The roaring sound echoed from the explosion in the valley.

The corpses of Xiao Shihe, a burly and muscular white-haired old man, were like two savage giant beasts, causing a fierce collision and fighting in the valley, causing the entire valley to shake, and deep pits to be blasted out on the ground.


Zhou Hong and Guan Zhihong also started fighting with the other two corpses that flew out of the coffin.

Just compared to Xiao Shi.

Zhou Hong and Guan Zhihong seemed to be struggling when facing these two corpses.

After all, these two corpses both possess strengths comparable to those at the peak of the Martial Demon Realm.

And their bodies are strong and sharp.

Has amazing lethality.

Since there is no soul in the corpse, the soul power carried by Zhou Hong and Guan Zhihong's attacks is completely ineffective.

In addition, after their demon body clones were stripped off, their cultivation fell to the first stage of the Martial Demon Realm. This caused them to retreat continuously in the battle with the two corpses and were completely suppressed.

While Xiao Shi was fighting fiercely with the corpse, he was always paying attention to the situation around him.

After seeing that there were no more bodies in the coffins on the cliff, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Judging from the current situation.

It seems that every corpse here corresponds to a martial artist who has entered this level.

When the three of them entered this valley together.

There were three corpses rushing out of the coffin.

"Looking at it this way..."

"My previous guess was right!"

"The difficulty of this level has not increased."

Xiao Shi was relieved about this.

If nine corpses appear here at once, it means that the difficulty of this level has most likely been tripled.

But when each corresponds to a corpse, it basically shows that the difficulty of this level has not been improved in any way.

And judging from the strength of these corpses.

A normal Martial Demon Realm would definitely have a hard time facing these corpses.

Now Xiao Shi saw that Zhou Hong and Guan Zhihong were constantly retreating from the battle with the two corpses, and they were no match for them at all.

Even Xiao Shi himself could only rely on his powerful body to remain undefeated at the moment, but he could not suppress this corpse, nor could he free his hands to help Zhou Hong and Guan Zhihong.

And most importantly...

Xiao Shi felt that this level was far more than just the appearance of three corpses that were comparable to the peak of the Martial Demon Realm.

It can be seen from the first two levels that the crises in these levels not only exist

The crisis that affects them, warriors in the Martial Demon Realm, will also affect the guards.

Now there is only a crisis for these three warriors in the Martial Demon Realm.

There has been no crisis against the guards.

Just thinking about it.

The entire valley was suddenly shaken.

And accompanied by vibrations.



An arm covered with rot and corpse stains stretched out straight from the ground. With a strong push on the ground, half of the body was exposed.

It was a pile of corpses!

But these corpses were very different from the three corpses that flew out of the coffin.

The corpse inside the coffin seems to have been cared for all year round. Even with the naked eye, you cannot tell that it is a corpse!

On the surface, they look basically the same as normal living people.

But these corpses crawled out from the ground, their bodies were rotten in many places, their eyeballs were pale, and they looked very scary.

After these corpses crawled out of the ground.

He went straight towards the guards and killed them.

Their targets are these guards.

"This level seems to be a corpse place!"

Xiao Shi's eyes narrowed.

I realized that the era this level corresponds to is probably an era related to corpses.

The most special thing is that these corpses are not controlled by souls.

It's more like some kind of instructions were given to the inside of the corpse...

Even though these corpses are not sane and are not manipulated like puppets, in terms of combat, they are not as rigid as the mirror image of the previous level. Instead, they have strong agility and flexibility. Rich combat experience.

Coupled with the strong and sharp bodies of these corpses, they have extremely powerful combat power.

boom! !

Accompanied by a loud noise.

Guan Zhihong, the weakest among the three, was hit hard on the valley floor by the bombardment of corpses in front of him.

A deep pit was created in the ground.

His body was broken in many places and covered in blood.

He was hit hard in an instant and faced a huge crisis.

