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Chapter 238 Secrets of the Four Elephant Divine Martial Cult

When Luo Jun said this, his whole words suddenly stopped.

This seemed to be an extremely important secret in his memory, which caused him to instinctively resist.

It's just that the being in the black coffin was extremely domineering in reading its memory. All his resistance was in vain, and he told the secrets of the Four Elephants Divine Martial Sect that he knew.

"It is said..."

"Although the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult was destroyed, the altar of the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult has never been found from the beginning to the end."

"There are many opinions about the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult altar."

"One of the most authentic statements is that as long as the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult altar exists, the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult will not truly be destroyed."

"It's just that the altar of the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult is extremely hidden. No one has been able to find the altar of the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult so far."

"But there is a rumor circulating in the world."

"If you want to find the altar of the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult, you must first break through the Four-Elephant Secret of the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult."

"Therefore...many people who know this secret are searching for the few remaining branches of the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult, intentionally or unintentionally."

"Because the secrets of the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult can only be broken by people from the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult's lineage."

"Although the original Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult was destroyed, when the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult was strong, its branches spread throughout the Tianwu Continent."

"Although these remaining branches, in a certain sense, do not belong to the followers of the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult, these branches are the only ones today who have the chance to break through the secrets of the Four Elephants."

"Therefore, the branch of the Four Elephant Divine Martial Cult has extraordinary significance in today's Tianwu Continent."

"At least those who know this secret are looking for the branch of the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult, consciously or unconsciously."

"as far as I know."

"Lord Xingluo knows this secret. As long as I verify that the Red Tiger Sect is the Red Tiger branch, then I can sell this news to Lord Xingluo in exchange for the powerful power of our Swift Shadow Palace. !”

"At the same time, if I join the line of Lord Xingluo, my status in the Swift Shadow Palace will also rise. Maybe I will be the master of the Swift Shadow Palace in the future!"

As Luo Jun spoke, his expression couldn't help but reveal excitement and ecstasy.

After Xiao Shi learned this information from the other party's mouth.

But my heart felt heavy.

Others don't know whether the Red Tiger Sect is a branch of the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult.

But he has already verified this.

He didn't expect...

The Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult branch actually has such value and significance in today’s Tianwu Continent!

This is definitely not a good thing.

"Can I ask him a question?"

Xiao Shi asked.

Just knowing the information in the other person's memory was not enough, he still had some doubts in his heart.

"You ask."

Luo Jun said.

"Why do important people like the Lords of Xingluo want to find the altar of the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult? What good will this do to them?"

Xiao Shi asked.

Luo Jun shook his head at this.

"I don't know the specific reason. I only know that... none of these big shots seem to want to see the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult rise again."

"Then if the Red Tiger Sect is really a branch of the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult, how will Lord Xingluo... treat the Red Tiger Sect?"

Xiao Shi asked in a deep voice.

"There is a high probability that the Red Tiger Sect will be secretly imprisoned..."

Luo Jun analyzed it based on the information in his memory.

"It is said that in the hands of each lord, there are more or less branches of the Four Elephant Divine Martial Cult. They are all secretly imprisoned in a certain place to avoid being robbed by other strong men."

"After all, in the eyes of these lords, the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult branch is like a special resource."

"Although holding a branch of the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult may not necessarily be able to break through the secrets of the Four Elephants, there is at least such hope."

"At the same time, from another level, having these branches of the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult in hand can also prevent the resurgence of the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult to a certain extent."

"Now not only are the various lords trying to find the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult's altar, but some of the remaining members of the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult are also trying to find the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult's altar."

After Xiao Shi heard this.

My heart felt even heavier.

"How many people in Jiying Palace know the secrets of the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult?"

he asked.

"Only me."

Luo Jun said that the secret of the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult is itself a higher level secret.

Usually only people at the lord level would know.

It was only by chance that he learned this secret.

I originally wanted to wait until I verified whether the Red Tiger Sect was a branch of the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult before telling the rest of the Red Tiger Sect.

The result has yet to be said.

He was captured by Xiao Shi.

Xiao Shi was slightly relieved about this.


If only Luo Jun knew about it, he could ensure that this matter would not reach the Lord of Xingluo Territory.

If once the Lord of Xingluo Kingdom found out that the Red Tiger Sect is a branch of the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult...

Then the situation of the Red Tiger Sect is not good!

