I Come From the Game World

Vol 3 Chapter 918: Younger brother 918

"Yes, you are very good. Even if you have passed the test, the old man wants to test you too. After all, the owner of Donghuang Bell doesn't need anyone who is only for his own sake." The other party said directly, making Shen Dong relieved instantly. .

"However, he still needs to stay for three months. The old man will give her all the formations." The other party said directly, instantly letting Shen Dong breathe a sigh of relief.

Shen Dong didn't refuse this time, and directly agreed: "Everything will follow the arrangements of the seniors."

"If you know your interest, the old man is fascinated by the formations all his life. It can be said that the formations have seen many kinds and created many kinds, but time is limited, and finally passed away in a hurry, even without the apprentice. Now that the formation is closed, the It can be considered that the oil is exhausted and the lamp has withered. This formation maintains my life. When it is closed, it can be considered to have lost some of my vitality.

But I don’t blame you, because I’m tired of this kind of boring life, and the closure of the formation made me understand the shortcomings of my formation, but I also realized the new formation, these What was researched in the year, what was successful, and what was not, will remain here, and now it's all for you, little girl, and the future of the formation is left to you. I can understand that the formation of this world is no longer as good as it used to be, but I have seen the future from you since I was a little girl. Come on, I am optimistic about you. "In a word, with calmness, the other party directly began to pass the formations to Bai Qingyun one by one.

Shen Dong continued to practice on the sidelines. In a blink of an eye, within three months, the moment Shen Dong opened his eyes, the old man was no longer there, and Bai Qingyun was still refining, and soon she woke up. He opened his eyes directly, faced the steps, and lost three times.

"Master, you can go with peace of mind." A word, with a lot of sadness, made Shen Dong feel a little bit emotional.

For a long time, Bai Qingyun built a tomb for her master, and then the next moment, he began to dismantle the formation, a few large parts were dropped, and the formation turned into a small round ball, and then It shrank rapidly, and was directly put away by Bai Qingyun.

"These are the core things of the formation, and can be regarded as the core construction of the formation. If you want to rebuild, you only need to drop this thing, attach a few energy, spar, and some solid materials to create it. A formation similar to that just now." Bai Qingyun said directly, shocking Shen Dong.

"And the power of heaven and earth that you have just realized is the special plant below, the Xuanhuang Life and Death Grass. This grass actually only lives in the demon world, because the birth of this grass requires a powerful energy and life and death. The creatures in the two places, the three are the necessary conditions, and whether they can succeed or not can only be determined by coincidence, and there was a monster beast here at first, because he did something wrong, the demon pill was abolished, but even so, the other party There was still no death, and he had to bury his corpse here. The soul was sealed, and most of the corpse was directly destroyed, but still not completely dead. The other party can be said to be hovering on the edge of life and death, but it has also achieved this herb.

But when the formation was closed, the opponent's soul lost its powerful energy, completely dissipated, and the Xuanhuang Life and Death Grass was completely mature. "Bai Qingyun said directly, and for an instant, Shen Dong was also a little excited.

Xuanhuang Life and Death Grass was obviously a powerful thing. He had only heard of it, but he didn’t expect it to have it. As for its efficacy, Shen Dong didn’t know much about it, but he also understood that a demon clan’s strength, such an immortal thing, turned out to be. To be able to swallow it and create such a thing is enough to see the strength of the other party.

After Shen Dong rested for a while, he quickly discovered that the closer he got to the bottom, the more the ground began to tremble. The power around him exuded a weak breath, the breath was very weak, but this In this weak situation, it gave Shen Dong a sense of tranquility.

Shen Dong carefully sensed, and in an instant, he gradually discovered the power of this power.

When Shen Dong approached a small step, he suddenly felt a strong breath. The breath was very powerful and even shocking. It was this kind of power that made Shen Dong's strength start to increase rapidly. In a blink of an eye, he saw it. Changes in germplasm.

"This is the power of life and death. Don't touch him. This thing needs the power of life and death to be able to pick it, otherwise it will not be removed at all, and if it is not removed, it is likely to be backlashed by the opponent, and then you will find it again. Not anymore."

In a word, the thought that Shen Dong just wanted to pick stopped instantly.

"Then how to pick this thing?" Shen Dong asked directly.

"This requires the breath of life, or the breath of death, choose one of the two. If it is angry, grab the root of him, if it is dead, grab the top of the flower." In one sentence, Shen Dong understood. come.

The qi of birth is so easy to find, he can transform directly through a trace of chaotic qi. In an instant, Shen Dong directly urges and then converts the chaotic qi. In the next second, he will contact the opponent, but the next moment, Shen Dong felt that his vitality was beginning to flow quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the hundred-year life was taken away.

And this is still going on.

Shen Dong could only calm down, and once he let go, he would probably lose everything he had done.

And the next moment, a ray of light appeared in front of Shen Dong in an instant. The light made Shen Dong a little surprised. Cai found that the flower bloomed with a radiant petal, and in a blink of an eye, she stretched out one of her arms towards her. Barbs like teeth, and then directly pierced in.

The two places of life and death are endless. The true meaning of life seems to make Shen Dong sense something at this moment, but the next moment is endless sinking.

This kind of sinking made him give up hope and fell into a coma.

But soon, some things in the memory that could not be parted, made Shen Dong forcibly wake up.

In front of them, a man and a woman appeared, holding hands, but holding a knife in their hands, as if they were about to do something to themselves.

"How is this possible? How did you wake up." The other party was also a little surprised that Shen Dong suddenly woke up and asked directly. Shen Dong looked at the two and frowned. Obviously, these two should be living and dead.

"Let me go out, otherwise I will kill you." Shen Dong directly urged Zhen Qi.

"This is unwilling. You are willing to follow us to enter here. Therefore, if you want to leave, we can't do anything." The other party said directly. In one sentence, Shen Dong also frowned. Obviously, the other party did not tell lies, but Unable to leave, Shen Dong was also a little worried.

"Why do you want me to get here."

"This is a normal ritual for us. In fact, we are not mature just now, but have completely grown into a demon, but if we want to go further, we need some strength." The other party said directly.

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