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Chapter 439 Kill the demigod!

Something's wrong!

This is very wrong! !

The man in black robe was shocked.

Although the attack performed by Xiao Shi was astonishingly powerful and extremely fierce, normally speaking, it was definitely not enough to compete with his Eye of Extinction.

It is even more impossible to chop his Eye of Extinction into pieces.

The reason why his rule of extinction is far stronger than other rules of heaven and earth in terms of level.

It is because above the rules of extinction, there is also the origin of extinction.

Like other rules of heaven and earth, there is no source of support. Naturally, in terms of level, it is far inferior to the rules of extinction.

Usually once the origin is formed, it exists permanently.

Even if Emperor Wu falls...

His origin of extinction still exists.


Xiao Shi's killing rules are bound to be unable to compete with the extinction rules.

However, the situation that emerged now made the man in black robe clearly aware of this...

Something is clearly wrong!

However, the problem did not lie with Xiao Shi's attack, but with his own Eye of Extinction.

"My Eye of Extinction... no, it's my Rule of Extinction. In the moment just now, the level seems to have dropped significantly. What is going on!?"

The man in black robe frowned.

With his knowledge and understanding of the rules of heaven and earth.

There is no means in the world that can lower the level of the rules of heaven and earth.

But at that moment...

He clearly felt that his rule of extinction had dropped significantly in terms of level.

This led to his Eye of Extinction being directly chopped into pieces by Xiao Shi.

This situation.

It was unheard of for him!


"The best way to fight against his rule of extinction is to use the [Soul Disk]!"

The way Xiao Shi thought of to fight against the Rule of Extinction was not to rely on the Thousand Weapons Dao Slash.

he knows.

Even though he has been promoted to Demigod, the power of the Thousand Weapons Dao Slash has been greatly enhanced, but the Thousand Weapons Dao Slash alone is not enough to compete with the opponent's rule of extinction.

Want to fight against it.

We can only start from the opponent's extinction rules.

This made Xiao Shi think of his first exclusive item, [Soul Plate]!

When Xiao Shi made this item his own, it had its own exclusive abilities.

However, the exclusive ability of [Soul Disk] at that time could only be used against Taoist masters.

Has no effect on demigods.

But in addition to having exclusive abilities, exclusive items also have a special feature, that is, the level of exclusive items will depend on Xiao Shi's current level of cultivation.

Because Xiao Shi was still the Taoist Master at that time.

Therefore, the grade of [Soul Plate] is only a Tao Master-level exclusive item.

But now Xiao Shi has become a demigod.

This exclusive item was promoted from Tao Master level to an exclusive demigod level item!

Its exclusive abilities have also changed accordingly.

[Name: Soul Disk]

[Type: Roulette]

[Level: no limit (depends on current level)]

[Status: Personal (1)]

[Introduction: It is a martial soul realm item that was 'invented' by a powerful man from the ancient era on a sudden whim. Later, with the improvement of the item upgrade scroll, it was directly upgraded from the martial soul realm to the martial demon realm. , and later became a personal exclusive item in the changes to the exclusive way. Incorporate it into the soul to use the item. 】

[Note 1: There are five areas on the soul disk, corresponding to attack, defense, detection, use, and amplification. 】

[Note 2: When being attacked, the target's attack can be rotated in the soul disk. The target's attack will be changed according to the area corresponding to the pointer. 】

[Note 3: The soul disk can be used up to six times in one day. 】

[Remark 4: In addition to being able to be used on the target, it can also be used on yourself. 】

[Remark 5: You can choose the area pointed by the pointer of the soul disk by yourself without turning it clockwise, but the same area can only be pointed once a day. 】

[Remark 6: If the areas pointed by the pointers are the same, an additional five times increase will be obtained. 】

[Current exclusive ability: Rules Disk]

[Introduction: The Rules Disk can tamper with the attack rules, reduce the level of rules, and also improve the level of its own rules. 】

[Note: The rule plate can only tamper with the enemy's rules once a day, and improve its own rules once. 】

Xiao Shi still remembers it.

When the [Soul Plate] was an exclusive item for the Tao Master level, its exclusive ability was to lower the enemy's Tao level, such as from a higher mortal realm to a lower mortal realm.

Now after being promoted to a demigod-level exclusive item.

Its exclusive ability then transformed into lowering the level of rules.

Therefore, when Xiao Shi used [Soul Disk], which directly caused the opponent's level of extinction rules to drop, the opponent's Eye of Extinction could no longer compete with his Thousand Weapons Dao Slash.

Was chopped into pieces directly!

But Xiao Shi also knew.

The rules that [Soul Disk] tampered with were only the rules in the attack performed by the opponent this time.

It is not a direct tampering with the other party's rules.

And it can only be tampered with once in a day.

That is to say...

