"Substitute counterattack?"

Xiao Shi's eyes narrowed.

Know that this is a powerful way to lure the enemy with a substitute, and when the enemy kills the substitute, the attack of the substitute will be rebounded.

Now the knife that chopped the entire avatar into pieces was directly rebounded.

To this.

Xiao Shi seemed to have prepared the sword in front of him.

Dang! !

There was a loud clash of gold and iron.

The reflected sword light struck the bloody evil sword in Xiao Shi's hand.

at the same time.

Two figures rushed out from behind Xiao Shi as fast as lightning.

One of the figures was the true form of the one-eyed man.

The murderous intent in his eyes was raging, and there was even a touch of sarcasm in it.

He held a silk thread as thin as cow hair in his hand.

The other person also holds an identical silk thread in his hand.

They pulled the thread and wrapped it around Xiao Shi from two directions: left and right.

Not only that.

In front of Xiao Shi, a warrior in the soul-awakening stage of the demonic power also appeared.

The three of them were holding hands.

Pull the slender thread in your hand to surround Xiao Shi.

On top of the silk thread, there is a powerful soul power, which makes the silk thread have amazing cutting power. When it is pulled, a screaming sound can be heard that splits the air.

They were obviously not planning to tie up Xiao Shi with silk thread.

But I plan to use silk thread...

Cut the opponent's body directly into pieces!

It is clear.

They had a plan early in the morning.

Deliberately using the stand-in of the one-eyed man to lure Xiao Shi into taking the bait.

Once Xiao Shi resists the attack that bounces back from him, it will be too late to make other responses.

They will only be chopped up and killed by their rapidly tightening threads!

But just when they thought they had a chance to win.

The sword light reflected towards Xiao Shi was suddenly chopped into pieces by the bloody evil sword in Xiao Shi's hand.

And it shattered into three rays of sword light, whizzing towards the three people who were holding horns at an astonishing speed.


The three of them were startled at the same time.

This is not what they imagined.

They thought that the other party would have to use all their strength to resist the sword light reflected towards them.

But now they have a feeling that the other party seems to have anticipated their attack and will suffer a backlash.

As a result, the rebounded attack not only did not cause trouble to him, but instead turned into a means of counterattack for the opponent.

In fact, Xiao Shi already had a premonition that something was wrong when he saw that the evil energy attack failed.

Although he didn't know it was a substitute counterattack.

But it also left a backup plan for this.

The three sword rays that were now chopped into pieces by him all had an astonishing speed.

As a result, the three demonic forces had no time to cut Xiao Shi's body with the thin threads in their hands. They could only resist the sword light that swept towards Xiao Shi first.

The three of them each launched powerful attacks and collided with the sweeping sword light.

They all resisted with all their strength, without any reservation.

But the power of these three raging sword lights far exceeded their expectations.

Touch it.

They only felt that the power contained in the sword light was extremely amazing, and the cold sword energy penetrated into their bodies regardless of their resistance.


The bodies of the three of them were filled with numerous thin lines at the same time.

When these thin lines spread all over their bodies.


It was as if they had been cut into many pieces, and the flesh and blood on their bodies fell off piece by piece.

Xiao Shi stepped forward.

Quickly pick up the items dropped by the three after they die.

With his current strength.

Warriors in this awakening stage basically have no pressure to kill.

However, the opponent's previous substitute counterattack still aroused his vigilance and attention.

"These people will more or less get a certain increase in their own territory. They may use some weird methods, but we still can't be too careless."

Xiao Shi thought in his heart.

The lion still needs all his strength to fight the rabbit.

If you are careless, some unexpected situations may occur.

at the same time.

A roaring sound began in the distance.

And accompanied by powerful power fluctuations.

Apparently several other jailers also found their own targets and started a fierce battle.

Many people from the demonic forces in the city began to flee in all directions.

If you don't reach the Martial Soul Realm, you won't be able to participate in a battle at this level.

Can only run away.

As for the arresting targets of these jailers, they mainly focus on arresting people from the demonic forces in the Martial Soul Realm.

There is no need to arrest people below the martial spirit realm.

After Xiao Shi defeated these three demonic forces in the Martial Soul Realm, he also cut off their heads as evidence of killing them. He could later obtain credit through their heads.