As the corpses came towards him again, at the critical moment, a dark red seed suddenly appeared in Guan Zhihong's hand.

He flicked his finger.

He shot the seed in his hand towards the corpses that were being plundered.

call out!

Only a flash of dark red light was seen.

This seed accurately hit the looted corpse.

And the moment he touched the body.

The seeds instantly merged into the body.

As a result, the body that was charging forward paused, and its entire speed suddenly slowed down.

Not only that.

When the seeds were integrated into the corpse, numerous dark red branches immediately grew from the elbows, knees and other joints of the corpse at an astonishing speed.

When the corpse rushed in front of Guan Zhihong, these growing branches had already formed like ropes, tightly binding the entire corpse.

can be seen……

These branches have extremely powerful binding power. Even with the strong body of the corpse, it is unable to break free from the shackles of these branches despite its constant struggle.

In an instant.

The corpse was tied into a "zongzi" by these rapidly growing branches and stood there, unable to move.

This also made Guan Zhihong, who had been hit hard, breathe a sigh of relief.

In times of crisis.

Without any hesitation, he decisively used the exclusive items.

This successfully resolved the crisis.

at the same time.

Although Zhou Hong on the other side did not encounter a major crisis like Guan Zhihong, his situation became increasingly difficult under the strong attack of the corpse.

To this.

Zhou Hong no longer hesitated.

Directly chose to use exclusive items.

The exclusive item he used was an item that could drain the target's power. As a result, the entire corpse lost all power and fell limply to the ground due to the continuous loss of power.

The first time to get rid of the body.

Zhou Hong and Guan Zhihong immediately killed the other corpses crawling out of the ground.

To prevent his own guards from being killed by these corpses.

In the previous level, some of their guards had already died, especially Guan Zhihong's guards, and now only five of them were dead.

He couldn't let these guards continue to die.

Otherwise, once these guards are no longer available to transport the demon body clones, the box that seals the demon body clones will have to be left in place and cannot be taken to the Holy Land.

At the same time, they didn't know if there would be a chance to unlock the box that sealed the demon body's clone.

If the demon body clone had been sealed in the box...

Then their losses will be great.


None of them can let any more guards die.

These corpses crawling out from the ground are obviously inferior in strength to the corpses flying out of the coffin.

With the strength of Zhou Hong and Guan Zhihong, they can definitely deal with it.

Xiao Shi, who was always paying attention to the situation in the valley, couldn't help but wonder whether he needed to use exclusive items after seeing Zhou Hong and Guan Zhihong both using exclusive items.

Although he did not encounter any crisis in the confrontation with this corpse.

But the current situation is that he and this corpse have nothing to do with each other.

Fighting like this is a waste of time.

Not only was this corpse physically strong, but its healing and recovery capabilities were extremely amazing. Even if Xiao Shi used Thousand Weapons Dao Slash to chop part of its body into pieces, the corpse would be restored to its original state within a few seconds.

Xiao Shi felt that he wanted to completely break and destroy this corpse.

I'm afraid it will take at least more than a day.

And he couldn't continue to spend time here with this corpse.

After all.

At present, their understanding of this level is very limited.

It is uncertain whether the corpses here will be the same as the mirror images of the previous level. Every once in a while, a wave will appear.

if it is like this……

It must be resolved quickly.

Otherwise, the situation will only get worse if it continues.

Think of this.

Xiao Shi suddenly no longer hesitated.

He decisively took out [Charming Martial Evil Flower].

There are three petals in the entire [Charming Martial Evil Flower], which means it can be used three times.

After Xiao Shi pulled off a petal.

He flicked the petal towards the corpse.

When the petals were attached to the corpse, the corpse's power immediately began to drain away.

Three minutes later.

All the strength of this corpse was drained away, thus directly losing its ability to fight.

at the same time.

Zhou Hong and Guan Zhihong, together with a group of guards, disposed of the corpses that emerged from the ground.

"We need to leave as soon as possible."

