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Chapter 327 Promotion to Saint

"The East Island was completely refined in an instant, and the West Island was also directly refined to 90%, leaving only the last 10% of the earth veins!!"

Xiang Zizhen took a deep breath.

Looks horrified.

Although after he took over the [Refining Hand] from Xiao Shi, he already knew that the [Refining Hand] has extremely domineering and unsolvable refining, and can forcibly refine a part of the area.

But I never expected that the entire refining speed would be so terrifying!

The refining range is so wide!

This was completely beyond his knowledge and imagination!

There was extremely strong excitement and ecstasy in my heart.

This way.

Even Rong Sufei, who was canonized by the Great Martial Seal, couldn't possibly compare to him!

Next, as long as he refines the last 10% of the remaining earth veins in the Nandou area, he will be able to completely control the Nandou area and be promoted to a saint!

Think of this.

Xiang Zi really didn't stop at all.

Quickly start refining the remaining 10% of the earth veins on the West Island.

The remaining earth veins must be refined by himself.

At the same time he also knew.

Rong Sufei will definitely report the matter to Wuge Pavilion Master Chengri You.

In order to avoid long nights and many dreams.

Xiang Zi really needs to complete the refining of the last remaining earth veins as soon as possible.

Cheng Riyou, who had returned to Emperor Wu's Imperial City at this time, frowned deeply.

Even with his knowledge and vision.

I have never seen such a refining method before!

Never even heard of it.

"...It seems that Xiang Zi really gained a lot in the land of demigods that sealed the Eye of the Emperor."

He felt that Xiang Zi could really perform such strange tricks.

It must have been a special opportunity in the land of demigods.

But what really surprised him was not the method of refining earth veins that Xiang Zizhen used this time.

But the other party dared to refine the Nandou area even though he knew Prince Dawu's attitude!

Ever since Emperor Wu fell and Prince Dawu came to power, no one in the entire imperial domain has ever dared to disobey Prince Dawu.

Chengriyou didn't expect that this item would really...

To be so bold.

"...Master, what should we do now?"

There was strong anxiety in Rong Sufei's voice transmission.

"Now that things have happened, there is no need to continue competing with him."

Chengriyou Chuanyin replied.

The meaning is obvious.

Let Rong Sufei give up.

Rong Sufei was immediately startled.

He froze like a sculpture.

I never expected that Master would let me give up.

In his opinion, there was Prince Dawu behind them.

It’s impossible to lose!

There is no reason to lose!

But now Master asked me to give up?

Chengriyou is very clear.

Although Prince Dawu's position has always been with them, Prince Dawu can only support it secretly.

It is impossible to openly support it.

Now that even the Great Martial Seal cannot match Xiang Zizhen's level of refinement, there is no need to continue competing with him.


Although it is a pity that we failed to win the Nandou area.

But Chengriyou is very clear.

In this competition with the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult, their martial arts pavilion is not considered a loser.

Even in terms of the Four Elephant Divine Martial Arts, there will be an additional saint.

But he is a saint who dares to disobey Prince Dawu!

Based on Chengriyou’s understanding of Prince Dawu.

He knew that Xiang Zizhen's behavior had deeply violated Prince Dawu's taboo!

In comparison.

The fight for the Nandou area is no longer a big deal.

Openly disobeying Prince Dawu is the real big deal!

With the continuous refining of West Island.

The aura of Xiang Zizhen gradually began to transform.

Waves of powerful aura fluctuations.

The constant release from him.

The void around him was shaken by this, showing twists and turns like whirlpools.

Xiang Zi can really feel it clearly.

He is currently only one step away from the saint's breakthrough.

This made him feel extremely excited and expectant.

But what surprised him was...

Rong Sufei actually didn't compete with him for the last piece of land.

He originally thought that after Rong Sufei noticed the situation, he would work with the martial arts group behind him to make a fuss about the last remaining leyline.

As long as they try their best to compete with themselves for the last piece of earth vein, they will not allow themselves to refine it.

So Xiang Zizhen couldn't completely refine the Nandou area and be promoted to a saint in just a short while.

But he didn't expect that Rong Sufei didn't make any move.

Seems to have given up.

This was somewhat beyond Xiang Zi's expectation.

To this.

Xiang Zizhen didn't think much about it.

