This is a gray area, surrounded by thin gray fog.

You can vaguely see through the gray fog...

There is a huge ancient stone monument ahead.

The black worm in the compass became active at this moment.

It seems that he wants to get closer to the stone monument in front of him.

"No wonder it's hard for ordinary people to find the stone tablet. It turns out it's hidden in some kind of illusion."

Xiao Shi suddenly understood.

If it weren't for the compass to guide him, he wouldn't have thought that the mountain wall he saw before would be illusory.

It must be that the master of Feiyuan Palace discovered the stone tablet by chance.

have to say.

This does require a certain amount of luck.

Xiao Shi approached the stone monument in front of him cautiously.

Soon the message on the stone tablet was clearly visible.

As He Pengfei said before.

The stone tablet records the exclusive items in the Seven Star Holy Land.

Xiao Shi counted.

This stone tablet records a total of fifteen different exclusive items.

It not only contains information about each exclusive item, but also the conditions for obtaining these exclusive items.

Just these conditions...

Xiao Shi was frightened when he saw it.

First of all, this stone monument.

It’s called the Price Monument!

To obtain the exclusive items on the stone tablet, you need to pay different prices!

According to the ranking of these fifteen exclusive items, each has a different price.

And these costs are all mainly self-inflicted.

The number one exclusive item is the Holy Land Badge. Ash.

According to the description of this item on the stone tablet.

Owning this item will give you a special privilege in the Seven Stars Holy Land!

It’s the same as the [Holy Land Badge. White] in Xiao Shi’s hand.

However, the privileges of the two will be different.

And the price to obtain the Holy Land Badge Ash...

But he cut off his own limbs!

And it must be your own limbs, not other people's limbs.

At the same time, all limbs must be cut off and sacrificed.

in this way……

Only then can you obtain the Holy Land Badge from the stone tablet. Ash!

"No one would do this at such a price!"

Xiao Shi shook his head.

Although he didn't know if there was the ability to regenerate severed limbs in this world.

But at least in the Entering Martial Realm and Qi Martial Realm, it is absolutely impossible to do it!

Xiao Shi now has many martial-level healing elixirs in his hands, but even the highest quality healing elixirs cannot regenerate a person's severed limbs.

The step of sacrificing the limbs also eliminates the possibility of cutting off the limbs and then reattaching them.

Such a price...

No matter how good the thing is, no one will do it.

After all, once you lose your limbs, you are still a useless person even if you are not dead.

Even if you get the Holy Land Badge Ash, you can't regenerate your severed limbs. The gain outweighs the loss.

Xiao Shi then looked down.

Holy Land Badge Ash can be said to be the most expensive item among these items.

Ranked second is an item called the Soul Scroll.

The only cost to obtain this item is to cut off both arms.

Although the price of obtaining the Holy Land Badge Gray is not high, there should be no one who would use their own arms in exchange for this item.

Look down.

Xiao Shi saw a familiar item on the fourth exclusive item, and it was...

The ghost of the black shadow!

This item can kill the Great Perfection of Qi Martial Realm.

Only ranked fourth!

And the cost of getting this item...

Xiao Shi believes that normal people cannot do it.

That is……

From the palace!

"There shouldn't be such a wolf killing, right?"

Xiao Shi shook his head.

But he saw it.

The item shown on the stone tablet is a little different from other items.

The fonts used to display other items are all very bright.

However, the font that displays this item is dim.

"Does this mean...this item is no longer available?"

Xiao Shi's heart moved.

Through this, he immediately realized that the reason why this item was not available was probably because he had already obtained it.

Although there is a possibility that it has been replaced by someone else.

But Xiao Shi thinks this possibility is very small.

After all, in the face of such a huge price, there are definitely very few people who can bear it, if not none.

Xiao Shi thought that after he dropped it through killing, the item would disappear from the stone tablet.

"Looking at it this way, the exclusive items that can be dropped after I kill them should all be items that still exist on the stone tablet and have not been obtained by others."

"But once the exclusive items on the stone tablet are obtained by others first...then they can no longer be dropped."

"That is to say..."

"I have to get these exclusive items before others get them."

"Otherwise, once some powerful exclusive items fall into the hands of the enemy, it will be troublesome."

Xiao Shi knew.

Although there are many exclusive items on this stone tablet, they will basically not be obtained by others.

After all, the price is too high.

But in the Seven Star Holy Land, there is far more than just one stone tablet.

And the "theme" of each stone tablet is different.

The theme of this monument is cost.

Therefore, in order to obtain these items, various prices need to be paid.

But other stone tablets have other themes.

Not all stelae have the same theme.

And different stone tablets will have different exclusive items recorded on them.

Like the [Holy Land Badge. White] that Xiao Shi now possesses, it is obviously the items on other stone tablets.

When Xiao Shi read all the fifteen exclusive items on this stone tablet.

Discover even the smallest of items.

It also requires cutting off a finger as the price.

Such a price may be bearable for others.

But for Xiao Shi, it is completely unnecessary.

Xiao Shi even felt that he no longer had to look for other stone tablets.

Even if other stone tablets have different themes, he does not need to use the method on the stone tablet to obtain exclusive items.

Just go get more kills as quickly as possible.

From the many exclusive items currently on this stone monument, Xiao Shi realized that the Holy Land Badge should be the best item among all the exclusive items.

In addition to gray and white, there is probably a third type of Holy Land emblem.

And each kind of holy land badge will have a different privilege.

“I wonder what other privileges other badges have besides the multiple-use privilege of items?”

Xiao Shi was very curious about this.

Then he left here.

I looked at the sky.

Now the sky has turned white and dawn is approaching.

Xiao Shi thought for a while and decided to find a safe place first and wait until night before taking action.


Your own safety is the most important thing.

It's really not conducive to move during the day.

Whether it is one's own concealment or strength, it will be greatly weakened.

There is no danger in entering the Qi Martial Realm for the first time when there are not many Qi whirlpools activated.

But once you encounter those powerful Qiwu realms, it will be very troublesome.

Now he no longer has the exclusive item that can kill the Qi Martial Realm Dzogchen, so he can't waste it.

Everything is based on stability.

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