Today's Red Tiger Sect can only gain a foothold in the Tiandou State at best. Facing an existence like the Lord of the Star Luo Territory, it must have no ability to resist.

This also made Xiao Shi fortunate that when Lord Xingluo came to Tiandou Province earlier, he did not pay attention to the Red Tiger Sect.

At that time, Lord Xingluo's focus was all on the master of Tianji Palace, and naturally he would not pay attention to an inconspicuous small sect like the Red Tiger Sect.

But this way.

Xiao Shi felt that the Red Tiger Sect's independent plan had to make some changes.

"If the Red Tiger Sect becomes independent in a high-profile manner, it will definitely attract attention. Even if there are many related force organizations with the word "Red Tiger" in the entire Xingluo Territory, not all of them may be branches of the Four Elephant Divine Martial Sect, but if the Star Luo Sect If Lord Luo pays enough attention, he will definitely confirm every relevant force..."

"At least he will definitely investigate this kind of force that comes into his sight."

"You can't risk this!"

Xiao Shi pinched his eyebrows.

Judging from the current situation.

The Red Tiger Sect has not yet entered the sight of various forces in Tiandou State and is well hidden.

After all, the Red Tiger Sect is a small force that migrated from Qixing Prefecture.

No one will pay attention to this small force.

Even in Jiying Palace itself, except for Luo Jun, no one else paid much attention to the Red Tiger Sect.

Of course, it is impossible to stay in Jiying Palace now.

On the one hand, Xiao Shi has already started a war with Luo Jun and controlled the entire Shuying City with the Cang'e Ancient Tree. There is no room for relaxation between him and Jiying Palace.

On the other hand, even if you can continue to stay in Jiying Palace, it is not a safe thing.

Once Jiying Palace pays attention to the Red Tiger Sect, problems may also arise.

"Independence is definitely necessary, but we cannot be independent in the name of the Red Tiger Sect. We can be independent in other names, such as...in the name of Luo Jun!"

A thought suddenly flashed through Xiao Shi's mind.

He looked at Luo Jun in front of him and asked.

"In addition to being able to read his memories, can you control him?"

Xiao Shi felt that the being in the black coffin could even read Luo Jun's memory, and should have the ability to control it.

If you can control Luo Jun...

Then he can push Luo Jun out and become independent in Luo Jun's name!

However, Luo Jun shook his head.

"I can only read his memory, I can't control him."

Xiao Shi's heart sank.

But the other party continued to say.

"But... Cang'e Ancient Tree can do it!"


Can't you finish the sentence in one breath?

The corner of Xiao Shi's mouth twitched.

"Help me control him."

As long as Luo Jun is controlled and independent in the name of Luo Jun, others will think that this incident is a rebellion launched by Luo Jun in Shuying City and has nothing to do with their Red Tiger Sect.

Their Red Tiger Sect was just forced to get involved in this dispute.

"Not yet."

Luo Jun in front of him shook his head again.


Xiao Shi frowned slightly.

"Although the Cang'e Ancient Tree can control him, there is still one important thing missing."

Luo Jun said seriously.

"What's important?"

Xiao Shi asked quickly.

"Your kind of tree!"

"I know very well what kind of control you want. The control I have over him now, although I can read his memory and control him to have normal conversations with you, this kind of control is on me... …”

"Once I fall into a deep sleep, then my control over him will disappear."

"I believe this is definitely not the control you want."

"Only by letting yourself take control is it safe enough."

"So, this requires your tree species!"

Xiao Shi nodded.

It is true that the control must be within oneself to be secure enough.

If you can control it with your own tree species, this is naturally the best situation.


Xiao Shi had a thought in his mind.

A shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

This shadow is not his own shadow, but the shadow of a tree with a thick trunk and lush branches and leaves.

Xiao Shi hasn't used Shuying for a long time.

The main reason was that his strength improved too quickly, and Shuying's growth could not keep up with his improvement, which made Shuying seem a bit useless in his hands.

But now Shuying has become the key to his control of Luo Jun.

The shadow of the tree appeared behind Xiao Shi.

Bursts of black smoke filled the air from Luo Jun's palm.

He raised his hand.

He suddenly pressed down on the ground beneath him.

Suddenly, the tree shadow behind Xiao Shi trembled violently.

And in constant shaking.

The tree shadow let out a sharp roar.

Every branch on it was flying wildly.

It seems to be undergoing some kind of transformation.

