Half an hour later, Xia Daoming stood on the top of the mountain, looking at Licheng, which had become very small at the foot of the mountain, and his mood became a little sentimental and reluctant for no reason.

This year can be said to be the most comfortable, leisurely and happiest time he has lived since he traveled to this world.

Ji Yuanzhen and Liang Jingtang had arranged all the big things outside so that he didn't need to worry about them at all.

Liu Qiaolian and Ji Wenyue didn't need to worry about family matters at all.

Every day, in addition to calming down and cultivating, he would accompany his two lovely wives on sightseeing tours and play cards for fun. Of course, he would also occasionally give advice to the disciples of Tenglong Mansion.

During this year, apart from eating some spiritual rice every day, Xia Daoming rarely took any strong drugs and did not think about leaving Licheng as soon as possible to look for opportunities.

He spent more time to understand the Xu family's Winged Tiger Technique and the Ji family's White Tiger Technique, integrating them with the Dragon Snake Technique, as well as polishing the mental state and the use of strength.

This is necessary.

Because before this, he had been advancing by leaps and bounds, blindly pursuing strength and the strength of his meridians, without stopping at all to settle down.

After a year of precipitation and polishing, Xia Daoming's meridians have been strengthened slowly, and he has only just reached the tenth level, 50% of the second level, but it has improved his overall strength a lot.

Two days before he left, Yuchi Xiao took the Dragon Transformation Fruit and became a martial arts master.

There are three grandmasters in just two remote cities, as well as many eighth-grade, seventh-grade and other great martial arts masters. It is estimated that in the near future, Zhuo Xingji, Jiao Yongbao, and Gu Ren will also be able to take the Dragon Transformation Fruit to become martial arts. Grandmaster.

Therefore, Xia Daoming had nothing to worry about when he left, but Ji Yuanzhen and others were very worried about his journey.

Originally, according to Ji Yuanzhen and Liang Jingtang's wishes, they had to send several eighth-grade great martial arts masters and Yu Chi Xiao to serve as personal guards for him. They said that when going out, one more person can always provide more strength.

In particular, Yuchi Xiao is a martial arts master. If he is really in danger, he will definitely be of great help.

Xia Daoming is going to Muzhou Wanluo Mountain Immortal Workshop this time to truly enter the circle of immortal cultivators.

Xia Daoming himself had no idea how deep the circle of immortal cultivators was, and how could he dare to take people there casually? If there was really any danger, he would be dragged down, but he couldn't resist the kindness of his elders, so he had no choice but to , had no choice but to show off his power, and directly knocked Yuchi Xiao away with one punch from a distance of ten feet.

On the spot, Yuchi Xiao was deceived, and for a time he suspected that he had become a fake guru.

Seeing that Xia Daoming could defeat a generation of martial arts masters with just one punch from a distance of ten feet, Ji Yuanzhen and Liang Jingtang were stunned for a long time, and then waved their hands to tell Xia Daoming to get lost.

"Actually, I really want to lie down and not leave! Unfortunately, there are too many powerful people in this world, it's too chaotic, and there are two beauties and lovely wives waiting to step into the path of cultivating immortals. It's impossible if we don't work hard!"

Xia Daoming murmured, and finally pulled the reins to the side, turned the horse's head, and rode away from Licheng.


Mangzhou borders the Tianhe Prairie where the Tianhe people live to the north, and borders Lingzhou and Muzhou to the southwest and southeast respectively.

There is a plain and hilly area between Mangzhou and Lingzhou, with no natural barriers. Moreover, there are very few immortal sects and immortal families stationed in Mangzhou. The forces of all parties are relatively simple, so the rebellion of the Lingzhou King naturally separated. A troop of troops went to attack Mangzhou.

No matter how backward and barren it is, it is still a vast territory.

Muzhou and Mangzhou are separated by the steep and rolling Yunlan Mountains. Transportation is very inconvenient. There are not many people and caravans traveling between them. This also greatly limits Mangzhou to some extent. further development of the state.

King Lingzhou's rebellion was finally suppressed a month ago.

Some of the rebels who entered Mangzhou were surrendered, some dispersed, and some fell into bandits...

The war in Mangzhou has come to an end.

Mangzhou, which was originally relatively chaotic, with bandits running rampant and various forces competing against each other, became increasingly devastated after this battle.

Xia Daoming rode his horse all the way there, and there were ruins and scorched earth everywhere, and corpses were everywhere.

Everywhere you look, families with old, weak, sick and disabled people leave their homes and wander around in search of a glimmer of hope for survival.

Their faces were sallow and thin, and their eyes were full of helplessness and fear.

"It's true that in defeat, the people suffer, but in victory, the people also suffer!"

Xia Daoming felt heavy and became more determined to become stronger.

If it weren't for his powerful strength, the people of Licheng and even his beloved wife and friends would have been reduced to the miserable scene they saw before them.

The horse is a thousand-mile horse specially collected by Ji Yuanzhen for Xia Daoming's trip. It is completely black except for a tuft of white hair on its four hooves. Xia Daoming named it Wuyun Taxue and usually calls it Taxue.

Walking on the snow, the limbs are strong and strong. Not only is it as fast as flying, but it is also very stable and somewhat spiritual.

Xia Daoming liked it very much. When he was sleeping in the wild, if he would cook spiritual rice, and seeing that it was working hard all the way, he would even give it some food.

After walking in the snow and being nourished by spiritual rice, after galloping thousands of miles every day, not only did I not lose weight, but I became stronger and stronger, my fur became more shiny, and my eyes became more alert and lively.

