"In addition to guards, I wonder if these exclusive items can also be used for sacrifices?"

Xiao Shi's heart moved.

I think I can continue to try to make sacrifices with exclusive items.

Although he still doesn't know the specific function of these black beads.

But I can feel that in the next holy land, these black beads will be extremely important.

And relatively speaking.

The role of exclusive items is more reflected in levels.

After entering the Holy Land, these exclusive items may not have such a big effect.

Think of this.

Xiao Shi decisively took out an exclusive item and threw it into the cyan pool.

Anyway, he currently has many exclusive items on hand.

Even if you guess wrong and lose an exclusive item, it won't be a big problem.


When this exclusive item blends into the cyan pool water.

The same situation as when sacrificing a guard suddenly appeared.

Bursts of black smoke filled the air from the neck of the demon body clone.

However, because the black smoke is too small to condense into complete black beads, it is obvious that more exclusive items are needed.

This made everyone who witnessed this scene realize...

Exclusive items can also be used for sacrifices.

Just for other people.

They are not willing to use exclusive items for sacrifice.

After all, no one knows the specific function of these black beads so far.

If the effect of this kind of black beads is not as good as that of exclusive items, then it will be a huge loss if used for sacrifice.

There is some gambling involved.

However, Xiao Shi resolutely chose to sacrifice exclusive items in order to gather more black beads.

He sacrificed most of his exclusive items.

Only a few pieces remain.

This also directly increased the number of black beads on his neck from six to nine.

Except for Xiao Shi, the others also successively passed the sacrifices of the guards, and black beads were formed on the necks of the demon clones.

It can be said that people who have formed black beads now will basically fight for the next holy land.

However, most people no longer have any thoughts of competing for the Holy Land.

Only a few people are preparing to fight for the Holy Land.

For those who give up.

After they felt the difficulty of the previous levels, they already knew that this special area was far beyond their capabilities.

in this case.

Naturally, they will choose to retreat when faced with difficulties.

I won't engage in such a meaningless fight.

In the Dawu Dynasty, apart from Xiao Shi, only two people will participate in the final battle for the Holy Land.

Except for the white-haired girl who was assigned to Chu Tong.

A Martial Demon Realm with a slender face and a relatively short stature is also preparing to participate.

The reason why this person got involved was because he couldn't help it.

Now he is the white-haired girl's successor.

Once the white-haired girl dies, he will become the core candidate for the Dawu Dynasty to refine this special area.

If he retreats, once the final refining fails, Prince Dawu will definitely hold him accountable even if he survives.

He had the same idea as the white-haired girl, they were just going in to show off.

The only person in the Dawu Dynasty who was truly capable of competing for the Holy Land was Xiao Shi.

Although they didn't know where Prince Dawu ranked Xiao Shi.

But they knew that judging from Xiao Shi's ability now, even if the other party had taboos left by Prince Dawu, they believed it would not hinder him from competing for the Holy Land.

Compared to the Dawu Dynasty.

In the three major domains, there is no thought of paddling for show.

Instead, they will fight with all their strength.

However, there were also not many among them who were preparing to fight for the Holy Land, only four in total.

At the same time, the black beads they formed through sacrifice were not as many as Xiao Shi.

After all, these three domains belong to three different forces. Even if the other three domains of the Martial Demon Realm that choose to give up have extra guards, they will transfer their own guards to the Martial Demon Realm of their own force and will not concentrate them on one person.

At the same time, the Martial Demon Realm of these four three major domains are not willing to use exclusive items for sacrifice.

This makes them only form two black beads at most.

that's all.

After everyone unlocked the seal of the demon body clone and performed the sacrifices of all the guards.

These demon body clones also opened their eyes and woke up from their deep sleep.

Since these people have all fallen back from the second stage of the Martial Demon Realm to the first stage, they are able to control their demonic clones so that they will not lose control of their demonic clones.

When all of them carry their own demon body clones.

Follow the steps of the altar all the way to the bottom.

Two forking roads suddenly appeared in front of them.

One of the roads is the way to the Holy Land, while the other is the way out of this special area.

To this.

Those Martial Demon Realms from the three major domains who chose to give up all took the road to leave this special area.

When they set foot on this path, the demonic clones around them automatically merged with their main bodies.

The two merge into one again.

Prompting them to return to the second stage of the Martial Demon Realm.

And in the first moment of the merger.

Their figures disappeared from here and left this special area.

Compared to these martial arts realms in the three major domains.

Although everyone in the Dawu Dynasty had given up, they did not choose to leave.

They all know...

If you leave this special area at this time and return to the Dawu Dynasty, you will definitely be punished.

After all, their duty is to provide full assistance.

But now they are not participating in the final battle for the Holy Land.

Prince Dawu will definitely be held accountable for this.

Therefore, they plan to wait until the final result is obtained before leaving this place.

The rest of the people who were preparing to compete for the Holy Land focused their attention on the road leading to the Holy Land.

This road is filled with many black evil spirits.

As a result, they were unable to see the situation in the Holy Land through these black demonic energies.

At the same time, this place is the same as what Xiao Shi had guessed before.

When someone among them tried to enter the Holy Land.

He was immediately blocked by these strong demonic auras.

There is no way to enter it.

If you enter by force...

The entire body will be eroded by these evil spirits.

At that time, these evil spirits may even endanger their lives.

This made everyone realize...

The next holy land can only be entered by the demon body clone.

Many people frowned at this.

Their demon body clones are far inferior to themselves in terms of strength.

At the same time, most of the treasures on their bodies are not suitable for demon clones. After all, their main bodies and demon clones are completely different systems.

Treasures that can be used by the main body may not be used by the demonic clone.


