I clicked on all the treasure drop rates

Chapter 302 Transferring Credit


When Xiao Shi stepped into the vortex exit.

In an instant, he appeared at the location he entered before.

I saw Xiang Zizhen looking anxious.

At the same time, Xiang Zizhen also saw Xiao Shi.

After discovering that Xiao Shixiang was safe and sound, he immediately breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

"How's it going?"

He asked very quickly.

It didn't take long for Xiao Shi to enter the place of imprisonment.

Xiang Zi really felt that Xiao Shi came out so quickly because he encountered an irresolvable crisis inside, so he came out early.

In this case.

He still needs to get inside.

Go and complete the tasks assigned to you by your master.

Although it will be a bit tight in terms of time, he must go in and gain some experience.

It happened that Xiao Shi had explored the situation inside in advance.

He could first know some of the situation inside from Xiao Shi.

"all the best."

"In this place of imprisonment, there is no imprisoned member of the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult. There is only one treasure of the Four-Elephant Divine Martial Cult that suppresses the religion."

"I have successfully brought out this treasure of the town."

Xiao Shi said in one breath.

Xiang Zizhen's eyes suddenly widened.

The whole person seemed to be petrified.

He looked at Xiao Shi with a dull look on his face.

"You said...the place of imprisonment is the treasure of our Sixiang Shenwu Sect?"

"And...and you brought it out??"

At this moment, Xiang Zi really felt that his entire thinking was out of order.

I wonder if I heard it wrong.

Although before that.

His master did not clearly tell him what existed in the prison.

But he was given a lot of treasures in advance for him to use in the place of imprisonment.

From this, he also realized that this place of imprisonment was not simple.

But now Xiao Shi told himself.

What is inside the place of imprisonment is the treasure of the entire Sixiang Shenwu Sect.

And he successfully brought it out!

The impact this had on Xiang Zizhen's whole body was so strong that he went into a trance, feeling that everything was like a dream, extremely unreal.

He originally thought that as long as Xiao Shi could return safely.

Even if there is nothing gained in it.

He won't find it strange either.

But now Xiao Shi has accomplished this important task alone!

Xiang Zi was really dumbfounded.

at the same time.

Located in the sky above Xingluo Territory.

On the battlefield invisible to everyone.

The roaring sound continued to explode.

The clouds in the sky exploded, and the void shook and twisted.

Chen Yuan, a priest of the Four Elephant Divine Martial Cult in a white robe, was watching the battle between the two lords with a solemn expression.

Originally this battle.

Under the Four Elephants Forbidden Formation he arranged, the result should be one-sided.

However, the current Lord Xingluo is completely unaffected by the Four Symbols Forbidden Formation.

At the same time, because the Seven-Star Lord boldly entered the territory of the Xingluo Lord, the Seven-Star Lord has always been at a disadvantage.

"It seems..."

"There is a certain heavenly king intervening!"

Chen Yuan knows.

In today's Tianwu Continent, only those three heavenly kings can make Lord Xingluo immune to the influence of the Four Symbols Forbidden Formation.

Obviously, the king knew the actions of their imperial domain one step ahead and took action accordingly!

As a result, the Seven-Star Lord who cooperated with them this time now seriously suspects that the Imperial Domain is deliberately trying to trick him.

So much so that the previous agreement between the Seven Star Lords and the Imperial Territory completely collapsed.

Not only did the Imperial Domain fail to win over this lord, they also made this lord turn against them.

In fact over the years.

Similar things happen all the time.

Whenever the Imperial Realm tried to win over these lords, it would always be destroyed.

Even the person who carried out the destruction never showed up.

But everyone knows.

Only the King of Heaven has such ability.

"This time, the attempt to win over failed again..."

Chen Yuan sighed.

at this time.

The frown under his white robe suddenly relaxed.

At the same time, Lord Xingluo, who was fully suppressing the Seven Star Lords, suddenly changed his expression and was forced to stop his attack.

Suddenly he turned back and stared deeply into the abyss of dust.

"It turns out that your purpose... is the Eye of the Emperor!!"

The moment he sensed the Emperor's Eye awakening and breaking away from the seal, he completely understood.

The Imperial Realm deliberately led him to start a war with the Seven Star Lords.

It seems that he wants to help the Lord of the Seven Stars transcend the Saint and be promoted to the Taoist Master, so as to win over this ally!

In fact, it was to find an opportunity to get back the Eye of the Emperor.

