I Come From the Game World

Vol 3 Chapter 476: Memory Jade Slip

Nine Nether Flames wrapped around his body, and Shen Dong gradually sank to the bottom of the sea, walking towards his destination step by step.

There really seems to be a kind of flower all around, the whole body is full of barbs, the stamens are very big, and on the stamens, a thread is drawn out, as if it is very light and thin, with the sea water, gradually flowing out a bit of red The liquid, but after the liquid gradually left, it disappeared, and the color faded away.

But a closer look reveals that the seabed, like a red ocean, is creepy.

Shen Dong swam more and more toward the periphery as the trench continued.

Although this area is called the area of ​​the royal family, few people will enter this place, because for some people, once touched by some people, they will be swallowed by it. A little bit of contamination inside will be very serious. It is possible to die.

Therefore, the royal family prohibited outsiders from entering, and Shen Dong could only sneak in quietly by relying on the endless sea.

The whole body was wrapped in Nine Nether Fire, and the toxins around were burned and absorbed by the naked eye, and gradually, it entered an area that looked like a palace.

This is also the house and residence that the one who came here to build here at the beginning, and it was because of that person that the uncivilized monks gradually learned how to build.

In the past, most of them lived in tree houses.

Even now, many still live in the tree hole, at least in their perception.

Entering it, most of the houses have been corroded. It seems that because of the sea water, some poisonous flowers have gradually appeared in some areas.

But very few, but it has been a while.

Each house was sealed by something like a seal, and in the sea, it seemed that these things were a little weak.

Countless thoughts, the sea water has washed them to pieces, and some houses that have been broken through have been invaded by flowers.

And the more Shen Dong walked in, the more flowers inside, especially the flowers behind, the more coquettish.

The more so, Shen Dong felt a kind of creepy feeling, that kind of majestic power rushing around, as if full of a kind of vast spiritual power.

As he walked in, Shen Dong gradually discovered that inside it was a large cave as if it were hollow. On the inner platform, a seal was slowly opened.

At this time, Shen Dong also gradually discovered a coquettish flower that was several times larger, and Shen Dong also understood that this was the thing of the sea poisonous flower, and it seemed to be the same as the mother.

Because only this one grows on the coast, after all, most of the other flowers grow outside.

This open land is huge, and most importantly, the faint fragrance seems to be permeating the ground.

Shen Dong still wrapped the Nine Nether Flames around his body, and shielded his breathing, especially the periphery of his body, from time to time it emitted a kind of insect like a worm burned by flames, dropping faint ashes.

And inside, it was obviously huge. The most important thing was that it was like an altar inside. Shen Dong was a little startled. This should be the teleportation burst, and it didn't seem to be destroyed, and it was even well preserved.

In particular, this faint flow of eyes seemed to imply that he could still operate, which made Shen Dong a little startled, but the next moment, a flame emanated from Shen Dong's body, and he directly burned the surrounding area. After a long time, I realized that the scene just now, as he had guessed, was the environment. At this time, the scene just disappeared, and what appeared in front of him was a broken seal.

In the core of the seal, there seemed to be a series of huge formation patterns that shocked everyone, but most of these formation patterns had been disconnected, as if they had been fragmented.

Especially the biggest one, which is like a flower, seems to have a trace of weirdness.

At this time, Shen Dong discovered that there was a corpse in the pattern.

The corpse seemed to be the main body for many years. Shen Dong noticed the surroundings, and through the perception of Jiu Nether Fire, he continued to look at it after he discovered that the person was a real thing.

And gradually, a jade slip gradually appeared in front of him.

And this jade slip seems to be a product of the realm of cultivation, and it is very old, Shen Dong directly crushed it, and in an instant, a scene appeared in front of him.

A majestic man, full of anger, pointed at a group of people around him, like indignation and helplessness, but obviously, he was in the upper position, but he didn't pay any attention to it, but was still having fun, and the few people on the side looked even more. A group of dancing girls, as if pointing to a country, looked very plain.

And at this moment, he said directly to everyone: "The disaster comes from heaven, and I wait for the royal family, and I must be willing to come and seal the evil, instead of the corpse, let it harm my flower and grass world."

For an instant, the picture was in an uproar. The words of the majestic man seemed like a frying pan. It was an instant that made the superior person frown and looked at him with a cold face, even revealing a trace of murderous intent.

"Winter Moon, although you are a royal family, you are just a sideline. Now that the emperor speaks like this here, don't you feel rude?"

"Dear emperor, the sea poisonous flower has completely wrapped up the nearby sea area, making some aquatic medicine spirits unable to cultivate in the waters now, and even poisoning some medicine spirits to death. Now it will not be stopped. When the time comes, this sea area , It has become a no-man’s land, and even palaces, they must migrate."

"What about it? It's a mere sea area. I and the members of the royal family live on land. Even if the sea area is destroyed, regardless of our business, you, an ordinary school lieutenant, dare to speak up here. Get out of here, three During the year, you are not allowed to enter the court." For an instant, a majestic sentence pulled the man out.

In an instant, in a blink of an eye, three years passed.

And just there, the king who was still reluctant to think about Shu and only knew how to play, a man dressed in ordinary appeared, still the original winter moon, but at this time he was suppressed very seriously, but the words were still full of determination.

Obviously, he was still worried, and now, he didn't care about other things, and said directly.

"Emperor, the sea poison flower was brought by the outsider from Beimang Star. Now it has gradually wrapped the entire sea area. The most important thing is that a few days ago, I found a sea poison flower that can grow on land. Although it takes a lot of water to nourish, it also threatens the life of our terrestrial medicine spirit. Over time, these sea poison flowers will gradually give birth to medicine spirit, which can even threaten your royal qualifications. Please send troops to destroy it.

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