If the opponent continues to use the same attack, Xiao Shi will no longer be able to tamper with the rules of the opponent's attack.

Therefore, it is obviously unrealistic to defeat the opponent with [Soul Disk] alone.

After all, he only has one chance to weaken the opponent's rules.

But this opportunity...

But it allows Xiao Shi to take the initiative!

He understood that whether he could defeat Emperor Wu in the future depended on how he used the opportunity gained by the [Soul Disk].

This is what I am thinking about.

Xiao Shi decisively started to attack!

His skin was instantly dyed black, and his entire face seemed to be wearing an evil ghost mask. The two shoulder blades on his back protruded into two big bumps, and then tore into a pair of huge evil ghost wings.

A spiral horn with many dense lines was drilled out of the forehead.

At the same time, shadows of evil spirits condensed behind him.

A high-pitched neighing sound.

Originally, when Xiao Shi was in the altar of the Four Elephant Divine Martial Cult, his ability as an evil spirit had been greatly improved.

Now he has been promoted to Demigod.

When he used the ability of the evil ghost lineage, he instantly turned into a black light and killed the Martial Emperor in front of him at an astonishing speed.

Its entire speed directly reached an incredible level.

So much so that the man in black robe had not yet reacted.

The chest that had been slashed by Xiao Shi before was torn and scratched by Xiao Shi's roaring claws.

There was a sizzling sound of burning venom.

This made the man in black robe's expression change again.

Xiao Shi's evil ghost poison can already pose a greater threat to his body.

The entire toxin not only remained on his body surface.

At the same time, it was still seeping into his body.

And the toxin also contains extremely strong killing rules, thus forming a new toxin based on the original evil ghost poison...

Killing poison!

This kind of poison is even more ferocious.

It can turn the black-robed man's own murderous thoughts into poison that destroys his body!

in today's battle.

The men in black robes had extremely strong murderous intentions towards Xiao Shi.

And his murderous intent becomes stronger.

The poisonous torture he suffered became even more violent.


The man in black robe looked gloomy.

A lot of the flesh and blood on his body had begun to fester.

The soul is constantly being impacted.

There seemed to be countless steel needles stirring in the whole head.

As long as he has murderous intent here.

He will be constantly affected by the murderous poison.

the most important is……

At present, he has lost the opportunity.

If he fails to seize the opportunity and falls into Xiao Shi's offensive rhythm, his situation will only get worse.

This made the man in black robe feel heartbroken.

A low growl.


The trident in his hand suddenly collapsed and exploded!

A black storm formed. This storm seemed to be able to penetrate the sky and the earth. It broke out between Xiao Shi and the man in black robe!

As the roar echoed, Xiao Shi and the man in black robes spurted out blood and retreated.

This strange storm seems to be able to interfere with the rules, making all the rules between them invalid at this moment.

This successfully alleviated the murderous poison in the black-robed man's body.

However, he chose to detonate the trident, obviously not only to relieve the killing poison in his body.

But to completely kill Xiao Shi while he is unable to use the killing rules.

"You can actually force me to this point..."

The man in black robe looked gloomy.

He didn't expect that the battle with Xiao Shi would be more difficult than the previous battle with Yaoxi Tianwang!

But that’s about it.


A mask appeared on the face of the man in black robe.

This is a face covered in blood.

The entire mask exudes a very special aura fluctuation, which is an aura fluctuation that does not belong to Tianwu Continent.

Xiao Shi recognized it at a glance...

The mask on the opponent's face is obviously the mask of the divine envoy from the Blood Sacrifice God!

This allowed him to instantly understand the other party's intentions.

It is clear.

The man in black robe wants to take advantage of the fact that neither side can use the rules at present, and he himself can use the power obtained from the blood sacrifice to the god to kill Xiao Shi in one fell swoop!

"You don't think that you are the only one with the power of God, do you?"

Xiao Shi sneered.

The [God-Seeing Face] of God Eternal Night also appeared on his face.

The man in black robe looked sharply.

Although he had already guessed that Xiao Shi would most likely replace Yan Huagu and become the envoy of the Eternal Night God, he still had a bit of luck in his heart.

After all, becoming a divine envoy is not a simple and easy task.

If Xiao Shi failed to become a divine envoy, it would be easy for him to kill him.

But even if Xiao Shi became a divine envoy.

He was also completely unafraid.

He felt that even if the other party became a divine envoy, he would only be a new divine envoy and would not be able to obtain much power from the gods.

Therefore, even if they are both divine envoys, there will be a huge difference in power.

This is also the biggest reliance in the hearts of the people in black robes.

Previously, he relied on the power of God to kill Yaoxi Tianwang.

Now I am ready to continue to use the power of God to solve Xiao Shi.


After the mask of the divine messenger appeared on the face of the man in black robe.

