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Chapter 383 The true value of [Chu Wu Looking Back]

After all, the way of heaven is bound to be born in an era.

However, there are two important preconditions for the birth of [Chu Wu Hui Wang Dao].

One is an era that lasts for more than ten thousand years.

The second is luck.

Two conditions, one is indispensable!

Xiao Shi knew it without thinking.

It must be extremely difficult to achieve these two prerequisites.

Even in those previous eras, I believe that few eras could achieve these two prerequisites.

But Xiao Shi was still confused.

Although the conditions for the birth of [Chu Wu Hui Wang Dao] were extremely harsh.

But this way will not bring any improvement in strength.

No matter how special it is.

In terms of strength, he is always inferior to other Taoists.

This is also where Xiao Shi feels most contradictory.

He thought carefully.

I feel that the key to [The Way of Looking Back at the First Martial Arts] may be the door to looking back at the era of the first Martial Arts.

According to the item information that Xiao Shi can see.

He knew that [Chu Wu Hui Wang Dao] could only open the door to look back at the Chu Wu era.

Once the door of looking back at the first martial arts era is opened, a person can use this to lead to the first martial arts era.

This made him realize.

The early martial arts era...

Perhaps that's the real key.

Before that.

Xiao Shi had never heard of such an era.

Fortunately, the records about the Dao Master Realm in [Records of the Three Upper Realms of Martial Arts] contain specific information about the early martial arts era.

Xiao Shi learned from this.

The early martial arts era was a very special era.

This era is the first era of Tianwu Continent!

This gave him the name Chuwu.

Not only that.

In addition to being the first era of the Tianwu Continent, the Chuwu Era is the most special thing about this era. It is that this era has not yet been destroyed and still exists!

This shocked Xiao Shi extremely.

To know.

No matter it is the Youyue Era, the Star Era, or other eras.

These ancient times have all been destroyed in the long river of history.

It is precisely because of the destruction of these eras that the next era will be born.

Especially Xiao Shi now knows.

There can often only be one dynasty and one era in Tianwu Continent!

However, the Chuwu Era is not only the first era in the Tianwu Continent, but also the only era that has not been destroyed.

According to the information obtained by Xiao Shi.

He learned that the reason why the Chuwu Era was not destroyed was because the Chuwu Era was exiled to a different space.

It is said that this alien space can stop time.

Therefore, the Tianwu Continent, which was exiled to this different space, has never been destroyed.

At the same time, ordinary people cannot enter this alien space.

Even the strongest men in every era, such as Emperor Wu, could not do it.

If you want to enter the different space of the Chuwu Era, you can only do so through the looking back door formed by the [Chuwu Looking Back Path].


Xiao Shi also saw a piece of information that made him extremely excited among the information related to the early martial arts era.

That was the early martial arts era...

Can give birth to the way of heaven!

And it can not only give birth to a way of heaven!

"It turns out that the real value of [Chu Wu Hui Wang Dao] lies in this!!"

Xiao Shi suddenly understood.

under normal circumstances.

It is certainly impossible for him to become a Taoist master with the way of heaven.

In today's Tianwu Continent, the Way of Heaven no longer exists.

Even now, the three demigod kings have established a new dynasty, bringing the Tianwu Continent into a new era and giving birth to the way of heaven.

This heaven will also be controlled by the ruler of the era.

It can't be Xiao Shi's turn.

Usually the birth of these heavenly realms are the rulers of an era. After becoming a ruler, their mortal realm is promoted to the heavenly realm.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a Taoist to control the way of heaven in the Taoist realm.

Often those who control the way of heaven are the most powerful beings who have reached the ninth level of martial arts.

But now Xiao Shi can go to the Chuwu Era through [Chuwu Looking Back Road], and in the Chuwu Era, he can control the way of heaven!

Moreover, the character of the Heavenly Way of the First Martial Age will be completely superior to the Heavenly Way of later generations!

This shocked Xiao Shi's heart.

"In other words, having [Chu Wu Hui Wang Dao] is equivalent to having an opportunity to control the way of heaven!"

Xiao Shi's eyes were filled with fire.

His path to martial arts began when he first entered the martial arts realm, and what he pursued was always the strongest in each realm.

Although the initial pursuit of the strongest realm was mainly due to the limitations brought by the imperial costume.

