I clicked on all the treasure drop rates

Chapter 360: Melting Demons!

While the demon body clones were massacring these martial demon realms, Xiao Shi's brain had already started running at high speed.

Keep thinking about ways to deal with the demon body's clone.

Currently, there are not many items in his hand that can be effective against demons (saints).

Mainly focused on exclusive items.

But after the demon clone successfully controlled this special area, these exclusive items had little impact on the demon clone.

For example, the previous exclusive item that could drain the target's power.

Now when used on the demon clone, at most it will only cause a small loss of the demon clone's power.

At the same time, Xiao Shi couldn't let the evil people around him take action.

As the evil energy user ranked third on the list of ten evil spirits, the evil energy person around Xiao Shi absolutely did not dare to compete with the body of the demon body clone.

[Red Refined Corpse] In front of the demon body clone, it can only be beaten.

Completely unable to compete with it.

Think about it.

Xiao Shi thought of Emperor Wu's imperial costume!

Although the demon body clone also has the right to use these items in Xiao Shi.

But his rights to use items are far inferior to Xiao Shi.

This is also an advantage that Xiao Shi has.

If the demon clone wants to use his items, he must first obtain his consent.

Xiao Shi has the highest authority to use items.

This cannot be changed even after the demon body is cloned into a demon.


Xiao Shi doesn't have to worry about the demonic clone using his own items to deal with him.

There is no need to worry that when you use an item, the demon clone will take away the right to use the item.

Now after taking out the [Martial Emperor's Belt], Xiao Shi immediately used the soul deterrence of the [Martial Emperor's Belt] to suppress the demonic clone!

The original formation of the demon body clone was a life form transformed and differentiated from Xiao Shi's life soul.

In order to ensure that he could fully control the demon body clone, Xiao Shi had already condensed his life soul into the body of the evil power user when he was in the martial soul realm.

Now he directly uses the soul deterrence of [Martial Emperor's Belt] to intimidate the soul of the demon clone, thus making it difficult for the demon clone to disobey his orders!

After all, the soul deterrence of [Martial Emperor's Belt] is equally effective even against souls whose cultivation level is higher than one's own.


The body of the demon body clone was trembling continuously, following Xiao Shi's order, and its knees became more and more bent.

The demon body clone had a ferocious expression and struggled hard.

There were red veins bulging on his forehead.

The moment when his knees were constantly bending, they were about to touch the ground.

The demon body clone suddenly raised its head and roared.

The demonic energy in his body surged.

The ferocious faces transformed by demonic energy also roared at the same time.

boom! !

A huge impact ripple of demonic energy spread and exploded from the demonic clone.

Xiao Shi in front of him bore the brunt of the impact and was knocked away.

Xiao Shi rolled and flew hundreds of meters away.

Most of the bones in his body were shattered instantly.

The current impact of the demonic energy from the demonic body clone alone would directly injure him severely.

But with his healing ability.

Such an injury would have little impact on him.

Only when he looked up.

However, he discovered that the demon body clone, which was surrounded by numerous demonic energies, had entered a strange and terrifying state.

The demonic energy surrounding him was continuously gathering between his eyebrows, and he was absorbing the demonic energy crazily.

And with continuous absorption.

The eyes of the demon body clone were gradually filled with these demonic auras, filled with thick black smoke, and even the soul was surrounded and shrouded by many demonic auras.

What made Xiao Shi's heart even more solemn was that while absorbing the demonic energy, the demon body clone actually gathered all the will contained in the demonic energy.

This formed a terrifying and powerful will.

When this will is blessed on the demon body clone.

Immediately, the suppression that the demon body clone had suffered before was lifted.

And with the blessing of this will, there are now two different wills in the body of the demon body clone.

One is the will of the demon body clone itself.

The other will is the powerful will gathered together.

The demonic clone deliberately allowed this powerful will to gather and become dominant.

This made Xiao Shi's soul deterrence through the [Martial Emperor's Belt] ineffective.

Xiao Shi looked solemn about this.

He can clearly feel...

The will that now exists in the demon body clone is an extremely terrifying and powerful will.

This will is extremely evil.

