East Dou City.

Zou Xiang and other senior officials looked curiously at Xiang Zizhen who summoned them.

Xiang Zizhen looked around at everyone.

After seeing everyone gathered, he looked at Xiao Shi aside.

Xiao Shi nodded.

He continued to serve as Xiang Zizhen's mouthpiece and spoke to everyone.

"I have called you here this time because I have good news to tell you."

"That is……"

"Priest Xiang is planning to build a holy statue on Dongdao!"

As soon as his words came out.

Zou Xiang and others were all shocked.

Zou Xiang frowned immediately and said in a deep voice.

"Isn't this inappropriate..."

It's not like he never thought that Xiang Zizhen would replace Rong Sufei and build a new statue.

he knows.

As long as Xiang Zi really wants to take charge of Dongdao, he will inevitably build a statue of himself on Dongdao.

Just the erection of the statue…

It itself requires extremely huge resources.

At the same time, the establishment time is extremely long.

the most important is.

Only one such statue can exist in an area.

That is to say.

If Xiang Zi really wants to build a statue, he must first destroy Rong Sufei's statue!

Although Zou Xiang knew that it would happen sooner or later, he did not expect...

The other party wanted to destroy Rong Sufei's statue so quickly!

This matter is not just about his own interests.

It will have a huge impact on all Dongdao warriors.

Zou Xiang was not the only one who disagreed.

Most of the warriors on the East Island would not agree.

If Xiang Zizhen really insists on doing so, it will inevitably cause riots in the East Island.

Even if Xiang Zizhen gave him a generous meeting gift before, it was not enough to support him to do this.

Zou Xiang's reaction.

Both Xiang Zizhen and Xiao Shi had already expected this.

"City Lord Zou must have heard wrong, right? What I said was a holy icon, not a statue."

Xiao Shi emphasized again calmly.

"Holy... holy icon?"

Zou Xiang was stunned for a moment.

When he heard Xiao Shi's words just now, he did subconsciously think it was a statue.

Now after Xiao Shi's emphasis.

He just reacted...

What the other party wants to build is an icon, not a statue.

The so-called icons are statues of saints.

Usually, only when the refining of an area is completed and a saint becomes a saint, the statues built in the area will transform into a holy statue!

For example, if Rong Sufei can successfully refine the Nandou area and become a saint in the Nandou area, then the statue he built will transform into a holy icon.

The difference between icons and statues is huge and they are completely different.

What Zou Xiang couldn't figure out was...

How did Xiang Zizhen build the holy image?

You know, holy images can only be built by saints.

And each saint can only build one holy image.

Xiang Zizhen himself has not yet become a saint.

Under normal circumstances, it would certainly be impossible to establish an icon.

This is also the main reason why Zou Xianghui subconsciously thought that what Xiao Shi said was a statue and did not associate it with the holy statue.

"Yes, it's a holy icon."

Xiao Shi looked at a group of confused people headed by Zou Xiang.

explained carefully.

"Right now, there happens to be a remnant statue of the saint in the hands of Priest Xiang. Next, we plan to build this remnant statue of the saint on Dongdao."

"I think... no one will object, right?"

The moment Xiao Shi's voice fell.

The entire hall suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Everyone's eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost.

They all realized...

The holy statues in Xiang Zizhen's hands are the holy statues of the saints who have fallen in the past!

Most of these icons are incomplete.

And because these saints are all dead, their power and efficacy are much inferior to those of complete icons.

But even so.

This is also an icon! !

It is far beyond what ordinary statues can match.

Especially the icon in Xiang Zizhen's hand, if it comes from a distant era...

Maybe it will also have some special functions that are not available in today’s era!

But such icons are extremely rare.

It is often only possible to encounter it in some hidden monuments.

Zou Xiang and others never thought that Xiang Zizhen would have such a rare afterimage of a saint in his hands!

But when they thought of Xiang Zizhen's deeds.

They all realized...

The residual image of the saint in the opponent's hand most likely originated from the demigod place that sealed the Eye of the Emperor!

As a place of demigods, it is not surprising that there are residual images of saints in it.

Think of this.

When they looked at Xiang Zizhen, their eyes suddenly became fanatical.

