I clicked on all the treasure drop rates

Chapter 221 Fusion of Bloodline

The moment Xiao Shi stepped out of the world.

The eyes of the fortune-teller in black robes and the Lord of Xingluo Territory were already focused on him.

"He didn't even wear a disguise?"

Lord Xingluo was very surprised.

Come when he wants to.

The master of Tianji Hall will definitely use disguises and other means to find a way to escape.

They didn't expect that the other party would maintain his true appearance, appear in front of them blatantly without any cover-up.

Just when the fate-testing black robes and the Star Luo Lord were surprised by this.

They suddenly noticed.

At the feet of the master of Tianji Hall, there is a vague and dark formation pattern.

"This is……"

They looked at it intently.

His expression changed drastically in an instant.

"not good!"

"It's teleportation!!"

The Lord of Xingluo Land immediately implemented a blockade.

But it was too late.

When the other party was obviously in the realm, the teleportation had already been started.

The figure that appears now is just an image left over from the transmission, not the real body.


The man in black robe who took the fortune-telling seemed to be teleporting.

Appeared in front of Xiao Shi.

Raise your hand and grab it.

But it passed straight through Xiao Shi's body, and what he touched was just an illusory afterimage.


The man in black robe who took the fortune telling was furious.

This time in order to fish out the master of Tianji Palace.

They did not hesitate to open the realm to test their fate and use the fragments of the Tianji Disk as bait.

He also used the prophetic treasure three times in a row, causing the prophetic treasure to fall into self-sealing.

As a result, no one was caught.

Instead, the other party took away the Tianji Disk fragments!

Even in the previous confrontations with Tianji Palace, they had never suffered such a big loss.

To know.

They used to measure fortunes, but they were known as the nemesis of Tianji Palace.

But now...

The black-robed man's body was shaking.

At this time, Xiao Shi's figure had become dim.

This indicates that his teleportation is about to reach its destination.

It is impossible to stop it.

"...Judging from the teleportation traces, this should be a territorial teleportation!"

"He could obviously teleport away in the realm, but he deliberately came out and let us see..."

"Is this intentional to mock us?"

Lord Xingluo frowned and said.

The man in black robe roared angrily.

The whole figure rose into the sky.

It turned into a black light and shot into the distance.

"No matter where he goes, I will definitely find him!!"

Lord Xingluo looked at the man in black robe who had lost his composure.

in silence.

Although he doesn't know much about fortune-telling.

But we also know that the reappearance of Tianji Palace is of great significance to fortune-telling.

After all, the purpose of fortune-telling is to deal with Tianji Palace.

"What...what should we do now?"

The subordinates next to Lord Xingluo asked in confusion.

Originally, they were all ready to take down the master of Tianji Hall.

But he didn't expect that the other party actually had the means of teleportation.

You can only watch the other person's figure disappear from front of you.

Lord Xingluo sighed.

"I originally thought that the current master of Tianji Palace is not very advanced, so it would not be difficult to deal with..."

"It turns out I underestimated him."

"Being able to become the master of Tianji Palace is already extremely extraordinary, how can it be simple?"

"That's all."

"Since the Master of Tianji Palace is no longer in our Xingluo Territory, there is no need to continue to worry about it. Let's go back to our respective states."

The others nodded.

Although I feel a little unwilling.

But with the departure of the master of Tianji Hall, they could only give up.

For the Lord of Star Luo.

He cannot leave the Star Luo Territory easily.

Naturally, you can't go to other territories to track and find each other like the men in black robes who measure fortunes.

As long as the master of the Tianji Palace leaves the Xingluo Territory.

He has nothing to do with the other party.

at the same time.

In a territory extremely far away from Xingluo Territory.


[The corpse of the Dongkui tribesman] appeared out of thin air.

Can see clearly.

The entire corpse suffered a lot of damage after being teleported over a long distance. The flesh and blood in various parts were torn, and even the bones were broken a lot.

Such transmission caused great damage to the physical body.

However, the physical damage was not the most serious.

Really serious...

It is the soul consciousness that exists in the corpse.

Xiao Shi felt as if this part of his soul had been severely damaged.

The whole soul seemed to be violently torn and ruthlessly torn into pieces.

Although the level of the [Territory Teleportation Talisman] is martial spirit level.

But the Wuhun realm actually only meets its preliminary conditions for use.

Even a strong person in the Martial Soul Realm would suffer a certain degree of trauma when using the [Territory Teleportation Talisman], let alone Xiao Shi, who only had a Blood Martial Realm cultivation.

