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Chapter 289 The high level of Tianwu Continent


Xiao Shi nodded.

Xiang Zizhen had previously told him to improve his strength as soon as possible so that he could participate in this action.

From this Xiao Shi also realized that this action was not simple.

"Originally, I wanted to wait until your strength improved before telling you about this operation, but now the situation has changed..."

"It is necessary to tell you about this operation now."

"I think you know that too."

"In addition to us members of the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult in Xingluo Prefecture, there are also some members who unfortunately fell into the hands of Lord Xingluo and were secretly imprisoned by Lord Xingluo."

Xiang Zizhen said in a deep voice.

Xiao Shi nodded slightly.

He had already understood it before coming to Xingluo State.

Although the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult was destroyed many years ago, the altar of the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult has never been found.

If you want to find the altar of the Four-Xiang Shenwu Cult, you must break through the Four-Xiang Mystery of the Four-Xiang Shenwu Cult.

But the secrets of the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult can only be broken by people from the Sixiang Shenwu Cult's lineage.


Many people who know this secret are looking for the few remaining branches of the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult, intentionally or unintentionally.

Lord Xingluo, as an insider, has been looking for these remaining branch members.

Currently, Lord Xingluo imprisons a group of followers of the Four Elephant Divine Martial Cult.

"This operation I am talking about is... to save these imprisoned members of the Four Elephant Divine Martial Cult!"

"I already know where they are being held captive."

"Now as long as the time comes, we will rescue immediately!"

Xiang Zizhen said seriously.

Xiao Shi was shocked.

Although he realized that the action Xiang Zizhen mentioned was not simple, he did not expect that it would actually be to save these imprisoned members of the Four Elephants Shenwu Sect!

In Xiao Shi's opinion, this is so difficult that it is almost impossible.

Lord Yixingluo attaches great importance to these followers of the Four Elephant Divine Martial Cult.

Even if they knew where they were imprisoned.

It is unrealistic to save people.

The first person they have to face then is probably Lord Xingluo!

Star Luo Lord is the star of Star Luo Lord!

It's not something they can compete with anyway.

From Xiao Shi's expression, Xiang Zizhen had already guessed what he was thinking.

"Don't worry, this action is not a suicide attempt."

"I'm confident enough."

"Others are also aware of the operation and will all be involved when the time comes."

"But the time has not come yet, and I am not in a position to reveal some important information for the time being."

"I'm telling you now. On the one hand, I want you to prepare for this as early as possible. On the other hand, it also gives you enough time to arrange for the people of the Red Tiger lineage on your side."

"You must know that once this operation is launched, no matter whether it succeeds or fails, it will be difficult for us to continue to survive in Xingluo State."

"And in our plan, one of the reasons why we want to rescue these believers is because we no longer want to stay in Star Luo State and are ready to go home."

Xiang Zizhen said seriously.

"go home?"

Xiao Shi expressed doubts about this.

"Yes, go home!"

Xiang Zi is really lustful.

"Our Four Elephant Divine Martial Sect has always been the guardian sect of the Dawu Dynasty. Although the current Dawu Dynasty has collapsed... the Dawu Dynasty is still alive and still occupies a corner of the Tianwu Continent. As Dawu Dynasty, we A member of the dynasty, as long as there is an opportunity, will naturally return to where the dynasty is."

"That's our home!"

Xiao Shi knew it in his heart.

"That is to say, we not only want to rescue these believers, but also evacuate them from Xingluo State..."

As more information is learned.

Xiao Shi also realized that this rescue operation was not simple.

Although he doesn't know where the current Dawu Dynasty is located or how far it is from Xingluo State.

But we also know that crossing such a long distance is not an easy task in itself.

It is definitely not something that they, the followers of the Four Elephants Divine Martial Sect, can accomplish.

"It seems that there will be a higher-level presence involved in this matter."

Xiao Shi thought of Xiang Zizhen's master.

There is this high level of being involved…

That does have hope!

"What is the current situation of the Dawu Dynasty?"

Take this opportunity.

Xiao Shi began to inquire about information about the Dawu Dynasty from Xiang Zizhen.

The Dawu Dynasty is now taboo in all major territories.

