Looking at the huge land mass condensed in the sky.

The three heavenly kings were shocked and recalled an incident many years ago.

At that time, the Dawu Dynasty was at its most powerful period.

Every area ruled by the Dawu Dynasty has been refined, so that the number of saints in the Dawu Dynasty has directly reached the maximum limit.

There is no more free area where a saint can be born.

This situation was undoubtedly quite unfavorable for the Dawu Dynasty at that time.

It will seriously affect the development of the Dawu Dynasty.

After all, the Dawu Dynasty at that time was at its most powerful, with no wars and no foreign enemies.

It’s very different from today’s troubled times.

It can be said that the saints at that time all had long lifespans and did not have to worry about enemies that would threaten their lives.

This way.

If others want to be promoted to saints, they must wait until these saints die before they can hope to be promoted to saints.

Once these saints are immortal, the Dawu Dynasty will have no free area to give birth to more saints.

However, the life span of a saint is long and long. Even if he lives for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, it is not a problem.

It is obviously unrealistic to wait for these saints to die before other saints can be born.

On the one hand, those warriors in the Martial Demon Realm do not have such a long lifespan and cannot wait for such a long time.

On the other hand, it will greatly consume those with good qualifications and talents.

Even if a genius appears in the Great Wu Dynasty, he will always be stuck in the realm of martial arts and unable to break through to the Holy One.

Especially among these geniuses, if there is a peerless monster who can attack the upper three realms, but is stuck in the Martial Demon Realm because there is no area for refining, this will be extremely detrimental to the development of the Dawu Dynasty.

After all, for most warriors.

The saint is already the end that they can see in the martial arts.

Whether it is today's Tianwu Continent or the once powerful period of the Dawu Dynasty, warriors who can attack the upper three realms are very rare and rare.

If there is no strong person in the upper three realms born due to insufficient area, this will definitely be an extremely huge loss to the Dawu Dynasty.

To this.

In order to solve this problem, more saints can appear in the Dawu Dynasty.

Emperor Wu decided to create more areas in the Dawu Dynasty.

At that time, this incident caused a great shock in the Dawu Dynasty.

In fact, such a feat of creating a region is like a fantasy in everyone's eyes, and no one has ever been able to do it.

Not even a demigod could succeed.

Only Emperor Wu in the entire Tianwu Continent had the ability and confidence to make such an attempt.

With much anticipation.

Emperor Wu did not live up to everyone's expectations.

It only took three years.

Ten areas were successfully created!

Emperor Wu, who initiated the creation of these ten areas, was not satisfied with this.

He had a bigger thought and idea in mind.

That is to create a...

An unprecedented special area!

It's just that even the three kings don't know much about this special area.

Because Emperor Wu did not announce relevant information about this special area at that time.

All they know is...

At that time, Emperor Wu had only one purpose in creating this special area.

That is, I want to create the strongest saint! !

Everybody knows.

Most of the saint's power comes from his own domain.

Under normal circumstances, all saints strengthen their fields through the management and development of their own fields.

But no matter how much we operate and develop, there is always an upper limit in the field.

Therefore, even if there is a difference in strength between saints, it will not be too huge.

There will be no situation where one of the saints enters the domain of another saint and can kill him.

Normally, when saints fight one on one, one side will not kill the other side.

Once one of the parties is defeated.

It will immediately return to its own territory.

As long as you stay within your own domain, you cannot be killed by another saint.

Even if another saint breaks into the opponent's territory, there may be a risk of being counterattacked.

It can be said that among the nine realms of martial arts, the saint must be the one with the smallest gap among the same realms.

Like the previous realms, there will be a huge difference in strength and weakness in the same realm.

Killing warriors of the same level is completely normal.

Only the Holy One...

It is difficult to kill people in the same realm.

Therefore, in the realm of saints, there has always been no such thing as the strongest saint.

In other realms, there must be the strongest in their respective realms.

Only the realm of saints...

It's hard to be the strongest.

It wasn't until Emperor Wu created the region that he formally proposed the concept of "the strongest saint."

Before this, there was no such concept in the entire Tianwu Continent.

Emperor Wu's idea was simple.

Since the power of saints mainly comes from their own domain, as long as they create a unique and powerful area, they can change the situation where there will not be a big strength gap between saints.

This creates the most powerful saint.

By then, the person who refines this area will have more power than other saints, and will be the most powerful saint.


Although the idea was good, after some attempts, Emperor Wu discovered that the time and energy required to create such a special and powerful area would be extremely long.

Even though Emperor Wu Shen Xin had been creating for decades, he still could not complete the creation of this area.

Then there were other more important things.

The matter had to be postponed.

Until the fall of Emperor Wu...

He failed to complete the creation of this area.

But the three heavenly kings have heard about it.

Although Emperor Wu did not have time to complete the creation of this area later, Emperor Wu preserved this area in another way and allowed this area to be continuously improved as time went by.

One day in the future, this area may reappear in Tianwu Continent in a special way.

At this time, he looked at the huge landmass appearing in the sky.

The three heavenly kings could not help but have an association in their hearts.

"This land...could it be the special area created by Emperor Wu!?"

The reason why I think so.

Mainly for two reasons.

First, the appearance of this area is too weird. This has never happened in Tianwu Continent for so many years.

Second, this area does not exist on the ground like ordinary areas, but appears directly on the sky!

In today's Tianwu Continent.

The only area that can be suspended above the sky is the palace of the Dawu Dynasty! !

Now this area is suspended in the sky as soon as it appears. This is definitely not an ordinary area.

