I clicked on all the treasure drop rates

Chapter 213 Treasure Exchange (1)

The Ten Thousand Pagoda is located in the center of this realm.

In this realm, it is like a place of pilgrimage.

No matter what the strength of the warrior, as long as he has a treasure card in his hand, he will try his best to go to the Ten Thousand Treasure Tower to exchange the treasure.

According to legend, the treasures in the Ten Thousand Treasures Pagoda are all-encompassing and include treasures from all realms.

Even treasures from the upper three realms can be seen here.

For the indigenous people in these realms.

The exercises, weapons, treasures, combat techniques, etc. they have practiced.

Most of them originate from the Ten Thousand Pagodas.

When Xiao Shi, led by the Taimu clan, arrived at the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower through the teleportation formation.

He saw the holy land in this realm at a glance!

The entire Ten Thousand Treasures Pagoda is extremely huge, like a towering mountain piercing into the clouds, with no end in sight, and a very shocking visual effect.

The tower is entirely golden and covered with high-end and profound runes.

"Sure enough... this Ten Thousand Treasures Tower itself is a treasure of extremely high status!"

Xiao Shi was very emotional.

At this time, besides Xiao Shi, there was another outsider who arrived with the Taimu clan.

This person was only brought to the clan by the Taimu clan in the past few days.

Different from Xiao Shi, although this person is an outsider, his physical body is only comparable to that of entering the martial arts realm.

Far less powerful than Xiao Shi.

After all, for these warriors from Xingluo Territory.

After all, those who refine their bodies are in the minority.

When they arrived at the area where the Ten Thousand Pagodas were located.

Everyone felt a rule that existed in this area.

No fighting!

Anyone who comes to this area, no matter what their strength, cannot violate this rule.

Although before coming.

Xiao Shi had already heard from the Taimu clan leader that such a rule existed in the area where the Ten Thousand Treasures Pagoda was located, but after actually feeling it, he was still shocked.

Because of this rule...

It is formed by the Ten Thousand Treasures Pagoda!

This is a high-status treasure that has already formed rules!

Before that.

Xiao Shi has never seen such a treasure.

Never even heard of it.

It is estimated that no such treasure can be found in the entire Xingluo Territory.

After the group arrived, they marched towards the Ten Thousand Treasures Pagoda.

At this time, not only people from the Taimu clan came here.

Many body refining clans in this realm have also arrived.

It also includes many outsiders.

Xiao Shi paid special attention to these outsiders.

Most of these outsiders are strong men in the martial soul realm or even above the martial soul realm outside, but here they only have bodies that are comparable to the martial soul realm.

However, Xiao Shi also saw several physically powerful people among them.


A group of them came to the foot of the tower.

Many body refining clans are only responsible for sending outsiders here, and the next actions of these outsiders have nothing to do with them.

Xiao Shi also said goodbye to the Taimu clan here.

He had no intention of entering the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower immediately.

Instead, prepare to observe here first.

There was one situation he had to watch out for.

That is, after stepping into the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower, the fragments of the Tianji Disk in the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower will immediately recognize his identity!

To this.

Xiao Shi was very patient and not in a hurry.

he knows.

I am not the first outsider to come here.

After all, he entered this realm not too early. Many people had already entered here before him.

But it doesn’t mean that the earlier you enter the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower, the more advantage you will have.

Even those who entered the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower very early could not take away the fragments of the Tianji Disk inside.


Xiao Shi does not need to worry about the fragments of the Tianji Disk being taken away.

He watched the outsiders enter the tower one by one with faces full of expectations, and then come out with expressions of frustration...

At most, these people can see fragments of the Tianji Disk inside.

But no one can take it away.

at the same time.

After these outsiders came here, they did not continue to go to other places.

They all gathered here.

Discussing with each other how to obtain the Tianji Disk fragments.

Instead, it became a gathering place for outsiders like them.

As an outsider, Xiao Shi easily blended in.

After talking with these people, he soon came to understand the situation in the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower.

According to what these people said.

The entire Wanbao Tower has twelve floors.

The fragments of the Heavenly Disk are located on the eleventh level.

However, this level is not the only treasure like the Tianji Disk Fragment. There are other treasures there, but the Tianji Disk Fragment is the most conspicuous among these treasures.

