I clicked on all the treasure drop rates

Chapter 298 Triggering Taboo

Although this valley is the worst, it is also a Taoist level area.

But for now.

There is no terrible crisis in this valley.

Of course, it may also be related to Xiao Shi's current strong luck.

After learning about the many taboos in this valley.

He can circumvent these taboos very well.

As a result, there were no crises along the way.

Of course, he could only look at the Dao Master-level magic weapon in the distance, not daring to get close, let alone get it.

As we move forward.

When Xiao Shixing entered the middle of this area.

Suddenly, there was an extremely huge attraction from the weapons and treasures around them.


This is something that can arouse people's inner desires.

Xiao Shi couldn't help but have an urge to pick up these treasures.

Like a person who is greedy for money.

Surround yourself with money.

The whole desire is detonated!

Xiao Shi's eyes focused on a black hat not far away.

When you realize your desires, you are detonated by this black hat.

This black hat is a martial arts level item.

Just being close to it has the ability to ignite people's desires.

Fortunately, there are many treasures that Xiao Shi has seen.

The resistance to treasures is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Ability to suppress one's inner desires.

He didn't stop himself from picking up treasures on the ground.

He quickly moved away from the area.

Don't stay here too long.

After walking out of this area.

There was a fork in front of him again.

When Xiao Shi chose the leftmost path.

He was approaching the second half of the valley.

The night was miserable, and the moon was half-covered in the clouds and mist, revealing only a vague outline.

Xiao Shi entered a desolate place in the valley.

This desolate place exudes an ancient, desolate atmosphere.

It's like an ancient battlefield.

It is very similar to the previous place filled with many weapons and treasures.

But the difference is that the previous place looked like broken weapons and treasures that had been destroyed during the war.

The entire ground of this site is in dilapidated condition, almost no place is intact, and there are traces of many battles left behind.

Xiao Shi even saw the flames burning on the ground not far away.

These flames appear to have been burning for many years.

It has the characteristics of never burning out!

There were still many dried blood stains on the charred ground.

The most terrible.

Even in this area, some shrill roars can be heard echoing from time to time.

These roars seemed to be the remaining screams of the souls who had died here.

Xiao Shi walked here cautiously.

Beware of crises that may arise at any time.

The journey didn't take long.

Suddenly a skeleton appeared in front of him.

The entire skeleton is filled with an ancient atmosphere.

Seems to have been dead for many years.

Scattered on the ground in front of you.

This reminded Xiao Shi of one of the taboos in this valley.

[If you see corpses or wreckage in the valley. Be sure to bury it. 】

"That is to say..."

"I need to bury this skeleton now..."

Xiao Shi didn't know if there would be a reward after burying the bones.

But what is certain is that if you ignore it, you will definitely violate the taboos here.

"But if I pick up these bones, will I violate another taboo?"

Xiao Shi fell into deep thought.

After all, you cannot pick up items in the valley.

And now he is not sure whether the bones here are considered objects?

"If the bones here are also considered objects, then these two taboos are undoubtedly contradictory."

"That shouldn't be the case."

Think of this.

Xiao Shi still chose to pick up the bones on the ground.


After he picked up the bones.

Nothing bad happened.

Next, he needs to take the skeleton back to the previous cemetery and bury the skeleton there.

After all, given the environment of this battlefield.

Obviously there is no way to bury him here.

Xiao Shi returned all the way.

Returned to the previous cemetery.

A deserted place in the cemetery.

A hole was dug.

Bury this skeleton inside.

When the skeleton was buried, a tombstone automatically formed on the ground.

At the same time, a residual soul floated out from among the tombstones.

This remnant soul bowed deeply to Xiao Shi and expressed gratitude.

"Thank you for burying me."

"To express my gratitude to you."

"I can open a path for you."

"Is this the road you need to leave, or the road leading to the deepest part of the valley?"

Xiao Shi was moved by this.

Sure enough, there will be a reward after burying the bones!

You can now choose one of the two paths.

One is the way out of here.

One is the road leading to the deepest part of the valley.

That is to say...

You can now choose to move on, or choose to leave this place.

Xiao Shi thought for a while.

If you leave directly.

Although your own safety will be guaranteed.

But the harvest here is very limited.

the most important is……

It did not achieve the purpose of the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult.

I'm afraid Xiang Zizhen will come in again by then.

"Now that you've come here, it would really be unreasonable for you to just back down like this..."

Xiao Shi felt that he still had an advantage here.

After all, his luck is very high now.

I also know the many taboos here.

So far we haven't encountered any danger.

the most important is……

Xiao Shi was very curious about the deepest secrets of this valley and the true intentions of the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult.

He had a strong premonition about this.

This is the only chance for me to get in touch with this secret.

The reason why the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult did not tell them the true intention of entering this place must be because this secret is of great importance.

It is a secret that cannot be easily revealed.

Xiao Shi wonders if Xiang Zizhen knows this secret.

But it can be expected that even if Xiang Zi really knew it, he would not be able to tell himself the secret.

This is your only chance to get the secret.

Think of this.

Xiao Shi decisively chose the road leading to the deepest part of the valley.

Remnant Soul nodded.

"as you wish."


In an instant.

The entire body of the remnant soul suddenly glowed with a dazzling light.

It turned directly into a beam of light.

This distorts the nothingness in front of him.

And in the distortion, a huge vortex-shaped light gate was formed.

This is obviously his own life.

This road leads to the deepest part of the valley.

Xiao Shi took a deep breath at this.

The figure moved.

Stepped directly into this light door.

next moment.

Xiao Shi directly crossed the long distance.

Appeared out of thin air in the deepest part of the valley.

There is a huge altar here.