He knew that even if Rong Sufei fought with him for the last piece of land, it would only delay the process for a while.

Now that he has mastered more than 90% of the land lines in the Nandou area.

Even if Rong Sufei refines simultaneously with him, it is impossible to be faster than him.

Presumably Rong Sufei also knew this.

Therefore no unnecessary action was taken.

Just give up.

It can be said that after Xiang Zizhen completed the refining of most of the earth veins in the Nandou area with his [Refining Hand], the result was already doomed.

"Then comes the final step."

Xiang Zizhen took a deep breath.

Calm down the excitement inside.

Saint is the pinnacle of the three realms in martial arts. For most warriors, this realm is actually the end of their martial arts.

It is the ultimate pursuit in their lives.

After all, the upper three realms of martial arts only belong to legend...

Especially in today's Tianwu Continent.

Existences above saints are even more rare and extremely rare.

It is impossible for ordinary warriors to reach the upper three realms.

Saints are the realm that most warriors can see and hope to reach.

Xiang Zizhen is no exception.

Although he has good talents, he is personally taught by a powerful person like Chen Yuan.

But Xiang Zi really knows.

Saint is the limit of what he can achieve.

Xiang Zizhen has always regarded the saint as his goal and dream.

Now that he is only one step away from his dream, Xiang Zizhen is naturally extremely excited.

However, just as he was about to undergo the final refining.

The sound transmitting device on his body suddenly vibrated.

This sound transmission device mainly serves as a link between Xiang Zizhen and Master Chenyuan.

From the vibration frequency of the sound transmission device.

Xiang Zi could really feel the anxiety in Master Chenyuan.

But he knew without thinking that the master was probably aware of the situation here and now wanted to stop him from refining the Nandou area.

"...I'm sorry, Master, I have to decide on the Nandou area!"

Xiang Zi really did not choose to connect the sound transmission device.

Set it aside.

His eyes are firm.

The final refining process started directly.

Chen Yuan frowned and held the sound transmitting device.

Unexpectedly, this disciple who had always obeyed his words would actually do such a bold thing after his explicit hints.

"It seems that this disciple of Master Chen is not very obedient. But that's right. Others have made great contributions to the Four Elephants Shenwu Sect and the Dawu Dynasty, and they have the willpower."

Chengri You, who was sitting aside, said with a smile.

It implies that Xiang Zizhen is now arrogant.

Chen Yuan ignored Cheng Riyou's strange aura.

Instead, he turned his attention to Prince Dawu above.

At this time, Prince Dawu held a volume of ancient books in his hand and read through them carefully, as if he had not heard the words between the two.

However, Chen Yuan clearly noticed it.

Prince Dawu's face no longer had the gentle smile of the past.

Based on his understanding of Prince Dawu.

Knowing that Prince Dawu was calm on the outside at this time, he must be furious inside!

After all, ever since Prince Dawu came to power.

In the imperial domain, no one has ever dared to disobey him.

Anyone who is familiar with Prince Dawu knows this.

His temperament is domineering.

Absolutely intolerable to his own authority and provocation.

What Xiang Zizhen did now has deeply offended the authority of Prince Dawu.

Especially when Prince Dawu gave the Dawu Seal and warned him, Xiang Zizhen still insisted on refining the Nandou area. This was a blatant slap in Prince Dawu's face.

Chen Yuan frowned deeply.

Although he knew that Prince Dawu would not openly attack.

But there will definitely be no less revenge in the dark.

At the same time, he offended Prince Dawu. From now on, Xiang Zizhen could not even hope for a better development in the Dawu Dynasty.

In Chen Yuan's view, it was unwise for Xiang Zizhen to offend Prince Dawu in order to compete for this Nandou area.

Now he could only try his best to think of remedies to make up for the mistakes committed by his disciple.


Over the entire Nandou area, streaks of blazing white lightning pierced the sky and made a dull explosion.

Xiao Shi looked up at the sky above.

Can see clearly.

At this time, clouds surged over the Nandou area, and lightning intertwined.

These clouds are gathering.

Gradually it condensed into a huge face.

This is a huge face that spreads over the entire Nandou area.

With continued condensation.

Xiao Shi recognized it at a glance.

This face floating over the Nandou area is exactly...

Xiang Zi’s true face.

"It finally worked!"

Xiao Shi breathed a sigh of relief.

