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Chapter 245 Moyu Chamber of Commerce

Star Luozhou.

After his soul returned, Wu Muzhen immediately felt carefully the energy fluctuations contained in his own Eye of Heaven.

"Sure enough, with the numerous intelligence information I have, my detection energy will not be low."

Wu Muzhen was very excited.

When he possesses the Eye of Heaven.

All the information he had was transformed into the detection energy of the Eye of Heaven.

As a result, the originally dim Eye of Heavenly Secret located in his soul now became bright and shining, and it also gave him the opportunity to use the Eye of Heavenly Secret.


Wu Muzhen's mind was instantly integrated into the Eye of Heaven.

Silently visualize in his mind the specific information he wants to explore.

"Explore the whereabouts of the members of the Four Elephant Divine Martial Cult in Xingluo Prefecture."

As the thoughts in his heart were conveyed to the Eye of Heaven.

The entire Eye of Heaven suddenly seemed to come alive, giving off a vivid sense of agility.

At the same time, a beam of light invisible to the naked eye shot out from the Eye of Heaven.

Submerged into the sky.

"A long-lost feeling..."

Wu Muzhen's face was full of nostalgia.

The last time he used the Eye of Heaven was many years ago.

At that time, Tianji Palace was still in charge of another Tianji Palace Master.

And at that time, his Eye of Heavenly Secret was only at the level of the Martial Soul Realm.

And now...

His Eye of Heaven has reached the level of a saint!

"With the Eye of Heaven at the saint level, I believe there are not many things in the entire Xingluo State that I cannot detect!"

Wu Muzhen's eyes were burning.

But he also knew it.

Usually, if you want to detect information at the saint level, there will often be extremely huge demands in terms of energy for exploration.

It is necessary to master more high-level intelligence to have enough energy to investigate.

Even if one’s own Eye of Heaven reaches the level.

It's useless if you don't have enough energy to explore.



The Eye of Heaven in his soul began to tremble violently.

The exploration failed!

Wu Muzhen frowned immediately.

"The probing energy is not enough..."

He was a little surprised.

Although Xiao Shi had reminded him early in the morning, it would definitely not be easy to detect the whereabouts of the followers of the Four Elephants Shenwu Sect.

In terms of intelligence level, it is likely that it has risen to the saint level.

But Wu Muzhen also didn't expect that detecting the whereabouts of the members of the Four Elephants Shenwu Sect would require such amazing investigative energy!

"Fortunately, although my current exploration energy is not enough, it is not far behind..."

"I believe that as long as we have some more high-level intelligence, we will have enough exploration energy."

Wu Muzhen immediately entered the Tianji Palace again and reported the situation to Xiao Shi truthfully.

"It seems that it will take a while to find the whereabouts of the members of the Four Elephants Shenwu Sect."

Xiao Shi's soul has returned to his physical body.

The more difficult it is to detect the whereabouts of the followers of the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult, the better they hide.

To some extent.

This is what Xiao Shi is happy to see.

After all, if the members of the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult cannot hide, they will be at risk of being found by the Lord of Star Luo at any time.

And Xiao Shi's current position.

It is definitely consistent with the Four Symbols Divine Martial Cult.

If he wanted to learn more about the Four Elephants Divine Martial Arts Sect and obtain the subsequent training system of the Four Elephants Divine Martial Arts Sect, he would definitely have to contact them as a member of the Red Tiger lineage.

The deeper they hide, the smaller the risk of being discovered by the Star Luo Lord when they come into contact with them.

Shaked his head.

Xiao Shi no longer thinks about it.

The most important thing at the moment is to rush to Xingluo State as soon as possible.

Because before Feizhou set off, the specific route formation map to Xingluo State had been laid out.

Even without Xiao Shi's control, the flying boat would fly to Xingluo State along a fixed route.

Xiao Shi only needs to control the speed of the flying boat.

After several days of flying.

He successfully piloted the flying boat and arrived in the middle of Zixiao Prefecture.

Since he was always in the air, he had a smooth journey and did not encounter any trouble.


It was only then that Xiao Shicai finally saw another flying boat.

This is a giant flying boat that is seventy or eighty feet long.

It's twice as big as the flying boat he has here.

Just to the naked eye, it looks extremely majestic and huge.

The entire flying boat was inky black, and there were many flags on the flying boat, fluttering in the wind.

Each flag is embroidered with four large dark gold characters of "Moyu Chamber of Commerce".

At the same time, there was a large group of people on the deck of the flying boat.

There were at least hundreds of people.

Just a little closer.

Xiao Shi felt several powerful and vigilant eyes staring at him from this flying boat.

