I clicked on all the treasure drop rates

Chapter 215 Bloodline Ranking

Among the information currently available to Xiao Shi.

he knows.

The Tianwu Continent was once ruled by the Dawu Dynasty.

But with the collapse of the imperial power of the Dawu Dynasty.

The strong men and women from all over the country divided themselves into kingdoms.

The lords in charge of the Xingluo Territory and the lords in charge of the Cangyan Territory can barely be regarded as princes in the current Tianwu Continent.

In the past, when the Dawu Dynasty was strong and powerful, they had to take orders from the dynasty.

But now, with the collapse of Dawu Imperial Power, they have basically become independent and established their own rule.

Although the current Dawu Dynasty still exists, it is already sunset.

Only an empty shell remains.

If Emperor Wu is the emperor in charge of the Great Wu Dynasty, then he is now like a person with the right to inherit...

"Judging from the current situation, the current Dawu Dynasty probably does not have an emperor..."

"After all, this world is different from the dynasties in my previous life. If you want to become an emperor in this world, it is impossible to do it without strong strength."

"Even the emperor of this world is probably the strongest one!"

Xiao Shi analyzed in his heart.

"Now that the imperial power is collapsing, it's probably because something went wrong with the emperor of the Dawu Dynasty. Maybe he died, or something else happened. As a result, the Dawu Dynasty lost the suppression of this invincible emperor. As a result, the imperial power collapsed and the heroes were divided."

"If these princes and lords know that I am the successor of the Martial Emperor... they will definitely not be able to tolerate my existence and will eradicate me as soon as possible!"

Although Xiao Shi did not know the attitude of the various princes and lords towards the Dawu Dynasty, he could also deduce that most of the princes and lords must be ambitious.

Even if they don't have the idea of ​​sweeping the world and establishing a new dynasty, they will maintain their rule.

When they got used to this kind of rule and power, they would definitely not want to revive the Dawu Dynasty and take orders from others.

There may be princes and lords who want to defend and revitalize the Dawu Dynasty, but they are definitely not many.

Once they know that they have the Emperor Martial Emperor's armor.

He would definitely come and kill himself as soon as possible.

It is impossible for him, the successor of Emperor Wu, to exist.


In the Dawu Dynasty, there may still be some orthodox heirs such as princes.

It's impossible for them not to know about the existence of Emperor Wu's imperial costume.

Judging from the current situation.

Emperor Wu's imperial attire should be living outside.

If it is in the hands of these princes, it cannot be dropped through killing.

After all, there is no way for me to drop items from others through killing.

These items dropped by killing are often ownerless items.

"Is there a possibility..."

"They deliberately left the Martial Emperor's costumes outside, just to find someone who could gather all the Martial Emperor's costumes to attract firepower."

"Once I gather all the Martial Emperor's uniforms, I will definitely face the siege of many princes and lords. When we and I both lose, will the orthodox heir behind me come out to clean up the mess?"

Xiao Shi pinched his eyebrows.

The situation here is complicated.

There are so many possibilities.

Before that.

He only felt the benefits brought by the Emperor Wu's costume, but did not realize the crisis behind it.

Until then.

Only then did he understand.

While the Martial Emperor's Imperial Equipment brought huge improvements to himself, it also contained a huge crisis behind it.

This is about the succession of Emperor Wu.

The water inside is very deep...

With his current strength, he knew too little information and could only make some unfounded guesses.

However, these speculations sounded the alarm for him.

Make him deeply aware.

In the future, you need to be cautious when using the Emperor Martial Emperor's equipment.

Never let anyone know that you have the Emperor Martial Emperor's uniform.

Secondly, while I am constantly collecting Emperor Wu's costumes, I also need to learn more about relevant information.

At least before gathering all the Emperor Wu uniforms, one needs to have a sufficient understanding of the entire succession of Emperor Wu and the situation of the Dawu Dynasty.

Otherwise, by the time he gathers all the Martial Emperor's costumes, he will most likely die suddenly.

"Just being the master of the Tianji Palace is already so troublesome, and now there is another successor to the Martial Emperor..."

Xiao Shi bared his teeth for a while.

But the good thing is.

Only by collecting the entire set of Emperor Wu uniforms can one be considered eligible to inherit.

Now it seems that he is not considered the successor.

It will not attract a bunch of strong people like the master of Tianji Palace.

Shaked his head.

Xiao Shi didn't think too much.

The succession of Emperor Wu was still far away for him.

There is no need to be too alarmist now.

The [Martial Guard Armor] in front of me is definitely something that cannot be replaced.

He went straight to another exhibition stand.

In this exhibition stand, there is a huge heavy sword.

The blade of the sword is blue, and there are two illusory snake shadows crisscrossing on the sword body, which is very extraordinary.

However, when Xiao Shi looked closely at the heavy sword.

But I didn't see any information.

"what's the situation?"

Xiao Shi frowned.

Every item he saw before had relevant information and redemption conditions, but now he couldn't see any information on this epee.

