Wuming took out the Dragon Snake Anti-Heaven Soup Bowl, and Lin Renmei quickly stopped him and said, "Wait, don't be anxious. What if you use the magic seeds on the Dragon Snake Anti-Heaven Soup Bowl and it turns into waste?"

"Don't worry, I just want to try whether I can use the magic seeds on the Dragon Snake Anti-Heaven Soup Bowl, not really using the magic seeds on the Dragon Snake Anti-Heaven Soup Bowl." Wuming said with a smile.

Of course, he considered producing waste. After all, not all magic props are useful. Some magic props are not only useless, but also particularly pitfalls.

Although the Transformation Wine produced by the Dragon Snake Anti-Heaven Soup Bowl has no effect on him, it is an extremely precious treasure for many practitioners in the heavens and the worlds. Even if he does nothing, he will not have to worry about food and drink in his life just by selling the Transformation Wine.

Such an important treasure, how could he just take it to gamble with luck.

Good luck doesn't work this way.

Wuming held the Dragon Snake Anti-Heaven Soup in one hand and the Magic Seed in the other. When the two were slightly close, Wuming felt it and could use the Magic Seed on the Dragon Snake Anti-Heaven Soup.

But then he put the Dragon Snake Anti-Heaven Soup away.

"Master Wuming, I have a good idea. Why not use the Magic Seed in the Great Wilderness Special Zone and turn the entire Great Wilderness Special Zone into a magical prop." Da Huang suggested.

Maria retorted: "What if the Great Wilderness Special Zone becomes weaker?"

"Master Wuming is so lucky, how could it become weaker?" Da Huang said confidently.

Maria said angrily: "You are quibbling. Do you know how important the Great Wilderness Special Zone is? Now the headquarters of the Council of All Heavens is in the Great Wilderness Special Zone. If the Council of All Heavens is regarded as a country, then the Great Wilderness Special Zone is undoubtedly the capital. How can you use it to gamble on luck! Are you one of those Onmyojis from Fusang? Do you like to gamble on the fate of the country so much?"


Da Huang was speechless and his tail could not help but hide behind his buttocks.

At this time, Wuming smiled and said, "Okay, Dahuang is just talking, but the Great Wilderness Special Zone must not be moved. To be honest, I prefer the alchemy furnace or the space ring at the moment."

"The alchemy furnace and the space ring may indeed produce good things." Maria nodded.

In order to make up for his mistake, Dahuang racked his brains to think of something, so he excitedly said, "Master Wuming, what do you think of a money printing machine?"

"Money printing machine?"

Wuming, Lin Renmei, and Maria were all stunned. What kind of brain circuit is Dahuang.

Moreover, although there are many other currencies popular in the heavens and the worlds, the resource currency is truly recognized by everyone.

This kind of currency, which is based on unlimited resources by the transcendents, can be exchanged for resources at any time, and there is no need to worry about depreciation or becoming waste paper. Therefore, except for small-scale special transactions, most practitioners either barter or trade with resource coins.

"Dahuang, are you crazy about money?" Maria reacted and couldn't help asking.

Da Huang said angrily: "You are the one who is crazy about money. I just think that turning the money printing machine into a magical prop may produce very special money."

"Oh, what do you mean?" Wuming asked curiously.

Da Huang explained: "I went to a ghost world two days ago..."

"Why did you go to the ghost world?" Maria interrupted.

Da Huang said unhappily: "Don't interrupt me, can't I go to deliver the goods?"

Although it often hangs out with Wuming and Zhang Shouzhong, it actually runs a store. Not only does it have stores in Xinding City and Baiyu City, it also has its sales channels in Dahuang City.

Now it has Wuming behind it, and its business is actually very prosperous. Moreover, many people know that it is Wuming's dog, so they will give Wuming face when doing business and don't embarrass it.

"Okay, go on." Maria nodded.

Da Huang continued, "The currency in that world is called Hell Money, which is a kind of incense money. Spirit creatures such as ghosts can strengthen themselves by absorbing incense money, and can also be used to strengthen weapons, magic tools, etc. The biggest cultivation resource in that world is incense money. If you have money, you have strength."

"What does that have to do with magical tools?" Maria asked.

Da Huang replied, "What if the money printing machine can print incense money continuously, then you will get rich. As far as I know, many people directly accept incense money!"

"It's interesting, but what if the money printing machine is garbage?" Lin Renmei asked back.

Da Huang said as a matter of course, "But even the alchemy furnace and space ring may come out as garbage."

"It makes sense, and the money printing machine is indeed a good option. Include it in the alternative!" Wuming said with a smile.

He was not in a hurry. He chatted with everyone for a while. Maria also gave a suggestion, which was a holographic printer. It was obvious that her idea came from Da Huang's money printing machine. However, the holographic printer is indeed a good idea, because the holographic printer can copy almost anything.

It can even reproduce life, but because of the lack of soul, it can only reproduce a walking corpse at most. Today's necromancers no longer have to work hard to dig graves. They can easily create a large number of skeleton soldiers with a holographic printer.

However, holographic printers are very expensive, so most dark professions such as necromancers are very poor when they are young. For a holographic printer, they often work several jobs.

Afterwards, Wuming and the others did not discuss the magical seeds anymore. Maria curiously asked about the situation inside the Lost Gate, but Wuming felt that there was nothing much to say about the Lost Gate, so he just talked about it casually and changed the subject.

When Wuming and Lin Renmei talked about the bio-force field, Da Huang and Maria began to lose focus.

"Don't move!"

Suddenly, Maria took out a gun and pointed it at Da Huang, saying seriously.

"Are you childish?" Da Huang rolled his eyes and couldn't help but complain.

Who knew that Maria showed a sly smile, pulled the trigger hard with her finger, and a sticker shot out of the gun. Da Huang didn't care at all until the sticker fell on its fur.

It was a blue round sticker with a sad expression on it.

Da Huang was immediately disappointed and said, "Why do I suddenly feel so sad and want to cry, woo woo woo..."

"Hahahahaha, Da Huang got hit." Maria immediately clapped her hands happily.

But then Da Huang pulled out of the back. It guessed that the sticker must have caused its unexplained sadness just now, and said angrily: "Maria!!!"

"Watch out for the gun!" Maria immediately ran and shot at Da Huang.

Da Huang avoided the stickers sharply and said angrily: "Maria, I will bite you to death today!"

"Come on, watch out for the gun!" Maria shouted with a smile.

Wuming asked curiously: "Maria, what's the matter with the gun in your hand?"

"Master Wuming, are you talking about the sticker gun?" Maria stopped and then replied: "This is an emotional sticker gun, one thousand resource coins per gun. Recently, everyone in school is popular with this to play tricks on friends."

In fact, the effect of this sticker gun is very poor. It can only make the target maintain a certain emotion for a few seconds. It has no effect on practitioners who are too strong.

However, Wuming thinks that this sticker gun seems to be interesting.

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