After he realized that there were certain hidden dangers in the Imperial Equipment, there was no longer any demand for the remaining two Imperial Equipment.

Now he does not need to become the strongest in the Dao Master realm to wear the next imperial outfit.

But becoming the strongest in the realm has become an instinct for him.

It has nothing to do with imperial clothing.

Even without the imperial armor, he will find ways to become the strongest in every realm.

But to become the strongest in the Taoist realm.

Naturally, he controls the way of heaven!

Even if you are in charge of a superior mortal realm, you still have the opportunity to become the strongest.

But Xiao Shi felt that just being a superior mortal was not enough.

Only the way of heaven can be controlled.

Only then will he be the strongest in the true sense!

But there is also a problem...

That is, if Xiao Shi controls the [Chu Wu Hui Wang Dao], even if he opens the door of Hui Wang and enters the Chu Wu era, he will no longer be able to control the way of heaven.

Because all Tao masters, no matter who they are, can only control one Tao, without exception!

Once Xiao Shi chooses to take charge of [Chuwu Huiwang Dao], he will no longer be able to take charge of other paths.

"Looking at it this way..."

"I can only let other people take charge of the [Chu Wu Hui Wang Dao], and then let the person in charge of [Chu Wu Hui Wang Dao] open the door to look back, thus sending me into the Chu Wu era."

Xiao Shi realized that only this method could allow him to go to the early martial arts era to take charge of the way of heaven.

But in terms of selection.

This person must be someone you can trust.

Although [Chu Wu Hui Wang Dao] will not bring any improvement in combat power, the preciousness and rarity of [Chu Wu Hui Wang Dao] is higher than the way of heaven!

It is natural that such an important thing cannot be handed over to others casually.

The second is...

This person must be a saint!

If the cultivation level is not that of a saint, even if Xiao Shi gives [Chuwu Huiwangdao] to the other party, the other party will not be able to control it.

Think about it.

Xiao Shi feels that Xiang Zizhen is the only person who meets these two conditions at the moment...

In fact, among the people he currently trusts, Xiang Zi is the only one who is truly a saint.

People like Guo Chengdao, Wu Muzhen and others have not yet reached sainthood.

Xiao Shi could not trust the saints of the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult who he had moved from the Dawu Dynasty to his own domain.

No matter how you look at it, Xiang Zizhen is the most suitable.

However, Xiao Shi still has some concerns about this.

he knows.

If Xiang Zizhen is allowed to take charge [Chu Wu looked back].

Although Xiang Zizhen can be promoted to Taoist Master.

But Xiang Zizhen will also be the weakest Taoist master.

After all, [Chuwu Looking Back Road] will not bring any improvement in combat power, and the door of looking back can only be opened once.

It can be said that he is a proper tool man...

The only advantage is that you can step from saint to Taoist, which will bring about improvements in life span and other aspects.


Xiang Zizhen, who became the Taoist in this way, is the weakest Taoist, but even the weakest Taoist can easily crush all saints!

After all, the Tao Master is in the upper three realms of martial arts!

Once you enter the upper three realms of martial arts, the entire level of life and cultivation realm will undergo a qualitative change.

This gap in realm.

Enough to make him ignore all saints.

Overall, there are still many benefits.

But he couldn't compete with other Taoist masters.

To this.

Xiao Shi decided to tell Xiang Zizhen about the matter later and let Xiang Zizhen make the decision himself.

If Xiang Zi really doesn't want to.

Just wait a moment.

After Wu Muzhen steps into the Saint's Palace, let Wu Muzhen take charge [Chu Wu looked back].

[Records of the Three Upper Realms of Martial Arts] In addition to being able to understand all relevant information about the Tao Master Realm.

At the same time, you can also learn about demigods and the ninth realm of martial arts.

However, the former requires the sacrifice of two Taoist-level items.

The latter requires the sacrifice of a demigod-level item.

Currently, Xiao Shi happens to have two Taoist-level items and one Demigod-level item on hand.

They are [Chuwu Huiwangdao], Ten Thousand Treasures Tower, and the Eye of the Emperor.

Naturally, it cannot be used for sacrifice.

Even though he now wants to know information about demigods and the ninth level of martial arts.

It is also impossible to sacrifice these three important items.


Xiao Shi also discovered that the heart that had been integrated before had now stopped integrating.