"If this area is really a special area that Emperor Wu had not completed back then, then no matter what, we must capture it!"

Think of this.

The three heavenly kings did not hesitate.

They rushed towards the huge land above the sky at the first time.

Dawu Dynasty.

The moment he saw this huge land in the sky.

Prince Dawu's breathing became rapid in an instant.

As the heir of Emperor Wu.

He also knew very well about this special area.

However, he didn't have time to take action yet.

Three figures were already seen, like three shining stars, rushing towards the huge land in the sky at an indescribable and astonishing speed.

"not good!!"

Prince Dawu's expression darkened.

Naturally, he knew that these three figures were the three heavenly kings.

He could only be anxious about this.

Because there are no demigods in the current Dawu Dynasty.

Therefore, they have no competitiveness at all in areas outside the Imperial Territory.

Even if they and the three heavenly kings rushed towards the huge land in the sky simultaneously, they would not be able to grab it due to the absolute difference in strength.

It will even give the three kings a chance to kill them!

So he could only watch.

Nothing can be done.

At the speed of three demigods.

Even though this area existed in the extremely distant sky, they were extremely close to this area in less than a second.

But the moment they were about to enter this area.

But they discovered that outside this area, there was an invisible barrier invisible to the naked eye.

As it gets closer.

This barrier directly blocked them.

Even with their demigod cultivation, they were pushed far away by this barrier and could not get closer.


This made the three heavenly kings frown at the same time.

They felt Emperor Wu's aura on this barrier! !

From this, I realized that this was a restriction left by Emperor Wu when he created this area.

Under this restriction, even if the three demigods work together, they may not be able to break this restriction.

"It seems that this area cannot be captured by force..."

The three heavenly kings looked at each other.

There was strong vigilance and alertness in his eyes.

At the same time, he retreated.

This also made Prince Dawu breathe a sigh of relief after witnessing this scene.

If it weren't for the restrictions left by Emperor Wu, he would really have no way to deal with this situation.

I can only watch as this special area falls into the hands of the three kings.

Fortunately, this area cannot be captured by force.

"Looking at it this way...if you want to enter this special area, you must take some special methods."

Prince Dawu's eyes flashed.

Now it was their side that had the advantage.

As the orthodoxy of the Dawu Dynasty.

No one knows what Emperor Wu left behind better than them.

Think of this.

Prince Dawu immediately took out the sound transmission device and sent a message to Chen Yuan, asking Chen Yuan if he knew how to enter this special area.

However, Chen Yuan said that he didn't know much about this special area.

Although Chen Yuan was from Emperor Wu's era, Chen Yuan at that time was just a small priest and had no access to the core aspects of the Da Wu Dynasty.

Naturally, it is impossible to know this kind of information.

Prince Dawu thought for a while.

Suddenly a key figure came to mind.


His figure moved.

He came directly to the palace, in front of a dark hall.

"How much do you know about this special area?"

Prince Dawu spoke in a deep voice.

In the dark hall, a vague black shadow appeared vaguely, making a hoarse sound.

"This special area was created by Emperor Wu himself."

"Due to the excessive time and energy required to create this area, Emperor Wu could not complete it in a short time. Therefore, Emperor Wu cast an incarnation, and it has been this incarnation that has been creating this area."

"From a time point of view, this area may have been created decades ago. However, the Dawu Dynasty at that time did not have enough energy and saints, so this area did not appear."

"until now……"

"This area only appeared after the Dawu Dynasty had enough energy and saints!"

Prince Dawu perked up.

The person he is asking now is the imperial guard who was left behind by Emperor Wu to protect his descendants!

Compared to Chen Yuan.

The Imperial Guard obviously knew better.

After all, in Emperor Wu's time, as the bodyguards whom Emperor Wu trusted, the Imperial Guards were already able to access high-level information from the Dawu Dynasty.

This made Prince Dawu realize.

The reason why this special area appears at this time is because the Dawu Dynasty has grown to a sufficient level in recent times.

Even though the strength of the Dawu Dynasty had just declined before.

But compared to the last surge in Qi, the current decline in Qi is less than one-tenth of the last surge.

In addition, after Xiang Zizhen became a saint, the number of saints in the Dawu Dynasty has reached the target.

So this area will appear at this time.

"Then do you know how to enter this special area?"

Prince Dawu then asked.

This is also the most important point at the moment.

"Judging from the situation just now, the formation of this special area is composed of many parts that are differentiated from ordinary areas. That is to say..."

"These ordinary areas that are differentiated will all have quotas to enter this special area."

"But only beings below the saint can enter it."

"Existences above saints will definitely not be able to enter."

The imperial guard in the darkness said.

Prince Dawu nodded.

Then he asked curiously.

"But why are those three guys' areas divided into parts to form this special area?"

What Prince Dawu is referring to is the three major domains controlled by the three heavenly kings.

In his opinion.

Since the appearance of this special area depends on the Dawu Dynasty itself, this special area should be composed of ordinary areas within the Dawu Dynasty, and should not involve ordinary areas among the three major domains.

Now, the three major domains of these three heavenly kings have also divided into parts that make up this special area, which will result in the three heavenly kings also having the quota to enter this special area.

"His Royal Highness may have forgotten that those three major domains were also part of the Imperial Domain before."

The imperial guard in the darkness said.

Prince Dawu was startled.

Only then did I remember that the three major domains controlled by the three heavenly kings were themselves divided from the former imperial domain.

When Emperor Wu created this special area, he used the imperial domain at that time as a whole.

Therefore, these three major domains will now be included.

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