I clicked on all the treasure drop rates

Chapter 277 Sun, Moon and Stars

Luoyou City is a large city in Xingluo Province.

The Yougu Sect, which belongs to the Three Swords Alliance.

Xiao Shi's clone and main body had successfully arrived at the city at this time.

And on the day of arrival.

Xiao Shi checked into the Wangchen Inn in Luoyou City directly.

At this time, he was in one of the independent courtyards of Wangchen Inn.

Xiao Shi took out a dream jade stone.

This piece of dream jade was specially crafted for him by Xiang Zizhen before he left.

It is a piece of dream jade that can be used for private conversations with wild ghosts.

Except for this piece of dream jade.

Xiao Shi also has a dream jade stone that can be used for group chats, and a dream jade stone that can be used for private conversations with Xiang Zizhen.

Make sure there are no obstacles in conveying information.

At this time, when Xiao Shi took out the dream jade.

He suddenly fell into a dream.

Meet the wild ghosts in the dream world.

"I'm in Luoyou City."

Xiao Shi looked at the light man who represented the wild ghost in the dream.

"Where shall we meet?"

However, the barbarian ghost shook his head.

"It's best for us not to meet each other. The guys from the Temple of Prayer are paying close attention to my every move. If you and I meet, they will definitely pay attention to you, and then it will be difficult for you to enter the monument... …”

Xiao Shi was a little surprised by this.

"You are in Luoyou City, and they can all pay attention to your whereabouts? Do you know who you have met?"

In Xiao Shi's view.

Luoyou City is the territory of their Yougu Sect.

However, on their own territory, they will also be monitored by people from the temple.

This is terrible!

"The people who pray to the temple are not traditional warriors after all. Their methods are unpredictable and difficult to guard against."

"But their people are also being targeted by us and have no chance of entering the ancient ruins."

The barbarian ghost said.

Xiao Shi nodded.

Thinking of the relevant information about the Temple of Prayer that I had learned before.

The Temple of Prayer is the most mysterious force among the many forces in Xingluo State.

The strong men in the Temple of Prayer are not warriors in the traditional sense.

Rather, they are a group of people who are proficient in strange and weird powers.

It includes divination, curses, summons, prayer and many other strange powers.

Although these are not mainstream.

It can even be said that it is not martial arts.

But when orthodox warriors face them, they often have a huge headache.

"If we can't meet, how can I enter the monument?"

Xiao Shi asked.

"Don't worry, I've already planned it."

The barbarian ghost said.

at the same time.

Located in a secluded valley on the outskirts of Luoyou City.

A desolate, dilapidated small temple, located alone in the valley.

The whole small temple has a strong sense of time.

Revealing vicissitudes of life.

And on the left and right sides of this small temple.

There are two groups of people respectively.

One group of people were wearing dark gray robes, even their heads were wrapped in them. They were sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a staff placed across their legs.

He kept chanting a strange and complicated spell in his mouth.

The small temple in front of him was enveloped by an invisible force.

Anyone who comes near the small temple will suffer a powerful curse!

The other group of people is a group of cruel-looking people.

They also sat cross-legged on the ground.

Keep an eye on the group of people opposite.

There was a huge black ball suspended in the sky above his head, emitting bursts of black light.

The group of people on the opposite side were also prevented from approaching the small temple.

The two sides have been in a stalemate for several days.

No one can get close to the small temple in front.

At the same time high in the sky.

There are also two figures, suspended in the air, standing opposite each other.

These are two strong men in the martial arts realm.

While they check and balance each other, they also use their own methods to monitor key figures in the other party's forces.

Every move of these key figures is under their surveillance and control.

Make sure no one secretly tamper with Chen Cang.

Although they know.

If this stalemate continues, no one will be able to enter the monument.

Once the news spreads and Lord Xingluo knows about it, they will probably find nothing in the end.

However, the two sides have never been able to reach a consensus on access to the monuments.

We can only remain in a stalemate.

Now they are all waiting for an opportunity to break the deadlock.

late at night.

Under the dark night sky.

Xiao Shi followed Mangui's instructions and quietly sneaked into an ordinary shop in Luoyou City.

In the backyard of the shop, a dry well was found.


He moved.

He jumped directly into the dry well.

Inside the dry well, I saw a teleportation formation that the barbarian ghost had previously arranged.