Once the demon body clone encounters a situation that it cannot handle in the holy land, they will not be able to provide support.

If the demon body clone dies inside...

They will be completely reduced to the weakest type of martial arts realm.

At the same time, the treasure given to the demon body clone will also be lost.

What worries them the most is that the methods and styles of the demonic clones are completely different from their main bodies.

After all, these demonic clones of theirs are basically the incarnation of negative emotions.

They are somewhat extreme in their methods of doing things, and may not be able to remain calm like them.

To this.

In the Martial Demon Realm of the four three major domains, one person suddenly shook his head after serious consideration.

Opted out.

It is simply too risky to enter the Holy Land.

Once he failed, the consequences would be serious and beyond his ability to bear.

Originally, he thought that everyone brought their own demon body clones into the holy land to start a fight.

And he happened to possess powerful means of saving his life. Even if he encountered a crisis in the Holy Land, he was sure to be able to escape with his demon body clone.

But now only the demon body clone can enter...

His method of escape could no longer be used.

After thinking about it.

He decisively chose to give up.

at the same time.

From the Dawu Dynasty, the slender face and short stature of the Wu Mojing also chose to give up.

Compared to being dealt with by Prince Dawu, he felt it was more important to ensure the safety of his demon body clone.

If the demon body clone dies inside...

Let alone a saint.

Even the most ordinary first-stage Martial Demon Realm can easily defeat him.

The white-haired girl beside her was also extremely troubled.

She also wants to give up...

But now that Chu Tong died, she was the first choice. If she evaded, Prince Dawu would definitely punish her severely no matter what the final result was.

She had no choice.

I can only keep telling my demon body clone not to show off after entering, mainly to save my life.


Except for the two people who quit, the others quickly handed over their demonic clones and handed some powerful treasures into the hands of the demonic clones.

Only Xiao Shi did not have any communication with the demon body clone.

The demon clone was not given any treasures.

After arriving here.

Xiao Shi's demon body clone moved.

Directly entering the holy land shrouded in demonic energy ahead.

The figure disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.

With Xiao Shi's control over the demon body's clone, although they cannot communicate with each other, the items between them can be transferred through the Cang'e Ancient Tree.

At the same time, Xiao Shi can also enjoy the sight of the demon body clone.

He can see all the scenes seen by the demon body clone.

Therefore, even the demon body clone can enter the holy land.

He is also able to control demonic clones from a distance.

At this time, Xiao Shi used the sight of the demon clone to see that the moment he stepped into the holy land, the demon clone was teleported to an ancient and open field.

This place is empty, and the floor is paved with ancient floor tiles, exuding a sense of vicissitudes of time.

And the first time after entering this holy place.

The demon body clone was already on high alert and did not dare to relax or be careless at all.

However, he never sensed any crisis.

There are no unusual situations here.

I waited like this for more than ten minutes.

Still calm as usual.

"Is it possible that we have to wait until everyone's demon body clones enter Holy Land 0 before something happens?"

Xiao Shi thought deeply about this.

at this time.


A black thunder and lightning suddenly flashed high in the sky above the Holy Land.

Set off a terrifying sonic boom.

It's so fast.

Neither Xiao Shi nor the demon body clone reacted, and the demon body clone was directly hit by the black lightning.

I saw the demon body clone's body trembling.

Black arcs of electricity circulated freely throughout his body, constantly drilling into the body of the demon clone.

This sudden situation made Xiao Shi frown.

He can clearly sense the condition of the demon body clone.

It was discovered that the black lightning that fell from the bombardment did not cause any damage to the demon body clone.


"This black lightning is not destructive..."

Xiao Shi carefully sensed the situation of the demon body clone.


He noticed something was wrong.

When many black electric arcs penetrated into the body of the demon body clone, there was a banging sound in the body of the demon body clone.

The entire internal structure of his body seemed to be being destroyed.


"This is not pure destruction, but because the demon body clone cannot bear it, causing the body to collapse."

Xiao Shi thought deeply about this.

He could feel it clearly.

At this time, not only were the many organs in the body of the demon body clone broken, but more importantly, the body structure of the demon body clone was severely damaged.

Usually for the Martial Demon Realm.

Even if the organs in the body are broken, it is not enough to cause death.

But once the body structure is damaged.

Even with the powerful vitality of the Martial Demon Realm, he will face death.

After all, the destruction of the body structure not only involves the physical body, but also causes the collapse of one's own soul.

The souls of warriors in the Martial Demon Realm have been integrated with the physical body. The destruction of the body structure will naturally directly affect the soul.

That is to say...

If it were another martial arts realm.

When the body structure is so damaged, it must be a dead end.

But the body of the demon body clone is an evil power user after all, and it is also the third evil power user on the list of ten evil powers.

Even if the body structure is damaged.

He did not die suddenly, but began to recover rapidly.

After Xiao Shi felt that the demon body clone was fine, he then thought about this black thunder and lightning.

Obviously this black lightning does not have any lethality.

It has no power at all.

Even if it bombards a mortal, the mortal's body will not suffer any damage.

It can be said that the power of this black thunder and lightning cannot be compared to even the most common and ordinary thunder and lightning.

But after hitting the demon clone, the internal structure of the demon clone's body was directly destroyed.

Just when Xiao Shi was confused.

He suddenly saw...

When many black electric arcs all penetrated into the body of the demon body clone.

The entire body of the demon clone began to undergo some changes.

The body actually exudes an aura unique to this special area.

There was even an earth-shaking powerful aura that surged out from the demon body clone.

Regarding this momentum...

Xiao Shi is very familiar with it.

He had felt it when Xiang Zizhen was promoted to a saint.

"Could it be that……"

Xiao Shi's pupils trembled violently as he thought of a possibility!

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