After all, only when he is unable to separate himself, will the imperial domain have the opportunity to send people from his domain to retrieve the Eye of the Emperor.

But what he can't understand is...

How did the other party do it?

It’s not like he doesn’t know that there are some members of the Four Elephant Divine Martial Cult that he has not found hidden within his Xingluo Territory.

He also knew that the location of the sealed Eye of the Emperor would definitely not be hidden from the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult.

At the same time, he also thought that there might be people from the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult who would sneak into it.

But he was full of confidence in the situation of the entire sealed land. He felt that even if the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult sent people to infiltrate it, they would not be able to get the emperor's eyes.

On the one hand, the Emperor's Eye fell into a deep sleep, and ordinary people could not wake it up except for those demigods.

On the other hand, the place where the Eye of the Emperor is sealed is a place of demigods, and there are demigod taboos and rules in it.

Without knowing these taboos and rules, entering it rashly is bound to be a dead end!

But what is happening now...

But Lord Xingluo was very surprised!

I find it really unbelievable.

He had no idea how this person who secretly sneaked into the sealed land walked all the way to the location of the Eye of the Emperor under those taboo rules, and how he awakened the Eye of the Emperor from its slumber.

Chen Yuan smiled and said nothing.

In fact, from the beginning, their purpose was to obtain the Eye of the Emperor, a semi-god-level forbidden treasure!

Just made preparations.

If you can help the Seven Star Lord, kill the Star Luo Lord.

It is naturally easy to get back the Eye of the Emperor.

Of course this is the most ideal situation.

Not only can you gain a powerful ally, but you can also get back the Eye of the Emperor.

But if you can't kill Lord Xingluo...

Then Xiang Zizhen needs to enter the area where the Eye of the Emperor is sealed and try to awaken the Eye of the Emperor.

on this matter.

Chen Yuan can only count on Xiang Zizhen.

Can't rely on anyone else.

Because only Xiang Zizhen is the most suitable candidate.

It was impossible for him to let the strong men in the Imperial Domain sneak into the Star Luo Territory to complete this matter.

Those strong men in the Imperial Domain cannot enter the Star Luo Territory.

He could only find a suitable candidate among the Star Luo Leader to carry out this extremely important task.

This was also the biggest reason why he accepted Xiang Zizhen as his disciple in the first place.

It can be said that he cultivated Xiang Zizhen from beginning to end.

All for Xiang Zizhen to take back this cult-suppressing treasure of the Four Elephants Shenwu Sect!

This is an extremely important chess piece that he laid out a long time ago!


He is not sure that Xiang Zizhen will succeed!

Although he gave Xiang Zi Zhen many important treasures to deal with the taboos and rules of the sealed land.

At the same time, it also gave Xiang Zizhen the key to awakening the Eye of the Emperor.

But he knew it might not succeed.

But I didn't expect it.

Xiang Zizhen successfully awakened the Eye of the Emperor and successfully obtained it!

Although he failed to win over the Seven-Star Lord, as long as he got back the Eye of the Emperor, the loss to the Seven-Star Lord would not matter at all.

"You are right."

"I am indeed not as good as Master in terms of layout, but as Master's disciple, as long as I can learn a little bit from Master, that's enough."

"It seems that your current situation is not good."

"The reason why you have been able to connect with those heavenly kings over the years is simply because the Eye of the Emperor is sealed in your domain."

"But now that you don't have the Eye of the Emperor, do you think... those kings will continue to pay attention to you?"

Chen Yuan smiled.

Lord Xingluo looked gloomy.

The other party's words were like a sharp knife, piercing into his mind.

He knew that the biggest difference between him and other lords was that his domain contained the treasure of the Four Elephant Divine Martial Sect that suppressed the sect!

This is a semi-god-level forbidden treasure that even the three heavenly kings attach great importance to!

It's a pity that he has been unable to obtain this semi-god-level forbidden treasure.

This was also the reason why he didn't make too many arrangements outside of that sealed place.

Even if he went in, he couldn't get rid of the Emperor's Eye.

Why should he worry that others would sneak in and take away the Eye of the Emperor?

"Without the support of the Heavenly King, I think...it will be difficult for you to transcend and become a Taoist master in your life, right?"

Chen Yuan's words are heart-breaking.

"Are you done? Get out of here when you're done!"

Lord Xingluo's face was as sinking as water.

As he gave up.

The Lord of the Seven Stars also withdrew from his domain in time.