This teleportation formation is the barbarian ghost using a secret code with deep meaning to instruct the people under his command to find others to arrange it secretly.

He himself has never been here.

Although he has always been stared at by the people at the Temple of Prayer.

But when he ordered his subordinates to do things through some code words, the people staring at him did not analyze his every word.

More attention is paid to its whereabouts.

Although people who have been in contact with the barbarian ghosts will also be monitored, this time the barbarian ghosts asked their subordinates to find other people who had nothing to do with them to secretly arrange the teleportation formation.

Under such layer-by-layer transmission.

It is impossible for the Temple of Prayer to monitor everyone.

As a result, the wild ghost secretly arranged such a teleportation formation.


After Xiao Shi entered the dry well.

Immediately follow the method explained by the barbarian ghost before, and activated the teleportation array.


Suddenly he was shrouded in the light of the teleportation array.

Disappeared from the dry well out of thin air.

When Xiao Shi's vision became clear.

He had already appeared in front of a rugged cliff.

A three-meter-high stone door is embedded in the wall. The stone door is engraved with a relief of Bagua, with raised characters such as Qiankun Zhenkanli.

Xiao Shi observed the Shimen in front of him.

To feel the opening of the stone door, you may need a specific key.

But the barbarian ghost didn't give him any key.

He first checked the surroundings vigilantly, and after confirming that there was no one else here, he took out the dream jade and entered the dream.

"I have arrived at the place you mentioned through teleportation, but there is a stone door here that cannot be opened."

Xiao Shi said to Mangui.

The wild ghost nodded.

"The secret to opening this stone door lies in the Bagua map on it. This is the Bagua lock formation passed down from ancient times. As long as you follow the correct route and enter the soul power, you can unlock it."

"I'll tell you the right route now..."

Mangui explained the entire opening route to Xiao Shi in great detail.

"Are you sure there are ancient ruins behind this stone gate?"

Xiao Shi asked.


The wild ghost nodded.

"There are actually two entrances to this ancient monument, and only one of them is leaked."

“Not many people know about this entrance today.”

"However, it is difficult to open this entrance. Unlike the other entrance, you can enter directly."

"So when we first discovered this entrance, we were unable to enter it immediately. Later, we were monitored by the Temple of Prayer, and we were unable to come over."

Xiao Shi suddenly understood.

No wonder the wild ghost needs to find someone who is not under surveillance and who is trustworthy to go to the ancient ruins to help him take out the items inside.


Xiao Shi followed the opening route explained by the barbarian ghost and entered the soul power in the stone gate.

As the soul power moves along the correct path, it forms a movement on the stone gate.

Xiao Shi raised his hand and pressed the pattern in the middle of the stone door.

The stone gate was shaken with a rumble.

Slowly slide to one side.

Xiao Shi saw it clearly.

Behind the stone gate is not the dark and gloomy mountain belly, but a candlelight-swaying corridor. The entire corridor is about three meters wide and five meters high, leading to the very depths with no end in sight.

There is an oil bowl placed on the niche, and the flame like a bean burns quietly.

Xiao Shili stood in front of the door.

Didn't get into it right away.

Instead, he spread his soul consciousness and wanted to use his soul consciousness to detect the situation inside the corridor.

The one who came to Xiao Shi this time was the main body, not the clone.

His clone was placed in Luoyou City.

In terms of soul consciousness...

The soul consciousness of the main body is far stronger than that of its clone.

Whether it is the attack of the soul consciousness or the spread range of the soul consciousness, it is not comparable to the clone.

At the same time, after he practiced [Secret Eye Detective], his entire soul consciousness was further enhanced, and its concealment was even more impressive.

Before coming to Luoyou City, Xiao Shi had already specially tried to find Xiang Zizhen.

He found……

When I used my soul consciousness to sweep away Xiang Zizhen.

Even with Xiang Zizhen's strength and cultivation, he couldn't detect it.

Unless you investigate deeply.

Only then can Xiang Zi really sense it.

Under normal circumstances, the other party cannot detect the soul consciousness detection.

But now when Xiao Shi penetrated his soul consciousness into the corridor.

His entire soul consciousness was instantly suppressed.

It can't spread very far at all.

This situation is similar to the situation in the underground palace.

