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Chapter 24 You make me feel sick


Xiao Shi struck out with his sword again.

Xu Feng could only resist with the long knife in his hand.

Although he could barely block it, the astonishing force of each sword attack by Xiao Shi would cause him to roll back, vomit blood and suffer constant injuries!

If it weren't for the disorder of Qi and blood in his body, he would never be like this.

But Xiao Shi’s mark detonated...

It was like his power was sealed, leaving him completely unable to fight back.

The intense death crisis made him deeply understand what it meant to die from talking too much...

At this time, his whole body was covered in blood, and he fell to the ground in a dejected manner. The palm of his hand holding the knife was cracked by the two collisions, and blood was flowing.

Xiao Shi raised the black gold sword in his hand.

Killing intent shines in his eyes.

With the opponent's current condition, he is no longer able to resist this sword.

It's time to end.

Just when the Wujin sword in Xiao Shi's hand was about to be chopped off.

Three long silver-white sharp needles suddenly swept from his back at extremely fast speeds.

On the tip of the needle, there are also dark green light spots, which are highly poisonous!

call out!

The silver-white long needle kept flying forward.

After Xiao Shi's death.

There stood a beautiful and plump woman, the weakness and fear on her face had turned into a cold one at this moment.

He held a small and slender bamboo tube in his hand.

Aiming at Xiao Shi, he shot three long silver-white needles.

This was originally a special sleeve arrow. It was so powerful that as long as it was used properly, even ordinary people could use it to kill martial artists!

After all, the long needle in the bamboo tube itself is a sharp weapon used to kill martial arts warriors, and can easily penetrate the body of martial arts warriors.

Coupled with the extremely poisonous tip of the needle, most warriors who enter the martial arts realm will be killed instantly.

In an instant.

These three silver-white long needles had already arrived in front of Xiao Shi.

It penetrated directly from Xiao Shi's back and came out from the chest!

It hit the ground in front of Xiao Shi, sank into the ground, and shot three holes in the ground.

The corner of the beautiful woman's lips curled up into a sneer.

If it had been the time when she had just been kidnapped, she would have wished someone had come to rescue her.

but now……

She doesn't want to leave here at all!

During these three years, she truly realized the joy of being a woman, something she had never experienced with her previous husband.

She likes her current life very much and enjoys it.

Although Xu Feng is the leader of the bandit village, he is handsome and powerful, and he takes great care of her.

Much better than her previous husband.

Even if I drive her away now, she will not leave.

"No one can destroy my happiness!!"

The beautiful woman's eyes were full of cruelty.

Even more proud.

She believed that the night watchman in front of her would not have thought that she would attack at this time.


When she saw Xiao Shi, who had been shot through the body by a long needle, did not fall to the ground or bleed, but his whole body gradually blurred and disappeared, the smile on her face suddenly froze.

She shot...

It's just the shadow left by Xiao Shi's high-speed movement.


The beautiful woman exclaimed in disbelief.

How did he know I would take action? ?

No reason!

This is impossible!

Also shocked was Xu Feng who fell to the ground.

He knew better than the beautiful woman that Xiao Shi's dodge was not a reaction when he sensed a crisis.

But the moment the beautiful woman picked up the bamboo tube, he had already made preparations to dodge.

It's like there are eyes on your back and you can see all the actions of the person behind you.


Xiao Shi's figure flashed quickly, and slowly solidified behind the beautiful woman.

There was a cold glint in his eyes.

From the moment he came to this villa and didn't see any traps in the villa, he had a question in his heart.

How did the previous night watchmen... fail?

Since there are no traps in this courtyard, it shouldn't be difficult for them to rescue people from here.

But everyone failed.

This is very strange.

Until he saw this beautiful woman.

The first time he saw the beautiful woman, or the moment he saw her clothes, Xiao Shi had a guess in his mind.

As a woman who was forcibly abducted into the village, if she wanted to escape the sea of ​​misery, how could she wear such a sexy see-through outfit?

Although Xiao Shi was not completely sure based on this alone, it also made him defensive.

So the first time I entered the room.

He formed a blood mark on this beautiful woman!

Make sure that every move of the other party is under your control.

Even though he never felt that this woman had the ability to hurt him, the cautious nature of his character still made him want to control this woman's every move even at the cost of reducing his own vitality.

Now with this woman's action, Xiao Shi's suspicion has been completely confirmed.

"You were the one who killed those night watchmen in the past, right?"

The cold voice coming from behind made the body of the beautiful woman tremble.

"You two colluded and deliberately left a secret to lure in one night watchman after another and kill them..."

"Poor those night watchmen, they don't understand until they die...the target they want to rescue in the mission is the biggest danger!"

Xiao Shi stared at the graceful back of the beautiful woman, but in his mind he recalled the appearance of the boss of Huihai Tower when he begged him bitterly.

This made him even more disgusted with the woman in front of him.

"Your husband has sacrificed all his wealth in the past three years to rescue you, but you are using him..."

The body of the beautiful woman trembled more and more intensely.

The cold murderous intention coming from behind, and the remaining trace of guilt for her husband in her heart, made her unable to bear it at this moment, and Si screamed hysterically.


"I'm just pursuing the happiness I want, what's wrong with me!!"

“I thought I was very happy before, but after coming here, I know what true happiness is!!”

"I don't want to go back to the life I had before, I hate that life!"

“I just want to live a better life for myself, what’s wrong with me!!”



Xiao Shi slashed her neck with his palm.

I don't want to listen to her nonsense anymore.

"You make me feel sick."

He said coldly.

There is nothing wrong with a person pursuing the happiness they want.

But using this betrayal to hurt someone who loved him deeply, he used the other person to make the other person bankrupt and kept looking for someone to rescue him. However, he used this method to hunt down the night watchmen who came to rescue him and make a profit.

Such people……

Death is not a pity!

If this woman is not related to his mission, he must bring her back alive to complete the mission.

The slap just now was more than just knocking her unconscious.

However, she was accused of colluding with the leader of Kuangfeng Village to kill the night watchman.

I believe that after taking her back, she would not have a chance to survive.

"That's fine. Killing this kind of person will only make my hands dirty."

Xiao Shi turned his head and looked at Xu Feng, who had fallen to the ground and had no ability to resist.

Killing intent flashed.

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