Almost as soon as you set foot on the eleventh floor, you can see the fragments of the Tianji Disk.

Xiao Shi narrowed his eyes slightly at this.

"It's exactly what I thought..."

“But it’s not the people who step onto the eleventh floor who will see the fragments of the Heavenly Secret Disk first, but the fragments of the Heavenly Secret Disk that will see the people who step onto the eleventh floor first!”

"If I guess correctly..."

"If I step onto the eleventh floor like a normal person, then the fragment of the Heavenly Disk will instantly recognize my identity as soon as it sees me!"

"The people behind me will immediately know that I am the master of Tianji Hall!"

Even before coming to Wanbao Pagoda.

Xiao Shi had already inquired about information about the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower.

I learned that this Ten Thousand Treasures Tower was ownerless from beginning to end!

Even the people behind the opening of this realm, the gods spoken by these indigenous people, cannot control the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower.

That is to say.

under normal circumstances.

People behind the scenes cannot peek into the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower.

But obviously the person behind it used some kind of means.

Although you can't see the situation inside the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower, you can see the perspective of the fragments of the Tianji Disk on the eleventh floor.

It is possible to see the identification carried out by the fragments of the Tianji Disk.

"You cannot step into the eleventh floor under any circumstances..."

"But the other floors should be safe."

Xiao Shi analyzed in his heart.

After all, with his current understanding.

The status of the Ten Thousand Treasure Tower is obviously higher than that of the Tianji Disk fragments.

The Tianji Disk fragment is just one of the many treasures inside.

At most, it can identify people who have entered the eleventh level.

Unable to identify people at other levels.


"As long as I don't go to the eleventh floor, my identity will not be exposed."

Xiao Shi breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that his identity would be exposed as soon as he stepped into the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower.

This way he won't be able to go in and redeem the treasure.

This is the case now.

He can go to exchange for the treasures in the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower, and at the same time gain a deeper understanding of the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower, so as to figure out how to get the fragments of the Tianji Disk.


Without being sure of getting it.

He will not go to the eleventh floor easily.

Think of this.

Xiao Shi no longer hesitated.

Walk straight towards the Ten Thousand Treasures Pagoda.

With the hugeness of Wanbao Pagoda.

There are hundreds of entrances into it alone.

Xiao Shi randomly picked an entrance and walked in.


The moment you step into the tower.

He only felt his vision darken.

The next second.

He was already on a wide corridor.

This corridor is extremely wide and leads deep into the depths, with no end in sight.

At the left and right ends of the corridor, there are transparent counters of various sizes.

There is an item placed on each counter.

The whole corridor was full of people.

However, these people all present a vague form.

Everyone's body shape remains the same, it is impossible to tell whether they are male or female, and their faces cannot be seen, and their voices cannot be heard.

And when it touches them, it will penetrate directly through their bodies.

"It seems that people who enter here can see the actions of other people, but they don't know who these people are. At the same time, they can't contact each other and can't talk..."

Xiao Shi understood clearly in his heart.

This also prevents some people from being targeted by others after redeeming powerful treasures.

At this time, everyone entered here.

They were all attracted by the treasures on both sides of the corridor.

Xiao Shi also walked towards the nearest treasure.

This is a bronze sword.

As it gets closer.

Information about this bronze sword immediately appeared in front of him.

Martial Arts Bronze Sword: Martial Arts Bronze Sword: It is a weapon that cuts through iron like clay and is very sharp.

Redemption conditions: 1 white treasure card.

It is clear.

This is the function that comes with the Ten Thousand Treasure Tower.

Each item will have relevant information.

But there is very little information.

This also puts people's eyesight to a certain test.

It is obviously impossible to identify the specific value of some items based on this little information.

"It would be nice if these items could be displayed with the messages they drop after I kill them..."

Xiao Shi was thinking in his heart.


The message display he was used to suddenly appeared in his sight.

[Name: Martial Arts Bronze Sword]

[Similar to: weapons]

[Level: Entering the martial arts level]

[Introduction: A martial-level item originating from the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower. 】

[Remarks: This weapon is more suitable for body-refining warriors. When wielded with powerful physical force, it can not only explode the sharp characteristics of the weapon, but also restore some energy. 】

Xiao Shi was surprised when he saw the message in his sight.