Realizing that at this time, Xiang Zizhen had completed the refining of all the earth veins in the Nandou area.

Begin to become a saint.

From now on, this Nandou area will be the realm of Xiang Zizhen’s saint!

Every saint will have extremely powerful combat power in his own field.

At the same time, with Xiang Zizhen's Saint Domain, Xiao Shi could use this place as an important stronghold in the Dawu Dynasty.

And with the importance of the saints.

No matter how much Prince Dawu hated Xiang Zizhen in his heart, it was impossible for him to do something extreme.

After all, saints are rare in the entire Tianwu Continent.

Especially for the Dawu Dynasty.

Every saint is extremely important to them, not only related to the strength of the Dawu Dynasty, but also determines the status and strength of the Dawu Dynasty in Tianwu Continent.

This was one of the reasons why Xiang Zi really dared to disobey Prince Da Wu.

Just become a saint...

His status will be completely different, just like a prince.

Even in the Imperial Domain, the Saint is not the strongest.

But it is also a powerful existence that cannot be ignored!

No matter how domineering Prince Dawu was, he would not be able to make such a stupid move as to kill his own saint.

at the same time.

Not only Xiao Shi saw Xiang Zi's true face emerging from the sky.

All the warriors in the Nandou area saw this face at this moment.

For these warriors, most people are happy.

They were happy to see Xiang Zizhen become a saint in the Nandou area.

The only one who felt uncomfortable.

There were only Rong Sufei and his subordinates.

Rong Sufei looked at the huge face in the sky with a depressed expression. There was deep reluctance on his face and his fists were clenched.

After several twists and turns.

In the end he lost!

He knew that once the Nandou area became the domain of Xiang Zizhen's saint, the other party would definitely not welcome him to stay here.

Rather than being kicked out by Xiang Zizhen, it would be better to leave on your own initiative.


Rong Sufei took his subordinates and left the Nandou area in despair.

Although Xiang Zizhen has completed the refining of the entire Nandou area at this time, it still takes a certain amount of time and process to be promoted to a saint.

Next, he will retreat and carry out the Saint's impact with all his strength.

After Xiao Shi successfully assisted Xiang Zizhen in completing the refining of the earth veins in the Nandou area.

I also started to think about my own improvement.

At present, for Xiao Shi, his main body has successfully constructed the system of the Martial Demon Realm. If he wants to make a breakthrough next, he will need the demon body clone to successfully construct the system of the Martial Demon Realm.

One of the special features of the Martial Demon Realm.

The reason is that the demon body clone and the main body can cultivate two different systems respectively.

When the two build different systems, they can enter the second stage of the martial demon realm, melting demons or killing demons.

For Xiao Shi.

Now that he has complete control over the demonic body clone, he naturally chooses to integrate the demonic body clone into himself.

However, this requires the demon body clone to first build the system of the martial demon realm.

Since Xiao Shi and the demon clone cannot communicate mentally, he cannot lead the construction of the demon clone's system.

I can only help from the side.

However, the demon body clone's qualifications and talents are the same as Xiao Shi's.

In addition to the treasures that Xiao Shi gave to the demon clone before, I believe that it is not difficult for the demon clone to build a system in the martial demon realm.

"It's basically not difficult for me to reach the second stage of the Martial Demon Realm, but if I want to attack the Saint... it might be a little tricky."

Xiao Shi knew.

The key to becoming a saint lies in refining an area.

Regardless of whether they offended Prince Dawu this time, it was impossible for him to refine the area within the imperial domain.

On the one hand, Xiao Shi himself hides himself behind the scenes.

Even Xiang Zizhen doesn't know his depth. If he wants to refine the area in the Dawu Dynasty, his own situation must be made public.

At least everyone in the Dawu Dynasty will know that there is a peak warrior in the Martial Demon Realm among the Four Elephant Gods.

It will definitely attract a lot of attention at that time.

This is contrary to Xiao Shi's behavior.

On the other hand, there is a rule for the areas in the Imperial Domain, that is, at most one area can be refined at the same time, and after an area is refined, it must wait for at least ten years before it can be refined. Transform the next area.

If Xiao Shi wanted to refine an area in the Imperial Domain, he would have to wait at least ten years.

And the next saint's quota may not be given to him.

Especially now that he has offended Prince Dawu, don't even think about it.

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