I contracted myself

Volume 1: Fox City [022] As if in another world

Half an hour later, the two came to a valley.

The shape of this valley resembles an apple, hence the name Salt Frost Tree Valley.

"Is that the Salt Frost Tree?"

Zhang Ping looked at the huge white plant in the center of the valley in surprise.

The salt frost tree is almost seventy meters tall, with a thick trunk and a layer of crystalline salt frost on the surface. With the whole tree as the center, the entire valley is covered with a layer of salt. At this time, the snow-white salt is dyed with a layer of scarlet. .

Around the valley, densely packed alienated beasts were fighting. Zhang Ping could recognize dozens of alienated wolves, alienated dogs, alienated monkeys, etc., and there were many that were so weird that it was impossible to tell what kind of animals they were.

Through the Wind Whisperers, he discovered that these alienated beasts were not all.

There are still many alien beasts lurking around the valley that are not weaker than humans in intelligence. There are also some human awakeners hiding around, and everyone is waiting for the opportunity.

Zhang Ping looked at the crown of the salt-frost tree, which contained about twenty fruits.

"Sister Sisi, did you really grab the fruit?" Zhang Ping looked at the densely packed alien beasts in the valley and asked with great suspicion.

Liu Sishan whispered: "I just said I snatched it. When did I say I snatched it?"


Zhang Ping thought about it for a moment, and it seemed that Liu Sishan really didn't say that he had grabbed the fruit.

"I will grab the fruit you need. All you have to do is kill the rabbit." Liu Sishan said at this time.

Zhang Ping followed her gaze and saw the Water Erosion Bull Rabbit squatting in the corner of the valley, its red eyes looking at the fruits on the crown of the Salt Frost Tree.

A rabbit, no big deal.

Zhang Ping did not expect that by such a coincidence, the Water Erosion Bullet Rabbit who had just escaped would meet again here.

But the next moment he felt that something was wrong. Another pair of ears popped up behind the Water Bullet Rabbit, and then densely packed Water Bullet Rabbits emerged from behind the big Water Bullet Rabbit.

It’s not a rabbit, it’s a litter!

Zhang Ping looked at Liu Sishan in disbelief and asked, "Sister Sisi, you shouldn't have known this for a long time, right?"

"The water-eroded bullet rabbit originally lived around the salt-frost trees, because only where there are salt-frost trees is the hydrochloric acid grass, and the hydrochloric acid grass is the food of the water-eroded bullet rabbit." Liu Sishan said.

Zhang Ping frowned and said, "I'm still a little sure about just one rabbit, but with so many rabbits, I feel like I will be drowned by their saliva."

"Don't worry, these rabbits reproduce too fast, so whenever the fruits of the Salt Frost Tree mature, they will charge to reduce the number of the population." Liu Sishan said.

In fact, there is no possibility for the water-eroded bullet rabbits to win the fruit. Their behavior is more like the collective suicide of lemmings that Zhang Ping knew.

[Okay, the time is almost up, let’s do it! 】

[That Guy Nose King is taking action, let’s go! 】

[Ho, ho ho! 】

At this time, Zhang Ping heard voices from all sides.

He looked into the distance and saw seven or eight awakened beings rushing out from around the rock bunker. They did not join the battle group, but bypassed the battle group. With their abilities combined, they formed a rainbow staircase.

Under the moonlight, a female awakened person quickly rushed towards the crown of the salt-frost tree on the rainbow stairs.

On the other side, several strong men threw the axes in their hands at the same time. A woman controlled the thin strings to connect the axes. When the ax fell on the salt-frost tree, the thin lines immediately turned into thick hemp ropes, and the strong men stepped on their feet one after another. Step on the hemp rope and rush towards the salt frost tree.


At this time, a group of white giant apes also rushed out from a gap in the valley. The alien beasts in front of them were swept away, trampled and crushed by their thick arms.

At the same time, a giant white snake about twenty meters long also emerged from under the salt, opening its bloody mouth to swallow a large number of alienated beasts.

Water Erosion Bullet Rabbit also charged.

The densely packed rabbits crashed into the battle, and their flesh and blood immediately flew out. At the same time, a large number of alienated beasts were hit by the water erosion of the water-eroding bullet rabbits, letting out shrill wails.