All the time.

Only items dropped by him after killing will display this kind of message.

If it weren't for the items dropped by him, this message would usually not appear.

But now the items in these Ten Thousand Treasure Towers actually have such messages displayed.

This is very strange!

"Is there some connection between the items in these Ten Thousand Treasure Towers and the items dropped by me when I kill them?"

Xiao Shi was thoughtful.

If you want to figure out the connection, you have to know where these items in the Ten Thousand Treasure Tower come from?

The levels involved are very high.

Xiao Shi is definitely out of reach now.

Shaked his head.

Although I don’t know the specific reason.

However, with such information displayed, it is basically impossible for him to make a mistake.

Others can only see very little information.

But he could see the details of these items.

Just like this [Martial Arts Bronze Sword], in addition to being sharp, it obviously also has the effect of restoring strength.

This requires eyesight to identify.

"The treasures on the first level are all martial arts treasures, there is nothing to see."

Xiao Shi casually looked at a few items, mainly to understand the rules of this place first.

These items placed on the counter can only be seen, not touched.

If you try to touch it forcefully, your palm will pass directly through it and you will not be able to touch it at all.

"Is this the reason why the fragments of the Tianji Disk cannot be taken away?"

Xiao Shi was thoughtful.

Based on the information he had learned before.

The Tianji Disk fragments are different from these items and are items that cannot be exchanged.

If it cannot be exchanged, it will be like an illusory scene, intangible, and naturally impossible to take away.

Of course this is just his current speculation.

He would have to go to the eleventh floor in person to know the specific situation.

Xiao Shi walked along the corridor.

There are many martial arts treasures on this level.

The journey continued for a long time.

He finally saw the stairs leading to the upper level.

Dangzhi walked up the stairs and came to the second floor.

The second level is the treasure of the Qi Martial Realm.

This is also nothing to worry about for Xiao Shi.

He didn't stay here too long.

Went directly to the third floor.

The third level is the treasures of the Blood Martial Realm.

The treasures on this level happened to be the most suitable for him at the moment, and it was also the level he wanted to focus on during this trip.

Xiao Shi walked towards a treasure not far away.

This is a secret book placed on the counter.

After getting closer.

Information related to this secret book was immediately displayed in his sight.

[Name: Blood Speed ​​Residual Method (Yellow Level)]

[Similar to: Shenfa secrets]

[Level: Blood Martial Level]

[Introduction: A blood-level item originating from the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower. 】

[Note: This secret book must have a body refining body in the Blood Martial Realm to practice. This secret book has three levels in total. Unfortunately, it is only a residual method and only has the first level. After completion, it can bring about a greater increase in speed. 】

Redemption conditions: 3 white treasure cards.

Xiao Shi looked at the message in front of him.

It is clear.

This is a body training secret book.

This is exactly what he currently lacks.

Originally, he did not possess many body-training techniques, body techniques, etc.

Even in the Blood Martial Realm, not one of them has ever fallen out.

This resulted in the fact that the only body-refining techniques he possesses now are [Barbarian Bull Crash] at the Qi Martial Realm.

However, this technique is only effective when used in the Blood Martial Realm.

The physical strength of this corpse cannot be exerted at all.

If there was a powerful Blood Martial Realm body refining technique, he wouldn't have had such a hard time killing the Blood Martial Realm Monkey King.

Although he lacked the physical skills in front of him.

However, Xiao Shi was not in a hurry to redeem it.

After all, there are many treasures here, and there is definitely no shortage of such body-refining techniques. There is no need to change to such a poor movement technique.

If you want to replace it, you should also replace it with something powerful.

Anyway, he has no shortage of [White Treasure Cards] now.

Judging from the current exchange conditions for these items, there are not many [White Treasure Cards] required.

And Xiao Shi hasn't seen any items that need to be redeemed with [Green Treasure Cards].

It seems that these items today are too low-end.

There is no qualification to redeem it with [Green Treasure Card].

Xiao Shi looked at another item next to the magic secret book.

This is a broken golden battle axe.