Xia Daoming and Liu Qiaolian could not reach the state capital in two months, but Xia Daoming only arrived in seven days.

The majestic and tall city wall is now broken everywhere, with thick blood stains condensed on it, reflecting a dark black color in the sunlight, which makes people feel heart-stopping and disgusting.

The wide streets in the city that could accommodate seven or eight carriages traveling side by side are now empty, with the shops on both sides closed and the buildings dilapidated.

Xia Daoming specifically asked people about Fengquan Street.

Liang Jingtang had a total of fifteen disciples in his life, six of them are no longer here, six are developing in Licheng, and three are making a living in other cities.

One of them is in Zhoucheng. It is said that he opened a teahouse, and there used to be some news exchanges every one or two years.

In the past two years, the king of Lingzhou rebelled and sent troops to besiege the city, thus completely cutting off contact.

Now Tenglong Mansion is developing rapidly in Licheng and Luogui City, and there are masters in charge. As soon as the rebels retreated, Liang Jingtang sent people to the state city to inquire, but the people he sent have not returned yet, so The situation is unknown.

Since Xia Daoming came to Zhoucheng, he thought he might as well go and have a look.

Unfortunately, when Xia Daoming arrived at Fengquan Street, the teahouse was already empty and most of the teahouse collapsed.

Xia Daoming specifically asked people on Fengquan Street, but failed to find out any information.

"Alas, in troubled times, people's lives are like nothing!" Xia Daoming sighed helplessly. He did not stay in the city anymore, but left the city gate and headed all the way to Yunlan Mountain.

There is an official road in Mangzhou that goes through Yunlan Mountain and leads to Muzhou, named Mulan Official Road.

It is said to be an official road, but in fact due to the terrain, many sections of the road are very winding and dangerous, and are often infested by wild beasts and bandits.

But these are nothing to Xia Daoming today.

He rides on the dark clouds and walks on the snow, and many difficult roads are as smooth as walking on the ground.

Wild beasts and thieves are no problem, they can be dispatched easily.

It would take an ordinary caravan a month or two and often take great risks to complete the Mulan Official Road. Xia Daoming only took a few days to complete the Mulan Official Road.

Walking out of Mulan Official Road, the vast, fertile and magnificent land of Muzhou appeared in front of Xia Daoming.

The official road here is obviously smooth and spacious. The fertile fields on both sides of the official road are lush and green, and the smoke from the villages is curling up. From time to time, you can see people coming and going, and it is quite busy. Unlike the official road in Mangzhou, it is better to be close to the city and a little further away. The city is sparsely populated, the roads are bumpy and winding, overgrown with weeds, and there are few people walking around.

However, in recent years, the king of Daliang Kingdom has become old and fatuous, and treacherous ministers are in power. Although the land of Muzhou is much more prosperous and stable than Mangzhou, Xia Daoming still saw many tragic scenes along the way, and encountered some from time to time along the way. Bandits robbed and killed people.

On this day, it was noon.

Xia Daoming rode on dark clouds through the snow and wind to the outside of a city.

There are two simple characters written on the city gate: Qinglin.

"This is Qinglin City. I wonder if Senior Brother Lu Ye is still here?" Xia Daoming looked up at the two simple characters on the city gate and thought to himself.

Lu Ye was one of the three disciples of Liang Jingtang who developed outside the country.

It is said that more than ten years ago, he met a woman named Lu when he was out. He fell in love at first sight, so he moved into Zhi Lu's family and followed her to Qinglin City in Muzhou for development.

In the first few years, I occasionally asked people to bring letters back to Mangzhou, but then I gradually lost track of him.

Liang Jingtang places more emphasis on friendship.

I had no ability before, so even if I wanted to take care of my disciples, I was unable to do so, so I had to let the disciples wander outside.

Now that he has become a master, he will often recall the relationship between master and disciple in the past, and want to inquire about the situation of the three disciples who are developing outside.

I thought that if they didn't do well outside and were willing to return to Licheng, the current situation in Tenglong Mansion would be able to give them a good way to make a living.

If they do well, Liang Jingtang will be happy for them, and his worries will be over.

It just so happened that Xia Daoming passed by Qinglin City on this trip, so he wanted to help his master to inquire about it.

"Is there a wealthy family with the surname Lu here?" After entering the city, Xia Daoming found a restaurant, ordered some food and drinks, and then asked the waiter about the family with the surname Lu.

Lu Ye has good talent in martial arts, and he was already a fifth-level martial artist more than ten years ago.

Someone with his strength cannot tell the matchmaker that he is marrying the other party, but can only marry into the Lu family. The Lu family is most likely to be a wealthy family.

"There are not many big families named Lu in Qinglin City, but the Lu Family Village in Jinxiu Valley outside the south city is the real big Lu family.

Speaking of this Jinxiu Valley, with flowers blooming in spring, greenery in summer, red leaves all over the mountain in autumn, and white snow in winter, it is really like a fairyland on earth, so beautiful.

But Lujiazhuang is even more remarkable. It is said that it was founded by the secular descendants of the immortals from Wanluo Mountain. When I was young, I had a childhood friend who lived nearby. He said that one night he saw an immortal flying in the clouds and landing in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms. "The waiter in the shop deliberately lowered his voice as he spoke, making him appear mysterious.

Thanks to the divine light of autumn, Wangjigang, and the book friends who have been waiting for thousands of years to reward me.

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