After killing the person, he calmly took a detour back to the Night Watch Division, which was extremely skillful for Xiao Shi.

He changed into clean clothes, opened the storage bag in anticipation, and took out the two items he had harvested before.

The harvest this time was very rich.

Although there are only two items, the items dropped by ninth-level warriors after their death are often high-quality items.

Amazing value!

There is even a certain chance that a higher level Qiwu level item may be dropped.

Xiao Shi is looking forward to this.

After all, this kill seemed easy.

In fact, it still took a lot of effort.

Not that easy.

Especially when it comes to the loss of items.

[Black Ink Stone] and [Lingjian Grass] have been completely used up.

[Swamp Formation] There is one time left.

Although the items are consumed.

But Xiao Shi believes that it is all worth it.

The value of this harvest must be higher than the lost items.


His eyes were focused on the object.

Information about the item quickly appeared in front of you.

[Name: Ye Yan]

[Type: Tiancai Dibao]

[Level: Entering the martial arts level]

[Introduction: Yeyan, also known as Moonlight, is a rare treasure. It has a green stem with cylindrical stems and tendrils. It has four flowers, tall and butterfly-shaped, either white or pink with light green lines. The flower disk is ring-shaped and fragrant. The flowers bloom at night. It doesn't close until dawn. 】

[Note: As the name suggests, there will be a big difference between night and day. 】

Xiao Shi's eyes suddenly brightened.

The treasures of heaven and earth are what he currently lacks.

And this heavenly material and earthly treasure is different from the previous heavenly material and earthly treasure.

This treasure of heaven and earth...

Some are similar to Night Frost Dew, which is a natural treasure that can gain extra boost at night!

This would fit Ye Hu extremely well.

Maybe using this heavenly material and earthly treasure would not only allow him to achieve his fifth body refining, but also improve Yehu's cultivation efficiency.

This made Xiao Shi very excited.

After all, Yehu's cultivation never got faster.

And night frost dew is too expensive.

Can't afford it at all.

If this heavenly material and earthly treasure can speed up Yehu's cultivation...

The value of this heavenly material and earthly treasure alone is completely comparable to the [Black Ink Stone] and [Ling Jiancao] that were wasted before.

"Sure enough, if it is produced at the ninth level of the martial arts realm, it must be a high-quality product!"

Xiao Shi was very excited.

This first item gave him a big surprise.

He couldn't wait to look at the second item.

The second item is no longer a natural treasure.

But a black mask.

[Name: Emperor Wu Mask]

[Type: Mask]

[Level: Entering the martial arts level]

[Introduction: It is the iconic imperial costume of the emperors of the past dynasties. It is said that if you collect a complete set of imperial costumes, you will be qualified to ascend the throne and become the new emperor of martial arts. 】

[Note 1: The Martial Emperor's armor is divided into eight parts in total, and each part corresponds to a martial arts realm. 】

[Note 2: Only those who have reached the strongest level of martial arts can wear the god costume. 】

[Note 3: The Emperor Wu's mask can change one's own temperament and form a ray of emperor's breath, ignoring all breath suppression and immune to all poisonous gases and miasma. 】

[Note 4: The Emperor Wu's mask can conceal all of one's own aura. 】

Xiao Shi looked at the message that appeared in his sight.

The whole mind has set off a huge wave.

The items dropped this time...

It’s really scary!

"It turns out to be one of the parts of the Imperial Equipment!!"

Although Xiao Shi didn't know whether Emperor Wu was the highest being in the world.

But it can be inferred from the information in the notes...

The realm of martial arts in this world.

There are at least eight realms.

After all, the imperial armor has eight parts in total, and each part corresponds to a martial arts realm.

Today's mask corresponds to the first realm of martial arts, entering the martial arts realm.

"Then in every realm, imperial equipment is almost the best item!"

Xiao Shi's heart felt hot.

The value of this item…

It’s so amazing!

Far surpassing all previous drops.

To be able to drop an item of this quality, I can say that my character has exploded this time.

If I can get together a complete set of imperial costumes in the future...

I feel excited just thinking about it.

However, it is quite difficult to wear the God costume.

Only the strongest who have reached that level can wear it.

This is the strongest...

Not only does it generally refer to the strongest in a region, it may also be the strongest in the entire world.

This is difficult.

If you just want to become the strongest martial artist in Qixing State, you will definitely be able to do it as long as you complete nine body trainings.

Can be placed in the whole world...

After practicing nine times, you may not be the strongest.

After all, there are not people in the world who have practiced nine times.

To become the strongest martial artist in the world, just practicing nine times is obviously not enough.

This made Xiao Shi realize that he still needed more items that could enhance his strength.

If he hadn't gotten the [Martial Emperor's Mask], he wouldn't have thought about pursuing the strongest, but now that he's got it...

It means nothing if you can't wear it.

Becoming the strongest martial artist has naturally become his goal.

"I need more items!"

Xiao Shi could not wait to wipe out the evil forces around him.

However, he still suppressed his inner impulse.

No matter what.

Let’s break through to the ninth level of the martial arts realm first.

"Now let's do the fifth body training!"

Xiao Shi put the [Martial Emperor Mask] into his storage bag and began to refine his body through the heavenly material and earthly treasure [Yeyan] in his hand.

He was looking forward to how much faster he could speed up Yehu's training after this training.

at the same time.

The news of the death of the two bounty hunters quickly spread back to the Senluo organization through the secrets in Jinyun City.

As the deacon of Senluo Organization, Cai Zuo immediately made an announcement within the organization as soon as he got the news.

"From now on, all bounty hunters are prohibited from entering Golden Cloud City!"

He had already had this plan last time.

But I still wanted to give it one last try.

Now that two bounty hunters who have entered the ninth level of the martial arts realm have also died in Jinyun City...

He was fully aware.

Jinyun City has completely become a restricted area for their bounty hunters!

No other bounty hunter should be allowed to step in again.

If you go in, you will die!

at the same time.

The talent bounty list released by the Senluo organization also changed accordingly.

In the second position, he has become an 'unnamed night watchman', second only to Chu Daoxi, who is ranked first.

Although he is ranked second, his mystery has caused this 'unnamed night watchman' to attract widespread attention throughout the Seven Stars State.

Everyone expressed shock and confusion.

Although the genius bounty list of the Senluo organization is not a list that represents glory.

But being able to be on the list is also a proof and recognition of strength.

And the people who have always been able to be on the genius bounty list are all famous.

This is the first time that such a mysterious figure without a specific name appears.

And the ranking is directly second.

Even Feiyuan Palace was extremely shocked by this.

For a time, not only the Senluo organization wanted to know who this unnamed night watchman was, but also all the various forces in the Seven Star State wanted to know.

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