[Name: Cracked Gold Battle Ax]

[Similar to: weapons]

[Level: Blood Martial Level]

[Introduction: A blood-level item originating from the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower. 】

[Note: This is a body-refining weapon. Only those with a body-refining body above the Blood Martial Realm can pick it up. Through the power of the physical body, the battle ax can burst out with powerful fragmentation force. The power of fragmentation mainly depends on the strength of the body. The stronger the body, the more amazing the power of fragmentation will be. 】

Redemption conditions: 4 white treasure cards.

Xiao Shi knew it well.

Among the weapons, there are also body-refining weapons that are specifically suitable for body-refining warriors.

It's just that in Xingluo Territory, a territory where body refining is not the mainstream, it is obviously not easy to see such weapons.

At the same time, Xiao Shi had never dropped such weapons before.

Today's [Splitting Gold Battle Ax] is pretty good.

Not only can it display the shattering power, but it can also be used in conjunction with the blood ax slash that it comprehends from the [Enlightenment Bead].

But compared to the blood axe.

The sword he realized later was stronger.

It's just that now this corpse does not have its own martial blood, so it cannot enter the gray sword form, and its power will be greatly reduced.

Xiao Shi was ready to take a closer look.

Don’t rush to redeem it yet.

that's all.

He looked at each item carefully.

Gradually, I discovered that the treasures here were all related to body refining.

No other type of treasure seems to exist.

Xiao Shi was not surprised by this.

After all, in this realm, only the power of the physical body can exist. Naturally, this Ten Thousand Treasure Tower cannot have items related to the natal martial blood.

Under constant review.

Xiao Shi saw many body-refining techniques, body techniques, weapons, natural materials and earthly treasures, and many other miscellaneous things.

It contains important things that can form bloodlines!

Xiao Shi looked at the treasure in front of him.

[Name: Mo Chen’s Blood]

[Similar to: blood]

[Level: Blood Martial Level]

[Introduction: A blood-level item originating from the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower. 】

[Note: This is the body refining blood derived from an extinct body refining clan, the Mo Chen clan. Through this drop of Mo Chen's blood, one can effectively improve one's own body refining bloodline. If there is a suitable method, there may be a chance to form the Mochen bloodline of the Mochen clan. 】

Redemption conditions: 60 white treasure cards.

Among the many items Xiao Shi has seen now, there are not many treasures that can be exchanged for 60 [White Treasure Cards].

Among the many Blood Martial Realm items, this is already a high-quality treasure.

This kind of treasure would be very difficult for the aborigines here, even if they want to exchange it.

Based on Xiao Shi’s previous understanding.

Usually, ordinary members of the Taimu clan can harvest at most 4-6 [White Treasure Cards] in a year.

That is to say.

They want to exchange for such a treasure.

It will take at least ten years!

And with Xiao Shi's current number of [White Treasure Cards], it is not difficult to exchange for this [Mo Chen's Blood].

But he had to think about a problem seriously.

That's how to take this [Mo Chen's Blood] out?

If you can't take it out.

It doesn't make much sense to change it.

"Judging from the current situation, if we want to take him out."

"I can only give up the fragments of the Tianji Disk, exchange them for enough items here, and then leave this realm directly..."

Before that, he had thought of taking the exchanged items out first, giving them to the main body, and then coming in again.

But I learned from the Taimu clan that everyone has only one chance to enter this realm in their lifetime.

Once he leaves here.

Then there is no way to come in.

This method obviously doesn't work.

"If I can't take these items out, I can only exchange them for those body-refining techniques and body techniques."

Xiao Shi thought in his heart.

These techniques and movements can not only enhance the strength of this corpse.

The most important thing is that his main body will also inherit these techniques and body skills.

After all, his soul integrated into this corpse is connected to the main body.

All the techniques and body techniques he has mastered here.

The main body will also be controlled synchronously.

But if it was just to redeem these techniques and body skills, but couldn't redeem them for other things, Xiao Shi was a little unwilling.

After all, there are many treasures here.

There were many treasures among them that made him very excited.

Just like this [Mo Chen's Blood].

It is basically impossible to get this kind of treasure in Tianluo Territory outside.

Even if he drops it through killing, he may not drop this kind of treasure.

At least he hasn't dropped an item related to body refining during his current kills at the Blood Martial Realm.

It's rare that he has enough [White Treasure Cards] on hand now. If he doesn't exchange them, he would feel like he's at a huge loss.

"Or...I have another way!"

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