There was blood everywhere on the ground, and because the battle was so intense, there was a layer of blood mist above the battlefield.

"Do it!"

At this time, four water balloons appeared around Liu Sishan and he spoke.

After saying that, she quickly jumped down, and a road made of ice appeared under her feet.

Zhang Ping also immediately jumped down from the height, then stretched out his hand to grab a rock and quickly approached the largest water-eroding bullet rabbit.

The largest water-eroded bullet rabbit was obviously not the rabbit he had fought against before.

As Zhang Ping approached, he directly activated the identification technique.

[Identification successful]

[Alien Beast: Water Erosion Bullet Rabbit·Leader]

[Race: Alienated Rabbit]


【Lifespan: 35】

[Level: Intermediate Alienated Beast]

【Level: 10】


[Water Corrosion Bullet: Can shoot highly corrosive water from the sweat glands hidden in the ears]

[Water-retaining fur: Fur can store liquid and release the stored liquid when necessary]

[Strong lower limbs: The lower limbs possess terrifying power]

[Rapid Reproduction: Reproduce offspring faster than normal organisms]

After reading the attributes, Zhang Ping actually felt like he couldn't beat a rabbit.

But it’s all here.

It would be too shameful to back down.

The leader of the Water Erosion Bullet Rabbit is larger than the average rabbit. Now he is the only one standing alone. Zhang Ping landed not far from it, immediately picked up a stone covered with salt and frost, and rushed forward to smash it. Bullet the rabbit leader towards Erosion Water.

The next moment, the originally motionless leader of the Water Erosion Bullet Rabbit suddenly jumped up, kicked off his powerful lower limbs, and the rock in Zhang Ping's hand suddenly exploded.

His whole body flew out and landed heavily on the ground.

The leader of the Water Erosion Bullet Rabbit flicked his ears after landing, and a large amount of Water Erosion immediately shot towards Zhang Ping who was on the ground. Zhang Ping's head was buzzing, and his arms were numb from the shock, but he did not dare to lie down after landing. , but rolled up first.

This is completely a knee-jerk reaction.

Mainly because he didn't think the leader of the Bullet Rabbit would let him lie down on the ground to rest.

Sure enough, just after rolling twice, he heard a sizzling sound from the original position. This was the sound of an object being corroded.

Using his hands and feet, he quickly got up from the ground, walked around behind a rock, gasped for air, and looked at his arms.


Extremely painful.

He seriously suspected that his arms were broken, and he not only had pain on the inside of his arms, but also a feeling of tightness in his chest. He tried to breathe hard, but in the end it became increasingly uncomfortable and itchy.

As a result, he couldn't help but cough twice and spit out a mouthful of blood clots.

Injured internally.

Zhang Ping's heart sank, but now was not the time to think about this. He patted his cheek with his hand, and then carefully stuck his head out to observe.

The leader of the Water-Erosion Bullet Rabbit did not pursue it, but returned to where he was, staring at the group of Water-Erosion Bullet Rabbits that were still fighting in the distance.


Zhang Ping breathed a sigh of relief and simply sat down to rest.

must admit.

This time he was careless.

In fact, although the leader of the Water Erosion Bullet Rabbit is very strong, it is not as powerful as the Tianchang Fox that attacked him before.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.

First of all, his attitude was not correct enough. He probably felt that he was a hunter and the leader of the Water Erosion Bullet Rabbit was the prey, so he subconsciously underestimated the enemy.

This is really a hard lesson to bear in mind.

Zhang Ping sighed secretly.

He looked into the distance, Liu Sishan had already entered the siege, and there was ice crystal everywhere he passed.

Liu Sishan is very strong. Facing the attacks of various alienated beasts, she always has two water balls around her to defend herself. These two water balls are unpredictable and can quickly switch from boiling water, pure water, and ice cubes. Just this The smoothness of the transition is enough to prove that Liu Sishan is probably best at defense.

On the other side, the female awakened person who was walking on the rainbow stairs was close to the tree crown, but at this moment, a giant eagle came from the sky, and the female awakened person immediately fought with the giant eagle.