But this is not because the heart's strength has reached its end.

But Xiao Shi's current strength and cultivation are not enough to support the continued fusion of the heart.

In order for the second half of the heart to be completely integrated, one must have the cultivation of the upper three realms of martial arts.

That is to say.

Xiao Shi must at least become a Taoist master in order to have access to the deepest things of the Four Elephants Divine Martial Arts Sect.

Now that he has become the leader of the Four Elephant Divine Martial Cult, Xiao Shi seems to have gained another identity.

He is now the fourth heavenly king in the Tianwu Continent, the master of the Tianji Palace, and the leader of the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult.

This also makes the fifth domain he controls already an extremely powerful force in the entire Tianwu Continent.

It completely surpasses all major territories in Tianwu Continent!

After all, there is only one saint in each major territory.

And now there are several saints in Xiao Shi's territory.

And the number of these saints will continue to grow.

But Xiao Shi also knew.

Compared to the three demigod kings, his own power is still unable to compete with them.

It's not just cutting-edge power that's disparate.

In terms of mid-level strength, it is still unable to match it.

After all, in the domain of the three demigod kings, there are not only many saints, but also Tao masters!

To compete with their power.

It’s not just him who needs to improve his strength as soon as possible.

The people under his command must also continue to strengthen.

To this.

Xiao Shi already has a specific plan.

He plans to first pass through the five eras in his own domain and make as many people as possible become saints.

At the same time, the Four Elephant Divine Martial Cult can also be combined with these five eras.

For example, the mountain god lineage of the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult.

It can be combined with the corpse refining in the martial corpse era.

The corpse refined in this way has the powerful characteristics of the mountain god lineage.

The evil ghost lineage can be combined with the suppression of the Star Era.

This allows the evil ghost lineage to possess powerful suppressive power.

The Red Tiger lineage and the Dream Witch lineage can also be combined with powers from other eras.

Xiao Shi believed that with this combination, the saints in his own domain would be stronger than other saints.

Just give him enough time...

He was able to cultivate a group of powerful saints who were different from ordinary people in his own domain, and they were saints who would not rely on their own domain!

Further strengthen its own power.

And just when Xiao Shi was comprehensively strengthening the warriors in his own field.

The three demigod kings also took action one after another.

Although they are still unable to establish a new dynasty.

But with the fall of the Dawu Dynasty, these three forces have now become the strongest forces in the Tianwu Continent.

Even if they cannot establish a new dynasty, they will strengthen their rule over Tianwu Continent.

The first thing to do is to let the lords in each territory express their stance to join their forces!

Even though all the lords were bitter in their hearts.

But facing the strong power of the three demigod kings, they had no choice but to make choices one after another.

At the same time, more warriors gradually joined the domain of these three demigod kings.

Especially those in the Martial Demon Realm who want to attack the Saint.

In their view, with the fall of the Dawu Dynasty, only the realms of these three demigod kings can give birth to saints.

This is also their last chance to become saints.

Joined one after another.


The three demigod kings also gradually incorporated areas that were previously part of the imperial domain into their own larger domains.

Especially the three areas in the imperial domain where there are no saints for refining.

It happened to be equally divided between them.

These three areas allow their power to give birth to an extra saint, so they naturally value it.

It was originally the location of the Imperial Domain.

Xiao Shi also has the opportunity to incorporate those areas in the imperial domain into his own domain.

But with his current strength.

Obviously unable to participate in this kind of regional competition.

Besides, before that.

He has successfully incorporated the areas of the saints of the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult into his own domain.

to some extent.

It is equivalent to dividing the major areas in the imperial domain equally with the three demigod kings.

that's all.

in the next period of time.

Xiao Shi mainly cultivates many warriors in his own field, focusing on low-key development.

The three demigod kings are constantly expanding their power.

There is a strong intention to divide the entire Tianwu Continent equally.

Although Xiao Shi is also a large area.

But they were automatically ignored.


With the submission of lords one after another, the three demigod kings have almost divided the entire Tianwu Continent into three parts.

Only Xiao Shi's fifth domain is very eye-catching in the entire Tianwu Continent.

at the same time.

King Yaoxi, one of the three demigod kings, suddenly passed a message to Xiao Shi through Wu Muzhen.

"King Yaoxi wants to see me?"

Xiao Shi narrowed his eyes slightly.

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