Xiao Shi said in a deep voice.

Zhou Hong and Guan Zhihong nodded.

They also worry that bodies will appear here over time.

To know.

Now there are hundreds of coffins on the cliff above their heads.

If there are powerful corpses in these coffins that are comparable to those at the peak of the Martial Demon Realm, even if they continue to use exclusive items, they may not be able to get out of this level.

Immediately, they moved away from the valley as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, they marched for a long time.

There are no more corpses here.

This is basically certain...

The corpses here do not appear over time.

But just as they breathed a sigh of relief, they suddenly discovered...

The coffin on the cliff suddenly changed.

The previous coffins were all dark black and stained with decay.

Now it is dark red and brand new.

At the same time, there is a mysterious and profound rune on the coffin.

Not only the coffin on the cliff has changed.

The ground in front of them also turned deep red, exuding a strong smell of blood.

"It seems that there are mainly different areas in this valley..."

"The previous location was the front section of the valley. Now this may be the middle section or the back section of the valley..."

Xiao Shi said in a deep voice.

Zhou Hong and Guan Zhihong also nodded solemnly.

This also means...

When they enter here, new bodies may appear again.

as expected.

As they stepped into this area.

A bloody wind suddenly blew in the valley.

Under this fishy wind.

The three crimson coffins above shook violently, accompanied by shaking.

There was a bang.

The coffin lid flew away.

Three bloody figures rushed out from it.

These were clearly three blood-haired corpses. Like the previous corpses, they had scarlet pupils with bleeding filaments of red light.

However, these three corpses appear to be better preserved.

There wasn't even a single corpse stain on his body.

Except for the expressionless, rigid face and the dilated pupils without any emotion, he looked just like a living person.

When these three corpses appeared.

They made the same action at the same time.

They simultaneously extended their right hands to the bloody earth below.

The palm of his hand sank straight into the ground.

Then a two-meter long bloody knife was pulled out from the bloody ground below.

The whole blood-colored long knife is covered with tadpole-shaped twisted stripes, which makes people feel dizzy when they stare at it.

There is even a rich smell of blood emanating from the long knife.

Xiao Shi looked at this with a stern look.

It can be felt that the strength of these three corpses should be the same as the previous corpses, without much change.

After all, the previous corpse had already reached the peak strength of the Martial Demon Realm.

Further up, there is the Saint.

But now these three corpses obviously do not have the strength of the saint.

But they had an extra long bloody knife in their hands compared to the previous corpse.

This is no ordinary bloody sword.

Holding such a bloody sword will greatly improve their strength!

It will definitely be more difficult to deal with than before.

"I suggest that you'd better use exclusive items directly..."

Xiao Shi just finished speaking.


The three corpses in front of them had turned into three rays of blood, rushing toward them at an astonishing speed.

Xiao Shi and the other two men immediately came forward.

Zhou Hong decisively used the exclusive item.

What they used before were exclusive items obtained when passing the first level.

Now Zhou Hong directly chose to use the exclusive items obtained from the second level.

However, Guan Zhihong hesitated.

Because the exclusive items they obtain are not the same.

The number of uses is also different.

Guan Zhihong currently only has one exclusive item left in his hand, and this exclusive item can only be used once.

This made him hesitate to use it.

Once this exclusive item is used here, he will no longer have exclusive items to use.

At his hesitation.


A bloody sword light that was too fast to be caught by the naked eye flashed directly in front of Guan Zhihong.

So much so that he didn't react at all, and his whole body was already wreaked by the bloody sword light.


Guan Zhihong's body was split in the middle and cut into two halves with a knife.

Death in an instant! !

Not only that.

The moment he was struck by the bloody sword light, all the blood in his body had been sucked dry, leaving not a drop left.

Because this scene happened too fast.

Even though Xiao Shi had been paying attention to their situation, he was too late to stop them.

I can only watch Guan Zhihong being killed with one knife!

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