Information and topics related to the Dawu Dynasty have been blocked.

One of the reasons why Xiao Shi decided to come to Xingluo Prefecture to find these Four Elephant Divine Martial Cult members was to obtain relevant information about the Dawu Dynasty from them.

Xiang Zizhen obviously knows a lot about this.

To this.

Xiang Zizhen didn't hide anything and directly told Xiao Shi the information he knew.

"Since the collapse of the imperial power of the Dawu Dynasty, the entire Tianwu Continent has been in a situation where the heroes are divided."

"as far as I know."

"There are currently thirty-three territories in Tianwu Continent, and Xingluo Territory is one of them."

"In addition to these thirty-three territories, there are also three large domains."

"These three major regions, both in terms of area and overall strength, are far stronger than the thirty-three territories."

"To a certain extent, these three regions are like three independent kingdoms!"

"The three kings of the Dawu Dynasty are in charge of these three great domains!"

"Many years ago, these three heavenly kings had already reached the realm above the saints."

"No one knows what level these three heavenly kings are at now... I only know that these three heavenly kings are currently standing at the top of the Tianwu Continent!"

"Actually, if our Four Elephants Shenwu Sect had not been destroyed, there would be a fourth domain today."

"After all, the leader of our Four Elephants Divine Martial Sect was a figure who could stand on an equal footing with the three heavenly kings."

Xiang Zizhen sighed.

"As for the Dawu Dynasty..."

"In today's era, it's a bit embarrassing."

"The Dawu Dynasty is still located in the imperial territory of the past, but the strength of the entire Dawu Dynasty has been reduced to ten, and it is in a situation where it can only barely protect itself."

"Since the fall of Emperor Wu, many people from the Dawu Dynasty have established themselves in Tianwu Continent and no longer obey the orders of Emperor Wu's descendants, including the three Heavenly Kings."

"Only we, the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult and the Imperial Guard, are willing to continue to support Emperor Wu's descendants."

"And take it as our own duty to restore the Dawu Dynasty."

Xiao Shi understood clearly in his heart.

Finally, I have a preliminary understanding of the situation in the entire Tianwu Continent.

Judging from the current situation.

The most powerful ones in the entire Tianwu Continent are the three major domains!

The Dawu Dynasty could only settle down and barely protect itself.

"Although our Dawu Dynasty is far inferior to what it was back then, the energy of the entire dynasty has not dissipated. As long as the energy is still there, even the three heavenly kings will not dare to rebel."

Xiang Zizhen said.

"What is Qi number?"

Xiao Shi asked.

He can feel it.

The dynasty energy here is different from the dynasty energy he once understood.

"Things like Qi Number... are very mysterious. I don't know much about Qi Number now. I only know that the biggest reliance of the Dawu Dynasty today is Qi Number!"

"Both the lords of all parties and the three heavenly kings are very afraid of the strength of the Dawu Dynasty."

"This is also the reason why no new dynasty emerged after the collapse of the imperial power of the Dawu Dynasty."

"Although these princes dare to occupy a region and become independent, none of them dare to rebel and proclaim themselves emperor. Today, there is still only one dynasty in Tianwu Continent!"

Xiang Zizhen said with emotion.

Xiao Shi nodded.

If you look at it this way.

Qi Shu is the reason why the Dawu Dynasty still exists after the collapse of imperial power.

But more information about Qi number.

Even at Xiang Zizhen's level, he can't reach it.

Perhaps this is the deepest secret of the Dawu Dynasty.

"Is our next step going to the imperial territory where the Dawu Dynasty is located?"

Xiao Shi asked.


Xiang Zizhen nodded.

"That's good for us."

"After all, the Imperial Territory is the headquarters of our Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult. Only there can we come into contact with the deeper power and mystery of the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult. Only there can we become saints."

"If you stay in Xingluo State or other territories, you won't be able to become a saint."

Xiao Shi was moved by this.


"Because each major territory can only accommodate one saint at most!"

"Saint is the pinnacle of the three middle realms. This realm, to a certain extent, is actually the end of martial arts."

"For most people, sainthood is the ultimate pursuit in their lives."

"After all, the upper three realms of martial arts only belong to legend..."