In the center of the entire altar, there is a thick camphor tree, with branches and leaves like a canopy, and vines hanging like curtains.

Between the dense vines, there is a huge eyeball.

But now this eyeball is closed.

The moment I saw this huge eyeball.

Xiao Shi had already realized it.

This eyeball is most likely the biggest secret in this valley!

He could tell.

This eyeball did not originally belong to this camphor tree.

The reason why it exists on the camphor tree is because this eyeball is sealed in the camphor tree!


We have to wait until he gets closer to learn more about the specific situation.

Although now he has reached the deepest part of the valley.

But there is still some distance from the huge altar ahead.

At the same time he also discovered.

Not far in front of him.

There is a guard!

But this guard was different from the headless guards he had encountered before.

This is a guard with a head!

Its head is a huge animal head.

His eyes were red.

There is deep hostility.

Still holding a huge battle ax in his hand.

Xiao Shi immediately thought of one of the taboos.

[Not all guards in the valley are willing to help. Only guards without heads will help. If you encounter a guard with a head, immediately find a way to avoid it. 】

"Could it be that this kind of guard with a head will attack me? So I need to avoid it?"

Xiao Shi's heart froze.

Since these guards did not emit any aura fluctuations, he could not tell what kind of strength these guards had.

But considering the status of this valley...

As guards in the valley, their strength is definitely not simple!

Currently, there is only one way for him to go to the altar ahead.

And this guard is located on this road.

It seemed impossible to pass by undetected.

Xiao Shi fell into deep thought about this.

No matter what.

Now that we are here.

You must go to the altar ahead to find out.

But how can we avoid the guards ahead?

After some thought.

He had an idea.

Xiao Shi stretched out his finger.

He put his fingers between his eyebrows.

Immediately, a moon seal emerged from between his eyebrows.

At the same time, Xiao Shi spread his soul consciousness throughout his body, covering his body directly through his soul consciousness, keeping himself in a hidden state.

This is the dark moon form formed by the combination of the flaming moon and soul consciousness.

In dark moon form.

He will be unable to be detected by soul consciousness.

Xiao Shi decided to try to avoid the guards in this state.


He moved.

Start moving forward quietly.

The guard in front just stood there blankly, like a sculpture, unaware of Xiao Shi's approach.

As it gets closer.

Xiao Shi's mind became tense a little bit.

He had no idea whether his method would work.


Under constant closeness.

He arrived less than a hundred meters away from the guard.

He is now on the right side of the guard.

There is a bush here.

Xiao Shi hid in this bush and moved forward.

It didn't take long.

He and the guard were almost parallel.

The guard was not far to his left.

There was still no movement from the guards.

Xiao Shi felt that as long as he got past the guards, he would be safe.

After all, the guard is facing forward and should not turn to look behind him.

But just at the moment when he was about to pass the guard.

The guard who was motionless at first suddenly turned his neck a little mechanically.

His red pupils were staring at the bushes nearby.

The eyes seemed to penetrate the obstruction of these bushes.

See Xiao Shi inside.


Xiao Shi's heart sank.

The moment the guard turned his head.

He already felt that he was being watched by the guards.

Still found!

Although he is in dark moon form and cannot be detected by soul consciousness, he can be seen by the naked eye.

This guard obviously did not search by means such as soul consciousness, but simply observed with the naked eye.

The moment the guard discovered Xiao Shi.

The entire red pupils were blazing red.


He flashed out of thin air.

Appeared in front of Xiao Shi.

He directly raised the giant ax in his hand, and the entire giant ax shone with blood, condensing extremely terrifying power.

It gave Xiao Shi a feeling of fear.

"Sure enough, once this kind of guard with a head finds me, he will attack me!"


The guard immediately waved the giant axe.

He slashed at Xiao Shi fiercely.

boom! !

The entire ground shook violently under the attack of the giant axe.

The guard's giant ax struck empty.

The moment the guard's giant ax fell.

Xiao Shi had already used teleportation in the red tiger form and teleported directly behind the guard.

Although the power on the guard's giant ax is terrifying.

But his cutting speed is only average.

At this time, Xiao Shi, who teleported behind the guard, was even able to fight back against the guard.

But he kept in mind the taboos here.

I know that no evil thoughts can exist in this valley.

That is to say...

I cannot have the thought or thought of destroying this guard.

Such actions are even more unacceptable.

This is also the toughest question.

Originally this guard was extremely powerful.

I can't even think about killing him yet.

"But I should be able to restrict him..."

Xiao Shi felt that he just needed to control his thoughts.

Just set off his actions to protect himself.

It should be fine.

Think of this.

Many branches suddenly extended from his body.

These branches tied the entire guard tightly from behind at an extremely fast speed, thereby restricting the guard's movement.

Not only that.

There was also a lot of black mist on Xiao Shi's body, spreading out and spreading around.

These black mist...

It came from one of the formations he arranged in the ancient tree of Cang'e!

The function of this formation is to allow him to form numerous black mist.

These black fogs have a strong ability to obscure vision.

The reason why Xiao Shi arranged such a formation in the ancient tree of Cang'e was to coordinate with his own dark moon form.

Vision obscured by black mist.

At the same time, he cannot find himself with soul consciousness.

This allows me to be truly elusive in the dark mist!

However, when Xiao Shi finished all this.

There was a click.

The branches that were wrapped around the guard were all shattered by him, unable to effectively restrain or bind him.

At the same time the guard turned around.

The red pupils were firmly locked on Xiao Shi.

Even if Xiao Shi changed his position in the black mist.

His eyes were also moving with Xiao Shi.

"My fog formation has no effect on him!"

Xiao Shi's heart sank.

At the same time, I was even more shocked to find that the strength of the guards was stronger than before!

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