The moment when this formation seal is no longer suppressed.

The level where Xiao Shi and the others were at suddenly started to tremble.

It wasn't just the ground that was shaking.

The sky above was also trembling violently.

And under such tremors.

Xiao Shi saw it clearly.

The blue sky seemed to have been splashed with a layer of ink, becoming dark and deep.

Not only that.

The nine stars that existed in the sky gradually became blurred as the sky darkened.

This immediately caused an uproar in Xiao Shi's mind!

After all, he clearly realized from the beginning that the era represented by this level was about the stars.

The nine stars that exist in the sky.

In fact, it represents the nine realms of martial arts.

Each star corresponds to a realm of martial arts!

It can be said that these nine stars in the sky are the foundation of this era!

But now these stars have become blurry.

And under the constant blur, there are signs that it is about to dissipate!

"What...what's going on!?"

Such a scene was completely beyond Xiao Shi's expectations and imagination.

Even though he realized that the formation seal suppressed by the giant tree below was very extraordinary, he did not expect that this formation seal could even change the stars in the sky!

It seems that this formation seal appears just for...

Another day! !


Under Xiao Shi's gaze.

As the sky above grows darker.

The stars existing in the sky, corresponding to the first realm of martial arts, suddenly dissipated.

Followed by the star corresponding to the second realm of martial arts, and then the third...

Stars disappeared one after another.

Until all nine stars dissipated.

In the dark night sky, a silver-white sickle-shaped crescent moon suddenly appeared.

This crescent moon exudes hazy moonlight, with a cold and cold feel.

As a result, the whole world is filled and enveloped by this coldness.

"This is……"

Xiao Shi's pupils suddenly widened! !

at the same time.

Located at the edge of this level.

Chu Tong did not move directly out of this level. Instead, just like Xiao Shi when he passed the second level, he moved to the edge of this level, intending to take away the exclusive items here before leaving.

He knows it very well.

If you don't get the exclusive items for this level, then even if you pass this level, it won't mean much, and it won't bring you any improvement.

Especially after he took control of the [Red Refined Corpse] from the third level, he knew clearly that the exclusive items here were extremely important and would be the key to whether he could finally control this special area.

Although these martial demons from the Dawu Dynasty have taboos left by Prince Dawu, they are destined to be unable to compete with him.

But he had to beware of the martial arts realm in the three major domains.

According to his speculation.

The fourth level is not only the one they are on, but there is also another one.

After all, only half of the people were gathered at the level they were at, and the other half must have been gathered at the other level.

Most of them here are from the Martial Demon Realm of the Dawu Dynasty.

The other level must be dominated by the martial arts realm of the three realms.

If the Martial Demon Realm of the three major realms obtains the exclusive items of the fourth level when passing this level, but he does not get the exclusive items of the fourth level, this will put him at a disadvantage in the final battle.

So whatever.

He must get the exclusive items for the fourth level.

However, when he moved and reached the edge of the fourth level, he did see the exclusive items belonging to this level here.

But what he didn't expect was...

These exclusive items were actually covered by a barrier, causing him to be pushed away by the barrier when he approached.

There is no access to these exclusive items at all.

This immediately made him frown.

"what's the situation?"

He tried to break the barrier.

But it was of no use at all.

Even if he lets [Red Refined Corpse] attack, with the powerful power of [Red Refined Corpse], he still can't break this barrier.

"Is it possible that we have to deal with the giant saint tree and clear the level before we can get these exclusive items?"

Chu Tong frowned at this.

I didn’t expect that the exclusive items in this level would have such restrictions.

This made him feel a little uncomfortable.

If others can't kill the giant saint tree, then won't he be able to get these exclusive items?

"There's no way I can go back and help them now..."

Chu Tong felt that if he went back now.

Then the movement used this time would be in vain.

This makes no sense!

at this time.

He suddenly saw the sky above begin to change, and also saw the disappearance of many stars in the sky.

When the silvery-white sickle-shaped crescent moon appeared.

Chu Tong was shocked.

"A different day?"

at the same time.

He also clearly noticed that as the sky changed, more exclusive items appeared out of thin air among the exclusive items behind him!

There is a distance between these exclusive items and the previous exclusive items, which seems to mean that they are two different exclusive items.

"Could it be that……"

"In this level, two eras exist at the same time!?"

Chu Tong knew.

There are a total of five different eras in this special area.

According to Xiao Shi's previous analysis.

If one level represents an era, then there should be five levels before arriving at the Holy Land.

But now something unexpected happened.

Let Chu Tong realize instantly...

This level is most likely the last level.

Because there are two different eras here!

Two different exclusive items have also appeared!


Both of these exclusive items are currently covered by a barrier.

Unable to obtain.

But things have changed at this moment.

It also made Chu Tong realize that Xiao Shi and the others had probably solved the giant tree of saints, and this was how Changtian appeared.

"It seems that I still underestimate them..."

"In that case."

"Then I'll wait here until they clear the customs."

Chu Tong decided to stay here.

After Xiao Shi and the others clear the level, he will be able to obtain many exclusive items here effortlessly.

to him.

Before heading to the Holy Land, the most important thing is to preserve your strength.

Xiao Shi stared blankly at the silver sickle-shaped crescent moon appearing above the sky.

The moonlight shining down from the crescent moon has an icy chill.

It gave everyone a chill in their bodies and souls.

However, when this coldness acted on Xiao Shi's body and soul, he did not feel uncomfortable like others, but felt a strong sense of familiarity.

This was not the first time he had seen this silver-white crescent moon in the night sky.

When he was in the false world, he had clearly seen an identical silver-white sickle-shaped crescent moon.

This made him realize instantly.

What I am in now is exactly...

