The meeting in the banquet hall lasted for more than an hour. By the time everyone returned to their rooms, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and the sky outside was pitch black.

Everyone used the light of flashlights to tidy up briefly and then went to bed to rest.

A day of running around was already very tiring, let alone such a mess at night. Many people fell asleep almost as soon as they lay down.

In Nick's room.

Feeling the elasticity of the bed beneath him, Nick twisted his body comfortably. It had been a long time since he had slept on such a comfortable bed.

The girl next to him exuded wisps of fragrance, and he could clearly feel the hot breath coming from Lucy's nose.

"Why don't you sleep?"

He was sure that Lucy was not asleep at all, not only because of the other party's slightly heavy breathing, but also because of the fact that he himself was not sleepy at all.



"What are your plans next? Are you going to stay or leave with Moore and the others?"


Nick looked up at the darkness in front of him and responded blankly, but after hearing Lucy's question, he hesitated and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I don't know... In this world, does it make any difference where you go?"

This sentence seemed to have touched Lucy's nerves, and her voice suddenly became excited.

"Why is there no difference? As long as you are alive, you can always meet like-minded people, right? As long as there are people, there is hope."

"Then you want to leave with Moore and the others?"

"It's not me, it's you and your family who have to leave."

"Why? I don't think they want to leave here."

"Because you killed Tina's brother."


? "

Nick was so startled that he almost jumped out of bed.

But Lucy exhaled and finally said these words.

Just now on the first floor, he realized something was wrong when he heard Tina say that her brother was also in the supermarket. He had been holding back until now because he wanted to persuade Nick and the others to leave together.

"Didn't you notice who attacked you?"

"You mean those people we killed were..."

"Yes, the person named Tina who was downstairs just now also said that his brother was there. No matter who killed the person, once this matter is exposed, they will immediately fall out."

"Besides, that place is not far from the hotel. They will find it sooner or later. Even if they don't find it, how can you guarantee when Tina will go to find her brother? Things will be exposed by then."

"So we must get out of here as soon as possible. Early tomorrow morning, you go to Moore and tell him about this matter."


Nick covered his face, he felt a terrible headache, this was so disgusting, and for a moment he didn't know whether he should tell others.

"The Sword Comes"

Early the next morning.

There was a slight shimmer at the junction of the sea and the sky, and the sound of the waves outside the window was rhythmically lapping at the coast, accompanied by the chirping of seabirds, like a slow-paced song.

Travis' eyelids trembled slightly, then he opened his eyes suddenly, and sat up as if he was electrocuted.

Whoops! Whoops!

He breathed heavily and looked at everything around him in confusion.

He vaguely remembered that he seemed to have lost control last night, and the bastard who took Chris away lied to his face.

"That's right, Chris, damn it!"

When I thought about Chris still being alone, an inexplicable feeling of anxiety emerged uncontrollably.

Jumping out of bed, I realized that there was a figure beside me, and I almost didn't notice him just now because he was covered with a quilt.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Madison.

Looking at his wife's messy hair, it was obvious that she had been busy for a long time and should have gone to bed just before dawn, otherwise she would have woken up long ago due to such a big movement.

Looking at his wife a little apologetically, Travis walked out of the room quietly.

The two young men were locked in a room on the first floor, which was probably the former accountant's house. The doors and windows were all reinforced, and the windows were sealed by metal bars as thick as a finger. Even the door was double-layered.

It was Madison's suggestion that the two of them be imprisoned here. After all, they were suspected of murder. Although killing has become a common thing in the apocalypse, no matter who it is, they don't want to be in the same place with a murderer. Under the eaves.

Just as Travis closed the door, he heard someone coming from the other side of the corridor, and it was Alyssa.

"Travis! You're okay, great!"

After forcing a smile, Travis reached out and hugged him.

"Is mom in there? I have something to do with her."

"Oh, Madison slept too late last night. Let her rest more. By the way, I have something to ask you. Where were those two people yesterday? I have to find them to ask about Chris' whereabouts. ”

He only mentioned Madison in one word and immediately changed the topic to the two young people.

"You don't want to kill them, do you?"

"Of course not. Yesterday I was just blinded by anger for a moment, but now I won't. I just want to ask where Chris is."

Alyssa didn't doubt his presence, nodded in understanding, and told him the location of the room where the two were detained.

After Travis left, Alyssa was about to leave when she heard someone calling her from behind.

"Alyssa, why don't you give me a hug!"

This voice was so familiar that I knew who it was without turning around.

"Look who's here, oh, it's our Mr. Nick."

"Don't be like this, sister, I thought you would just give me a hug. Are you so cold now?"

Looking at Nick's playful face, for a moment she felt like everything was back to the past, until a girl walked out behind Nick.

"Hi, I'm Luciana, you can call me Lucy."

"Alyssa, thank you for saving my brother. If it weren't for you, an idiot, he would have died outside soon."

Nick was not upset after hearing this. It had become his body's instinct to quarrel with his sister. They used to quarrel whenever he was at home, but even though they sometimes quarreled fiercely, both parties knew that the other one cared about them.

So when he was at Lucy's camp, Nick often missed his sister, and now that he saw her again, he couldn't help but start to get jealous.

"You don't know how powerful I am. Let me tell you, even if everyone in the world dies, your brother and I will still be alive and well."

"Okay, stop bragging. Is something okay?"

"Oh, I want to talk to my mother about something."

"She's still sleeping, what's wrong?"

"I'm quite anxious, so let's wake her up."

As he spoke, he knocked directly on the door. When there was no response for a long time, he held the door handle and pushed it, only to find that the door was unlocked.


Moore slept very well last night. It was the most comfortable night he had slept since leaving Ideal Town. He also woke up early.

Looking at the shimmering sea outside the window, Moore stretched out in a comfortable mood. As soon as he put on his clothes, he heard a knock on the door.

Winter winter winter!


"It's me, Lucy."

Moll opened the door unhappily and looked at Luciana who was a little nervous. Moll raised his eyebrows.

"What's wrong?"

"Can you please come over here? Nick needs to see you for something."

Following Lucy all the way to Madison's room, as soon as she entered the door, she saw Nick waving towards Lucy, who walked out and closed the door behind her back.

Moore looked at this scene confused, and was about to ask when Nick spoke first.

"Sir, would you mind having a few more helpers on your staff?"

"What the hell?"

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