If Xiang Zi can really build the residual image of the saint here...

This will be an indescribable and monstrous blessing for their entire East Island!

The benefits that the holy statue can bring to them are definitely not comparable to those of Rong Sufei's statue.

At this moment.

No one objected anymore.

Even Zou Xiang, who had always maintained a wait-and-see attitude, found out that Xiang Zizhen actually had such a residual image of a saint in his hands.

I immediately made the decision to change my stance!

From now on, he will fully support Xiang Zizhen.

"Then, please ask City Lord Zou to announce that we will build a holy statue on the East Island in three days!"

Xiao Shi said.


Zou Xiang nodded excitedly.

They were not the only ones excited at this time.

Xiang Zizhen, who looked calm on the side and seemed to have everything under his control, was no less excited than Zou Xiang and others.

What he had been worried about before was that he could not solve the problem of the statue.

Unexpectedly, in Xiao Shi's hands...

There is such a powerful trump card!

As long as Rong Sufei's statue is destroyed, he can refine the earth veins here and control the East Island!


This holy statue also has a huge function, that is, it can win over those who are always on the sidelines and undecided!

If we say that the meeting gifts given before have only gained less than 10% of the hearts of the people.

So today's statue of the saint.

It will definitely make more than 90% of the warriors here change their stance to him!

without any exaggeration.

The holy statue that Xiao Shi took out now can directly have the final word!

This holy statue was one of the items dropped by Xiao Shi when he killed the martial demon realm sea monster in the sea earlier.

When Xiao Shizai saw this item.

He had already realized that this was a key item that could change the situation on the East Island.

But he didn't take it out the first time.

Consider if you take out this item rashly, will it cause some big shock?

After all, things like icons...

Not to mention in the imperial domain.

Even in the entire Tianwu Continent, it is extremely rare.

It is likely to attract attention and inquiries from those high-level officials in the Dawu Dynasty.

However, Xiao Shi felt that most people, after seeing them take out this holy statue, would think that this holy statue came from the demigod place that sealed the Eye of the Emperor!

Including the many treasures he had taken out before.

Everything can be pushed to that demigod place.

No one knows what exists in that demigod land. They only know that this demigod land is very high-end and very powerful.

It can be said that it is reasonable to push any treasure profits to this demigod land.

Moreover, Xiao Shi gave these treasures to Xiang Zizhen in advance, and Xiang Zizhen took them out personally.

At the same time, in the eyes of everyone, the person who entered the land of demigods was also Xiang Zizhen.

Therefore, no one will pay attention to Xiao Shi.

Even if there were high-level questions from the Dawu Dynasty, they would always ask Xiang Zizhen.

Xiang Zizhen would naturally push the origin of the icon to the land of demigods.

After all, Xiang Zizhen now feels that many of the treasures Xiao Shi took out this time, including the holy statues, all originated from that demigod place.

For a while.

When Zou Xiang announced to Dongdao that Xiang Zizhen was planning to build a holy statue on Dongdao.

The entire East Island fell into a carnival.

The meeting gift given by Xiao Shi a few days ago had already made these warriors on the East Island shocked and excited.

Now the news of the establishment of the icon has come out.

Every warrior on the East Island fell into excitement and ecstasy.

They know the meaning of the icons!

This is definitely not comparable to Rong Sufei's statue.

It is impossible for anyone to object at this time.

Even if anyone dares to object, he will definitely be tolerated by the warriors of the entire East Island!

Now everyone is looking forward to it.

As long as Xiang Zizhen establishes the icon, they will immediately change their stance and fully support Xiang Zizhen!

at the same time.

Rong Sufei, who was located on the West Island, seemed to have turned into a clay sculpture at this time, his whole person was lifeless and radiant.

When he learned that Xiang Zi really wanted to build a holy statue on Dongdao.

The whole person was completely confused.

His greatest confidence and support is the statue he built on East Island.

As long as the statue doesn't fall.

He always has the advantage.

But he never thought of it...

What Xiang Zizhen gained from that demigod land, in addition to many treasures, was actually a holy statue! !

Now this holy statue comes out.

All his plans and all his advantages collapsed!

He could imagine...

Once Xiang Zizhen established the holy statue in Dongdao.