"For us, saints are at least something we can see and have hope of reaching."

"One of the keys to becoming a saint is to refine a field."

"The entire Star Luo Territory... is actually the domain refined by Star Luo Lord!"

"The reason why Lord Star Luo is an invincible existence in Star Luo Territory is because he is in his own domain!"

"The combat power of the saints in their own domain will be countless times more powerful than their combat power in other places!"


"It is impossible for a second saint to appear in any territory!"

"Even those warriors who already have the ability to attack the saints must have a field that can be refined if they want to step into the saints."

"You definitely can't become a saint in someone else's domain!"

Xiao Shi suddenly understood.

No wonder there has always been only one saint in the entire Xingluo State!

He originally thought that the realm of being a saint was too difficult.

Unexpectedly, it is because to become a saint, one must first refine a field.

This is destined to have at most one saint in each territory.

"Then there are only thirty-three saints in Tianwu Continent today?"

Xiao Shi asked doubtfully.

"Of course more than that."

Xiang Zi really shook his head.

"I just said that when we return to the Imperial Domain, there will be hope of becoming saints."

"In today's Tianwu Continent, there are only four places where saints can be born."

"That is the imperial domain of our Dawu Dynasty, and... the three major domains controlled by the three heavenly kings!"

"Except for these four places, no saint can be born anywhere else."

Xiao Shi nodded.

But questions soon arose.

"if it is like this……"

"Then the powerful warriors in the Martial Demon Realm in each territory will want to go to the Imperial Territory and the three major territories?"

Xiang Zizhen shook his head and said.

"That won't happen."

"Take these forces in Xingluo Province as an example. Whether it is the Three Swords Alliance and the Temple of Prayer in the second echelon, or the Thousand Tool Mountain in the third echelon, they all have peak martial arts realms, but these peak Everyone in the Martial Demon Realm is willing to stay in Xingluo State."

"On the one hand, it's because they may not be able to attack the Saint Realm. In addition to the refining field, the Saint Realm also has other difficulties. Not every peak Martial Demon Realm has the ability to attack the Saint."

"On the other hand, there is an agreement between the major lords. They will treat the peak martial arts realms in their respective territories equally. These peak martial arts realms are like guests in each territory and are absolutely free. Even if they If you want to go to other territories, you will not be restricted or blocked.”

"Whether it is the three major realms or the imperial realm, you cannot come and leave as you please. Once you step into one of the realms, you must become a member of that force, and the influence of that force will be left in your soul. Branded, you can’t rebel for the rest of your life.”

"With the current situation of the Dawu Dynasty, even if a saint can be born in the imperial domain, no one will be willing to come."

"And many strong people in the Martial Demon Realm are reluctant to entrust their lives to the hands of others."

"They would rather stay within the territories, where at least they are free and safe."


"For those who want to attack the Saint, they will choose to go to the three major domains."

Xiao Shi nodded.

The Martial Demon Realm is actually a very high level in Tianwu Continent.

At this stage, many people actually no longer have the desire to continue to push forward.

Even if they don't attack the Saint, they can still live a comfortable life in each territory.

Why would you put your life in the hands of others just to attack the Saint?

"It seems that only by reaching the peak of the Martial Demon Realm, and in the entire Tianwu Continent, can we be considered free..."

Through a conversation with Xiang Zizhen.

It can be said that Xiao Shi has initially come into contact with the high level of Tianwu Continent.

I learned a lot about the Saint.

Although saints can be born in the three major realms and the imperial realm.

But now the number of saints in the entire Tianwu Continent is still less than a hundred.

And the existence above the saints.

It's even rarer.

As far as Xiang Zizhen knows so far, there are only five living beings above the saints...

Xiao Shi took a deep breath.

Realizing that when he goes to the Imperial Realm, he may come into contact with another level of this world.

He needs to be more careful and cautious about this.

The higher the level of contact, the greater the crisis.

After all, those high-level experts can make themselves disappear with just one breath!

"It seems that before taking action, I have to go back to Tiandou Prefecture..."

Xiao Shi secretly thought.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to leave the Red Tiger Sect here.

The Red Tiger Sect must be taken away together.

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