It is a powerful demonic thought composed of many demonic thoughts gathered together.

When the demonic body cloned into a demon before, many demonic thoughts gathered in this special area, and each demonic thought contained a will.

It's just that these wills have not reached the level of a saint (demon), so they cannot be the dominant will in the demon body.

Until he gathered all these wills together and directly formed a demon's will!

For a while.

The demonic energy surrounding the demon body clone formed a huge face directly behind him.

This face is that of an old man.

His expression was ferocious, with endless killing intent and bloodshed, exuding overwhelming malice.

This made Xiao Shi realize...

When Emperor Wu built this special area, he obviously still contained the will of a demon in this special area.

When the demon body is cloned into a demon, it can use the demon's will to its own advantage.

This way.

Having two demon body clones with different wills can resolve the soul deterrence of the [Martial Emperor's Belt] through switching of wills.

A moment of crisis.

Xiao Shi did not hesitate.

He decisively used an ability in the [Martial Emperor's Belt] that he had never used before——

Form an emperor soul! !

Because Xiao Shi had been located in the imperial domain before.

He was worried that if he formed an emperor soul in the imperial domain, it might be noticed by Prince Dawu and others.

Out of caution.

Ever since he obtained the [Martial Emperor's Belt], he has never used this ability.

But now it is no longer within the imperial domain.

Xiao Shi naturally no longer had this worry.

In fact, from the moment he took out the [Martial Emperor's Belt], he was already ready to use this ability.

he knows.

The soul deterrence of [Martial Emperor's Belt] alone may not be able to control the demonic clone.

To this.

He had already prepared his backup plan.

As a burst of bright golden light burst out from the [Martial Emperor's Belt].

An illusory figure suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Shi.

This is a huge figure wearing imperial robes.

The golden broad imperial robe shows the sacred power, and the embroidered Nine Dragons seem to be real, sealed on the robe, swimming like flowing water, exuding a sense of nobility.

The golden imperial crown on his head was like a golden sun, forming a huge golden halo behind him.

The most eye-catching thing is the crown hanging down from the emperor's crown. There are twenty-four crowns in total. Each crown is pierced with twelve jade beads. While covering his face, the beads emit a bright light, making it even more difficult to look directly at him.

At the same time, there is a golden cloak behind it, with a solid gold background, red flames embroidered on the hem, and a huge black word "武" on the back.

On his waist is a belt that is exactly the same as Xiao Shi's now.

On his feet and shoulders were the [Martial Emperor Boots] and [Martial Emperor Shoulder Armor] that Xiao Shi was familiar with.

Just in the current soul form.

It seems a little blurry.

At the same time, because the position where the Emperor Soul was formed was in front of Xiao Shi, Xiao Shi could not see the front of the Emperor Soul at this time.

And at the moment when the emperor soul was formed.

The world has changed!

The entire special area was shaken extremely violently!

And under this violent vibration.


A terrifying, deep and huge crack opened directly on the ground under Xiao Shi's feet.

Not only that.

An unparalleled and astonishing pressure spread directly from the Emperor Soul like a mountain.

The moment he saw the emperor's soul.

The huge ferocious face behind the demon body clone's entire expression suddenly changed wildly.

The ferocity and cruelty on his face turned into indescribable fear and horror in less than a second.

His entire face was distorted in fear.

That kind of extreme fear...

It's enough to make everyone who sees it move.

So much so that the entire huge face appeared to be about to collapse under such extreme fear.

Just the appearance of the Emperor Soul...

Before any attack was made, the demon's will was already on the verge of collapse.

In an instant.

This demon's will directly gave up its dominance over the demon body clone.

He was so frightened that he hid in the demon body clone.

Don't dare to take risks again.

The will of the demon body clone can only be forced to take over.

The situation of the demon body clone after taking over is also not good.

Although the demon body clone was not as afraid of the Emperor Soul as the previous will, the oppression brought by the Emperor Soul and the soul shock formed by Xiao Shi through the [Martial Emperor Belt] directly caused the demon body clone to lose its ability to move.

Xiao Shi knew that now was the best time to take the demon body clone back into his body and merge with himself.