But at that time, Xiao Shi had not yet been born with soul consciousness, so he didn't have much feelings, which could not be compared with the current situation.

But what he was sure of was...

The suppression of soul consciousness now is not because of the formation!

But the strangeness in this ancient ruins!

"If it's a formation...then it's still possible to crack it."

"If it weren't for the formation, it would be a bit unsolvable."

Xiao Shi's expression became a little more solemn.

The suppression of soul consciousness will weaken his strength to a certain extent.

But now that it’s here.

He won't back down from this.

With a movement of body, he entered the corridor and moved forward.

The entire corridor is very long.

After he walked continuously for more than ten minutes.


Xiao Shi stopped.

I found a human-shaped stone statue standing in front of me.

The entire stone statue is a burly soldier holding a long sword and facing Xiao Shi. He is wearing heavy armor and a helmet, with his head lowered.

Xiao Shi did not approach rashly.

at a distance from each other.

His soul consciousness spreads.

Investigate through soul consciousness.

Although his soul consciousness was greatly suppressed in this ancient ruins.

However, Xiao Shi was still able to maintain the spread of soul consciousness within a hundred meters.

When his soul consciousness touched this stone statue.


The entire stone statue's eyes suddenly turned scarlet, and with a clicking sound, the stone statue's drooped head slowly lifted up, accompanied by dust splashing down.

Xiao Shi's heart tightened.

Be on full alert and be ready for war at any time.

The resurrected stone statue stared straight at Xiao Shi with its scarlet eyes, and picked up the long sword that was leaning on the ground.

However, he did not attack Xiao Shi with the long sword in his hand.

Instead, he thrust the long sword in his hand into the ground and drew a circle on the ground.

Then he used the long sword in his hand to draw a crescent moon next to the circle.

Finally, a six-pointed star pattern was drawn on the edge of the crescent moon.

When the stone statue finished all this.

Then he pierced the long sword in his hand into the ground again, and resumed his previous posture of standing with the sword.

The scarlet in his eyes dissipated.

He lowered his head again.

Xiao Shi watched this scene with furrowed brows.

He originally thought that the resurrected stone statue would attack him, but he did not expect that the stone statue only drew three patterns on the ground.

"Could it be that these three patterns represent the sun, moon, and stars?"

Xiao Shi had a guess in his mind.

Because the stone statue only drew these three patterns and did not make any explanation.

He can only guess based on his feelings now.

"Judging from the current situation, it seems that I have to choose one of these three patterns..."

"And my choice will probably be related to the situation and encounters I will face in this historic site in the future."

Xiao Shi fell into deep thought.

These three patterns represent different meanings.

There may be only one "right answer."

If you can choose the correct answer, the road ahead will be smooth sailing.

But if you choose the wrong answer.

What Suo will face next is probably catastrophe.

If that's the case...

Then he must be careful in choosing these three patterns!

"If you know the relevant information about this historic site, you can make analysis and speculation based on the history of this historic site."

“But now I don’t know anything, I can only rely on luck!”

Xiao Shi sighed at this.

I really miss the [Blood Luck Pill] that dropped when I was in the Blood Martial Realm, which can improve luck. If there were such luck-improving items back then.

Then he doesn't have to worry.

Just close your eyes and choose whatever you want.

"Maybe it doesn't have to just depend on luck, maybe the answer is hidden nearby..."

Xiao Shi began to observe his surroundings carefully.

He focused on the tall stone statue in front of him.

Look through the stone statue's clothing, including the long sword in his hand, to find if there are elements related to these three patterns.

At the same time, he also observed the floor and walls of this corridor.

However, after some careful observation.

He did not find any relevant clues from the stone statues, the ground, and the walls.

He only discovered that if he was not in these three patterns and chose one, he would not be able to move forward and would stop here.

Xiao Shi took a deep breath.

The three patterns can only be sensed through soul consciousness.

See if you can perceive anything from these three patterns.

Under his constant perception.

He felt it clearly immediately.

There is a strong heat hidden in the circular pattern.

And inside the crescent moon pattern, there is a hint of coldness.

There is something fierce hidden in the final six-pointed star pattern!

Xiao Shi narrowed his eyes slightly.

He can only sense so much right now.

"Since I don't know the meaning behind it, I can only choose based on my own feelings!"

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