There was even a soul consciousness that instantly swept over from the flying boat on the opposite side.

It's just that Xiao Shi's flying boat is one of the top flying boats in Jiying Palace. The flying boat has long been equipped with formations that can block soul consciousness.

Unless the opponent uses soul consciousness to forcefully break the formation.

Otherwise, under the obstruction of this formation, he would definitely not be able to detect himself with his soul consciousness.

As for the Soul Consciousness Martial Soul Realm on the giant flying boat, they did not use their soul consciousness to forcefully break the formation.

After all, the two sides just met each other.

It's not to the point where we would get into a fight if we disagreed.

And the strong men on the giant flying boat knew that usually those who dared to control the flying boat alone were not simple.

Often have a good identity and background.

Especially on the opponent's flying boat, there is a formation that blocks soul consciousness.

There is no need to get too involved with such a strong man of unknown origin.

As long as the other party is not hostile to their chamber of commerce.


The giant flying boat sped up and directly distanced itself from Xiao Shi's flying boat.

"Moyu Chamber of Commerce?"

Xiao Shi looked at the huge flying boat going away.

This was the first time he heard of this chamber of commerce.

It can be seen from the scale of the entire airship and the strong men on the airship...

This chamber of commerce must be extraordinary.

"I wonder if this Mo Yu Chamber of Commerce is a force from Zixiao State or Xingluo State?"

Judging from the direction of the flying boat of Mo Yu Chamber of Commerce, it seems that it is also heading towards Xingluo State.

When Xiao Shi once again traveled in a flying boat for several days.

He successfully left Zixiao Prefecture and entered Zhaotian Prefecture.

"After passing Zhaotian Prefecture, you can reach Xingluo Prefecture."

Xiao Shi was refreshed.

Since Zhaotian Prefecture is adjacent to Xingluo Prefecture, Zhaotian Prefecture has many more powerful people than Tiandou Prefecture and Zixiao Prefecture.

So much so that flying boats appearing in this state are frequently seen.

In Tiandou Prefecture and Zixiao Prefecture, it is difficult to see Feizhou.

Now, not long after Xiao Shicai entered Zhaotian Prefecture, he had already seen many flying boats flashing in the sky.

"I heard that there are still strong people in the Martial Demon Realm in Zhaotian Prefecture!"

Star Luo leads the seven continents.

Apart from Xingluo Prefecture, only Zhaotian Prefecture and Lihuo Prefecture have strong men in the Martial Demon Realm.

In the remaining four states, there is no Martial Demon Realm. The strongest one is the Martial Soul Realm.

This seems to be related to the realm of Martial Demon Realm.

Judging from the information Xiao Shi has learned so far.

The Martial Demon Realm is a rather special realm.

After many martial spirit realm experts reach the life soul stage, even if they have the ability to attack the martial spirit realm, they often give up.

I would rather stay in the martial soul realm for the rest of my life.

I don't want to attack the Martial Demon Realm.

This also made Xiao Shi full of strong curiosity about the Martial Demon Realm.

However, the martial arts realm is still a bit far away for him.

The most important thing now is to get in touch with the members of the Four Elephant Divine Martial Sect as soon as possible and break through to the Martial Soul Realm first.

Not long after Xiao Shi entered Zhaotian Prefecture in his flying boat.

He directly controlled the flying boat and fell from the sky.

What caught his eye at this time was a fiery red desert.

Every grain of red sand in the desert exudes terrible heat, distorting the air.

The reason why Zhaotian Prefecture has so many flying boats.

In addition to the large number of strong men here, it is also because of the special terrain here.

It is mainly desert.

And this is no ordinary desert.

Rather, it is a red desert with astonishingly high temperatures.

It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to travel in this kind of desert.

They can only travel by flying boat.

When Xiao Shi drove the flying boat and landed in the desert, he put the flying boat directly into his storage bag.

Next, he does not plan to control the flying boat by himself to go to Xingluo State.

Because he knows.

It would be too arrogant to drive a flying boat to Xingluo State alone.

A luxury product like a flying boat...

It is not something ordinary people can possess.

Even a strong person in the martial soul realm cannot build a flying boat with one man.

Often only those big forces can get flying boats.

And the person who owns the flying boat alone is a person with a powerful status among these big forces.

So from the beginning.

Xiao Shi only planned to drive the flying boat to Zhaotian Prefecture.

Then find a way to enter Xingluo State from Zhaotian Prefecture.

Whether it was his identity or his personality, it was destined that he would not be able to enter Star Luo State in a high-profile way.