Xiao Shi could clearly feel that there was an inseparable connection between the entire tree shadow and the Cang'e Ancient Tree.

Didn't last long.

His tree shadow has become different from before!


A branch in the shadow of the tree flew out like lightning.

It penetrated directly into the back of Luo Jun's neck in front of him.

The black smoke that had previously penetrated Luo Jun's body also drifted out at this time, allowing Xiao Shi to control it easily.


It didn't take long for the branch to pierce the back of Luo Jun's neck.

Then he took it out.

He retreated into the shadow of the trees.

Xiao Shi could feel that the entire tree shadow was a lot sluggish.

It seems to have caused a lot of damage.

He looked at Luo Jun in front of him.

There was no change in his entire expression, eyes, etc.

The only thing that's different.

The way he looked at Xiao Shi was respectful and enthusiastic.

This kind of control...

It's not about making Luo Jun a puppet.

But it changed his perception.

Luo Jun knew that Xiao Shi was his most respected and loyal master.

He will unconditionally obey all orders given to him by Xiao Shi.

Everything is respected by Xiao Shi.

To a certain extent, it is the same as the seal of the lunar calendar left by Xiao Shi on Cheng Tianhao and the others.

The difference is that...

This kind of control of Shuying is at a higher level and has more benefits!

For example, after Luo Jun is controlled, he can obtain power from the Cang'e Ancient Tree, so that when he fights within the range of the Cang'e Ancient Tree, his own strength will be greatly increased.

At the same time, his previous injuries and the foundation burned by Yinyan will also be repaired.

I believe he will be able to return to the martial soul realm again soon.

Xiao Shi now has an extra servant in the martial soul realm!

At the same time, he checked the status of the tree shadow.

I found that the shadow of the tree had become quite sluggish.

But it should be possible to control another martial soul realm!

Xiao Shi thought of the five elders in Shuying City now.

If the five elders are controlled together and become independent in his and Luo Jun's name, I believe this will be the most reasonable situation.

After all, under normal circumstances, if Luo Jun wanted to rebel from Jiying Palace and become independent, he would definitely choose his own Jianying City. There was no reason to choose Shuyingcheng to become independent.

If there are five elders together...

That makes sense.

Moreover, Xiao Shi had already thought of the name of the sect after independence.

It's called the Tree Shadow Sect.

As the Red Tiger Sect in Tree Shadow City, it was natural and logical to merge into the Tree Shadow Sect.

This way.

I believe no one will pay attention to the Red Tiger Sect.

They would only focus on the Tree Shadow Sect, and no one would think much about the Red Tiger Sect.

same day.

Xiao Shi followed his own plan and directly controlled the fifth elder of Jiying Palace through Shuying.

Although the fifth elder of Jiying Palace is powerful.

But in front of the Cang'e ancient tree, he couldn't resist at all, and was easily controlled by Xiao Shi through the tree's shadow.

After controlling two martial spirit realm experts in succession.

Xiao Shi's tree shadows completely withered.

For a long time to come, this kind of control will no longer be possible.

As for the other Jiying Palace disciples in Shuying City.

Cang'e ancient trees can be controlled.

"Then... the next step is to ask Luo Jun and the fifth elder to come forward and declare the independence of the Tree Shadow Sect, so as to start a war with the Jiying Palace."

Xiao Shi still chooses to hide himself behind the scenes.

And this time it wasn't just him hiding behind the scenes.

He hid the entire Red Tiger Sect behind the scenes.

On the surface, the Tree Shadow Sect is actually controlled by the Red Tiger Sect.

This even attracted the attention of the Star Luo Lord.

He would not associate the Tree Shadow Sect with the Four Elephant Divine Martial Arts Sect.

But Xiao Shi felt that even so.

Disciples of the Red Tiger Sect still need to keep a low profile as much as possible in Tiandou Province from now on.

At least until he was unable to fight against the Lord of Star Luo, the fact that the Red Tiger Sect was a branch of the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult could not be leaked at all.

same day.

Xiao Shi quickly made arrangements.

Guo Chengdao originally thought that they would become independent in the name of the Red Tiger Sect, but unexpectedly the ancestor made major temporary adjustments.

Although I don’t know the specific reason.

However, Guo Chengdao never had any objections to his ancestor's decision.

It was just that he was shocked.

These two martial soul masters from Jiying Palace would actually obey their ancestor's words and regard themselves as slaves.

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