With the soul broken.

His remaining consciousness in the corpse gradually fell into darkness.


Xiao Shi covered his head in pain and groaned, his face as pale as paper.

The pain of the broken soul was all fed back to the main body.

The whole person's aura was greatly weakened.

I just feel like I have a splitting headache, my consciousness is dizzy, and my vision is blurred.


All this was within his expectation.

Before the teleportation, he was already prepared to bear this price.

From the time he manipulated the corpse to go to the realm, he knew that the corpse would be difficult to preserve.

He knows it very well.

Unless you give up the Tianji Disk fragments, you will definitely not be able to save this body.

But as long as the corpse can play its due role, it's worth it!

Anyway, he has extracted the most important Dongkui bloodline from the corpse.

And this time he will transmit it in front of everyone, which will play a very misleading role.

It would make these powerful men gathered in Tiandou Province think that he had left Tiandou State and Xingluo Territory.

This way they won't continue to stay in Tiandou State.

I believe that Tiandou Prefecture will return to normal soon.

"Now I have to solve the soul problem as soon as possible..."

The broken soul left Xiao Shi in a very bad state.

Fortunately, he had anticipated that his soul would be damaged before this happened and made preparations in advance.


He directly took out a pill.

This is a martial soul-level elixir, its function is to bring about soul repair.

It was the elixir he specially exchanged from the Ten Thousand Treasures Pagoda.

Now take it out and swallow it directly.

The entire soul immediately began to repair under the warmth of the medicinal power in the elixir.

But the soul is different from the body.

Even though this elixir is very good.

The repair cannot be completed instantly.

need some time.

This also made Xiao Shi feel the trouble for the first time after his soul was injured.

I was thinking that I might have to find ways to strengthen the protection of my soul in the future.

Of course he knew it too.

Once your cultivation reaches the martial soul realm, you can deal with your soul, so you don't have to worry too much.

He took out the many treasures he had exchanged from the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower and sorted them out.

This time, his gains in the realm were huge.

Not only did he get the fragments of the Tianji Disk.

At the same time, many important treasures were exchanged from the Ten Thousand Treasure Tower, all of which were valuable!

These items may not be dropped even if he kills them.

After his soul was restored and stabilized by the elixir.

Xiao Shi began to think about his next plan——

Form a bloodline and make it your third natal martial blood!

Xiao Shi's original plan was to form the Dongkui bloodline.

If the Dongkui bloodline doesn't work, consider the Vajra bloodline.

After all, the Dongkui bloodline, as the ninth-ranked bloodline among all bloodlines, is Xiao Shi's first choice no matter what.

But now that he has the [Bloodline Solution], Xiao Shi has greater ambitions.

Fusion of bloodlines!

He wants to form a bloodline that is more powerful than Dongkui's bloodline!

But before blood fusion.

He needed to take a test first.

Xiao Shi took out the [Bloodline Manual] and turned to the page of the 30th-ranked Red Tiger Bloodline.

Take a deep breath.

A drop of blood flew out from his fingers and landed on the page recording Chihu's bloodline.


The page rippled like water.

Under Xiao Shi's close attention, a new page was quickly formed!

Xiao Shi's pupils trembled violently.

This was really beyond his expectation.

He originally thought that the Red Tiger bloodline recorded in the [Bloodline Manual] was just a coincidence in name.

I didn't expect it at all...

It turned out to be the body-refining bloodline of his own Red Tiger System!

"This is wrong!"

Xiao Shi frowned.

If the Red Tiger bloodline is really the body-refining bloodline under his own system, it is impossible not to know about it based on his mastery of the Red Tiger totem.

But he never got any information about the body refining bloodline from the Red Tiger Totem.

Under the doubts in my heart.

Xiao Shi carefully looked at this page on the [Bloodline Manual].

I believe you will get the answer from this page.

When he finished reading this page.

Xiao Shi breathed out a breath.

Finally I know the reason.

The reason why he did not get any information about the Red Tiger bloodline from the Red Tiger Totem was because the Red Tiger bloodline and the Red Tiger Totem were themselves two branches of the Red Tiger system.

Before that.

Xiao Shi had always believed that the Red Tiger Totem was the absolute core of the entire Red Tiger system.

In fact, the entire Red Tiger system was larger than he imagined.

The red tiger totem is indeed very important in the red tiger system.

But it is only one branch.

The complete Red Tiger system actually contains another branch.