He moved.

He did not stay here any longer and quickly searched for other martial soul realms in the city.

It didn't take long.

He successfully found a lonely martial soul realm.

With his previous experience, in order to prevent the other party from being a substitute, he first used the evil spirit in the evil sword to test it.

After seeing that the other party was not affected by the impact of the evil spirit.

He realized that this was also a stand-in.

"Presumably this kind of substitute is a powerful means of Evil Blood Valley."

Xiao Shi secretly thought.

This kind of stand-in is completely impossible to distinguish between real and fake with the naked eye.

But if you have soul consciousness...

All it takes is a sweep with soul consciousness.

You can see the clues.

It is only useful for warriors below the soul consciousness stage.

For a strong person with soul consciousness, it will basically have no effect.

After realizing it was a double.

Xiao Shi will naturally not attack.

He knew the other party's true identity, and he must be hiding aside, waiting for an opportunity.

His eyes were locked directly on the houses nearby.

The place is deserted.

There aren't many places to hide.

The other party can only hide in this private house.


Xiao Shi didn't hesitate.

The figure moved.

He directly smashed the wall of the house and rushed in.


When Xiao Shi rushed into the house.

The sight before him made his eyes tremble.

There was not just one person in the house, but seven people in total!

These seven people are all in the martial soul realm of the soul awakening stage.

They were accumulating some kind of strength, and were stunned when Xiao Shi suddenly rushed in.

Obviously, he didn't expect that the other party would see through the substitute and rush in.

boom! !

The huge roar shook the entire earth.

A grove of trees fell.

Many birds that were parked on the trees in the forest were frightened and flew into the sky one after another. They screamed and flapped their wings and flew away quickly.

"Do you want to continue fighting?"

Under the diffuse smoke and dust.

The middle-aged man in a bloody shirt stared at Xiang Zizhen in front of him.

Xiang Zizhen silently took stock of his surroundings.

After no abnormality is detected.

He raised his hand.

The entire right hand is enveloped in a white ripple of power.

When he pressed his entire right hand on the ground.

This area suddenly formed a white circular barrier.

Make sure that their next conversation will not come out from within the barrier.

"Any news?"

Xiang Zizhen looked at the owner of the Evil Blood Valley and asked in a deep voice.

"Where's what I want?"

The owner of Evil Blood Valley stared closely at Xiang Zizhen.

Xiang Zizhen reached out and threw out a storage bag.

After catching it, the Lord of Evil Blood Valley quickly checked to make sure there was no problem, then nodded with satisfaction and said.

"About a month ago, he passed by our Evil Blood Valley."

Xiang Zizhen nodded gently.


The owner of Evil Blood Valley continued.

"Ten days ago, someone saw him appearing on Ten Thousand Corpses Island..."

"I think you know what that means better than I do."

Xiang Zizhen frowned at this.

The whole person was lost in thought.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

After saying this, the owner of the Evil Blood Valley turned around to leave.

But before leaving.

Something suddenly occurred to him.



"I need to remind you..."

"The wolf cubs in my evil blood valley are not simple. It is not easy to capture them. You'd better go back as soon as possible and keep an eye on your people."

"I'm afraid you'll be late when you go back, so you'll have to collect the body for them!"

Xiang Zizhen gave him an indifferent look.

"That won't bother you."

"Your people are not simple, and mine are not as fragile as you think."

The evil blood valley master shrugged.


"Anyway, I have given up on Evil Blood Valley now. Whether they live or die has nothing to do with me."

After finishing speaking.

The figure of the Lord of Evil Blood Valley moved.

He quickly disappeared from Xiang Zizhen's sight.

Xiang Zizhen looked at the other party's leaving figure.

It is not surprising that the owner of the Evil Blood Valley gave up his own power so decisively.

He knew very well that these people from the demonic forces had no emotions towards their own forces.

Their existence is only about profit.

As long as there are enough benefits, they will not have any nostalgia and can give up everything.

Even if it is the power created by oneself.

It also means that if you don’t want it, don’t.

Xiang Zizhen's current thoughts are more focused on the important information he obtained from the other party.

"Going to the Island of Ten Thousand Corpses so early..."

"It seems he doesn't intend to spend time with me."