At least hundreds of alienated beasts were dead in the entire valley, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Zhang Ping couldn't help but sigh, is it worth it for a salt-frost fruit?

Suddenly, he heard a phoenix cry.

He looked up in the direction of the sound and immediately saw a full-body

The flaming bird flew quickly towards the salt-frost tree.


Zhang Ping stood up immediately. He really wanted to have a piece of equipment made of firebird feathers so that he could replenish his physical strength at any time.

The firebird was extremely fast, but as soon as it got close to the salt-frost tree, the giant white snake suddenly raised its head and sprayed out a stream of white mist, which was extremely low-temperature frost mist.

The firebird crashed into the frost and fog, and the flames on its body suddenly dimmed. It let out a cry and fell quickly from the sky. Just as a white ape was right below, with a slap of its thick palm, the firebird was directly hit. It flew away and fell to the edge of the battlefield after a while.

Zhang Ping's eyes were fixed on Fire Bird's body, and his heart could not help but beat violently.

How many feathers can be taken off a whole firebird?

He stood up and looked around the Firebird.

The more dangerous one is an alienated wolf, which I feel should have intermediate strength.

He is wearing an assassination ring, so as long as he doesn't take the initiative to attack, he shouldn't alert the other party.

No big deal!

Zhang Ping made a prompt decision and cautiously approached the Firebird.

The closer he got to the battlefield, the more he could feel the terrifying aura. The entire battlefield was like a meat grinder, and an astonishing heat wave could be felt from dozens of meters away.

That is the heat generated by the collision of qi and blood.


Only 20 meters away from the firebird carcass.

Zhang Ping crawled forward, alert to all possible hidden dangers.


There was a thud.

The ground suddenly shook.

A huge pig's head landed in front of Zhang Pian, and the pig's eyes still exuded a fierce light.

The pig's head weighed at least a hundred kilograms. If it hit him, the consequences would be disastrous.

Zhang Ping swallowed his saliva and immediately walked around the pig's head, but then he felt something was wrong and quietly took a few steps back.

He squatted next to the pig's head, pressed the pig's mouth with both hands and opened it forcefully. A black bead rolled out of the pig's mouth and landed right at his feet.

What's this?

He picked up the black beads, but his attempts to identify them resulted in a series of failures.

Now was not the time for identification. He put away the beads and cautiously approached the firebird corpse again. But before he had gone far, a bolt of thunder swept across the battlefield and instantly plowed a deep ditch on the ground.

The most terrible thing was that the thunder swept across the body of the firebird. Only half of the body of the firebird was left, and most of its feathers were burnt.

Zhang Ping quickly took two steps, picked up the Firebird's body, turned around and ran away.

The return journey is equally dangerous.

From time to time, light, thunder, and flames came from the battlefield. Zhang Ping was clearly at the edge, but he had the illusion of crossing the battlefield.

Especially when he was about to leave the battlefield, a small stone flew past his back, and a blood mark immediately appeared on his back.

Back to the rock shelter.

He leaned against the rock and gasped for breath.

This trip took only a few minutes, but it felt like a world away.

Between life and death, people are most tempered.

Zhang Ping relaxed and immediately felt a burning pain in his back.

He had a wound on his back, and the rock behind him was covered with a layer of salt frost. You can imagine how painful it was to have salt on the wound.

The problem was that he only had a pair of pants left, and his hands were covered with salt. Even if he wanted to treat the wound, he had no tools, so he could only grit his teeth and bear it.

He placed the body of the firebird on a stone. The firebird was about the size of a pigeon, and the lower half of its body was knocked off by thunder. Now there are not many intact feathers.

I don't know if it can be used.

After a brief inspection of the firebird, Zhang Ping sighed.

Most of the feathers of the firebird were burned by thunder, and he also found that other intact feathers were also covered with a layer of white frost. This layer of white frost stuck to the feathers, as if it had merged with the feathers. I wonder if it will destroy the effect of the firebird feathers themselves.

He then took out the black beads.


Identification failed!


Identification failed*666!

After a series of failures, Zhang Ping was numb.

This was definitely the most difficult thing he had ever seen to identify, but he also had a little expectation because of it. Could this be a treasure?

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