More than ten minutes later, the water unicorn ran under the tree.

In an instant, a tongue attacked from the branch, and the target was the fat and round-waisted Zhu Chixia.

In fact, judging from the appearance, Zhu Chixia does look the most delicious and is the easiest target for hunters.

Ma Lie immediately stood in front of Zhu Chixia and blocked the attack of the tongue with a knife, but he underestimated the power of the tongue. The moment the knife collided with the tongue, his whole body flew backwards, but the tongue was also cut by the knife and he quickly went back. shrink.

"What a strength!"

Ma Lie didn't expect that an ordinary chameleon would have the power to repel him.

Wuming chose to attack when Ma Lie chose to defend. He flew up from under the tree, and a piece of petal turned into a black knife and instantly killed the chameleon. As soon as the chameleon put its tongue back into its mouth, its body was split into two by the black knife.

I have to say that Chen Yi Dao's Ji Mo Dao is really easy to use.

Wuming fell to the ground, picked at the chameleon's body with a knife, and found that the chameleon's body had also mutated, and its eyes turned into fly eyes.

"Oh my god, I was scared to death." Zhu Chixia said belatedly.

Ma Lie said helplessly: "Lao Zhu, you should really practice hard. Although it is safe to stay in Xinding City, what if you encounter danger?"

"I know, I will practice hard when I get back." Zhu Chixia said.

Wuming smiled and said: "Actually, what he needs most is actual combat experience. There happens to be a mirror museum that will open soon. You can all go and try it. You can fight against yourself in it, and you don't have to worry about your abilities being exposed by more people." Knowing, but also being able to understand your own weaknesses by playing against yourself so you can improve upon them.”

"Really? Then I will definitely come and visit you!" Ma Lie said with interest.

Then he invited Zhu Chixia to go with him, but Zhu Chixia declined but had to agree to go with him.

"Speaking of which, since we all found someone, why do we still come to this place?" Zhu Chixia didn't want to continue talking about her own affairs, so she asked.

Wuming smiled and said, "Because this tree is so close, you wait here."

With that said, he quickly flew to the top of the tree.

"I can't understand." Zhu Chixia looked at Ma Lie and complained softly.

Ma Lie explained: "I tried it just now. It takes more effort to fly higher in this world, and there are birds in the sky watching eagerly. It's best not to fly in the sky as a target unless necessary.

Haven't you noticed that this tree is very tall and is closest to the cave we came out of. As long as we go to the top of the tree, we can observe a larger area. "

"This tree is about twenty meters visually. If it were you, how much energy would it take to fly to twenty meters?" Zhu Chixia asked.

Ma Lie thought for a while and said, "One-third."

"That really shouldn't be too wasteful." Zhu Chixia nodded.

Wuming had already reached the top of the tree. There was a balloon hanging on the top of the tree, which might be the child's lost treasure.

He jumped on the top of the balloon and looked at the city in the distance. With the blessing of various special eyes, he saw many pictures that made him very uncomfortable.

Insect-turned-beasts and insect-turned-humans are causing destruction everywhere. Only a few rational humans and animals are escaping. Chaos is everywhere, and the entire city is in chaos.

"We must enter the city to find a map. It would be best to find the city location where Dr. Xia Shu was last located!" Wuming thought to himself.

Then he took out a metal ball and pressed the circular button in the middle of the metal ball.

This is a nano-reconnaissance robot. Press the button in the middle to activate all nano-robots. These nano-robots will collect information according to Wuming's wishes.

However, the moment the button was pressed, the metal ball did not disintegrate into countless nanorobots. Instead, it crackled for a while, and then a smoke exuding a burnt smell came out.


Wuming was silent, and then studied the metal ball for a while. Finally, he found that there was a superconducting material in the nanorobot parts that did not work in this world.

It should be that some physical rules were different, which eventually caused the entire nanorobot to be scrapped.

"so troublesome."

Wuming helplessly put away the metal ball, and then began to test other technological products, but every technological product had some key technologies that were stuck.

Either there is a problem with superconducting materials or there is a problem with super materials.

There are also some extraordinary materials that cannot take effect.

Wuming simply gave up the idea of ​​using technological props and turned to testing various superpowers, but soon he discovered another problem, that is, the superpowers could not support too long distances.

He released an Eye of True Seeing. After traveling more than a thousand meters, in order to contact the Eye of True Seeing, he had to expend more mental energy.

After crossing five thousand meters, the amount of mental energy he needed to exert had already doubled a hundred times.

Even if he was very powerful, such expenditure was a bit unsustainable. In the end, he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​investigating first and then entering.

He jumped from the tree and landed on the ground and said: "We must enter that city to find the map and search for Dr. Xia Shu's information. However, that city is currently very chaotic and dangerous. You must be mentally prepared."

"How about you go? I'll wait for you here?" Zhu Chixia said.

Wuming smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid of being carried away by ants?"

"Although that city is dangerous, it is at least half as dangerous to follow Lord Wuming. Staying here is the real danger, because all creatures have been transformed into insects. You don't know what animals will eat aphids. Once you encounter natural enemies, the probability of your survival is too small." Ma Lie persuaded.

Zhu Chixia wanted to cry but had no tears: "Please take me with you, please!"

"Actually, this world is quite fun. Relax and just treat it as a game." Wuming comforted.

He jumped on the back of the water unicorn, and the water unicorn set off again. Along the way, they encountered some ants and caterpillars, but these ordinary insects were obviously not affected by the light waves. They were still ordinary insects, and the water unicorn could easily step on them to death.

Coming out of the bushes, Wuming and his friends jumped onto a road sign. Ma Lie was surprised and said, "So we were in a small garden just now?"

"Small?" Wuming asked with a smile.

Ma Lie was stunned and smiled: "It's really not small, but too big."

At this time, a big dog with tentacles rushed over quickly, obviously having discovered them.

The fantasy flowers around Wuming immediately flew towards the big dog, and then exploded one after another. In the violent explosion, the big dog wailed and ran away in a panic.

"It can't be killed by the golden sun. Its vitality is really terrible." Wuming was surprised.

Ma Lie said embarrassedly: "If it were me, I'm afraid there would be only one choice, running away."

"No, you won't run away. You will draw your sword decisively, and then... be eaten by the dog." Zhu Chixia complained.

He has seen how reckless Ma Lie is. Without knowing the strength of the enemy, Ma Lie had acted recklessly before, but the results were good before, at least Ma Lie won.

But in this world, reckless actions may have tragic results.

At this time, a fleeing woman ran quickly with a baby in her arms, and a snake chased her closely behind her.

When she ran past the road sign, Wuming immediately grabbed Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia and jumped down, landing right on top of her head. Then Wuming looked at the snake, and a large number of petals floated towards the snake.


The snake with wings growing on its back was immediately injured by the explosion and ran away decisively.

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