"Do you want a quick victory?"

Xiang Zizhen's eyes flashed sharply.

boom! !

at this time.

A huge vibration suddenly came from the direction of the Evil Blood Valley in the distance.

Xiang Zizhen's thoughts were interrupted.


He turned to look.

I felt a powerful aura fluctuation.

Thinking of the previous words of the evil blood valley master.

Frowning slightly.

It seems that the other party is not being alarmist. There are indeed some special and extraordinary methods in the martial soul realm of these evil blood valleys.

There are only ten people in the Soul Awakening Stage Martial Soul Realm in the Evil Blood Valley.

Except for the three people Xiao Shi killed before.

The remaining seven people were all gathered in this house at this time.

"very good!"

"This saves me from searching everywhere."

Xiao Shi's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Be prepared to serve them in one pot.

According to his plan, he planned to kill half and capture the other half.

In terms of kills, he wasn't worried at all.

On the contrary, it is slightly more difficult to capture than to kill.

Xiao Shi was worried that he would stop if he confiscated it.

It is very likely that the person will be killed directly.

"Don't think about whether to hold back or not. Let's break them up!"

Now these seven martial souls gathered together were sitting in front of a dark stove.

The whole furnace is somewhat like an alchemy furnace.

Use bones as firewood and soul power as fire.

Under constant cooking.

There is a powerful force in the furnace, which is constantly accumulating and becoming stronger and stronger.

Xiao Shi felt that if they were allowed to continue like this.

The power in the furnace is likely to exceed the soul awakening stage and reach a higher level.

Immediately his body moved.

As he continued to approach, he raised his sword and slashed down.

Seven bloody sword lights were slashed out.

The martial soul realm sweeps towards these seven soul awakening stages.

And every sword light is filled with the impact of evil energy.

Be prepared to attack them with evil energy first, affecting their minds and minds, and interrupting their state.

However, when these evil spirits rushed in front of these seven people.


The stove in front of the seven people suddenly trembled.

The evil energy rushing toward the seven people was directly sucked in by the furnace!

All were sucked into the furnace.

As a result, all seven people were not affected by the evil spirit.

Xiao Shi frowned when he saw this.

He has never encountered this situation before!

And he discovered...

After the furnace absorbed these evil spirits, the atmosphere in the furnace seemed to increase a lot.

It's like providing nutrients to the furnace!

Make the power in the furnace become more powerful.

The whole furnace vibrated with a feeling of wanting more.


When Xiao Shi's sword light arrived in front of the seven of them.

A light mask appeared on all seven of them at the same time.

Although the sword light struck the light mask, the entire light mask was directly vibrated and turned into light fragments and exploded.

But the light shield on their bodies withstood Xiao Shi's attack for them.

These seven people all looked at Xiao Shi with horrified expressions.

Unexpectedly, the other party could chop the light shields on them into pieces so easily.

This made them panic.

If there wasn't this light mask on my body...

None of them were sure they could withstand the opponent's attack.

Now there is no protection from the mask.

If the opponent continues to take action.

They are in danger!

Think of this.

One of them took out a bell without hesitation and started shaking it quickly.

Not far from Xiao Shi.

Two jailers at the Soul Consciousness stage were fighting with three other strong men at the Soul Consciousness stage in the Evil Blood Valley.

Although they are one less than the other party in terms of number.

But these two jailers are both leaders in the soul consciousness stage.

Even in a two-on-three matchup, he still doesn't fall behind at all.

However, when they were fighting fiercely.

A rapid ringing sound suddenly entered the minds of these three strong demonic powerhouses in the soul consciousness stage.

Let their expressions change at the same time.


One of the strong men in the soul consciousness stage moved without hesitation.

As quickly as possible, he left the battlefield and rushed to another place.

The other two strong men in the Soul Consciousness stage also tacitly took out the powerful treasures on their bodies, holding back the two jailers and not giving the two jailers a chance to go to support.

All this happens in a brief moment.

When the person takes out the bell and shakes it.

Xiao Shi felt that the other party was asking for help.

His eyes flashed with murderous intent.

He raised his sword and prepared to kill with all his strength.

boom! !

A black shadow suddenly crashed down from a high place.

Standing in front of Xiao Shi.

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