Wuming passed through the beam of light and entered the formation. The next moment, a large number of mirrors appeared around him, and each mirror reflected him.

The next moment, all the reflections in the mirrors walked out of the mirrors. At first, each reflection was a translucent image, but as the reflections overlapped, a mirror image of Wuming appeared opposite Wuming.

"It seems that there is no problem with the operation of the formation." Wuming thought to himself when he saw this scene.

Then he raised his hand, and a fantasy flower immediately appeared out of thin air on his finger, and the mirror image on the opposite side did the same.


Wuming flicked his finger, and the fantasy flower immediately shot towards the mirror image.


The mirror image also flicked its finger, and the fantasy flower shot towards Wuming.

An interesting scene appeared. The two fantasy flowers did not collide, but flew past each other in parallel lines and exploded after hitting the target.

"The formation is stable for now, and there are no problems."

"But it is a little different from what I imagined. The mirror image seems to be just a dull imitation, or a reflection of the target's movements and abilities, and it does not have any combat wisdom itself."

In the smoke, Wuming's skin fell off like petals. This is one of the abilities he has developed over the past hundred years, the petal molting technique.

In fact, the principle of this move is very simple, that is, to use the energy in the body to form a layer of protection on the body surface, and then use the shape of a flower to transform this layer of energy into petals.

Where is attacked, the energy petals are peeled off, so as to resist the greatest attack with the least consumption.

On the opposite side, the mirror image Wuming is exactly the same as Wuming, with a large number of broken petals on the surface slowly falling to the ground. Both sides are hit by the golden sun head-on, but they are unscathed.

"Let's test the stability of the formation first." Wuming thought for a while and looked at the mirrors around him.

These mirrors made of energy are the most obvious flaws in the entire formation, but after Wuming's improvements, these mirrors are not fragile, but how much attack they can withstand still needs to be tested.

Wuming raised his hand, and dense imaginary flowers quickly appeared around him, and then these imaginary flowers began to bombard wildly. Mirror Wuming had no heart, and it completely imitated Wuming's movements, so one attack became two attacks, and countless imaginary flowers hit the surrounding mirrors, and then a shocking explosion occurred.

If it were in other places, this degree of explosion would be enough to blow up the world, but in the Great Wilderness Special Zone, the power of the explosion was limited by Wuming to the formation. The entire formation shook violently, and the various treasures buried underground dimmed, and even some treasures with relatively fragile quality had obvious cracks.

"Although I didn't dare to use my full strength, the current situation is already very good." Wuming was affected by the flames, and his skin was constantly peeling off like petals. He calmly looked at the light columns and mirrors around him and evaluated in his heart.

In fact, the golden sun is a large-scale attack. If it is really released in the outside world, it will often cause great damage, but this kind of damage is a good thing for the enemy, because it means that the energy escapes instead of concentrating on himself.

In a real battle, the strong are actually more willing to focus their attacks on one point. What good is it to destroy a planet to kill an enemy? What help is there in destroying the world to kill an enemy?

If not, there is no need to do it.

It's just that most practitioners either can't make sure that their power is not leaked, or they feel that doing so will consume more energy and they are too lazy to do it.

Of course, sometimes destroying the surrounding environment is also a strategy, the purpose is to create an environment suitable for oneself through destruction, so as to occupy a favorable terrain.

Outside the mirror array, Sisina and others are paying attention to the situation inside the array.

"Wuming hasn't taken it seriously yet, and the array has been shaken. Alas, the business you are talking about may be a bit difficult, and it is likely that it will not make ends meet." Gao Shanggong said to Sisina.

Sisina immediately showed disappointment. She calculated the cost of building the array in her mind and felt that Gao Shanggong had said it very politely.

This is no longer a problem of not making ends meet, but a complete loss of money.

It belongs to the category of losing as much as you invest.

At this time, Wuming created a large number of Titan Hands in the formation, and Mirror Wuming also created a large number of Titan Hands, and the Titan Hands and Titan Hands fought each other frantically.

Looking from outside the formation, gradually all the Titan Hands turned into light, rising from one thousand punches per second to one quadrillion punches per second, the formation trembled wildly, the treasures buried on the ground flickered, and many cracks gradually appeared.

Finally, with the cracking of countless treasures, the formation suddenly broke.

Wuming condensed all the energy generated by the bombardment into a ball of light at the moment the formation broke.

Holding the ball of light in his hand, he said: "The limit of the formation is about 239 layers. If a formation is maintained frequently, it can be used about 200 to 400 times. It can probably make some money by charging 50,000,000 resource coins at a time."

"Too expensive." Sisina sighed.

Gao Shanggong nodded and said, "It's impossible for anyone to be willing to spend such a high price just to test their strength."

To put it bluntly, with this money, it's better to buy some resources that are helpful to your practice.

"Actually, I have a not very mature idea."

Wuming saw Sisina's disappointed face and said with a smile.

Then he slowly told some of his ideas about the formation. Gao Shanggong showed surprise, while Sisina was a little confused.


Xiling World.

On Lingzu Peak, the rich spiritual energy turned into a thin spiritual mist and lingered on the top of the peak.

Several teenagers climbed slowly to the top of the mountain under the leadership of a middle-aged man. A young man dressed in exquisite clothes panted and said, "Coach, how long will it take to reach Wansui Palace?"

"It's almost there. Remember, you must abide by the rules when you see Wansui. Although Wansui's temper has become better and better over the years, he is still Wansui after all." The middle-aged man said slowly.

In fact, he wished he could walk slower. These little ghosts didn't understand how special the spiritual energy of Lingzu Peak was. Taking a breath of spiritual energy in Lingzu Peak was equivalent to his decades of hard training outside.

In order to win the opportunity to lead the team this time, he spent a lot of money to open up various relationships, but he almost failed in the end. If it weren't for the father of the young man in gorgeous clothes who asked him for help, it wouldn't be his turn to lead the team this time.

"Coach, did Wansui really live for 10,000 years?" A girl asked curiously.

The coach showed awe and nodded, saying: "The Long-lived Lord has indeed lived for more than 10,000 years. He is the oldest being in our cultivation world and controls the circulation of the world's spiritual energy. If you want to walk smoothly and flatly on the road of cultivation, remember to give the Long-lived Lord a good impression later."

The Long-lived Lord they are talking about is not the emperor, but an ancient being who has truly lived for more than 10,000 years.

Although the Long-lived Lord no longer cares about worldly affairs, as long as the Long-lived Lord still exists, no one in the entire cultivation world can ignore his existence.

Every year, the best newcomers in the cultivation world will be received by the Long-lived Lord. If they are lucky enough to be favored by the Long-lived Lord, any benefits they give can benefit these people for life.

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