After hearing the conversation between the two.

The Seven Star Lord's expression was equally ugly.

From beginning to end, he is a tool man and a clown.

Chen Yuan laughed.

The entire figure disappeared directly in front of the two people.

Lord Star Luo and Lord Seven Stars had no intention of continuing the fight and each returned to their own territories.

"You mean, you want me to tell Master that it was me who brought this religious treasure out of the sealed place this time, and you want me to claim the credit?"

Xiang Zizhen frowned.

He is not a merit-hungry person.

What's more, he and Xiao Shi are companions who have gone through life and death together, and Xiao Shi saved him back then.

He couldn't even claim the credit that originally belonged to Xiao Shi.

"It's all the same. If you hadn't held off the guards outside, I wouldn't have been able to get in there. In fact, it's not that complicated inside. If you go in, you can still bring out this treasure of suppressing the religion. There's no difference."

"If this credit is attributed to me, when I get to the Imperial Realm, I will probably be rewarded with some martial soul realm treasures at most."

"But if it comes down to you, it will be completely different. The Dawu Dynasty will probably fully assist you in attacking the Saint!"

"Of course, I also have some small selfish motives. I want to do my best to help you become a saint first. With you as my backer, then when we get to the Imperial Domain, my Red Tiger Sect and I will be able to live a better life. "

Xiao Shi continued to persuade.

His reason really made it difficult for Xiang Zi to refuse.

Because he knows.

The situation in the Imperial Domain is also somewhat complicated.

Although the imperial realm can give birth to saints.

But not every Martial Demon Realm in the Imperial Domain can become a saint.

There are also restrictions on the number of places available.

And it must be approved by the Dawu Dynasty.

If there is not enough merit and merit...

Even if he reaches the peak of the Martial Demon Realm, the Great Martial Dynasty may not grant him the place of Saint.

If only I could have such a contribution.

There is indeed a high chance of obtaining a saint's quota in the imperial domain.

As long as he becomes a saint, he is indeed qualified to be Xiao Shi's backer.

After all, the Saint can already be called a prince and overlord in the entire Tianwu Continent!

If the credit this time was attributed to Xiao Shi, the Dawu Dynasty would definitely not directly give him a place as a saint.

That is to say...

This reward is completely different between myself and Xiao Shi!

Only within yourself can the value of this reward be maximized.

But Xiang Zizhen still felt a little awkward.

After all, he didn't do anything.

From beginning to end, Xiao Shi completed this task alone.

At the same time, he also knew that the situation inside was definitely not as easy as Xiao Shi said.

It must be extremely dangerous.

The credit for others' hard work was attributed to himself, which made Xiang Zizhen feel very uncomfortable.

Xiao Shi persuaded him for a long time.

Although he also knew that the credit for completing this matter must be extremely huge.

But compared to this kind of credit...

He prefers to keep a low profile.

Especially in a place like the Imperial Realm!

He didn't want to get into the sight of those senior officials.

There are too many secrets about him.

Regardless of whether it is the imperial attire or the identity of the master of the Tianji Palace, once it is exposed, no matter how great his achievements are, he will definitely not be able to protect himself.

He felt like he was in imperial territory.

Need to be more low-key than before!

Hidden deeper behind the scenes!

If he takes the credit himself, he will inevitably come into the sight of those high-level officials.

It may even be noticed by powerful people outside the imperial domain.

As a semi-god-level forbidden treasure, the Eye of the Emperor is such a big deal that it was taken back by the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult. It will definitely spread throughout the Tianwu Continent.

Once everyone knows that this was done by themselves...

In the entire Tianwu Continent, he would become famous in one fell swoop and attract everyone's attention.


Xiao Shi cannot claim this credit no matter what.

Even if his identity in the Four Elephant Divine Martial Cult has always been Wang Xiao's clone, he cannot let this clone be exposed to the public eye.

Especially this time, after Xiao Shi came into contact with the Eye of the Emperor, a semi-god-level forbidden treasure, he found that many of his hidden things would be revealed directly.

He was worried that once he appeared in the sight of those powerful people, he would be seen through by those powerful people.

It's like Wang Xiao's clone.

Although a strong person in the Martial Demon Realm cannot tell that this is a clone.

But the strong ones above the Martial Demon Realm...

You may not be able to tell that this is a clone!

This requires him to hide deeper and keep a lower profile.

Fortunately, after his continuous persuasion.

Xiang Zizhen was finally persuaded.

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