I clicked on all the treasure drop rates

Chapter 29 Second Body Refining

Although Xiao Shi didn't check it carefully at the time, he still remembered that the object that fell out after the death of the ninth-level martial artist was a black jade slip.

Then he took out the jade slip.

Relevant information suddenly appeared in his sight.

[Name: Nine Refinements Vajra Body (Heavenly Level)]

[Type: Body training method]

[Level: Qiwu Level]

[Introduction: The first of the three major body training techniques of Xingsha Ling. When practiced to great perfection, one can form an invincible Vajra body. 】

[Note: Cultivation requirements are extremely demanding, and those who can practice are rare, not even one in ten thousand. 】

It turned out to be a physical training method! !

And it’s also a Qiwu-level Heaven-level body-training technique! !

Xiao Shi felt ecstatic in his heart.

Body training techniques are rarer and more precious than the treasures of heaven and earth.

The reason why there are so few warriors who can refine their bodies.

The treasures of nature, materials and earth are only one aspect.

What's more, there is still a lack of physical training techniques.

Usually even the Huang-level body-building exercises are enough to make people's hearts beat wildly.

Heaven level body training technique...

Its value is beyond imagination!


There is no need for body training techniques to enter the martial arts realm, but if you want to break through the physical body to the level of the Qi martial arts realm, you must have appropriate body training techniques.

That is to say.

Even the lowest level of body training techniques are all at the Qi Martial level.

There is no physical training method to enter the martial arts level.

If there is no level-up drop, Xiao Shi will only have the opportunity to drop the body-refining technique through killing after reaching the Qi Martial Realm.

Unexpectedly, this first kill of a ninth-level martial artist would successfully drop a Qi martial-level item.

And it happens to be a physical training method!

"Sure enough, only by killing powerful warriors who have entered the martial arts realm can higher-level items easily drop out!"

Xiao Shi was very excited about this.

Although he has not reached the level of practicing the body training method yet, with the joy in his heart, he can't wait to check the specific practice of this body training method.

He held the jade slip and found that the opening of this jade slip was very different from ordinary jade slips.

This jade slip requires blood to open.

Xiao Shi immediately used the Lingjiancao from before, cut his finger and dripped the blood on the jade slip.

The black jade slip quickly absorbed his blood.

After a flash.

But only a few pieces of information were released.

"It uses my blood to judge the strength of my body. It senses that my body is not strong enough, so it doesn't open all the information?"

Xiao Shi thought deeply about this.

Although the information he could see was limited, he also gained a lot from the information he could see.

According to the information displayed by this body training method.

A total of nine body trainings can be performed after entering the martial arts realm.

Every time you successfully refine your body three times, some additional changes and improvements will occur.

If you want to practice the "Nine Refinements of the Vajra Body" technique, you must first refine the body nine times.

This is a prerequisite for practicing this skill.

At the same time, only after completing nine exercises can you see the subsequent content of the exercise.

"It is indeed a heaven-level technique, and it is indeed very demanding!"

Xiao Shi felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

For most people, being able to exercise once is already pretty good...

Refining your body nine times?

This is simply wishful thinking!

After all, the treasures of heaven and earth are extremely rare.

To refine your body nine times, you need at least nine kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures!

In terms of the rarity and preciousness of heavenly materials and earthly treasures...

Even a sect like the Red Tiger Sect would not be able to obtain so many treasures of heaven and earth.

Often if you can get a piece of heavenly material and earthly treasure, it will be regarded as the treasure of the clan.

To obtain nine kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, this must be impossible in Qixing State.

But for Xiao Shi...

Although it is somewhat difficult, it is not impossible!

At least he has now obtained two heavenly and earthly treasures through consecutive kills.

As long as you continue to kill strong people who have entered the martial arts realm, you will have the hope of dropping heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

And judging from the probability of falling.

The probability of dropping heavenly materials and earthly treasures seems not too low.


This requires him to kill a warrior who has entered the martial arts realm with a certain level of strength.

If you only kill warriors who have reached the third or fourth level of the martial arts realm, you will probably need to kill a lot of them before they will drop.

"Nine times of body training!"

Xiao Shi took a deep breath.

This will be my goal from now on!

He will do his best to kill and drop more heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

"Then now, let's do the second body training first."

Xiao Shi looked at the long bottle on the side.

In the bottle is the treasure of heaven, material and earth that fell this time, crossing the heavenly water.

He immediately followed the last training method.

First he drank the water from the bottle.

As soon as it enters the stomach.

A biting coldness spread from Xiao Shi's body to his whole body.

In this severe cold, Xiao Shi felt pain like needle pricks everywhere in his body.

Following closely, his legs and hands, as well as his shoulders and back, all began to bulge with muscles.

But when the swelling reaches a certain level, it stops.

Then it squirms toward the inside of the body like running water.

The entire expanded body quickly began to shrink.

His body grew stronger and sank deeper and deeper.

The flesh-and-bone bones made a sound like mud being stirred. It was the flesh-and-bone internal organs that were constantly increasing in density.

The entire body refining process was as painful as ever.

But this is a necessary process for refining the body, and it is also a huge test of will.

Xiao Shi can clearly feel the pain, his body is rapidly improving, and the power contained in every piece of flesh and blood is even more shocking and violent.

Qi and blood surged significantly.

This is followed by high-density concentration.

The fluctuations in his concentrated energy and blood were directly raised from the fourth level of entering the martial arts realm to the level of the fifth level of entering the martial arts realm.

And once it breaks out!

His energy and blood will be comparable to the eighth level of martial arts!

An hour later.

The body training is finally over.

After the last successful body refining, the flame pattern that appeared between his eyebrows was revealed again.

Only this time there are some changes.

But he was immediately suppressed by Xiao Shiyin.

This high-profile body training logo...

He doesn't need to.


Xiao Shi stood up.

During his first physical training, his body became thinner due to the concentration of flesh, blood, and bones.

Originally, he was a little worried that if every refining was like this, after nine refinings, he would become a dwarf...

Fortunately, not every physical exercise will cause the body to shrink.

That didn't happen this time.

Not only did he not shrink, but his body shape became stronger than before, at least he no longer looked thin.

Xiao Shi clenched his fist.

Feel the improvement after some physical training.

In addition to the improvement in strength and vitality, his physical protection has also reached another level.

With his current physical body, even if he was hit by the full force of the ninth level martial artist before, although he would still be injured, the blow would not cause his chest to collapse or his sternum to explode.

But there is still a big gap between him and those who have entered the ninth level of the martial arts realm.

However, Xiao Shi felt that as long as he completed the eighth cycle of the Red Tiger Art and entered the eighth level of the martial arts realm, the gap would be shortened again!

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