I can’t even see the redemption conditions.

Even his unique message display is full of question marks.

【name:? ? ? 】

【type:? ? ? 】

【grade:? ? ? 】

【introduce:? ? ? 】

【Remark:? ? ? 】

Xiao Shi remembers.

The last time this happened, he was in the Qi Martial Realm and fell out of the Martial Soul Realm Tianji Box.

When the level of an item exceeds its own level by more than two levels, there will be a situation where the item information cannot be seen.

For example, if you currently have an item at the martial soul level or above, you will definitely not be able to see the information related to the item.

But Xiao Shi felt that the current situation did not seem to be due to the grade of the sword.

But there are other reasons...

He walked to another exhibition stand.

The same thing happened to the treasures inside.

You can see the appearance of the treasure, but you can't see any message.

that's all.

After Xiao Shi looked at all the treasures on this floor.

He found that there were only about a dozen treasures on this level with messages that could be seen.

No message can be seen on any of the other treasures.

"If it's because the grade of these treasures is two levels higher than mine, then it's impossible that we can't even see the exchange conditions."

"I think the reason why I can't see it is because... the exchange of these treasures requires higher-level treasure cards!"

"And I don't have such a treasure card, so I can only see the appearance of the treasure, but I can't see any information, including the exchange information!"

Xiao Shi suddenly understood.

Presumably this is the reason why everyone can see the fragments of the Tianji Disk on the eleventh floor!

Treasures above the seventh floor will not be obscured by fog.

But if there is no corresponding treasure card, no message can be seen.

If you own the [Green Treasure Card], you can also see the information about the items that need to be exchanged with the [Green Treasure Card].

For those who don’t even have a [Green Treasure Card].

Maybe after they set foot on the eighth floor, they wouldn't be able to see any information about the treasure.

You can only see the appearance of the treasure.

"That means..."

“It’s not that the Tianji Disk fragments cannot be redeemed, it just requires a higher level treasure card to redeem them!!”

Xiao Shi suddenly woke up.

Previously, the Taimu clan said that the Tianji Disk fragments could not be exchanged because they did not have the treasure cards to redeem the Tianji Disk fragments.

There is no exchange message at all, so I naturally think that this item cannot be exchanged.

if it is like this……

As long as you get the corresponding treasure card that can be exchanged for the fragments of the Heavenly Secret Disk, you will have a chance to get the fragments of the Heavenly Secret Disk!

Xiao Shi's heart suddenly cheered up.

What he was most worried about was that the Tianji Disk fragments could not be redeemed at all.

Given the status of this Ten Thousand Treasure Tower, if it cannot be exchanged, there is really no way to get the treasures inside.

As long as the redemption conditions exist, there is hope!

But judging from the treasures after the seventh floor.

The eighth to twelfth floors at the back should be divided into floors based on the value and strength of the treasures.

The higher you go, the higher the value of the treasure is and the more powerful it is.

Treasures like these on the ninth floor are generally much stronger than those on the eighth floor.

Xiao Shi also deduced from this...

The treasures from the eighth to the twelfth floor may not only require a higher-level [Blue Treasure Card] than the [Green Treasure Card], but most likely also require a higher-level treasure card than the [Blue Treasure Card]. !

"The treasures on the eighth floor are mainly exchanged for [green treasure cards]."

"As for the treasures on the ninth floor, only a few can be redeemed with [Green Treasure Cards]. Most of them should be exchanged with [Blue Treasure Cards] on top of [Green Treasure Cards]."

"If every subsequent level is like this, if you want to redeem the Tianji Disk fragments, you will probably need a fifth-level treasure card."

"Hey...it's a bit difficult!"

Xiao Shi felt troubled.

At present, he can't even get the [Blue Treasure Card] alone.

And the [Blue Treasure Card] is only a third-level treasure card.

To get the fifth-level treasure card, I'm afraid you have to kill a powerful person like the leader of the Taimu clan before it can drop.

But this is obviously impossible to do!

Especially in this body refining realm.

Even if the leader of the Taimu Clan helped him cripple his target and left him dying for the last blow, he still wouldn't be able to kill a strong man of this level.

As a body-refining warrior.

After reaching this state, his physical body has become extremely terrifying. Even if he stands still and hits him, he will not be able to hurt the opponent at all.

"Besides killing a strong man of this level, is there any other way?"

Xiao Shi fell into deep thought.

He didn't want to give up just like that.

This must be difficult for others to do, but Xiao Shi feels that he still has hope.

With constant thinking.


An idea came to his mind.

Although he was not sure that this idea would work, he thought he could give it a try.

"If it succeeds, maybe I can not only redeem the Tianji Disk fragments, but also other treasures!"

Xiao Shi took a deep breath.

But before implementing this idea, he planned to exchange the treasures through the [Green Treasure Card] and [White Treasure Card] on hand.

He has basically seen all the treasures that can be exchanged at present, and has specific exchange ideas in mind.

He first walked to a counter not far away.