The hearts of the entire Dongdao will inevitably be biased towards Xiang Zizhen.

Even here in the West Island will be greatly affected.

At that time, the warriors from the West Island will also choose this leader who has many treasures and can also take out the holy statue.

No one would choose Rong Sufei.

"I...I lost."

Rong Sufei lowered his head.

Originally, in his eyes, this was a situation where victory was guaranteed.

I never expected that Xiang Zizhen could reverse the situation so easily!

His fists were clenched.

There was strong unwillingness and bitterness in my heart.

Originally, he was preparing to take some countermeasures to the meeting gift given by Xiang Zizhen this time to prevent the warriors on the East Island from changing their stance.

But before I had time to act...

Xiang Zizhen immediately carried out a bigger move here!

By now.

Rong Sufei knew that he would not be able to defeat Xiang Zizhen on his own.

After taking a deep breath.

He took out a sound transmission jade slip.

He reported the current situation in detail to his master, the master of Wuge Pavilion.

he knows.

Now only his master has the ability to help him reverse the situation.

He definitely can't do it by himself.

After receiving the message from Rong Sufei, Dangriyou.

His whole brow was also wrinkled.

He didn't expect...

Xiang Zi really gained such a huge harvest in the land of demigods!

Even rare things like holy statues can be taken out.

"This matter is indeed somewhat troublesome..."

Chengriyou thought for a while.

I feel that judging from the current situation, it is indeed difficult to reverse the situation.

After all, even their martial arts pavilion cannot produce something like a holy statue.

Trying to reverse the situation by coming up with better items is no longer feasible.

"Now there is only one way to change the situation!"

Cheng Riyou's eyes flashed sharply.

Prince Dawu had set the rules back then.

In this competition between Xiang Zizhen and Rong Sufei, those with a cultivation level above the Martial Demon Realm are not allowed to participate.

If you want to reverse the situation now...

It must be done in person on a day trip!

Think of this.

I traveled all day long to meet Prince Dawu.

He felt that from Prince Dawu's position, there might be a chance to get Prince Dawu to agree to his admission.

After all, what Prince Dawu wanted to see was for Rong Sufei to be promoted to a saint, not Xiang Zizhen.

But this time I entered.

Concealment must be done.

It cannot be detected by the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult.

Three days later.

Xiang Zizhen and Xiao Shi stood under the huge statue of Rong Sufei.

Behind him stood a group of warriors from the East Island.

These Dongdao warriors looked at Xiang Zizhen with strong anticipation and urgency in their eyes.

Before that.

In their eyes, this statue of Rong Sufei is like a sacred object.

Who touches this statue?

They fight with whomever they can!

But now they find the statue extremely annoying.

I even hope that Xiang Zi will destroy the statue as soon as possible so that the holy image can be built as soon as possible.

"I said, within ten days, I will make this statue disappear!"

Xiao Shi stood beside Xiang Zizhen and said softly.

This is what he said when he first came to the Nandou area.

Xiang Zizhen nodded.

I was shocked inside.

Although he had never doubted Xiao Shi's ability, he never expected that the other party would actually allow him to destroy Rong Sufei's statue in such a short period of time.

As long as this statue falls.

Basically the entire East Island is available.

Even the West Island will be greatly affected.

It can be said that he has almost won half the battle!

Xiang Zizhen took a deep breath.

Under everyone's gaze.


His figure moved.

Lifted directly into the sky.

Soared high into the sky.

And at the moment of rushing high into the sky.

A spear suddenly appeared in his hand.

I saw him raising his spear.

There was a pop.

It pierced directly into the eyebrow of Rong Sufei's statue.

Immediately, cracks appeared, spreading from the forehead of Rong Sufei's statue at a speed visible to the naked eye, extending to the entire statue.

Then there was a loud bang.

The entire statue exploded and collapsed.

With Xiang Zizhen's strength, it is not difficult to destroy this statue.

The difficult thing is how to obtain the consent of these East Island warriors.

And now, none of the Dongdao warriors who have witnessed all this feel sorry for the broken statue of Rong Sufei.

There was only a chorus of applause.


When Xiang Zizhen destroyed Rong Sufei's statue.

He turned over his hands casually.

Just took out a brand new statue!

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