A branch that focuses on cultivating the physical body!

This reminded Xiao Shi of the Four Elephant Divine Martial Cult behind the Red Tiger lineage.

Thinking that it is necessary to inquire more about this force in the future.

I believe that through this force, we can gain more knowledge and understanding of the Red Tiger system.

Although the red tiger bloodline and the red tiger totem are two different branches.

However, they all belong to the Red Tiger system.

Coupled with the information Xiao Shi obtained from the [Bloodline Manual], he was fully confident that he could form the Red Tiger bloodline.

"In this case……"

"Maybe I can try the fusion of the three bloodlines!"

Xiao Shi's eyes were bright.

Continue to turn the [Bloodline Manual] to the page numbered 148, which records the bloodline of Vajra.

Through drops of one's own blood.

Turn it into a page that records profound information.

After viewing.

He confirmed that he was fully capable of forming the Vajra bloodline.

After all, he already had the invincible body before.

The foundation has already been laid.

In addition, he exchanged a series of important materials for bloodline formation from the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower.

Whether it is red tiger bloodline or diamond bloodline, he has a greater certainty that it can be formed.

same day.

Xiao Shi began to build his bloodline.

He had already refined Dongkui's bloodline and there was no need to rebuild it.

The main purpose is to construct the red tiger bloodline and the diamond bloodline.

He has a certain foundation for these two bloodlines, and with his own conditions and materials, he believes that it is not difficult to form these two bloodlines.

Three days later.

A low roar of a tiger suddenly exploded from Xiao Shi's body.

He successfully formed the Red Tiger bloodline!

The entire red tiger bloodline is contained in his body.

His entire physical body directly broke through the Qi Martial Realm and entered the Blood Martial Realm in one fell swoop.

But Xiao Shi didn't stop there.

He didn't even carefully study the red tiger bloodline, and immediately began to accelerate the formation of the diamond bloodline.

Under normal circumstances, it is often extremely difficult to form two different bloodlines.

Not many people can do it.

It also involves the issue of physical endurance.

Generally speaking, the more blood vessels in the body, the greater the burden on the body.

Most people's bodies can only tolerate one bloodline.

However, Xiao Shi is different from ordinary people.

When he successfully cultivated the Vajra bloodline, although he could feel the burden brought by the two bloodlines on his body, there was not much pressure.

He began to integrate Dongkui's bloodline into his body, becoming his third bloodline!


With the integration of Dongkui's bloodline.

Only then did Xiao Shi feel a little oppressed.

"As expected of the ninth bloodline..."

Xiao Shi licked his lips.

You can clearly feel the power of Dongkui's bloodline.

If we talk about the oppression brought by the Vajra bloodline and the Red Tiger bloodline, it is like having sandbags hanging all over the body.

Then the oppression brought by Dongkui's bloodline is like wearing a set of heavy armor.

After initially adapting to the three different blood vessels in the body.

Xiao Shi took out [Bloodline Solution].

Drink tons and tons of it.

The liquid with the burning smell entered his stomach.

It immediately turned into a special force that could promote blood fusion.

under this power.

The three bloodlines in Xiao Shi's body began to merge on their own.

Because Xiao Shi could not dominate this fusion, he could only pay attention and wait for the final result.

He noticed clearly.

When the three bloodlines are fused, the abilities of some bloodlines will be eliminated and replaced by the abilities of other bloodlines.

Without being able to control the dominance, he can only hope that the powerful abilities will not be eliminated and the weak abilities will be retained...

But think about it carefully.

This concern seems to be unnecessary.

"The fusion brought about by [Bloodline Solution] should only form a stronger bloodline and will not be weakened."

Xiao Shi thought in his heart.

If it will bring weakening...

Then this [bloodline solution] is not valuable.

However, judging from the exchange value of [Bloodline Solution].

Its value is even higher than some martial spirit-level items!

Even the [Green Treasure Card] cannot be redeemed.

Xiao Shi believes that the fusion brought about by [Bloodline Solution] will definitely not let him down.

After two days of fusion.

The three bloodlines in Xiao Shi's body were successfully merged into a brand new bloodline!

"Presumably this is also a unique bloodline that has never appeared before! I wonder if it will surpass the Dongkui bloodline in the ranking of bloodlines and go one step further?"

Follow the thoughts in your heart.

Xiao Shi was not in a hurry to check the blood in his body.

Instead, he opened the [Bloodline Manual] first and checked the rankings.

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