Look at the treasure inside.

[Name: Bloodline Manual (Physical Refining)]

[Type: Documentation Manual]

[Level: Blood Martial Level]

[Introduction: A special thing from the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower. 】

[Note 1: This is a manual that records all the body-refining bloodlines in the world. As long as they are body-refining bloodlines that have appeared in the world, they will be recorded in it, along with relevant introductions to these body-refining bloodlines, as well as the summarized Bloodline ranking. 】

[Note 2: If a new body-refining bloodline is born, it will be recorded in the manual as soon as possible. 】

[Note 3: There are only three bloodline manuals in the world. 】

Redemption conditions: 400 Blood Martial Realm kills.

Xiao Shi already knows that when body refining reaches the blood martial realm, bloodline is the most critical issue at this stage.

And he now knows very little about blood.

Need to know more information about bloodline.

This [Bloodline Handbook] is undoubtedly the treasure that can help you understand bloodline the fastest.

It records all the body-refining bloodlines in the world.

With this [Bloodline Manual], he will be able to better understand the body-refining bloodline, which will facilitate the formation of the body-refining bloodline in the future.

This [Bloodline Manual] requires 400 Blood Martial Realm kills to redeem.

After he previously redeemed the [Locked Secret Box], the number of Blood Martial Realm kills in the [Green Treasure Card] was only 373.

However, he knew that the number of exchange kills could be reduced by using the number of [Green Treasure Cards].


Then he took out the [Green Treasure Card].

The exchange conditions changed instantly.

Redemption conditions: 364 Blood Martial Realm kills.

Previously it was a 10% reduction.

Now, after only nine [Green Treasure Cards], it has only been reduced by 9%.

Xiao Shi made the exchange decisively.


The [Green Treasure Card] in his hand instantly disappeared out of thin air.

Xiao Shi picked up the [Bloodline Manual] from the exhibition stand.

Can't wait to open it.

At a glance, I saw the number one body-refining bloodline in the [Bloodline Manual].

Emperor Wu’s bloodline (pure)!

Attached is an introduction about the bloodline of Emperor Wu.

"This is the most powerful bloodline in the world, no other bloodline can compare with it!"

"But the pure blood of Emperor Martial can only be possessed by Emperor Martial himself."

"Even the descendants of Emperor Wu can only inherit a weak trace of Emperor Wu's blood."

"Emperor Wu again?"

Xiao Shi was a little surprised by this.

Unexpectedly, the number one body refining bloodline was actually the bloodline of Emperor Wu.

However, this seemed to confirm his previous conjecture.

That is Emperor Wu...

It is very possible that he is the strongest person in this world!

If that's the case.

The Martial Emperor's bloodline is indeed the strongest bloodline in the world.

It's just that this bloodline cannot be passed down as a clan bloodline.

Even the descendants of Emperor Wu can only inherit a weak trace of Emperor Wu's blood.

"Maybe this is one of the reasons why the Dawu Dynasty will decline..."

"Once Emperor Wu falls, everyone else will be like a chicken or a dog."

Xiao Shi made a guess in his mind.

At the same time, I discovered that in addition to the introduction to the bloodline of Emperor Wu, the [Bloodline Handbook] can also learn more about the bloodline of Emperor Wu!

It includes hidden information such as the formation method of Emperor Wu's bloodline and the opening of Emperor Wu's bloodline.


To achieve this kind of in-depth understanding requires sacrificing a drop of the blood of Emperor Wu.

This is naturally not something Xiao Shi can come up with.

He could only continue to look down.

The second-ranked bloodline is called the Time Bloodline.

The special thing about this bloodline is that it can continue to strengthen with the passage of time.

Every year it gets stronger.

And the scariest thing is...

There will be no upper limit to the enhancement brought by this bloodline!

That is to say.

Even if people with this kind of bloodline do nothing, they just need to continue to become stronger as time goes by.

According to the records in the [Bloodline Manual].

People with the bloodline of the years have finally grown to the point where they can kill the first of the three upper realms at the Blood Martial Realm! !

This is because this person died because he did not live long enough.

Otherwise, if you keep growing, you can theoretically become infinitely stronger.

And this kind of bloodline has only appeared once in the world.

Because it cannot be passed on through descendants.

Now this bloodline has long been extinct in Tianwu Continent.


If Xiao Shi could take out a drop of blood from someone with the bloodline of time, he would be able to learn more about the in-depth information of the bloodline of time.

He then looked down.

have to say.

These top-ranked bloodlines are extremely powerful!

But basically they all have one thing in common, that is, they only appeared once, and cannot be passed down through descendants, and are now extinct.

Except for the bloodline of Emperor Wu.

These bloodlines will basically never appear in the world again.

But when Xiao Shi saw the ninth bloodline.

His pupils shrank violently as if they were exposed to bright light.

The ninth ranked bloodline.

Dongkui bloodline!

Astonishingly, it was the bloodline of his corpse! !

Xiao Shi's mind instantly stirred up huge waves.

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