Youyue Era! !

In fact, when Xiao Shi saw the stars in the sky earlier, he had some guesses in his mind.

After all, he had seen the sun, moon, and stars from three different eras in that ancient ruins.

At that time, he chose the Moon Era.

From this, he appeared in the illusory world of Youyue Dynasty.

Xiao Shi had doubts before.

The stars in this level may be from the era of stars that we first saw.

It's just that he didn't enter the era of stars at that time and didn't know enough about it, so he couldn't be sure.

But the silver-white sickle-shaped crescent moon appearing in the sky now made him certain that this level had directly changed from the era of stars to the era of the moon!

"Looking at it this way..."

"There is most likely some kind of connection between the Star Era and the Youyue Era."

"The previous giant tree of saints must have originated from the Youyue Era, but for unknown reasons, it appeared in the Star Era, and was suppressed by the Star Era."

"But while it was suppressed, it also suppressed the formation seal that opened the Youyue era..."

"It seems."

"This level is already the last level, because this level contains two different eras!"

Thoughts flashed in Xiao Shi's mind.

As times change.

A black figure suddenly flew out of the formation seal.

It transformed into a humanoid creature covered in black scales, and even its face was wrapped and covered by many black scales.

It has a tall and strong body, nearly three meters tall. Under the moonlight, its black scales reflect an icy sheen.

And covered by these scales on the face, a pair of dark and deep red vertical pupils were revealed.

At the same time, there is a long black scale tail behind it, which is dragged to the ground.

The most conspicuous thing is the crescent mark between his eyebrows.

To this.

Xiao Shi is no stranger.

He knew that every person in the Youyue era had such a crescent moon mark.

This is their power system.

However, what surprised Xiao Shi and made him look solemn was that he realized that this humanoid creature was not an ordinary warrior from the Youyue era.

But a body...

Evil one! !

In the former Youyue Dynasty, there existed an evil organization.

This organization mainly conducts research on using evil to pollute and seize the bodies of powerful people, and has created many evil people for this purpose.

From this, a list of ten evils also emerged.

Ranked on the Ten Evil List are ten extremely powerful and extraordinary evil energy users.

Xiao Shi still remembers it.

Four evil power users were unfortunately lost due to battles with some powerful people, and their whereabouts are still unknown.

What he got back then...

It is the corpse of the evil powerer ranked third on the list of ten evil spirits!

And what appeared in front of them now was also an evil person!

And it is also an evil person who has reached the level of a saint!

The moment this evil person appears.

An earth-shattering wave that was even bigger and more terrifying than the previous Saint Giant Tree immediately burst out from the evil energy user.

A storm immediately set off all around, causing all the trees around to explode and collapse.

Not only that.

Even above the evil power user's head, a huge vortex of clouds appeared.

In the entire whirlpool, dense black lightnings intertwined and traveled. Any lightning within them has the terrifying power that can easily kill the Martial Demon Realm.

This terrible scene.

Everyone present felt an indescribable sense of oppression.

Deep despair and fear arose in my heart.

It is clear.

This evil wielder is more powerful than the previous giant tree of saints!

The previous Saint Giant Tree was in a state of suppression. Not only was it unable to move, but its many abilities were also greatly restricted.

But now, the evil practitioners in the Youyue era have not been suppressed in any way.

Remain in full swing.

In front of such a saint...

These martial demon realms are like ants, not to mention that they have all suffered heavy losses from the previous explosion of the Saint Giant Tree. The [Iron-Refined Corpses] were all destroyed, and their exclusive items were also used when dealing with the Saint Giant Tree earlier. , all exhausted.

There was no room for resistance.

There was only one way to die before them.


The evil energy user's pair of crimson vertical pupils locked directly on one of the martial arts realms, with boiling murderous intent and cruelty emerging from his eyes.

After all, these evil ones.

It is mainly about killing.

Contains strong murderousness and bloodiness.

boom! !

His figure moved.

The entire earth exploded and a huge pit opened up.

It's like teleporting.

In less than a second, he appeared directly in front of this martial arts realm.

Lift your feet.

Just step on it.

And with the terrifying power of his kick, once it falls, not only the martial demon in front of him will die, but everyone in the nearby area will die instantly!

However, the moment he raised his foot and was about to fall down.

Suddenly there was a pause in mid-air.

He looked directly at Xiao Shi, who was not far away.

It was discovered that there was also a moon seal emerging from the center of Xiao Shi's eyebrows.

At the same time, this moon seal also exuded a familiar aura.

It was precisely because of the existence of this breath that the foot it raised did not fall.


The figure of the evil one flashed.

Gave up the stampede.

Instantly appeared in front of Xiao Shi.

He and Xiao Shi were almost face to face.

His crimson pupils stared at the moon mark between Xiao Shi's eyebrows very seriously, as if he wanted to try his best to see clearly what there was in this moon mark that made him feel familiar.

At such a close distance.

Xiao Shi could clearly feel the terrifying aura emanating from the evil person in front of him.

This oppression comes from the saints.

There was a crackling sound all over his body.

Cracked skin.

His whole body was like porcelain stuck together, with cracks all over his body. It seemed that if he touched it even slightly, he would shatter on the spot.

And from these cracks, there was a lot of blood, which continued to seep out and gathered into a blood stream under Xiao Shi's body.

Under the powerful oppression of this saint, even with Xiao Shi's powerful body, he could not hold on for long.

However, there was no fear in his bloodshot pupils.

Staring at the evil person in front of him.


Staring at the evil energy user with the moon mark between Xiao Shi's brows, his crimson pupils suddenly shrank violently! !

It was like seeing something that made it extremely frightened.

He was so frightened that he retreated violently.

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