though he was suspended high in the sky, he couldn't see what was happening below at all.

At the same time, other people who had dispersed in the valley were also unaware of Miao Shiliu's death.

Xiao Shi passed through the [Martial Emperor Shoulder Armor] and was suspended at a height that Master Mo couldn't see and the rest of the people in the valley couldn't sense.

Start the hunt with this!

He had ideas about these flamers a long time ago!

I just haven't found the opportunity.

This time...

He planned to kill all these flame-bearers who could kill.

I believe this will be a huge gain!

At this time, everyone felt that Xiao Shi would only be thinking about escaping at this time.

No one could have imagined that in this situation, the other party would actually want to hunt them!

Plus their vision and perception are affected.

Even though Xiao Shi had already appeared above the head of another flame wielder.

The flame bearer didn't notice anything strange either.

Still looking around for Xiao Shi.


Xiao Shi swooped down from above to kill him.

His two fingers merged together to create a fleeting sword light.


It was easy to take the flamer away before he could react.

Then he picked up the items very skillfully and quickly destroyed the corpse to avoid being discovered by others.

After doing all this.

Xiao Shi continued to fly into the air and kill the third target.

If Xiao Shi himself is not counted, there are a total of fifteen Flame Holders in Lieyin City.

Xiao Shi had already killed Xiong Wu and three others earlier.

There were only twelve Flame Holders who entered the valley this time.

Among the twelve flame-bearers, except for three who could not be killed at the martial soul level, Xiao Shi did not intend to let go of the rest of the flame-bearers.

However, there may be some trouble in killing the third blood among them.

After all, he is assassinated now.

Focus on killing with one hit!

You can't fight these three blood for a long time.

Once discovered, he is still very dangerous.

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