It must be as low-key as possible.

He didn't want to be targeted as soon as he entered Xingluo State.

As a person who is used to hiding behind the scenes.

He planned to enter Xingluo State as an ordinary little person who would not attract anyone's attention and attention.

According to the plan that I had prepared early in the morning.

Xiao Shi first disguised his appearance.

Disguise yourself as a middle-aged man who looks to be in his forties or fifties.

In terms of cultivation, it is better to hide it.

After all, he has only reached the martial soul realm in his physical body, and he has not been born with soul power.

As long as he doesn't use the power of his physical body, in the eyes of ordinary people, he is just a blood martial artist.

Although the Blood Martial Realm can be regarded as the mainstay in Tiandou State.

But in Xingluo State, it is nothing.

Unless he is fifteen or sixteen years old, or even younger at the Blood Martial Realm.

That might be considered a genius.

But a person in the Blood Martial Realm who is forty or fifty years old is very ordinary.

After completing the basic disguise.

Xiao Shi then directly entered a huge city in the distance built on many gravels.

The city is paved with stone slabs that can insulate from heat, so that ordinary people's lives in the city will not be greatly affected.

After successfully entering the city.

Xiao Shi then began to look for a flying boat that could be taken to Xingluo State.

Usually you have to go from Zhaotianzhou to Xingluozhou.

There are two ways in total.

One is to go by flying boat.

The other is to arrive directly through the teleportation array.

Among them, traveling to Xingluo State through the teleportation array is the fastest way.

But in terms of cost, it is extremely expensive.

There is also a condition.

That is, only those whose cultivation is above the martial spirit realm are qualified to use the teleportation array.

Warriors below the martial spirit realm are not qualified to use the teleportation array.

Take Xiao Shi's current conditions.

He can naturally use the teleportation array.

But if you use the teleportation array to go to Xingluo State, it will be too eye-catching and high-profile!

This definitely won't work.

There are many ways to travel to Star Luo State by flying boat. If you have enough financial resources, you can rent a flying boat and even hire some powerful guards.

If financial resources are tight, you can only take advantage of other people's spaceships.

Xiao Shi thought about his current character, which was just an ordinary blood martial realm, and he would definitely not be able to rent a flying boat.

So after arriving at the location where the flying boats were parked in the city, they waited here like everyone else for the arrival of those flying boats.

This situation made Xiao Shi feel like he was waiting at the airport in his previous life...

Take this opportunity.

He observed the people around him who were also "waiting" for their flight.

I found that the people around me were basically from the Blood Martial Realm.

A few Qiwu realms can be seen.

In other areas in the distance, some martial artists and ordinary civilians can be seen.

These martial artists and ordinary civilians all take flying boats to other cities, which is different from Xiao Shi.

But whether it is here in Xiao Shi or the "waiting area" leading to other cities, there is no martial spirit realm.

Normally, it would be impossible for someone with a martial spirit realm to wait here.

Either go directly to Xingluo State through the teleportation array, or go there through your own force's flying boat.

Nowadays, the flying boats in the city are basically provided to casual cultivators and small and medium-sized forces.

After a while.

In the distance, a flying boat slowly landed.

Although this flying boat is larger than Xiao Shi's flying boat, with a length of more than fifty feet, the material of the entire flying boat is far different from Xiao Shi's flying boat.

It is absolutely the cheapest kind of flying boat.

However, Xiao Shi felt that such a flying boat was in line with his current identity and temperament.

After a group of them paid the fee and boarded the flying boat.


The entire spaceship quickly flew high into the sky.

Start heading towards Xingluo State.

It's just that the overall speed is much slower than Xiao Shi's flying boat.

Xiao Shi didn't agree with this.

The most important thing to him now is a reasonable identity disguise. Even if it is slower or cruder, it will not have much impact.

After several days of traveling like this.

When they were about to reach another city.

Xiao Shi saw the huge flying boat belonging to Mo Yu Chamber of Commerce again!

This flying boat seemed to have just been repaired in Zhaotianzhou's city. When it flew out, it happened to meet Xiao Shi and his flying boat.


The soul consciousness of the strong man originating from the flying boat of Mo Yu Chamber of Commerce swept over directly.

It seems that for the strong men of Mo Yu Chamber of Commerce.

Even if it is the most ordinary flying boat, as soon as it approaches them, he will be on guard and will not let down his guard because of this.

But now there is no Feizhou formation to block it.

The soul consciousness of the strong men in Mo Yu Chamber of Commerce also scanned Xiao Shi in the crowd...


The strong men in Mo Yu Chamber of Commerce frowned slightly.

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