A black [Martial Emperor Mask] appeared directly on his face.

Through the [Martial Emperor's Mask] function of immunity from all aura pressure, the terrifying pressure formed by the Emperor Soul is resolved.

He originally thought that the coercion emitted by the Emperor Soul would only affect targets other than himself, but he did not expect that even himself would be affected by the pressure of the Emperor Soul.

But for Xiao Shi, who has the [Martial Emperor Mask].

Even with the terrifying pressure of the Emperor Soul, he could directly save through the [Martial Emperor Mask] and not be affected.


Xiao Shi's figure flashed.

He teleported directly to the demon clone, under the angry and unwilling gaze of the demon clone.

He raised his hand and pointed.

He put his index finger on the forehead of the demon clone.

Suddenly a vortex appeared on his index finger.

A chirping sound.

Then he sucked the demon body clone into his body and blended it with it.

Before that.

Xiao Shi has never merged with the demon body clone. Although he had already controlled the demon body clone when he entered the martial demon realm, he has always remained in the first stage of the martial demon realm.

Until this moment...

He had just officially merged with the demonic body clone.

Usually when the martial demon realm merges with its own demon body clone, it will wait until the demon body clone has cultivated to a certain level before blending with it.

If you merge with the demon body clone too early, even if you can successfully enter the second stage of the martial demon realm, you will still lag behind other martial demon realms in terms of strength.

And the fusion after the demon body clone became a demon... This is the first time in the endless years of the Tianwu Continent!

At the moment when the demon body clone is integrated into the body.

boom! !

Xiao Shi's body was shaken.

It felt like a huge world was squeezing into my body, and I instantly had a strong intuition that my body couldn't bear it and would be exploded by this world.

Fortunately, his physical body is strong.

Even though the skin was broken in many places on the body, the bones were burst, and all the internal organs exploded, its tenacious vitality would not pose a life-or-death crisis.

At the same time under his powerful recovery and healing.

He recovered from the trauma he suffered and immediately began to recover.

Although it will be stretched again as soon as it recovers, it can maintain a delicate balance.

This allows him to continuously adapt to and accommodate this huge world squeezed into his body.

However, the crisis of integrating into the demon body clone is far more than just accommodating this world.

At the moment of integrating into the demonic body clone.

boom! !

Xiao Shi's murderous intention was detonated.

Originally, he possessed a very strong murderous nature.

After all, he has been killing people ever since he set foot on the path of a warrior.

The main thing is to improve through killing.

But he has always had his own bottom line.

You won’t just blindly and wantonly kill people just to drop items.

But at this moment when his murderous intention was detonated.

Xiao Shi's eyes were instantly filled with endless thoughts of killing, and the urge to kill everything arose in his heart.

If there were other people around him at this moment, he would inevitably kill them uncontrollably.

No matter who the other party is!

To this.

Xiao Shi tried his best to maintain his rationality and fight against the murderous intention detonated in his heart.

He knew that this was the pollution caused by the demon body's clone.

Once he fails to withstand such contamination with murderous intent, the demon body clone will regain control.

It is clear.

The demon body clone knows that he has a strong murderous nature.

So deliberately polluting through killing.

This is the final counterattack.

At the beginning, Xiao Shi could still constantly compete with it through his own will.

But as his murderous nature increased sharply, and as he possessed extremely strong murderous nature, he gradually lost his consciousness little by little, and his heart was filled with endless murderous thoughts, and he just wanted to kill everything.

At the moment when his last shred of sanity was about to be overwhelmed by these murderous thoughts.

Xiao Shi relied on his last shred of reason.

He decisively took out an item.

This is an exclusive item, exactly...

【Crystal of the Era】!

Xiao Shi had kept this item before and did not sacrifice it.

Now the moment I take out the [Crystal of the Era].

He used it decisively.

And directly use [Era Crystal] to exchange items from the Star Era.

Successfully redeemed an exclusive item from the Age of Stars.

Under the current situation, he was too late and had no time to check the relevant information of this exclusive item.

I can only rely on the last thoughts in my heart.

Use this exclusive item decisively!

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