The entire mask immediately glowed with an extremely rich blood light, which seemed to have sucked every drop of blood from the black-robed man into the mask.

Immediately afterwards, the entire mask flashed with blood.

All the blood on the mask disappeared.

It was as if he had been sacrificed in an instant.

Not only did the mask lose any color, but it turned gray and began to turn into stone, making the face of the man in black robe seem to have turned into a petrified face.

And it's not just his face.

His body gradually began to turn into a stone body.

The whole figure rose rapidly.

It transformed into a stone giant nearly a hundred meters tall.

It brought an indescribable and shocking sense of oppression to Xiao Shi.

Xiao Shi has an intuition...

The other party is in this state.

Even if he can still use the killing rules now, he can't hurt him at all.

The opponent's stone body seems to be immune to all regular attacks!

Any rules will be of no use to him!

"No wonder Yao Xi died in his hands..."

Xiao Shi narrowed his eyes slightly.

He stretched out his right hand and put his fingers between his eyebrows.


Directly using the power previously stored in [Seeing the Face of God].

In an instant.

The entire sky began to be covered with darkness. Even though the blazing sun formed by Xiao Shi was still suspended above the sky, this blazing sun still could not bring any illumination.

this moment……

The entire Tianwu Continent’s sky turned into eternal night!

Xiao Shiqing couldn't help but open his arms.

There is an unprecedented sense of comfort all over the body.

In this eternal night...

He felt like a king in the eternal night.

I even feel that I can decide the life or death of the Taoist Master with just one thought!

But the eyes of the black-robed man who turned into a stone giant kept widening little by little.

He discovered that when eternal night arrived.

His body and his movements actually became slower.

Even moving a finger takes four or five seconds.

"This...this is impossible!!"

The man in black robe seemed to have a roaring tsunami in his heart.

He knew this would happen.

There is only one possibility!

That is, the divine power possessed by the other party has surpassed his own!

But how is this possible! ?

This person is just a new divine envoy. How could the god behind him give him so much divine power all at once?

Moreover, it is impossible for his body to withstand so much divine power!

The man in black robe was completely confused.

"Is this the power of God..."

Xiao Shi seriously felt the improvement that Yong Ye had brought to him.

If you compare yourself in a normal state to a fish in the water.

Then Xiao Shi felt that now in the eternal night, he seemed to have turned into a dragon in the sea!

There was a bang.

An astonishing aura suddenly burst out from Xiao Shi's body.

At the same time, there were a lot of red blood mist inside and outside his body, spurting out, but after these blood mist appeared in Yong Ye, it seemed that they turned into black because they were contaminated with Yong Ye's breath.

At the same time, the nothingness around him was extremely distorted at this moment!

And his breath made the black-robed man's whole body tremble uncontrollably in an instant. In the roar of his mind, an extremely strong life-and-death crisis erupted directly in the black-robed man's body.

"What's this!!"

The man in black robe felt that every inch of flesh and blood in his body was screaming, and his breathing was almost stagnant!

He had no time to think too much. He felt as if Xiao Shi's whole body was shrouded in black mist, like a natural enemy, making him tremble and try his best to fight.

However, the restraints that Yong Ye brought to him were getting bigger and bigger, and he could no longer even move a finger.

Even if you try your best to struggle, it will be of no avail.

It is true that the power of God possessed by Xiao Shi has exceeded him by far!

Xiao Shi's whole body in the black mist was filled with black, as if he was immersed in black blood.

He slowly raised his head, revealing an extremely evil look in his eyes, as if he was a different person!

At this moment, as Xiao Shi raised his head, the sky experienced huge fluctuations, and the earth continued to rise and fall.

The man in black robe's heart was beating at an unprecedented speed, his breathing became rapid, his expression changed drastically, and his mind kept buzzing.

He can feel it.

Right now, Xiao Shi is performing an extremely powerful and shocking killing move!

With Yong Ye's blessing, this killing move has reached an extremely terrifying level.


Two words came out of Xiao Shi's mouth.


The words just fell.

His body exploded with a bang, and he disappeared directly on the spot. Only a black line could be seen, traveling through nothingness at an indescribable speed, and it seemed that it could travel through time!

Beyond teleportation, beyond movement, beyond all speeds in heaven and earth!

In just a blink of an eye, he appeared directly in front of the man in black robe.

The speed was so fast that the man in black robe could not see clearly.

The black mist outside Xiao Shi's body directly touched the man in black robe at this terrifying speed.

A shrill scream came from the black robe's mouth, his body trembled violently, withering visible to the naked eye!

In less than a second.

His body had become nothing more than skin and bones.

Then there was a huge explosion.

His entire body was shattered by Xiao Shi's collision.

It turned into broken bones all over the sky.

Spread to the earth.

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